Abortion: Condemned or accepted Nationwide?
By mdilan
@mdilan (803)
United States
February 1, 2007 6:05pm CST
If President George W. Bush was to sign a law that will mark forever the principles of life in America, and for that the government of the United States of America decides to celebrate elections concerning this matter, according to your values and morals, would you vote yes for officially labeling abortion as legal, or illegal for the first time in the history? And if the illegalization wins, how do you think that women who select illegal abortion be penalized?
I, would personally vote for illegalization. How about you and how would you support your ideas?
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44 responses
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
I'm not American but to repeal alaw just because its not popular among a certain section of the public is pure blackmail. Women have made nujmerous strides during the past century, and the right to a safe abortion is one of them. If you make it illegal, you will once again push women into thebackalley abortion houses, and cause innumerable deaths. Birth control is so much better than abortion, andI myself would never have an abortion, but it must be allowed and safe if soeiety is going to thrive. If you fools win the abortion issue, what comes next, lower wages for women, forcing women to marry someone they don't like, pants for men only. women aloo losing the vote? Just keep eroding the laws, and you will again see women treated as they do in the middle east.
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@coslenchip (101)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Ok, Judy, let me see if I understand.
Since some women (a small minority, by the way) feel that their life is more difficult because someone else is alive we should let them kill the other person without question. No one should have the right to kill someone else, anyone else. Abortion is not about giving women a right they deserve it is about giving them a "right" that no one deserves.

@workingmom31 (42)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
A big NO for abortion. The gift of life is the best blessing that God can give us.
@Meljep (1666)
• United States
2 Feb 07
There has to be some provision for women who are raped. There should definitely be much more information given to women who are considering doing this. Many women have never seen pictures of what a poor little baby looks like after the torture of being killed inside the womb. Abortion should only happen as an extreme measure. There are plenty of parents who are agonizing over the fact that they can't have children and would be very willing to adopt.
@sunshinecup (7871)
2 Feb 07
Abortion was illegal before the 70's and history shows that did not stop abortions. There for I would be against doing it again. The whole point of history is learning not to repeat out mistakes.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
2 Feb 07
Not if you read same history I have and spoke with the same women who lived during that time, as I have . It did not stop abortion, it did increase the numbers of women who were desperate enough to commit a crime and take a chance on killing themselves in the process!
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@jackie_mmm (886)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
I'm pro legalizatoion of abortion. It's not a matter of law or anything like that but of choice. Women should not be burdened with law any more that they already are. They're the ones who suffer most, giving brith to a baby, rearing him and giving him away. Providing for a child is a serios vocation that only those financially and psychologically prepared women can afford to take on. Children deserve every possible comfort in the world and so do mothers. The government should have promoted effective contraceptions instead. They can't draw on federal fund every day to provide for the growing population of street children and homeless American people, can they? Don't risk a woman's life for the benefit of "mankind."
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Feb 07
And how many children have been put up for adoption only to then be abused? Don't say that by giving it up for adoption the child is automatically guarenteed a happy and healthy life. You don't know that and can't know that. Adoption is one option and can be very goog for everyone all around however no every couple that adopts are good parents.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I do not think that most adopted children are abused. That's a huge generalization to make. I believe, at conception, the baby is intended by God. A mom shouldn't kill that "mistake" because of its inconvenience to her. For most, adoption is a great alternative. There are many churches, and I'm sure, other relitious groups that have people that want to help raise a child rather than see it murdered w/in or out of it's mother's womb.
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@coslenchip (101)
• United States
6 Feb 07
The chances of an adoptee being abused is extremely slim. Adoption agencies spend a large amount of time researching potential parents. There are over 120000 children adopted every year. There are usually less than a dozen cases of child abuse/neglect that involve an adopted child each year. That's a 1 in 10,000 chance. Is it possible, yes. Would it be awful if it is your child that becomes abused, yes. Is it likely, absolutely not. If you think that you have less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of being able to provide for your child, put it up for adoption. (Well, don't have do what it takes to make a baby in the first place, but somehow most people don't think about their future child at that point.)

@mnksmommy (301)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Abortion has been around as long as women have been getting pregnant. They are going to happen regardless of law. It is not right to force one's beliefs on the general population. If you want an abortion--have one. If you are against abortion--don't have one.
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@coslenchip (101)
• United States
6 Feb 07
So everyone should be able to kill anyone they want? If you kill my wife, I do not have the right to "force my belief" that killing her was wrong and press charges?
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
2 Feb 07
No government, or man, has the right to tell me what to do with my own body. Abortion must stay legal, that is my opinion. I was attacked once and if that lead to a pregnancy, I would have had an abortion so fast it would make your head spin. Rape is a crime, do not expect the woman to have to live with the result of every day. Every time she would look at that child, she would remember the disgusting ordeal she went through. Rape is for life, and at times a child/pregnancy is the outcome of that crime. Why should the woman be made to continue to suffer? Keep abortions legal. If the girl is 18 or younger, she must have her parents permission. Making aborton illegal again will only push women to the back allys. Is this what you want? Making something illegal will not stop it from happening. Lets think of the health and well being of the woman. Don't send her to some butcher.
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@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
2 Feb 07
not having to live with it well thats why there is abortion. so you dont have to live with knowing you killed an innocent baby either
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
In my opinion, I just don't like abortion at all. I see so many people out there that would love to have a child out there, but cannot, and then these people go in and kill the baby...that's right..baby! After day 25 of your pregnancy, there is a heartbeat..that means that the child is alive, it then has blood coursing through it's veins, and while it may not breathe, it is alive.
Adoption would be my choice over abortion anyday, but then again, I have two children, so I see keeping the baby as my own personal option.
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@Nienna_Nolatari (24)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
i know how important life is...no matter how hard the reason to take ones life cannot be justify.even a rape victim...if she really hates that child then dont kill dat baby...give him/her the chance to know wat life is...anyway if she doesnt like that child then she can give the child to couples who dont hav a baby...
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Mar 07
It's not about hating a child. It's about having authority over your body. A woman who has been raped, has had her body & soul brutalized in a deplorable manner. She has the right to heal however & at whatever pace she feels is appropriate. Pregnancy is a huge, taxing responsibility that should be entered into willingly and with love. To suggest that a woman who has just been raped has to now also literally & figuratively carry the products of that heinous act is just awful. Where is your compassion for your fellow (wo)man?
@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I think that abortion should be legal only for those who have been sexually assaulted. Other than that, I don't believe that abortion should be legal. There is birth control available for women worldwide, so there really is no reason to get pregnant if you don't want to be. I have a son, and it was my choice to have him. I could have had an abortion, but I would have missed out on the joy that he has brought into my life.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Mar 07
You haven't traveled very far if you believe that all women have access to birth control.
Further, aside from abstinence, no birth control is 100% effective. The forms of birth control with the highest effectiveness are medically not appropriate for many women- for example women over 35 are not good candidates for the pill or other hormone based forms of birth control.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Do you ever see the evidence, the websites, the talk shows, articles, where women who have had an abortion, talk about the turmoil they go though, emotionally, after they've killed their baby? Regret. Remorse... the pain of not having their children?
@anant_awasthi (19)
• India
2 Feb 07
ya this is an criminal offence if it is perform for the wish of kill a female embryo. and it is only accepted in only one condition when it use for saving life of mother. either its condemded in each and every condition.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I don't even believe it that "reason". If God wants a mother and child to live, He'll provide a way. If not, I don't know why, but God does have a perfect purpose for those who obey Him and are in His will.
@missy1981 (22)
• Australia
5 Feb 07
i would condemn it. It is like killing an human being. even when babies are feotuses they are still a human being. Give the baby a chance to live!
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I wouldn't vote for it to be legalized. I don't believe in killing the innocence. I think the decision should be up to the woman about what she wants to do about that, the government should stay out of that matter.
@krislouiebaby (2346)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
i heard and read the news that abortion is legal in america.
but in my own opinion i am against it,i am a pro-life person.
i respect lives and human being,,,fetus are humans,only was not born yet..it is in the mother's womb,
and removing them by premature expulsion is what we call abortion.
let's give them a chance to live...
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
abortion is abhored worldwide as a crime against humanity. in the Philippines for instance, abortion is a crime. Our constitution values life, the sanctity of human life. however, i believe the general rule should be against abortion, but there should be exceptions to this kind of rule. where there is a need to save the life of the mother, then abortion may be proceeded with. As between the life of the mother and the child, that of the former's life is favored by law, because she can still bear children. why do i stand against abortion, its because to legalize it will result in THE KILLING OF THOUSAND BABIES AT WILL by IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTS. even now that it is not allowed there are rising number of cases how much more if it is allowed. Legalizing abortion is LIKE LEGALIZING MURDER.
as for the punishment incase of violation of abortion laws, i think the offender should be given a heavy penalty, such as imprisonment for 3 years or more.higher penalty will hopefully caution parents from thinking of committing abortion.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Yeah, maybe people who chose to have an abortion should automatically get their tubes tied. Hey you killed that one, why should you get the chance to have a baby?
@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Murder is illegal. Euthanasia is illegal. Vehicular manslaughter (accidental or otherwise) is illegal. What makes abortion any different? Abortion is deplorable and disgusting. Abortion only encourages people to be selfish and to act without thinking. There are no consequences for people's actions any more. Responsible adults are largely a thing of the past. Legalizing abortion would be another nail in the coffin for a strong, morally right America.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Abortions are legal in America, your last statement doesn't make sense.
What is deplorable & disgusting is that some people think they have the right to impose their religion and/or opinions on other adults.
Not every unplanned pregnancy is the result of irresponsible women (note how everyone passes judgement on women who terminate without suggesting that the men responsible for their condition hold any responsibility) choosing to not use birth control.
@kumaarhrd (152)
• India
2 Feb 07
I will vote as abortion to be condemned worldwide. I am taking this with the explation of
1. Abortion leads to health problem
2. Each and every human being will feel that they kill sibling
3. As we Blue Cross for condemning animal killing, we should have a seperate organisation to educate and control and avoid abortion
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Mar 07
1. Legal, safe abortions do not cause any substantial risk to one's health. Carrying a child to term is more taxing & potentially risky to a mother's health than terminating.
2. Siblings are living humans. They are not feeding off of your body, depending on you to exist.
3. Blue Cross is a medical insurance company here in the US, I have no idea what you are saying with this statement.
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I would definitely want to end abortion, and make it a criminal act. Anyone who deliberately ends a life that has already begun has, in my opinion, killed someone whether it is an adult or a baby. This is my offical stand as a Christian.
(By the way, I looked at your picture on your profile and I would like to put in my two cents; no matter what you say, I'm almost positive you are not Jesus Christ. But that isn't the topic on this item. Maybe another time.)
In cases of self defense, which would include war, the Bible does not call the killing of another person murder
and provides refuge from being punished for such things.
I could see where abortions performed to save the life of the baby's mother could be considered a form of self-defense so I would not object to a law allowing that type of abortion, providing that the need for it was well documented.
Those who want abortion to stay legal are fond of saying that the people who object to it should offer to take care of the babies born to mother's who don't want them if we don't want to see the babies killed. The truth is, we do offer, but very few take us up on the offer. They are so eager to get rid of the inconvenience of carrying the baby to term that they abort it before anyone can step up to claim it.
Is it any wonder that the world is in such turmoil with nations rising against nations, and kids rebelling against their parents when innocent little babies are considered disposable waste and the killing of them is sanctioned by not only the government but by most of the citizens in our country? So sad but true.