Students tape freshman boy to bench and punch him in groin
By crazynurse
@crazynurse (7482)
United States
January 27, 2007 11:03am CST
Five upperclass students were suspended from a Boston high school after using medical tape to hold a freshman boy to a bench so that he could be teased and finally punched in the groin twice. The students were unsupervised in the locker room while preparing for a sporting event. The perpetratros have been suspended for five days. The parents of the victim are satisfied with the punishment and are not pressing charges. What do you think of such hazing incidents?
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46 responses
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
This is insane. In my old highschool, 'hazing' only occured during the first part of school, and had to be with the newbie's consent.
Punching someone in the groin is never ok, there can be serious damage, and if I were the mother of this poor child, I would definitely press charges on top of the suspension.
Suspension is a joke...all it does is send these kids home for 5 days..ooooo scary for them, a weeks vacation is all they will see it as.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yes! And in our school district, the suspended student is allowed to make up the work they miss with no grade deductions! I feel they should make up the work and get 1/2 credit or something. By doing this the students may stop looking at a suspension as fun time and vacation.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
28 Jan 07
The parents were happy with a suspension. My son and his friend got a 10 day suspension when the friend decide to streak the school in his boxers. My son was outside driving the car the boy would leave in.
These kids should have been expelled and charged with assault at the minimum. The coach should also be held responsible and if this hazing is an annual thing, the school and district administrators are also liable.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I think that poor kid's parents should have pressed charges!
All they got was a slap on the hand and told not to do that again basically.
Suspended for 5 days from school? Gee, most likely they will be sitting at home eating Cheetos and playing video games. Like that is a huge punishment!
Then when they get back to school, how do you think they will treat the boy that got them suspended?
That is horrible. I would have pressed charges to teach those boys a lesson!
When someone is not watching next time, what will they do then?
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Great response and the way you looked at it.
The parents should have pressed charges. And, what will the boy do when they get back and they are alone again.
Give it time, and they will be alone sometime. What will happen then?
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I come from the town that it happened in. My gandparents house is there. I don't think it was anything more than bullying. I'm not by any means saying it was right, but I don't think it was as serious as some people are thinking. Yes he was humiliated and hurt. But I do think their punishment fit and would act as a deterant. They were suspended for 5 days, but also can't participate on their sports teams for the rest of the season. I have a link to the local newspaper if anyone would like to read it.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Thanks mari for the link. That article had many more details than the one I had read. The article I read didn't say anything about the boys being removed from the sports teams for the remainder of the season.
@Only1Andrea (796)
• United States
27 Jan 07
There is no way in the world I would be satisfied with 5 days of suspension. What a slap on the wrist. I would definitely get me a lawyer and sue someone. Not even for money but for the principle of the whole incident. Why were they unsupervised? I am sure some adult should have been in the locker room!! What gave these kids the right to put their hands on the freshman!!! Yeah we know kids get teased a bit by upperclass students, but this goes beyond teasing this is torture!!!
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@defeated (141)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I agree! If it had been my son, 5 days suspension sure wouldn't cut it. Why weren't the boys expelled for the rest of the school year?? And why in the world didn't the parents of the victim file assault charges with the local DA against the perps AND the school system? Not necessarily for the money - but just out of principle? What kind of message is this sending to other who might consider doing the same thing in the futre? NOT a good one, that's for sure!
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
28 Jan 07
You must be kidding, right? The parents didn't do anything? They were satisfied? Ok! I think they are satisfied by the fact that these 5 boys will do it again and again to their son and it will cost them every time 5 days without school and lots of fun.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Yes, I do too. I don't feel that the punmishment fit the crime. This young man had obvious physical harm and likely so mental anquish as well.
@paperchaser (503)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I dont think it was as severe as you both are making it seem, but the punishment definelty was too light. In my school you would be expelled for something like that, and charges would be pressed if that was me in that situation.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
27 Jan 07
What a terrible story!! I think most hazing incidents are cruel and downright dangerous. I don't think suspension of 5 days would be enough for something like this one, I think the school board let them off too easy. This is more like an attack, and it was premeditated, too. I would hope that the local police force would press charges against them, otherwise it's sending the message to other kids that this type of thing is ok to do to others. I can't believe that the parents are pleased with the outcome, if it was my kid I sure wouldn't be!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I hear you joyful. I would be afraid that the offenders would now be mad at my son and come back to school and continue to make his life miserable, even if not physically. I feel that they should have been made to switch schools.
@AlmightyBigfoot888 (553)
• United States
28 Jan 07
in florida last year a law was passed that stated you would get up to 5 or 10 years in prison if physical harm was caused to a person during hazing. and a bunch of people were trying to outlaw it altogether
i think that is what they should get. they basically got told "don't do it again" and i know that had that happened in florida, t hey would be in jail with bubba.
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Only 5 days? They could have seriously hurt this boy and everyone is satisfied with 5 days?? 5 days just says to the other kids at the school that they can hurt whoever they want and they'll only get 5 days? If one of my kids did that, you could bet, they'd have a LONG punishment at home. There is just no excuse for that.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Oh yeah, what the school did to them would not touch what I would do to one of my children should they take part in this type of behavior!
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I can't believe that the school only gave them a 5 day suspension! That's like a "vacation" to these kids. They'll love having the time off. The school needs to get a lot stricter with the punishments for this type of incident. This is not a hazing "prank"; it has crossed the line and become a crime- an attack. The boy's parents should insist on a stricter punishment and should also involve the local police to press assault charges. Teenagers need to start getting a clear message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. If you just give them a slap on the wrist, they'll keep doing the same thing, and maybe worsel
Who knows if the boy who was assaulted could have some permanent damage? What if he has trouble with fertility or a low sperm count in the future? What about his mental anguish? And did the school do anything about the fact that they did not provide the proper adult supervision in the locker room?
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Hearing about things like this make me feel so lucky that I wans't bullied all that often in school myelf. Especially considering that i was overweight and had some acne earlier than most kids, I would have expected to have been made fun of even more than i was. I think that i got off lucky. I feel surprised that this boy's parents are happy with those kids just being suspended. I think that to have done such a cruel thing, they should have to take some counselling or maybe anger management before comign back to school.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I think it is sad that our society has become so cruel and insensitive. I think they should have been kicked out of school for the remainer of the year and forced to pick up school classes next year. This kind of behavior is unexceptable and it is time kids leaned some respect for other.

@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Yes village, I agree about community service. Perhaps it might teach them some respect for others. I would be afraid that the offending boys would come back to school angry at my child and further torment him by making his life miserable.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
27 Jan 07
They should have had some kind of community service to perform also
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I've heard stories of hazing in colleges or in fraternity initiations, but not in high school! Hazing of any kind should be prohibited and vigorously punished! 5 days suspension sounds like they got off light. What if they had permanently damaged the boy? made him sterile? unable to father children? whatever! They were just bullies! I'll bet the parents of the victim decided not to press charges for the sake of their son...he probably didn't want to "make things worse". How sad.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I read over the article on the incident someone else posted the link for. Those boys should have been expelled and the on-lookers should have been suspended. They first physically tried to bring in one boy and when that one escaped they grabbed another. This was a deliberate plan to bring someone in there with the intent to hurt them. I don't care if they planned to hit him in the groin or not, they planned to at the very least humiliate him if not do physical harm. Those boys acted without care for the other students. Not only should they have been expelled but charges should have been pressed against them. If I had been the boy's mother there would have been hell to pay for what they did. I cannot believe they were satisfied with just the suspenending of the offenders. Their son is going to have to continue to face those boys every school day. It will be torture for him let alone how those boys might treat him whenever school officials aren't looking and obviously they aren't paying much attention if they can allow it to happen in the first place.
@armywifey (882)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I think that even if the parents didn't press charges, that the school should have contacted the police. The should have received a harsher punishment for the crime. It is things like that that turn people into sociopaths. They could have cause a lot more serious problems by hitting this boy in the groin.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I think it is right down rediculous that these kids have time to go unsupervised. I do not think they punishemtn those kids got are good enough. I think bullying in schools or anywhere for that matter needs to be stopped. These kids shouldn't have time to be doing this to other kids. If something happened to my daughter in school, I would be there Johnny on the spot and ask them how in the world did this happen, when my child and the other children are supposed to be there to learn and to be supervised at all times. I'm not sure about who I would press charges against. I may charge the school and the other children, even though they won't face penalty being minors, but I feel it may teach them that it is not right.