Real or fake nails?

@CatEyes (2448)
United States
January 29, 2007 12:00pm CST
Which do yoy have and which do you prefer? I know my husband loves me with fake ones becuase they are longer, but I prefer my real ones. Mine grow ok and are a decent length and I don't have to go to the salon all of the time when one breaks. I do have problem with them being sharp. I sometimes scatch people when I grab for something. My monther has her nails (fake of course) almost the full length when they first go on, and she played the guitar and changed diapers. I know that Dolly Parton can do it to, but there is no way I could. What can you do with yours? And how much do you spend on them monthly that is
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90 responses
@apky12 (769)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I have fake ones and I prefer them b/c they are less maintenance than real onces for me. I can never keep them looking good even with manicures so this is easier but I hate getting them done. I don't spend that much monthly. I go every 3 weeks and spend about $25 at a time.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Yes I usally go for three weeks too. they try to talk me into getting them done I tell them no. I want to wait for 3 weeks.
@kerbausama (1335)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 07
i think i prefer ake can change it or customize it when you dont like it,the real one is iposibble to change or customize when it is bad.. ..
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@shooie (4984)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Real or Fake - Nails doesn't really matter how long?
I've had both. the way I did mine was I had the fake put on at my nrmal length and lengethen as they grew. But now I have just my nails is just easier to deal with. Mine grow pretty good so if I want them long I can have them long. I keep them at sports lengeth because I like to do a lot of outdoor stuff.
• United States
30 Jan 07
I like both. I can grow my nails long and when I file them, they look nice. But fake nails have pretty nice designs on them and are already filed which is less work. Only thing I don't like is sometimes only one will come off while I'm out and then I end up looking like a fool with say my index finger looking weird with no nail.
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• Rwanda
30 Jan 07
If ur husband likes ur fake nails,then u try and convince him u like ur real nails.But if he insists,then u have to obey him cos he is ur husband
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@ancazur (22)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I really can't stand fake nails. They weaken your real nails and LOOK fake most of the time. I just grow and polish my real nails and they look fine.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I used to wear mine almost an inch long out from the nail bed and was able to do any and everything with them. now I wear my own nails because I cannot type as quickly with the fake ones. I like the natural nails. they make my life a little easier and a little simpler than the fake ones ever did.
• United States
30 Jan 07
I only have real nails. I don't care for fake ones. My husband doesn't like anything fake on a women. If you round your nails, they will not scratch people. If you have a square cut, you will. So, just try reshaping them.
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@badkat83 (1620)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Well I don't have any nails. I tried to grown them but I am a biter. So I got fake ones, then I couldn't do anything, like type, dishes, put on pantyhose. So I took them off.
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@urzicutza (1971)
• Romania
30 Jan 07
well i have my real natrural nails and i love them!
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• Philippines
30 Jan 07
real nails, and i always cut my fingernails, i want it short, as bacteria and other microorganisms hide in out to keep it clean and germ free i cut it always, i want it clean and tidy.
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• United States
30 Jan 07
I personally prefer my real nails. I do so much better with real nails than I do fake ones. My nails grow pretty long sometimes break which sometimes can cause problems with them being sharp. They can be pretty strong so I can accomplish a lot of tasks. Fake nails bother me because they aren't as sturdy, I'm afraid of not being able to do what I do now with fake nails.
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• Philippines
30 Jan 07
I have never put on fake nails before. Although I wanna try it, but like you I dont think I can handle scratching and being always careful not to break it. I prefer my nails clean cut but I still wear nail polish from time to time.
@andiruleu (310)
• United States
30 Jan 07
i like it when girls have french tiped nails. its more attractive
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@saq786 (733)
29 Jan 07
well i have real nails, i dont know why do girls like to have fake nail is it to make them look big or something or what.
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
29 Jan 07
As a child i bit my nails so much and then only grew them for my wedding day but these days i have a few but they keep on breaking .As for having fake ones i can`t even stand to have nail varnish on my nails let alone have fake nails stuck on .varnish makes me feel as though my hands are dirty and i`m continually washing for me its real or nothing
• United States
30 Jan 07
I love fake nails, but I have real ones to save money. Plus, I get tired of messing with going every 2 weeks and getting them filled. It just bugs me to have to go...not sure why...I like to feel pampered, but I always have my kids with me so it's not that relaxing. Plus, like I said, I am trying to save money and pay off bills so the $30 a month I spend on fills can be better spent somewhere else.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
I think my hands are too 'manly' and not feminine. When I have fakes ones on I feel more feminine and not so embarassed. My husband doesn't like the fake ones and prefers my real nails, which I prefer fake. My nails grow and then break really high on the nail bed - causing more pain. Then they are all different lengths!! I have been debating on getting fake ones put back on.
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@Bizziebod (3497)
29 Jan 07
Hi CatEyes, I much prefer fake nails as mine refuse to grow and split terribly. I usually do my own acrylics and keep them on for about 6 months at a time and costs me about £20 for 6 months supplies or approx $40 dollars if thats your currency. I've used fakes for 15 years now and whenever I put them on I get used to them instantly, the only annoying thing is when you're typing and they hit the wrong key! (that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it!)
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• United States
30 Jan 07
i spend about 45 dollars a month on mine when i get them done....but yea i can do alot with them its like living a normal life and i like them mroe than i like the real nails
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