Is there anyone out there who is like me and has no interest in Harry Potter?
@michelledarcy (5220)
33 responses
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
1 Feb 07
You're not the only one- there are at least 2 of us. I really don't even know what Harry Potter is all about, and I just have no interest in it. I may be missing out on something that I would enjoy, but like you I just can't explain it but I have no interest. We should start a "non-fan" club!
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@michelledarcy (5220)
1 Feb 07
I'm not sure there would be many people in it, as far as I can see most people are Harry Potter mad! Thanks for your comment.
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@nancyrowina (3850)
20 Feb 07
I'd join a non fan of Harry Potter Club it's really starting to get on my wick now how big it's all become, I think a lot of people would agree and join the club.
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@glowsinthedark (189)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I doubt you are the only one. I am a total Harry Potter nerd but I can understand how with all the media and hype people who aren't interested may feel alone or isolated. Don't worry it's not like there's anything wrong with not being interested in a series of books and movies. LOL
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@cajundharma (641)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I felt that way until two summers ago. My oldest child is physically disabled, and in order for her to attend a summer Harry Potter camp she was desperate to go to, I had to agree to volunteer all week at the camp to see to her medical needs. I figured that I should at least read the first book and know something about it if I was going to spend a week with a bunch of kids who knew Harry Potter inside and out. Then I decided I'd watch the movies, and I enjoyed the third movie so much, I decided to read the rest of the books, they were all quick reads, and by the fourth book I was hooked. Now I'm a full fledged teacher at the camp, and on the committee organizing it.
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
1 Feb 07
When my son was in 4th grade he came home so excited to tell me about this book that his teacher had just started reading. It was the first Harry Potter book. I had no clue about it - it had just come out and wasn't 'all the rage' yet. Each day he would come home and tell me about this book and what the teacher had read each day. I loved seeing him so excited and the story really did sound interesting from what he was repeating to me. After awhile of listening, I got interested enough to want to read it myself. They were only about half way through the book. I'm a reader, I like to read books and fast. It was annoying me how long it was taking for them to read it because my son would come home and share with me but I wanted more! So I bought the book and my son was happy that I was involved with him but told me I couldn't go ahead of his teacher. Well.. *blush* I did because it was THAT good and I couldn't put the thing down. It was full of very rich, imagitive details - you could really picture everything the book was saying and it was a magical world that I just wanted to jump into the book and experience. Keep in mind - before this, I was NOT into fantasy books of any kind and never would have picked up this book had my son not come home and shared the details with me.
Anyhow, I read the first one and the next two - in the meantime, the first movie had come out and I took my son. It was good but I'm more of a book person. By the time I got into the 3rd book - I was bored with them. They are all the same beginning, middle and end. It got to where I knew what was going to happen before it did - they were predictable and I hate that. So I never got past the middle of the 3rd book.
Neither did my son because he also lost interest by then. If you've never read them before, the 1st one is excellent. *I* think it goes downhill after that.
So I'm with you, I no longer have interest in Harry Potter at all.
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@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
1 Feb 07
lol...i never got the Harry Potter thing either. I really don't understand why schools make a big deal out of it nor do I get why adults read (and love) it. I had a friend in scotland, who's GF at the time loved reading them. I thought it was weird, especially since she was 22.
i did try watching one of the movies once, i couldn't get into though.
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I'm with you. I never read any of the books, didn't want to...and haven't watched any of the movies, but they are slightly tempting! The special effects in the commercials almost make you want to watch the movies!
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@superbren (856)
20 Feb 07
i wouldnt dream of sitting down and reading a harry potter book but i have seen all the films when i take my children to them. they are very good , excellent even but i will never be a follower of harry potter. the kids like the films but they are not avid fans either.
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@sharmistharoy (117)
• India
15 Feb 07
i dont even have read about any of the books of this series .. and it may be bocz i dislike those anything animated and that too which is illogical.. i think these r just a wastage of our valuable times.. instead we can spend that time reading some current buning topics..
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I just saw that on the yahoo homepage. I watched the first movie but had no interest in the movies later on. Or the books. But I guess millions of others love HP. I'm sure this will be another big publicized event.
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@Jasmijn (145)
• Belgium
11 Feb 07
I'm sure there are lots of people who don't like them. I personally think they're not bad, but there are lots of better books in the genre.
Anyway, I started reading them years ago without knowing they were popular (or maybe they weren't even popular yet then, I don't know when it started) and I was immediately a fan. Of course I've always liked books with magic, but I can imagine there are more people who don't.
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@Fishish (696)
• India
20 Feb 07
me too. i havent read any of the books nor seen the movies. i generally do not like things that are overhyped. i somehow start having doubts about the wisdom and judgement of people. i feel most people dont think independently and just repeat what others think about famous things like harry potter books
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@nancyrowina (3850)
20 Feb 07
I've never had any desire to read the books or see the film, and am frankly getting tired of having it constantly rammed down my throat. I can think of far better things to read and watch than a children's book or film.
I did however read the "Barry Trotter" books, they are called "Barry Trotter And The Shameless Parody" and "Barry Trotter and the unnecessary sequel". They are by Michael Gerber and are worth reading if you don't like the harry Potter Craze.
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@beccacoward (525)
3 Jun 07
I couldn't give a hoot about Harry bloomin' Potter. He is everywhere at the moment. I read the first Harry Potter book about a month after the phenomenon kicked off, but I just didn't find it interesting enough to keep going. I haven't watched the films, either. I think there are many greater writers out there than J.K.Rowling, and that they should get recognition instead of her hogging the literary limelight.
I suppose we could thank her for getting children to read, but in my opinion children should be reading anyway. x
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Oh, I'm another one! Add me to the list! I've never read any of the books and have no desire to. Although, I've seen at least one of the movies. Was watching it with my nephew one time or something. Don't remember. Didn't pay much attention to it. LOL I usually tend to stay away from the things EVERYBODY ELSE is into. Unless I just happen to know I like it, too. Know what I mean?
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Nope you aren't the only one. I've never read any of the books either or seen any of the movies and I couldn't care less if I ever do!!! I don't see what all the hype is about, but I wish I was the one who thought of it, lol!!
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
9 Feb 07
My sister harped on me for a long time to read HP, I did not listen, I went to visit one summer and she knew I alwasy got up hours before everyone and would read in the early morning quiet. SHe handed me the HP book and by the time everyone got up, I was hooked, stayed in the chair until I finished it, then started the 2nd one.
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@blindedfox (3315)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
Count me in. I love movies and I LOVE reading, but for some reason, I cannot make myself like Harry Potter (especially the books). I don't know. I just think it is more like of a 'kid-stuff' if you ask me.. =/
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
I don't mind it. Like adventure to a different world, for me. I don't read the books, not much a reader. I watched the movies and my husband likes it too.
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