I can't gain weight! HELP!
@Itzfockinyung (45)
United States
January 31, 2007 1:54am CST
I can't gain any weight if my life depended on it. I'm 5'7 and 120lbs. That is my figure for the past 4 yrs. All i eat is fastfood and drink lots of soda. At one point of my life i went to Mcdonalds twice a day for a month straight to grab burgers for lunch and dinner. I don't exercise at all and just basically try my best not to do anything that makes me burn calories. How is it possible that i eat fastfood/junkfood daily but not gain a single pound. If anyone could give me some advice on what to eat do i'd really appreciate it.
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55 responses
@HighPriestess (739)
• Melbourne, Florida
31 Jan 07
I have the same problem. I'm 37 and I struggle to stay above 100 pounds. I have even had two children, and was back to my size 1 jeans a week after they were born. I have been tested for thyroid problems and such. There is nothing wrong with me, I just can't gain weight. I'm actually slimmer now than I was in high school 20 years ago. I keep thinking if I was happy and in a stable relationship, maybe I could get 'fat and happy'.
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@iwan_tm02 (50)
• Indonesia
1 Feb 07
well me to i'm 26 i stay in 112 pounds i need to increase my weight more than 30 pounds to get my ideal body. i had try to consume weight gain milk, eat more tahn three times a day but still threre is no exreme change to my body.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Well, first off, I guess I should look at your profile, and see if you have mentioned your age. If you are younger, this can have a lot to do with it. I know someone who is almost 20 and can eat just about anything, and Never gain weight either. She is always eating, and maybe weighs 100 if lucky. If you are older, and this is still happening, maybe you need to be discussing this with your Doctor or Health professional if you can afford too, and make sure this is not something worth worrying about. Either way, things do happen in time usually where this quits happening, so I guess you need to enjoy it for now, but if I could give you some of my weight, I would.
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
haha i would love to take some of your weight away if i could afford to have it transplanted =D
@dizzybizzy1 (978)
• United States
1 Feb 07
These things do not work. I have tried every weight gain product made.
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
1 Feb 07
You obviously have a very high metabolism, like my beloved. He can eat all day, do nothing, and not gain an ounce. Don't worry about it...a lot of girls (or guys, if thay is what you are into) really like scrawny men. If you are so worried about your wieght, get weight gain powder, which you can get at any health store. It's not a good idea to sit around and not exercize and eat junk all day. That just simply isn't healthy. Eat a high protein, high carb diet and work out some. You will bulk up.
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
thanx for the comment and no i am not into guys. i am a 100% boob lover not tube....
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Lucky you. My daughter is 5'6" and only weighs 90. She said to tell you that she would kill just to get to 110. She too has high metabolism and can't gain weight. Everyone thinks she is anorexic, although she eats a lot. So when you get frustrated just think of my daughter and know someone else is worse off then you.
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
thank you for your words. i feel a little better knowing that there are other people with our same problems.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
31 Jan 07
All I can say is I hate you, lol. What caused me to gain weight is having two kids, lol. I'm 5'6 and used to weigh around 120-130, and didn't really gain anything til after I had kids. Wish I could eat like you do and not gain anything.
You are probably a very energetic person, just because you don't excerise doesn't mean your not on the go a lot. But instead of eating junk food all the time, eat healthy. That way when you get older, the junk food won't come back to bite you in the butt. I'm 30 and I can't eat like I used to. I don't know how it is with other people, but I can eat normally then when I do get to eat out, it makes me sick. Just something to think about.
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
i hate you too! JK hehe. maybe i should try having kids......but i think its technically wrong for a male to have kids =(
@akupandai (78)
• Malaysia
31 Jan 07
You know what is your problem. Actually your problem is you are so lazy. That is your problem. If you want to gain weight, you must work hard, do exercise, go to gym, please. Trust me.
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
but wouldn't eating and just doing nothing contribute to gaining weight and working out contribute to burning calories off?
@jeraldanmarie (472)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
wow you're weight and height is what others would dream to have, i guess you're still young ang you burn what ever you eat fast.
But just to help you gain weight which is what you really want, exercise why for you to be fit and be able to eat well, also eat cakes, ice cream and fruits. Cakes are full of calories but be careful with the sugar you might end up diabetic.
my ultimate advice: eat healthy foods and soon as you age you're gain weight coz it lessen your metabolism as you age
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
yea i forgot to mention i eat alot of cakes. i actually have my friend bake me a cake once a week just for me
@resasour (378)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I looked at your profile and you are very young still. However, here are some tips... to help you gain weight.. these come from tips my sons football coach gave him because he was the smallest (in weight) on his team... greatly increase your carbohydrate intake especially right before bed.. eat a sandwich loaded with peanut butter and jelly and drink a glass of milk just before bedtime... increase foods that are rich in carbs, potatoes, breads and yes..junk... lower your proteins a little bit but don't cut them out of your diet as protein helps your body to turn fat into fuel and you need fuel just to function, much less be at all active.. you have to increase you caloric intake.. so that you are getting more calories than you burn...
foods rich in protein are fish, especially tuna, beans, eggs,peanut butter,chicken and turkey have higher levels as well...
you do not have to increase your fat intake to gain weight.. you need to increase your carbs and calories... eat food that are rich and high in calories.. mac and cheese is a good one... any kind of potato... drink milkshakes instead of soda sometimes... be careful though because in trying to gain weight you can also become a carb junkie which can backfire on you in later years....... once you have gained a few pounds start to taper off your carbs so you maintain what you gained and still have a nutritious diet that includes fruits and veggies..
hope this helps... (the pbutter sandwich and milk helps alot)
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
i guess its time to start eating pb&j sandwiches. which will be a first for me since i have never eaten a peanut butter & jelly sandwich my whole life
@debny711 (264)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Why do you want to gain weight??? I am 49, 5'4" and 125 lbs. I have been the same weight most of my life even after having 4 kids. You should be grateful you are the weight that you are. My sister in law is struggling to lose weight and my husband had to have gastric bypass surgery to lose weight. Stay the way that you are and don't complain. I think you are perfect.
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
because in a world where looks matter, its hard getting a relationship when you're shaped like Urkel.........
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
*high five* fellow fast metabolism buddy, we are both lucky and cursed at the same time
@tanja0909 (6)
• Germany
1 Feb 07
I have a few people in my family that had the same problem. They finally found out through doctors, that their problem to not being able to gain weight had to do with their thyroids! One of them had to have an operation in order to have 'normal' weight, the other one just got medication.
Hope this helps you? Maybe you should consider going to a doctor and mention this. Good luck
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
maybe i should go see a doctor when i get some more income =(
@huanghaozi (1472)
• Egypt
12 Feb 07
I think this info can help you .
How to Gain Weight
I get a lot of e-mails and phone calls from customers seeking guidance on how to gain weight. In this article I'll give an overview of how to go about gaining weight quickly and effectively without having to take out a second mortgage.
If followed correctly with discipline & hard work, most should be able to put on a good 20lbs in short order. Let's get to it.
Eat, Eat, Eat
Eating is the first and most important factor that is needed for proper weight gain. It's simple - you need to eat more calories than you burn. This does not mean eating anything and everything that is not nailed down. Carefully plan your meals with foods that will help you gain lean mass, not fat. I suggest 6 meals. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three other small meals scheduled throughout the day. The goal is to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours.
Focus on foods such as steak, chicken, fruit, milk, vegetables, cheese and assorted types of nuts. It's recommended to eat 4 - 6 pieces of fresh fruit a day, and at least four tall glasses of milk. Milk is a great, cheap protein source - take advantage of it. A sample snack meal would be a glass of milk, an apple, and a hand full of peanuts.
Take time to lay out a meal plan. What you eat is the most important ingredient in a successful weight gain program.
As stated, proper eating is of up most importance when attempting to gain weight, but if you do not lift weights, all that gained weight will be fat - not muscle.
When trying to gain weight, I suggest working out three times a week. You need to lift hard and then recover for the next workout. Focus on the big exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bent-over rows, chin-ups, bench press, & military press. These are the exercises that will turn those extra calories into muscle. You are not going to gain much by doing lateral raises and step-ups every workout. You need the multiple-joint lifts that will shock your system and stimulate your body into growth. Focus on getting strong by adding a small amount of weight each workout. If you focus on strength, size will follow. Case in point, look around at your local gym - the strongest guys are also the biggest.
Supplements?To gain weight, you do not NEED Supplements, but they will help you gain the weight quicker. That's what they are, supplements to an already good diet and training program. Think of supplements as the finishing touch.
I suggest only two supplements for those wishing to gain weight. The first being N-Large 2 . The way N-Large 2 will help is by giving you a large quantity of calories in one small serving. These will provide you with at least 600 calories in one easy shake and are especially great for students who do not have time for breakfast, or snacks in between classes. Just mix one of these shakes with water or fruit juice and gulp it down in a just a couple of minutes. It's easy to mix, contains 620 calories per serving, and is very cost effective.
The second product would be AST Sports Science Creatine Monohydrate. Most people gain 5 - 7lbs in the first two weeks of creatine use. If you are interested in quick weight gain, and increased energy for your workouts, creatine is definitely worth a go.
How Much Will I Gain?First, I feel I must cite the obligatory disclaimer of "everyone's body responds in different ways, so it varies". That said, if you do eat well, lift hard and use your supplements properly, you can expect to gain about 10-15lbs within a month.
By Josh Eter
@meishalicious (672)
• United States
31 Jan 07
hey dont stop eating.. like whipped cream sweets..pizza every hour.. wow..thats gonna be great..
@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
your body has fast metabolism just as mine but now that i'm 24 i'm beginning to gain weight although not that much even if i eat a lot. so if you are like my age then i think you should start enrolling yourself in a weight gaining program in a gym near you. that way you will build some muscles and you'll definitely gain weight.
@cherrylicious (394)
• United Arab Emirates
1 Feb 07
Sometimes, it really depends on your nationality, if you are chinese which are usually Slim, Americans, some are fat, Filipino's fat & slim. You can also ask your mom or dad if that is a hereditary.
@Itzfockinyung (45)
• United States
1 Feb 07
i guess other people couuld call my lucky i feel more like i'm cursed