My two year old can be so Terrible at Times!!
By ronita34
@ronita34 (3922)
February 1, 2007 1:37am CST
love my 2 year old daughter more than life itself don't get me wrong, but, she is terrible. I ain't sure what to do and i want to see if any of you can give me some usefull advice for me as how to deal with it and to not get stressed out. She won't be 3 until the end of September and has been in her terrible 2's since she was 10 months old.
She has been off a bottle for more than a year and uses the potty and has been perefect at that for over a month. She is very smart and knows exactly whats going around her. Sometimes too smart though and she is a dare devil. She jumps off anything and climbs up anywhere. If i go to the bathroom she will already be up on the cupboards or digging on the fridge.
I have a 5 year old as well and i am keeping my nephew who is 7 and my recently turned 5 yr old niece. She is demanding and takes alot of my time. I am very firm with her and my foot is constantly sown but she is just so defiant. Maybe its determination she tries to serve herself and she constantly eats which is fine! She tries to eat sometimes all night though or she will get up and go and spill a jug of milk.
What should i do, do you have any usefull advice for me??
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45 responses
@TiareF (241)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I was having some of the same problems with my son who has recently turned 3. I went to an all natural health food store and they told me that if I cut out the Red and Yellow food dyes and sugars that it would help. Now I watch all the foods that I buy and if they have those in them I don't get them. I can't cut them all out I know but I have cut out quite a bit and he has calmed down some. He was to the point that I was on the verge of having him put on medication. I don't think we are going to have to do that now. If I give them KoolAid it's the new invisible brand that doesn't have any food dyes in it and I sweeten it with Spleenda instead of sugar. You can try those things and see if it helps, I know it helped me. Good Luck to you!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Feb 07
Oh dear lol she certainly sounds a Handful I suggest that you get Childlocks for your Fridge and Cupboards lol so that she can't get into them for a start as for her defiance I really do not know what to suggest apart from Punishing her for it
I really hope you can get this sorted

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 Feb 07
A little attention getting swat to the behind will not hurt her any and will let her know that what she is doing is not acceptable. 1 swat now and again is not harm ful to her ego nor will it teach her to hit. But it will let her know you are not happy with the way she is behaving. And it works pretty fast too.
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@jackie_mmm (886)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
children of that age certainly can be trying at times but they can also be the sweetest baby in town. Just be patient and understanding. Read about baby books and learn how dangerously adventurous they are. When I was her age, my grandmother told me I fell off the stairs one afternoon. They found me playing on the ground, smiling and laughing as if nothing had happened. It's a wonder how I survived such height. I had a guardian angel who shows up when nobody is looking. That's what they kept telling me.
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@edigital (2709)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I read our writing full. Now a days in our country baby is become more wanton than their age. God created all life at a time but they are coming world one by one age by age. I am sure you are enjoing much with her as many mom cannot enjoy like you due to silent type baby. However, give some toy to your baby, give her a picture book and color pencil, paper and say her to draw like this picture (showing some picture) raise her jeal to pain picture like that then she will be attentive to book and give her to read little, give her food on time and more affection for performing paint, reading, playing and alway direct or indirect suggestion to obey parent.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Time to get tough with her. Since she is so smart she will learn the boundaries you will set for you. This is small potatoes compared to what you will encounter as she and you get older. Better to nip it in the bud now and it should not be an issue later. You can now rule by committee. The older ones can become some aid for you. Rules are meant for their safety and learning about life. Defiance is not to be encouraged either. Compliance is the name of our race we are part of. Not that defiance is wrong, we need to use it justly. Spillage of milk, means none for 3 days for example. Accidents are one thing, wild acts need consequence. Consistency will be key also. You are the adult and bigger. Enforce some rules! Good luck Supermom!!
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@Sabertooth1234567890 (161)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Shes only two theres not much you can do about it and thats probabely why its called terrible twos
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@saunty (604)
• India
1 Feb 07
At this growing age , all these activities are very common....most of the child do show such kinda behaviour. So need not to worry about it...very soon she will be perfectly normal,,,rather a very smart intelligent and an extraordinalrily tallentedd gal...these are the days she is just preparing herself for the incoming challenges in her life , in one way you can say the engine is taking the fuel to get started and run on to the race...the race of living ...
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@manleymom (105)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I totally understand your terrible twos, I swear my son has had them since he was 6 month old. He does that finger pointing and looks like he's yelling at you. Unfortunately he also has YOUNG Uncles who thinks its funny to teach him bad words. So is favorite things to say are F*** G**Da** Shi* At first we just tried to ignore it, not giving him the attention thinking he would stop, but nope he still kept going on. Now we are trying to get him not to say those words and teach him that they are bad words
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
Yes that should not be encouraged at all and you are smart ot ignore it! My oldest swore and called me a F**ken B***h when she came back from her dads one time. I put a bit of soap on her mouth and she hasn't sworn since i think she was 2 at the time also! It was not alot of soap but enough for her to never do it again!
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
1 Feb 07
It really sounds to me like she's trying to test her boundaries and her independence. She's just trying to show you that she doesn't need you to tell her what to do and how to do it. You have to understand that when kids hit two, that's what they do. Seems like however, she's been doing it for yours. You just have to govern her behavior like you've been doing.
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@coolest1983 (281)
• India
1 Feb 07
Sorry, but I won't be able to answer this question of yours. Only somebody who does have some experience about kids can guide you. You see I still am a bachelor. So sorry once again. Hope you get enough responses to help you out.
@bhabesh_mohanty347 (86)
• India
1 Feb 07
Hey ronita ur daughter is very sweet just be kind to her.plz bear with this headache for now and see your beautiful daughter grow.this are the memories that you will cherise in your loneliness.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
1 Feb 07
I have a high spirited toddler who has only just turned 2. I think that her behaviour is going to get worse as she can be naughty sometimes, like dangling her foot over the kerb when I tell her to stay out of the road and things like that.
I think that your daughter is very clever and is using her brain to wind you up as she knows it gets your attention.
The best remedy for this I have found is to praise her good behaviour all the time, with nice comments and use rewards for her being good.
Also perhaps you need to relax a little. If she does things by accident like spilling milk, maybe that isn't such a big deal.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
I always do praise her and try to turn the situation from a bad one into a good one! It isn't only spilling milk and when i say spilling milk i mean an entire jug i stay calm about it though! I have to she is still adorable and i love her and cherish her bery much. She does alot of dangerous stuff though like constantly climbing! If i go to the washroom i always try to bring her with me as she gets into mischief when she is alone for even a few minutes! I know that she will grow up though and that is what keeps me calm!!
@astroo13 (963)
• India
1 Feb 07
I am looking after my 2 year old nephew. He is the best at least he is when he is with me or in my sights. Don't get me wrong. I don't hit him. I constantly teaches him new things or find things to do with him. I recently found the perfect answer for him, I don't know if it will work for you. He got this new habit of throwing his toys around and not picking it up. I told him that I won't talk to him until he picks his things up. I didn't talk to him for 3 hours. We just sat there. He tried everything. Finally He just got bored and picked his things up. I went to him and played with him for some time. Now when he is thinking of some mischief I warn him that I wont talk or play with him if he does that. It is working.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
1 Feb 07
LOL my heart and prayers go out to you. I had/have one the same way. He's now 31 and still the same, he can't set down for more than a minute and from the time he was 8 months old wanted to do everything he saw anyone else do. At 27 he got himself tested for ADHD but testing said nothing wrong. He's just active. Best thing I found was to give him activities that involved physical activity, not setting reading or watching TV. Sometimes I had to creat things for him to do like taking the pans all out of the cupboard so I could clean or when he was older things like giving him a spot in the yard where he could have "his garden" - at 7 he raised enough radishes to feed the county (his favorite).
@taramoon (740)
• Spain
1 Feb 07
LOL when you find an answer please help me i have a four year old boy exactly like that, i was very gratefull when at the age of two he was diagnoise hyper active so he burns his energy withing minutes, i also have a nine year old who is slightly better,my advise is hide your favorite food in a safe have a secret stash of my own chocolates well hiden...
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
I will be def following this discussion as I am in the same boat with my 2.5 year old. I am very interested in the discussion and advice that people are going to give. My son is pretty good for the most part...but when he is bad..he is most def bad. I did find that keeping him busy and involved with things keeps his mind off of things. I think that when they get bored..or are not entertained they then look for ways to get attention somehow...usually resulting in misbehaving. How about a play group or something with other children her age..since there is a bit of a gap between the other children and her. Just a suggestion... It might be something that will allow her to learn to play and follow rules better... :S Chidren are difficult and take real thought and understanding to figure them out
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@anjalisk2005 (1492)
• India
2 Feb 07
this is very common.i have a three year old kid and he is equally hyper-activehe pulls out htis and that he throws everything down,tries climbing windows,chairs,desks,doors everything above his reach should b reached!!i should have my eyes on him 24/7.
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@Julia1970 (410)
• United States
2 Feb 07
First of all, she is precious! Second of all, she is just doing her job. Yes, I said job. It is every child's job to drive their parents up the wall and back down again! Seriously though, she is 2. She is a big girl and she is proving to you that she is big. That's all. You just need to remain consistant and she will push the boundaries, it's her job to test them. You are doing a fine job, just remember to keep breathing and all will be ok.
@yanjiaren (9031)
1 Feb 07
that is a sign of greast intelligence..just like her mother !!!
what i could suggest is getting her into lots of activities to stimulate her mind and body..don't give her things with sugar in..apart from fruit..lots of vegetables..nd a chamomile or limeflower herb drink half an hour before fizzy drinks..i hope that helps..
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
1 Feb 07
OMG ronita34 our kids could be twins!! My middle daughter just turned 4 and it has been non stop since she was a little under a year. I love mine more than anything also but there are days when I can't wait to go to work to escape her. My mom will even take my other 2 kids overnight but not her because she can't handle her. She's not a bad girl she just can't sit still and she doesn't miss a thing. We are paying tuition at a private school for PreK because the public schools wouldn't take her..she tested near 1st grade level at age 3 and they had no programs for her, sounds to me like you have a gifted one too. One of my coworkers says she has "middle child" syndrome but I don't buy it, she was like this way before my son came along. I talked to my family Dr. and he said it's all about routine, which has helped somewhat. He also suggested we give her a 1mg pill of melatonin (you can get it in the vitamin section the store) before bedtime to calm her down and help her sleep all night. I wasn't sure how I felt about this at first, but in my frustration tried it and it works! I'd give it to her in a gummi bear and it worked like a charm. After about two months of this she started going to bed, and staying there on her own, so now it's just an occasional thing. Good luck to you, and remember it's okay to need a break.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
I agree that sometimes a break would be nice which is why i also like to get to the school and substitute teach on occassion ... LOL!! My mother was also never too fond of keeping her alone at first either ... LOL! My mom says that she is getting better though so i have hope for her ... LOL! I am quite happy that i am not the only one experiencing this!
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