How to interpret the Bible?

January 27, 2007 5:54am CST
Do you have any idea about interpreting the bible? Can you discuss it in this website? Thanks and good luck.
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17 responses
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
To really understand the Holy Bible, we should understand the whole counsel of God - this means that we should not just pick up a verse or some verses then insist that it means that way and that's why we have so many sects or sectarian organizations. We should know the what, who, where, when, why, how, and to whom it is spoken to. There are really metaphors, etc. used but they are understandable if we have open heart and mind and not biased. The Holy Bible is simple and understandable by everybody for God did not intend His Word to be understood only by those who obtained high education. I am a Christian baptized into Christ on October 1, 1989 and I was given the gift of knowledge of the Bible Greek. I have already published THE WILL New Testament (Greek to English), GENESIS & EXODUS (Greek to English), ELEMENTS of SALVATION, The Right Way, GOD, ORIGIN, TRANSFER into PERFECTION, GREEK-ENGLISH (Grammar & Vocabulary), WORDS in THE WILL New Testament, and others which I hope could help people understand the Word of God which are all found at I translate the Word of God PLAINLY - Greek word to its English equivalent, additional words for grammar purposes are written in italics to identify them and readers may not include them. I found the Word of God simple, understandable which is stated in the Bible, and sweet.
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Yes, and we need to know the whole counsel of God so that we would understand the Holy Bible and the contradictions which seem to be are not actually contradictions.
@whacks (774)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Yes, the 5 W's and 1 H are important in understanding the Bible. And we should not be cutting it part by part so that we do not become sectarian.
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
I think interpretation is not so necessary. With our simple understanding, I think we could get the message of God. If we want to delve into which we could not easily understand, then we should have a further study and perhaps the books enumerated may help.
@g_aileen09 (1354)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
To be able to understand the Word of God, we must possess the interest in doing so. If we want to interpret what the Bible says, we must first surrender ourselves to God by asking for His guidance through prayers... I haven't read the Bible yet from cover to cover... I'd love to... but sometimes, I just can't seem to get myself to focus in it :(
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• Philippines
31 Jan 07
Ok, that is a good idea my friend. By the way, after you surrender yourselves to God by asking for his guidance, what steps the you will do in order for you to interpret the bible more accurately? Can you discuss it to us?
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@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
The greatest minds of the world have tried to interpret the Bible and can not do it.Religious groups that believe in the same God can not agree on an interpretation.I think there is no right or wrong way to interpret it AT THIS TIME.Maybe someday the key to opening the secrets of the Bible will be found.
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
You have a point my friend. But in my opinion, Bible is written in the words and language of man, and so it can be understood also and can be interpreted. One way and principles of interpreting the bible my friend is that we should treat the bible as literal, not spiritual. By literal, i mean, it can be interpreted. It can be understood by the minds of man. Yes, that is true. The bible is written by words and language of man. And also, it coencides with the history and culture of the persons that are in the bible. And also, the writer of the bible were merely human. The purpose is this, God communicated his idea trough humans because God wants that people to read the bible and understand it because bible is very easy to understand my friend. Only we need some tools and guidelines of interpreting it. Martin luther can interpret it. John Calvin can interpret it. So why not we can't interpret it? more power to you my friend and good luck.
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• Australia
29 Jan 07
I normally take it as it says. I may ask my minister if I have trouble with it.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 07
That is a nice idea my friend. But what if your minister will interpret the word wrongfully, do you think you will not be affected of it? Another thing, is your minister in your church has very much sufficient strategies in interpreting the scriptures? Does he have the sufficient knowledge in the original language? Does he taught sound biblically teaching? If he does, how can you know that the things that your minister taught to you are thoroughly biblical and sound if you havn't knowledge in interpreting the bible and you want to pass that responsibiblity to others, like your minister? Think about that my friend. Your spiritual food is at stake.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
The bible was written by men, so, I don't think you can take it literally. I think it contains some very interesting stories that symbalize morals and struggles in life.
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
Can i ask you a question my friend if you don't mind; what is your religion? Do you already read the whole bible many times? If so, do you believe that the bible is fully inspired by the word of God? If not, then how can you say that it is not fully inspired by God? What are your reasons if you believe in that? But if you believe that the bible is fully inspired by God, why is it that i think you take the bible as an ordinary book, and not a holy book that makes your life more meaningful and can attain salvation through it? Can you give me your side my friend?
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• Canada
30 Jan 07
I think if you're having trouble interpreting the bible, then you should have a bible study with your church, or a church who has teachings that you agree with. The bible is mainly about symbols, and you're going to need help interpreting that. My husband and I are part of a bible study right now, we're learning about what it says and is all about, it's actually very helpful to us. You should think about it if you're interested in interpreting it.
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
That is a good idea my friend. But i will ask this question personally for you, do you have any idea of interpreting the bible? If so, what are those ways which you can give to us so that our knowledge in interpreting the bible will add?
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
28 Jan 07
Try interpreting it as just mythology. Or try another holy book from another religion, there are lots of them, you may find one that you like more.
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
1 Feb 07
It is difficult to give, on a mylot message, all these steps. See, try to look at the bible as mythology, like greek mythologoy for instance. One thing that I would recommend you is reading what other people say about the bible, for example, atheists, muslims, hindus, all of them. Just for a start.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 07
I see, but how my friend? Can you give me strategies in interpreting the bible? If possible, can you give me specifically step by step in interpreting the bible? i will be very glad if you provide me that one.
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
You have a point my friend. We should not neglect also that the works of the athiest, and some other religious groups are also worth reading. If i have a time in my life, i will read all the books in the world, which is dificcult for me to do it. But if you can read the bible as a first priority in your readings, then why not first read the bible and then after we read the bible and interpret it properly, will go to read the other books. I mean we can read other books, but also the Bible is our foundation of what is good to that books or what is bad to that books. Bible is our NORMs, right? MOre power to you my friend and good luck.
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Yes I often do but my husband gave me a Bible that helps me understand the word better. It is much more simple language. If I still had trouble I would ask our pastor to explain it to me.
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• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Thanks for that response. I hope that you and your husband will interpret the bible more acurately. Good luck.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Feb 07
reading and interpreting the bible is difficult unless you ask for guidance or descent of the holy spirit in you when have to pray first ardently that you maybe able to understand all the words of God in the bible..if still wont work then try reading it together with assistance of the priests...or any layman in that matter whose well versed with it..
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
Hmm, i dont think so. Just praying to the Holy Spirit and ardently seek him will reveal then to you the meaning of ALL the words in the bible? wow, that is a great one! How i wish. But that is not true my fried. Bible is also a literal and we need to interpret the bible literally. Right?
@kavita23 (2995)
• India
28 Jan 07
THe Bible is the Word of God and alos what keeps me from geting mad when ppl make fun of me for loving God. Its my survival and also my life and God's word. The Good news. And the instructions of how to live on Earth while also being one of God's soldiers even in a life life like this. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth happy mylot day.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 07
That is a nice one. But my friend, do you have any knowledge about interpreting the scriptures? Can you discuss it to me?
• Indonesia
27 Jan 07
We are God's creation. and i think its properly to us to know God. i think Bible doesnt need interpretation. If you are a God's craetion, you should know what God want, because bibble is HIS holy book. If you still need interpretation, it show us that you dont know your God yet
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
Thanks for the response my frien. But i dont like your idea frankly speaking, it is because first the bible was written long long time ago, and we cant understand there culture, there costumes, the way they act etc. We need to understand my friend that the bible has its own language and meaning because it was written since in the ancient time. So how can we understand there culture and get an application from it if we will not interpret the bible? Think about this my friend. More power.
• Canada
2 Feb 07
I have to admit I don't agree with that either. You are searching and most people don't understand the bible. It does need interpretation. I don't like the "shoulds" in mfhasibuan's post. Sorry.
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
But what is your reason of saying that my friend. How can you know the true meaning of the passages in the bible if you don't interpret it properly? Bible my friend is also like a novel (but the bible is not a novel itself) that if you read literally you will not appreciate the meaning of it. One way of interpreting the novel is that it needs to interpret it and read it between the lines. When you say read it between the lines, it means to say that the meaning is beyong the words. You must understand first the story and try to relate in personal life. This is also the same with the bible. We need to understand the history, the georaphy of the place, the culture, the values taught in their culture etc., in order for us to know the exact meaning of the verse. And what can we get in this kind of activity? We can know applications that is useful in our lives. Did you get the point my friend. We need thye bible in our life because the bible clearly teaches that "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every words that proceddeth out from the mouth of God." The bible is inspired by God, or it means the bible is God breathed of God. So we can say that it is fully the word of God and we need it. MOre power to you and God Bles you.
• Indonesia
28 Jan 07
I think you serve a good discussion topic right here. I believe that we should intrepret the bible for one or more reasons like the context, the phrase, the idiom used and else. To properly interpret bible then you should know in what first language the bible was written. We couldn't rely on their standard translation like KJV and other version for there are some language gap in between, so some words in genuine language that's Hebrew-aramaic couldn't properly translated to english. And found also, there is some methods to interpret bible as well: 1. Interpreting bible literally. 2. Interpreting bible as historical documents. 3. Interpreting bible as midrash. This is a jewish saying that everything to be venerated in the present must somehow connected with a sacred moment in the past. It is the means whereby the experience of the present can be affirmed and asserted as true inside the symbols of yesterday. 4. Interpreting the bible as folklore. That! I've served you with four method on how to interpret bible. Any suggestions, everybody?
• Indonesia
1 Feb 07
Hi golden, Thank you for your nice comments on my opinion. Have a nice day
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
Yes i will comment only to the person based only on what they said, but i think your response is a nice one, i need to have a good comment on you. Keep a blessings to others my friend and keep winning God's smile.
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
You have a great point my friend. Interpreting the bible doesn't only encirle to our present culture or language but we need also to know the culture, history, geography etc. of the place that was mentioned in the bible so that we can have a true and accurate meaning of it. I think we need the good interpretation of the word of God nowadays because, by good interpretation, we can provide food for the hunger and water for the thirsty. Language is the best key in interpreting the bible. I very much agree with you brother.
@minerc (1373)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Well with alot of discussions I have posted, the one that everyone on there is saying that is very easy to understand is the International Version of the bible, I don't know what version that you are looking at though I have asumed it is the KJV. I read the KJV and my husband interperts it for me so I have a clearer meaning of it. There are easy books in there that have a clear understanding but with some of the books If I read them without my hubby, I have to imagine myself in the I call it Roman times, where they had knights and swords. Sounds weird I know but it helps me. Also they make some movies from some of the chapters that although arent the exact are helpful to watch then read the chapter. Another thing I will suggest is looking up the words that are hard to understand, look them up on and they will have sometimes a couple of definitions for the word which also helps me. Sorry if it doesnt help, This is some tricks that I use to help me. Good Luck
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
You have also a point my friend of saying that. You can look to the dictionary about the difficult vocabularies in the bible and know its meaning. And also try to use a good translation like King James Version and International Standard Version in order for us to have a different good translation that is also a tool in interpreting the bible. But we need to understand my friend that we need many different translation in order for us to interpret accurately. And also, if possible, we need a good original bible language if we are serious about its interpretation because language make interpretation simple. Did you get the point my friend?
@makaira (1158)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
im not really good in interpreting the Bible and tell you honetsly, i seldom read the Bible. but i think the best way to interpret is to read beyond words and read between the lines. when you read the Bible dont be to literal and don't interpret it by words, you'll get lost or you wouldnt grasp the real meaning of it when you interpret it by words.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 07
You have the point my friend. But there is sometimes that you need to interpret it literally because there are some verses that needs literal interpretation, there is also some verses that needs figurative interpretations. You've share a nice response my friend. We need to interpret it beyond words and read it between the lines for us also to understand its hidden meaning. Good luck.
@Jellen (1852)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Perhaps you need a Bible that is easy for your to understand. In other words, one that uses the language you use everyday. LOok for a paraphrased version or one called the Living Bible. The New International Version is fairly easy to understand too. Then if you become a student of the Bible, there are many commentaries available at Bible and Book stores that can help.
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
I see. But do you have a knowledge my friend about interpreting the bible? Can you elaborate more what you've said and then expand the things that relates in the interpreting of the Bible? And can you give me a ways to interpret the bible?
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Sorry, I can not help you here. I think the Bible gets to be really complicated sometimes and I really do not get everything that I read.
@curious888 (1212)
• Malaysia
22 May 08
To me, the bible was a record of the teachings and experiences of Jesus Christ. It needs someone to interprete in order to understand the true meaning. Do you agree with me ?