Should I Push My 1st Grader? She Is Capable of So Much More.

My 1st grader - This is me and my best little 1st grader in the world.
@devideddi (1435)
United States
February 2, 2007 11:15pm CST
I started off her schooling at home. I home schooled her the kindergarten year only. I wanted to do it for the first few years but she wanted to be with other kids so badly I could not deny her that. Now she is in first grade and she makes all 100s on all tests. She makes all S's. Of course first grade does not have a's and b's. She has done all of this work before and more. At the first of the year they said they would test everyone to see what level they were on but they did not. I thought I would give it some time to see how things go and then maybe say something to the teacher. Now it is the second half of the school year and she is still doing better than good. While the teacher is giving them 7+8 she can do 777+888. Her reading is good and just a little above average. Yet the spelling they are given boy,ball,this,see,say and she can spell great,heater,picture,fresh. She knows to,two and too. She knows knight and night. Now, my 18 year old daughter who is graduating with honers this year says that I should not say anything to teacher and just let her keep going with the class for the simple reason this is building up her confidence that she will need as she goes. And If she has to work to hard at what she is she may loose that confidence and get discouraged with possible lower grades. To her anything less than A/100/perfect is very hard to deal with and she does not wish that way of thinking on her little sister. My question to you is your opinion on letting her stay at this pace when she is capable of doing more or ask the teacher for adjusted work to better suit her level of learning? sorry so long
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49 responses
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
3 Feb 07
well in that case i have to ask the teachers opinion or evaluation regarding your daughters performance if she says she have to accelerate the child then ...great...but if not just dont put some ideas into your childs head about it ok...
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
13 Feb 07
There are many ways to encourage and you can go above the curriculum and provide extra encouragement just be careful not to make it seem like work to the child.
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Maybe you can let her go on doing what she does, regualr schooling, but then you don't wanna disregard the potential you see in her. Maybe you can ask the school for an IQ examination and see whether her IQ is really above average for her age or might just be superior and if so maybe the school can prepare her to get advanced class or something. There are gifted children out there and they know more than the normal kid their age does, so try to look for ways to harnest that skill, but then if your daughter enjoys her regualr classes more then let her be, there's no greater joy than knowing your child is happy right?
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• China
3 Feb 07
but teacher gives according to age only,if not girl will be back in comparing to other kids,that isnot good for her life.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
3 Feb 07
Your young daughter is gifted. Don't push her, or make her jump a year level. Your older daughter is on the right pathwith her ideas. Give her lots of after school extensions. Art work, learning an instrument, dancing, puzzle books, etc. There is a lot you can do. My daughter is gifted, & she was always doing art/craft work at home, learning the piano & guitar, swimming, horse riding, building, etc. She is now in year 9 at high school and is in the gifted class. Gifted children often have other issues to deal with. Also, you may like to get her assessed, which can be expensive. Look up for a "gifted association" in your local area. They offer heaps of support & ideas to keep your daughter motivated. Good Luck
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
I think you should push her more. Maybe she's not that aware or confident that she can do much better, even though she knows deep inside. My sister's son is also like that. I feel as if my sister isnt pushing him at all, and he really needs it.
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• United States
3 Feb 07
You know, for the rest of this school year, leave her be. However, for next year, if she is still doing as well, start to push her more.
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
13 Feb 07
always have high expectations but dont punish if they arent reached reward when the effort is there and just let it go when it is not. If it isnt negative then dont punish.
@mansha (6298)
• India
3 Feb 07
I feel you should let her stay where she is. If you want you can at home give her some puzzles suited to her level and interacting games to make her play and learn. just do not push her in to doing more she iss too small to be pushed. I have seenso many kids doing so well till fourth and fifth grade and then finding it difficult. Just wait for her to grow up more. Learning through play way method is the best bet for you. Read about it and give her tasks to complete while playing that way she will not feel pushed to learn and will learn faster too.
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@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
3 Feb 07
My kids were both very bright, and one was in the gifted program. They changed the criteria before my second one came along.Her scores were just as high. In my school district they will not test and label gifted students until about the middle of the second grade. For now your oldest daughter has the right idea. You also are right to keep giving her stimulating things to do at home. She will rise to it.Actually my child who was not labeled gifted got the better end of the deal, as she still was allowed to move into classes at her own level. College is a long way away, but many community colleges will allow students to take courses as soon as they turn 16. Your public school will not tell you this, but keep it in mind. Still, let her be a little girl. My kids loved a gift their aunt made for them. She got thought problem books and copied appropriate ones, plus their answers and made workbooks for my two.Good luck, keep learning fun.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Let her stay at school now that she is there. You can continue her teaching at home. I too had an easy time at school and just went along having fun as the other kids learning and I just performed. Wish my Mom had given me things to do at home. Later I began to read every book I could get my hands on and finally in high school my Mother told them that I was bored and needed more. They refused. I ended up going to vocational school. Thankful for that. My point is you know your daughter and can give her the challenges she needs. At some point the school may find out and care how smart she is. Good luck with this. She is a treasure!
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@rsa101 (38328)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
First of all I would like to congratulate you for being such a very wonderful mom at that. You made your child an achiever as you've told your eldest daughter is graduating with honors. But I guess your daughter is right about letting her go and stay at her level. Do not hurry her up in her education. I believe she needs to enjoy her childhood she has so many to explore in school not just for the brains but for her social skills to improve. There are also other things she may have interest like in arts and many other things. Life is not all words or numbers there are other things that she needs to learn by herself and should not be hurried up. I would say you continue teaching her in her studies. Then the rest leave it to her to enjoy her life too.
@srlxmi (253)
• India
6 Feb 07
isnt here anything like double promotion there..?if she's capable of mch more then there is nothing wrong in giving her other oppurtunities to do better...buti think its better if she's just left alone...for the time being at least..she's just in gr1 now...she's got lots of time ahead...and she has the interest to do well which not all kids have...and one thing that is very important as you've mentioned is that she should not have a feeling anything les than 100 is failure...she should know how to face failures...she sholud learn from her mistakes..there is this kid i know who is always first in anything he took part in(11yrs old)..once he came second in something...he was so devastated that he and his mom refused to come out of their house for a whole she should know that scoring bad is also possible and there's nothing wrong in it...just that she should learn from it...
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
3 Feb 07
So, the question is, howis yourdaughter going to cope when she runs into something she doesn't know? I suspect that your daughter is slightly behind socially because she has always been around only adults. l think you will find that she will fit in just finewhere she is, Don't push, let her learn at her own speed
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@brihanna (381)
• United States
6 Feb 07
It seems as if you did a really good job homeschooling your child. I kept my children home for a while, and because it was so fustrating to see them not being challenged in the public schools, I ended up sending them to private schools where they could advance a little more. I would not push her to advance to another grade, as she will be the youngest-at puberty, at driver's ed, and at general maturity. Her confidence will be wonderful, and when the school starts more advanced teaching, she will be a little ahead of the game. You can always continue to homeschool her on the weekends, and give her projects to work on that will challenge her. Good luck and good job!!!
@loray143 (485)
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
maybe you should have her accelerated to 2nd grade or 3rd grade ... just a little challenge on her side... not to abrupt...
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I do see your other daughter's point that it will boost her self confidence. But at the same time, with her not having to try may not be teaching her anything either. Since this is her first year, maybe YOU can still teach her at home to keep her ahead of the game. Then, once she is into the swing of things, maybe next year mention something to the teacher about testing her to see if she would be able to go into a class that is more accelerated. But this year, the teacher and your daughter is just getting acclimated. So, I agree with you daughter for this year. Let it build her confidence. :)
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
Oh have a gifted child over there..You are soo lucky..:)..Don't push her so much though..let her enjoy what a kid has to enjoy..We only become kids once. Since she is already doing good in class and in everything..Let her be...Just be out for the look out for parental guidance when she needs it...Don't make a nerd out of your child.Let this kid grow at her own pace...Talk to the teacher when there is a problem..and I don't see one so don't.
@apky12 (769)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I agree with your older daughter. I wouldn't push her at all. It might make her not like school. It doesn't sound like she is bored. If she was extremely bored or the teacher thought she should test out then I would look into it but it sounds like your daughter is happy where she's at. Also, school is about socialization too and she may be extremely happy where she is in that area right now in this class.
• United States
4 Feb 07
She sounds very intelligent. I would keep her were she's at, but incourage her, and perhaps go over more difficult things with her at home. Keep her spelling and math skills up..they're very important. Sounds like your doing great though so perhaps keep up on whatever your doing.
• United States
4 Feb 07
I think that you should speak with the teacher/school and have her tested for being GAT (Gifted and Talented). My personal experience was that in high school, I was in honors classes, but they refused to test me because I struggled with math and science a bit. I also have problems when I get a B or lower on a test as well (I am currently enrolled in a community college with plans to transfer) and I think that for me it's because I am having to constantly prove to myself that I *am* G&T, even though I was never labelled so in high school. She needs to be challenged, or else she will grow bored with school. These are part of the reasons why I want to be an educator for K-3 myself, to help children learn and to make sure that everyone who need help, either more challenging or less, get the education that they deserve.