Life, society, human kind, would have ben better off without religion
By soadnot
@soadnot (1606)
February 6, 2007 12:14am CST
if there was no religion, our civilization would have been 10 times more advanced. ever since the crusades it has slowed down scientific discovery. it scared people into believing the world was square and at the center of the universe, exploration became screwed over. The compass was held back many years because of it. Etc, etc..
now its abortion and cloning.
It seems like the only people nowadays who follow
religion are uneducated. studies show that atheists have a higher IQ than religious individuals. Also, studies show that the majority of students loose their faith after entering college/university. we can live without religion, it splits us up even more than race does. There is no proof that any religion is real. There is proof however that religion is fake.
God on the other hand, there is no proof for either side.
The most spiritual journey one can take is one away from the conventional god. and after all this, the few extremists that still stand to face logic with ignorance, their only defence.
they tell us to open our hearts, and we tell them to open their eyes.
they are just a bunch of brainwashed conformists zombies racing to their graves.
but what do you think?
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35 responses
@cerium (689)
6 Feb 07
Nonesense. I see no logic at all in what you are saying. If you read history, you'll see that religion (whether it was true or not) was a motivation in scientific research and the progress of civilizations. Take a look at ancient Greeks and ancient Egyptians. Both were holding tightly to their religion and yet their work is still affecting us till now. Even after christianity, the progress in science was impressive. Isaac Newton (whose laws are now considered as scientific facts) was a Christian. Even during the peak of the Islamic world, many scientist contributed to science that we still use today. For example, the Algebra that is used in all universities arround the world is due to the works of the Muslim scientis "Al Khawarizmy" (the word Algorithm is derived from his name). So there is no point at all in saying that athiests have higher IQ. I know many university graduates who are still religious. Even in the USA , there are scientist who believe in God and are religious too. You said that religion divides (which is true only in the case of extremmists), but athiesm fails totally in adressing the moral issues too. So, since religion was not an obstacle for science before, then why consider ir now?
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
1. religion could have been a motivation for scientific research, i agree, but relgion also held it back, examples are in the feilds of chemistry (which back then they called chemisits, witchs!), biology (because nobody believed in surgery), physics (especialy here because it explains life in a totally diffrent view, quantim physics. its funny cuz einstien came up with it, then denied its existance because he was a jew. this goes back to my "brainwashing" thread, you should read it.) and many inventions (like the compass).
2. the greeks never actualy tried to question their own gods, they are known for their math and scientific outlooks. this goes back to my brainwashing thread
3. isaac newton andpeople of that time had no choice but to be christian. there is no evidance that newton practiced his religion.
4. algoritthm was made by a persian mathematician named khwarizmi. There is no evidence, again, that he practiced his religion more than he had to, it was the law.
5. so what? again, they had no choice because they were ridiculed. only now, obama, a muslim politician is running, thats the first time in history that someone has been sworn in using the koran. imagine if newton was a muslim, or an athiest, he would have been hung!
like i said, they had no choice.
6. religion was and still is an obstical, which is only now being lifted
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@adik13 (26)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
hey bad things happen to force something good.
if you think that religion did some horrible things to held back the advncement of society, its for the best.
atleast now you have appreciation for chemistry, algebra etc. and many people do, and with appreciation passion could grow, and with passion people will work better, goals will be all that matters, seeking for knowledge will be unsatisfied.
although its a fallacy for me to say that its the only way to have passion. but still its also a fallacy to state that humans would have been better off without religion.
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@cerium (689)
6 Feb 07
Why pointing out to totally another discussion? What does brainwashing has to do with this? These scientific discoveries were all done in a religious community and even if they were brain washed (as you suggested) still they had high IQ, right?
Your answer shows lack of information as chemistry was always part of science in these civilizations. Geber (or Jabir Ibn Hayan) was a well known Muslim chemist. He was known to be deeply religious. Chemistry was widely used back in ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Same goes to physics. I don't know where did you get that information. As to your claims about Einestien, they are also untrue. Einestein didn't deny his work as he wasn't that religious.
As for Newton, you are totally wrong. He has many writings concerniing religion, and if you think he was brainwashed (as you always suggest), he was not. He challenged his church and questioned the idea of trinity, but still he was deeply religious. As for Al Khawarizmi, history says he was practicing. I don't know what kind of evidence you need to be sure? Maybe a time machine!!!
Religion was never an obstacle as it was a motivation. In some instances where extremists opposed new ideas such that of Gallileo. It doesn't mean it's an obstacle as extremists (even within athiests) will always be there. Even these days athiest don't want to question evolution and they consider it a fact (while it's just a theory).

@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
6 Feb 07
You just cannot say that, in my opinion, for a number of reasons.
First Religion kept knowledge in the dark ages, where not the monasteries and monks copying books, many more would be lost.
Second, while it is true that many times religion used its power to hinder scientific advance, like we or not, religion is one of the things that shaped western society for good and evil. Without religion it is impossible to tell if United States of America would be bigger, smaller or exact the same they are today, and the same goes to South America, Central America and every other country in the world. Much of the morality of the world was and is influenced by religion.
For example, there are people that looked to understand the world inspired by a desire to understand god's work.
How can we say what would be the world if there was never a christ? We could still have slaves, or not. It is such a huge amount of variables to understand that it is plainly impossible to say it for sure.
Religion does a lot of bad things ? In my opinion, yes.
We would be better if more people stopped being religious? In my opinion, yes.
The world would be better if there was never a religion? I can't say yes or no.
Just to make it clear : I am an atheist, and that does not mean that I hate religion and want to see it extinct, what will be of religion is a matter beyond my hands, in my opinion everyone must decide for himself and cannot impose its views on other people.

@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
6 Feb 07
I know that many books were burned because religion, the point is not that. I am not defending religion here, what I am saying is that It is impossible to say that we would be more advanced without religion than we are today.
Christianity wiped out old greek and roman religions, so what? You seems to be against ALL religions, not only those.
Go study, and discover, in the middle ages, where most of the knowledge contained in books were preserved. Like or not, they preserved it. Without them all the preserved wisdom from ancient greece would have to be rediscovered.
Moral and religions differ, but religion has influence on society moral, it is a fact, we can create thousands of historical possibilites to develop in a world without religion, many good, bad, neutral.
Religion provided a explanation for these fears and events that for our standards today is a bad explanation. But it served to group people together, give the people a direction.
Do you think that it is easy to ALL people to even consider the possibility that there is no after life? Nothing more, that all ends here? It is a possibility, a debilitating one for many people. For me it gives more strength to pursue my objectives, but for others it could lead them to a state of total depression. If most of the ancient society reacted like that?
My point is : When we start creating theories anything is possible :
Nazis could have won the World War II. If they had a better strategy, how would be the world today? Dominated by them? Or only europe would be Nazist and America would keep them away? See, in the field of possibilities anything is possible, and it is impossible to PROVE that we would be more or less advanced than we are today.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
guess how many religions romans and greeks took out?
and they were both fighting the persians (zoroastrians who had 1 god) for their religion.
they were perseved because at the time the books were found in persia and greece as well, no big deal, its not like they can erase history forever, it will leak out sooner or later.
yes, morals and religions do differ, but im not sure where your taking this argument
group people together, give people a direction, hmm i think thats called a "society" and you dont need religion to have a society now do we?
hmm, after life is part of the group of things that cannot be proven right or wrong, because then we would need to get into a debate on spirit.
more strength to persue your objectives? that "Strength" is artificial, and can only be made inside of you, you dont need religion to do this. look at nature, what drives them to strive to survive?
depression has only been a problem for the last 100 years because more people are relizing the "truth" (as i call it) they are waking up and opening ther eyes, and they dont like what they see.
your point is pointless.
my question here was "would we be better religion off without religion?" i gave my point of view, now people are supposed to argue for or against it. its common sense.
and now your rambling about nazis
if you had a question like, "if nazis had taken europe, would they have had a chance to take the world?"
that would have been a good question
now "how would be the world today?"
everybody knows that already, we would all be god fearing, white and german with mostly blue eyes and blond hair. why would you even ask that simple question that requires very little thought.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
1.actually, do you know how many books were burned because of religion?
the religion of mithraism was wiped out because of christianity.
libraries are diffrent from temples/church/monastaries/mosks etc.
2. aw yes, the debate on good and evil, this is a totally diffrent subject which i will not get into. all i can say is, we are beyond good and evil.
3. like i said morals and religions are diffrent.
4. if there was never a religion, fear would have needed to be resolved another way, through analysis and observation and experimentation, other words, science.
now do you see what i meen? without religion, we would have been far more advanced!
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@mansha (6298)
• India
6 Feb 07
I am not against religion but I also do not favor non-believers. I hate extremists of any kind. I think hate or love evrything has to be in moderation. If you are extremist thinker that will make you rigid and you will not allow progress of any kind. I think even those who are religious shopuld be liberal; and make science and religion two seprate things with common agenda s betterment of human kind. My point simply is humanity should be upmost and then everything else should follow.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
debating is what advances our civiliztion. i am not an extremist, i look at the logical facts
for example, im not sure if there is a god because there arent enough facts for both sides..
i am not an extremist of athiesm, because there have been times that i debate with athiests as well, on what happens to us when we die for example.
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@mtambudzi (26)
• Zimbabwe
6 Feb 07
l tend to disagree l think wihtout religion civilisation would have been 100 times more behind.l used to have the same views before l had my eyes opened.Christianity l believe hs a lot to offer to this troubled world.Tried read the bibleand see what GOD has for you and the world.Read the BIBLE and see all the prophesies made manifesting before you.Give JESUS CHRIST yourn life and let be changed for the better and for ever
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@adik13 (26)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
ahm, i dont believe in the bible either, because its self-contradicting and so f*cking hard to understand, but you see, its not meant to be taken literally, 7days is only a representation that the author used because it was meant for people who are not as intellectually advance as you are, it was written thousands of years ago for people who cannot yet comprehend the meaning of "a long long long time" which now as we know it as "billions of years".
@adik13 (26)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
ahm, i dont believe in the bible either, because its self-contradicting and so f*cking hard to understand, but you see, its not meant to be taken literally, 7days is only a representation that the author used because it was meant for people who are not as intellectually advance as you are, it was written thousands of years ago for people who cannot yet comprehend the meaning of "a long long long time" which now as we know it as "billions of years".
@Ishkhara (22)
• Romania
6 Feb 07
Do you realise what you have just done?? You put everybody who actually do believe in God in the category : stupid. Faith is not a sign of lack of knowledge. I think that if u have faith, u have moral principles that can help you guide ur life. Do you honestly think that the 10 commandments are wrong, and that if you kill, cheat, lie society is going to benefit from these and evolve? And another thing. The real problem is the fact that people do not respect others' religion. People must believe in something or someone. It has been proven that a superior power does exist. The fact that this world that we live on exists, is a proof that a better one exists(or somebody more evolved created it).
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
1. i did that on purpose to have a debate, i dont need more athiests fighting for me because i can do that myself.
2. faith = believing in something without proof, therfor, it basicly is lack of proof, lack of knowledge.
3. morals are diffrent from religions
4. the 10 commandments are part of "morals" because they were in peoples hearts and minds way before the koran, the bible and torah. it has been discoverd in mesopotamia, which is the oldest known civilization.
5. when you are debating, you dont need to necaseraly respect the others. I respect the others until they lack the respect for me and attack me personaly (you will go to hell, or when they try to convert me etc).
6. Prove to me that a superior power exists. It has been proven that he does NOT exist. look at my other threads for this. GOD is diffrent from religion. you dont need religion to believe in god. Im not even sure if i do yet, cuz it lacks evidence from both sides. However, it has been proven that there cant be an omnipotent/perfect god, and if he is not, he does not deserve to be worshiped.
7. you say it has been proven without proving it to me.
8. I am not debating the existance of god here, re read the thread please. and what your saying is not true but im not going to get into that because that is not what im debating in this thread.
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@adik13 (26)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Superior power do exist.
i read in an article about it in NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAG.
everything in the world is made up of energy. all that exist as we know it (galaxies, stars, vast universe) are made up of energy. and based on their research "so far" that there is one single thread of constant energy that can be found in everything that exist. (they even provided a mathematical equation to prove it) its just a thread that binds and connects each and everything that physically exists. and if one of us even if its just a dust in the air would get disconnected then all of us will cease to exist because the balance will be gone.
i think this energy would also fit the definition of a GOD
God Pure Energy
=no beginning no end =cannot be broken cannot be
=reason of our existence =what we're made out of
=made by his image and =were energy but charged
likeness positively and negatively
am i way out of the topic? sorry =)
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@Marcus159 (17)
6 Feb 07
Well if there was no religion, people would start wondering and eventually create one.
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@inspired_prodigy (89)
• India
6 Feb 07
you have a point but its human nature to fear and revere what we are afraid of or dont understand.
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@mrmatts (87)
• Malaysia
6 Feb 07
I really doubt it. Without religion to guide us, we would presumebly be more evil, more violent, more warlike.
We would be like animals tearing at each others throat.
Many people would die and there would be little peace on earth.
Look, for example, the natives who have no religion - they hunted, they kill each other and they are like savage beasts.
Such places like Africa and Papua New Guinea are filled with such tribes until recently and maybe still do.
Without religion, the world would not be civilized. Man needs God to fill the void in him. Man needs God because God make man so.
Remember, God make Adam and Eve to be companions to God.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
WOW. I think you should not be even consider posting these things. What we may know as "savage" may not be "savage" to them. Actually, it was the natives people RELIIGION that caused them to do these things. If they were the "powerful ones" and came to england and converted everybody into that religion, we would thing that christianity is savage.
what you said is the peak of ignorance and i suggest you donot reply.
morals and religion is diffrent, if we had no morals we would be in war. relgion has brought war.
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@disillusion (3)
• United States
7 Feb 07
We need to look at the reason for every war in history. Fighting for our own beleifs. We would not be more "warlike" without religion. Religion creates war no matter how you look at it. People as a whole will never all agree to the same religion(view of life) and until then we will have war.
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Well, let's see, most technological advances are first made by the military during or perparing for war. War is a conflict between two peoples of differing goals and ideals. Many of these goals and ideals are based on religion. So, you could actually say that without religion, there would be less war and therefore we would be far LESS technologically advanced.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I disagree. Just because we'd be more scientifically advanced does NOT mean we'd be better off as human beings. Religion as a rule teaches a certain set of morals..and having hearts is what makes us doesn't exactly support the belief of the soul..since it prefers to focus solely on the physical.
And what about religious scientists?? The first scientists EVER were how could they be more stupid than the people that believed in nothing and weren't even inventing anything at the time?
A few statistics alone prove nada. Once again, I believe you're being too general. The world contains waay more than a billion people. A billion people's not even one country..we've countries up the wazoo and you can't generalize people. If you do you get a very narrow, fractured view of people..and it's incomplete. You have to look at all the factors, the variables, the religions, the lifetyles..peoples' backgrounds..and then you'll get a better idea of the big picture.
Unity would be nice, but people will always disagree..whether we have religion or not. Religion when viewed by a decent human being is a wonderful thing. We COULD be united in how different we all but until then..we'll never be able to be truly united. Conformity's stupid..that's blindly following something..which is never good. But then again if we're all noncomformists e'll STILL probably never accept eachother. Until humanity reaches a state where we're all accepting and wise the world will never know a whole lot of's just the way it is.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
14 Feb 07
i replied to this long time ago but it screwd up so i gave up and now im doing it again =(
Morals and religions are 2 different things.
Spirituality and religion are 2 different things. I never said anyone was stupid, i said 90% of the 8% of atheists in America have a degree, unlike the 40% of the 92% of Religious people in America which have a degree.
The first scientists... hmm, who were the first scientists? Most experts believed it was the alchemists who experimented with rocks and metals to create gold, and guess who hunted them down? thats right! religion! calling them sorcerers and witches! Chasing them with their pitchforks and torches!
"A billion people's not even one country." - population of china 1,313,973,713 and growing. the world contains roughly 6 billion and growing.
I don't know what your trying to argue with the unity stuff? I showed the statistics America, not the world, thanks for teaching me the science of variables.
Religion viewed by an educated individual would see that it is nothing more than people struggling for power and money
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@sevnthjuly (913)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
ok. where do we let science and religion meet? one thing has to have a creator for it to be created. no person can be better off with his inner self. religion is something that gives you that feeling that somewhere out there beyond man's reach is a light that would actually give us eternal life. we are obviously in a worldly environment where we only believe what we see. no one has ever been with God even if the bible tells so that he really existed or oftentimes man have proofs that He did exixt but, no one seems to bother. as for me i cant live without my God.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
god and religion are 2 diffrent things
the feeling you get from religion is artificial, because you feel like you know why everything is the way it is, but really you have no freakin idea.. lol..i know this cuz i used to be religious.
good luck to you
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@jyoraw (20)
• India
7 Feb 07
all the religion in the world preach the same thing: THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD. but often people fail to understand this underlying thought.
its not important to be religious. but its necessary to be spiritual to keep balance between body, mind and soul.
we can be spiritual without being religious.
rather spirituality is what we need in this age of terrorism to bring peace and harmony in world!
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@michelledarcy (5220)
6 Feb 07
I think you are being a bit narrow minded. I feel that people turn to religion because they are scared about the unknown and want to believe that there is something controlling our lives because it is scary to take total responsibility for ourselves.
I do think that religion causes a lot of problems but if it wasn't there I think there would be something else to replace it. I don't think people like the uncertainty so have to believe in something.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
1.please dont make this personal, just explain why you disagree and dont call names.
2. i agree, fear of the unknown and the want to exist are the only reasons people turn to religion
3. religion and fear could have been replaced by facing those fears and studing why you fear these things. if we had done this our civilizations would have been 100 times more advanced.
4. i agree with the last 2 statments, but religion would have been replaced by what i said in #3.
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@tarunbhatia (160)
• India
6 Feb 07
well saying that "if religion was not there......." like saying that "if i had a genie i would be the richest man of the world"...we can not take it like that....these are the facts we have to face them and make our way out.if leaders had gathered people in name of religion for wars we can gather them for good cause in name of religion
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
its called "debating".
my question is would the world be better if there was no religion to start with?
and you answer with your opinion
I could say this with anything
do you think i would be happier with a car or bike?
i meen, come on, say something worth responding too, use common sense..
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@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
7 Feb 07
To some extent I do agree. So many wars and other atrocities would have been avoided. There wouldn't be tension between religious groups and there would be no ongoing debate about which religion was the true one.
But on the other hand, if no one believed in an afterlife would we be as well behaved? And religion fills a void in many people's lives so what would people in general be like without that added dimension?

@kltejeda (101)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I agree but i don't reality...if you think about humanity...if everyone was atheist, we would be fighting about who has the right theory of atheism. We would be fighting about who's theory about God's none existance was true. As humans, we fight, just as any animal fights....NO WAR would have been evaded. WWI and II was not a religius war...and I guarantee that WWIII will not be eiether.

@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
6 Feb 07
First of all, religious people are not uneducated. To make such a generalization is clearly absurd. This is just like saying all Americans are fat, lazy pigs, which is certainly untrue as well. Both my wife and myself hold Bachelor's degrees. I obtained my Finance degree with a 4.0 and on the Dean's list and my wife with her degree in Nursing finished somewhere in the range of 3.9. She is a RN now, and I work as an independent broker. I grew up a Catholic, went to Catholic schools, and my mother was a teacher in a Catholic school. I shunned religion when I went to college, as you stated some do, and I believe this is true. I believe this because it is the first time many can be out on there own and start to discover what the world has beyond their parent's home. This is a good thing, as we all need to think for ourselves. I came back to religion, mainly Christianity, about two years ago and I wouldn't change a thing. I can accept the fact that there might not be a God, but my personal belief is that there is a God who loves us and wants us to live truly good lives. Religion does split us up way too much. It is because of extremists who are doing this. This is the same as saying all Muslims are terroists, which is a truly absurd comment as well. True religious people are kind, caring, and loving, and they do not fight in the name of God, but they spread love in the name of God. If all people who claim they are a certain religion actually lived the way they believed in, the world would not be the way it is. It is sad that religion causes a ton of wars, as it is not meant to do that at all. I think the world needs to have religion, but more people need to take the religion as it was meant to be taught and not just interpret it their own way for their own personal gain. I respect your opinion and beliefs as an atheist, as you choose to believe there is no God. That is fine with me, and I am sure you are a great person. I just believe in God and live my life according to the teachings of Jesus, which is to love your neighbor as you would love yourself. I love this teaching and I live my life in these words. Take care.

@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Since you seem to like to do lists, that is how I will respond.
1. Your own words were "It seems nowadays the only people who follow religion are uneducated." Yes, you said about a survey in the next sentence, but be careful how you word your arguments in the future, as they can be misinterpreted easily.
2. God and religion go hand in hand. All religions are based on God, a god, many gods, another type of higher power, or earthly symbols. This is true with all religions.
3. I agree with you that true religious people who actually follow the true teachings of their particular religion are unfortunately dwindling.
4. While I am stating my beliefs, I am also stating how it helps me and others like me in the world. I am better off with my religion and teachings just like so many others in the world. This is my argument against yours argument that religion is basically worthless. People need organization and leadership, and religion provides that. You don't need to follow a religion to believe in God, but I feel that being with others who believe the same thing is good for the human heart. Religion also helps society out a lot, as most churches are extremely involved in the community by helping those less fortunate then others. This is a great thing religion does, as it helps organize good people who have a tough time succeeding alone, but in a like-minded group, can do great things.
You have your opinions and I have mine, so I take no offense to any of your comments because that is your belief. I have mine, and you have yours, and no one can change my position, even though I will listen to any intelligent argument and present my opinion as well.
@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Lists are fine to use as it is a way to separate your ideas. Most people just use paragraphs, but to each their own. So here we go again.
1. You called religious people uneducated and you never explained what uneducated meant in your terms or what the study considered. So of course people are going to take it as you are calling them basically stupid. Reread your own comments and tell people what you really mean next time.
2. What is different about religion and a higher being, or God? All religions center around a higher power or something that they worship, do they not? That is how religion and god or a higher power are alike.
3. We agreed on this.
4. Read my statement again. A religion needs a God or higher power, but you do not need a religion to believe in God. You don't have to be affiliated with a religion to believe in God, Buddha, a tree, or any other higher being. Religion brings people together who have similar beliefs. Believing in a higher power does not automatically make you a part of a religion. Those are two different things. Read the statements carefully before you make assumptions. It seems you like to read into things that are not there, and that is not only with my post, but with others that I have read. I started to read your brainwashing thread, but it was the same thing that I read before from another member on here. Thomas73 is that member, and he makes wonderful points on his end and projects them wonderfully and intelligently. Please, if you are going to debate online, download a spellchecker or brush up on your spelling, as it distracts from the points you try to make.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
1. survey vs generalization.
i said the majority, and it is a fact. the % of athiests who are smart vs thr % of religious people who are smart, the athiests are smarter. and by smart i meen having a university degree.
2. god and religion are 2 diffrent things
3. these "true" religious people are lowering in population i presume..
4. your not really arguing just stating your personal beliefs. and no, im not sure if i believe in god or not. im sure 100% that religion is BS (no offence lol) but there isnt enough evidance about god for either side.
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@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Great post. I do agree with you. I'm a firm believer in God, but I don't belong to any sectarian or organized religion. I feel that God can only be truly undestood if one abandons all sectarian belief systems. What are religions any more than different interpretations of someones understanding of a revealed scripture? What are religions any more than a tool to gain power over masses of people, to make money, to manipulate and intimidate? We need to both open our hearts and eyes, and use our brains, you know...think...(what a concept, huh?)
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
well ofcourse, but im not just talking about war here. Im talking about bookburning, wiping out other religions, fighting for power through religions, money and my major argument is that without religon, we would have been 100 times more advanced..
@flubula (40)
• United States
10 Feb 07
If you look at book burnings as simply the by product of one institution of
power competing with and or oppressing another institution of power, and not
simply as the result of religious direction or intolerance to religion, then
perhaps one can imagine these things happening even in the absense of
religion. Realistically religion was the first form of civil control and hense
government. I don't think
having or not having religion changes anything about humanities tendency
toward intolerance. In fact there is a real world example. China during the
cultural revolution. The chinese government beyond actively suppressing any
religious expressions in the Peoples Republic also burned any books that
it felt would threaten its doctrine that were not of a religious nature.