My parents won't stop smoking around son with respitory problems!
By KodiakMom
@KodiakMom (5)
United States
February 7, 2007 3:39pm CST
My son is a little over a year old, since he was born he has struggled with RSV, Pneumonia (6 times), 8 ear infections, a 12 week oral thrush battle and various viral infections. My parents are both smokers and I have requested to them that they don't smoke when my son is in their house. They have never watched or babysat him for me so it's not a matter of them doing it when I'm not around. They will stop for like a day after I bring it up again but then it's right back to one ciggarette after another, sometimes when they are holding him. My son's respitory problems are so bad he is being refferred to a Pediatric Pulmonologist and a Pediatric Immunologist. I don't want to deprive them of their grandson but I need to draw the line somewhere!! Alot of times we are there for dinner or another gathering and I don't want to mess up the whole dinner or party but he's my son and he comes first. Anyone know of a nice but really really firm way to get this point across??
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62 responses
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
It's unfortunate that your parents can't put their own needs aside for the health or your son, and it's going to leave you with some difficult decisions to make. It really comes down to whats more important.
You've tried to talk to them, they understand the issue, but they choose not to take the precautions necessary to protect your son. So you're really left with only one choice. Don't allow your son to be around them anymore. Hopefully they'll quickly get the point and restrict their smoking around him, but if they don't, or if they get angry or resentful, you're doing what is in your sons best interests.
Now, I understand the smoking addiction, I'm a smoker. But, if it's a matter of my smoking or the health of my children, there's no choice involved, it's default. My kids come first. And the fact that your parents haven't respected your sons health sort of makes the choice for you.
I'm sure it won't be easy, in fact it's likely to be damn difficult, but what can you do? Your sons health is first priority, and appeasing your parents is second. So restrict access until they get the point. My guess would be they'll come around rather quickly once they realize how serious the issue is.
Good luck :)
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
7 Feb 07
He needs to not be around the smoke. you're not depriving them if you don't let them see him, but they may definitely be depriving you of him totally if they keep it up.I don't see a hard decision here.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
7 Feb 07
My parents and Mother in Law smoke too and we asked them from the day our first child was born not to smoke near him and even to not just have one and then hold him... It took a few times of repeating ourselves before they listern.
I would just assume after your son have respitory problems they would have the consideration of him.... Plainly state to them it is simply not safe for him to be around it...
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
It may sound disrespectful but you need to be firm in telling them that they need to stop smoking when your son is around. Explain the seriousness of your son's illness, show them the test results (if possible) and the doctor's prescriptions for them to realize that it's wrong to smoke around your son. Don't get tired of telling them until they follow your request, if not then you don't have a choice but to take your son away when they start smoking. Yes it's wrong to deprive them with your son's presence but his health must come first.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Gees, I can give my mom some credit. When my niece brings her daughter to my parents house. My mom will smoke outside. She's so scared that the smoke will trigger something. My niece's daughter is 2 but she was born really early. My mom will even tell my niece that she can't come to her house if the house is to cold, they have wood heat. Or if someone in the house is sick.
What you have to do is put your foot down and be cold hearted. Your child comes first, eventhough that's your mom and dad. Tell them that you love them, but you have to make sure your son doesn't get sick. And everytime you bring him to there house you have to take him to the doctor for breathing treatments or what not, and that's not good. That you will not be bringing him there again til they can stop smoking inside. If they want to see him, they will have to come to your house and there is no smoking inside your home.
I smoke, but I also smoke outside. It's sad that your parents smoking is more important than there grandson. Good luck with this, just make sure when you talk to your parents that your sincere, upfront and direct with them. Maybe telling them, that you will not be bringing him to there home will be a wake up call.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
7 Feb 07
That is terrible, poor guy. Sometimes, there is no easy way to say these kinds of things. However, I have learned that once you really explain the seriousness of the issue, and once it is clear to them, they will stop the smoking. I have family members that smoke, (no one in my immediate family smokes, but that does not mean that the others, like cousins and uncles don't), it took a while for them to realize that we were serious when we said no smoking in the house. I remember saying that I could not breathe and it was very frustrating for me not being able to even lift my head and I get very bad sinus. I recommend saying, truthfully to them, that it is hurting their grandson more than they could imagine. He suffers in their presence and if it comes down to it, the only time they will be able to see him is when they come to your house, since he cannot, and I repeat cannot, be around smoke. It is dangerous to his health and well being, and if they really cared about him and you, they would not harm him in anyway. It takes a couple of minutes to smoke outside, there is no reason for them not to. I, for one, cannot stand when everything in the house smells like smoke. Hopefully they will begin to understand. Sometimes, it just comes down to what really matters in our lives, and in this case, it is the health of your child. Speak up, do not be afraid, if they do not understand, that is too bad for them. Your child will thank you.
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@rosettaresearch (1285)
• United States
8 Feb 07
You need to stand your ground. WHat is more important your child's health or a gathering at your parents' house? You need to flat out tell them, "If you smoke, I will not bring my son over." Then stick to it. They get doing it because you let them get away it. If you stop letting them get away with it, they will stop doing it.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
8 Feb 07
If it was my parents I would tell them that next time they smoked in front of my child I wouldn't come and visit for a month. Then they would get the message. I know they are your parents and you want to be nice to them, but with something this serious I think you need to be direct.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
8 Feb 07
you may have to hurt thenm to get your point across they are addicts they cant stop
but you can be a responsible parent and refuse to visit as long as they wont at least stop in your presence maybe if you do so they will get your point !
make it clear they light up you leave!
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
8 Feb 07
someone has to be in controll in this situation a childs life and health is at stake I cant believe grandparents are so insensitive !
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
8 Feb 07
You have choices to be made here. Your sons health or your parents being allowed to smoke in front of him so they can see him. You may just have to tell your parents that you have to choose your sons health over them. Unless they can stop smoking long enough to see him; then they cant see him.
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@shybutreal2003 (66)
• United States
8 Feb 07
its your responsibility to take your child away from that knowing he has health problems
@morejong6435 (35)
• United States
8 Feb 07
you really just need to tell them how you feel about it. the fact that your son has the problem should be cause enough for the grandparents to stop smoking anywhere around the kid, and maybe be cause enough for them to quit all together. just tell them how you feel and hopefully it will work. I hope that your son gets better and that you come up with a way to tell them.
@patrhys (1)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
i think the only one who can help there maam is no other than but your parents only!Unless you can deprive them him from his grandparents.But if you can't your sons infections will become more serious.And your parents it self should know what are the outcomes of their vises to their grand son and to their selves! I think they needed a seminar maam!Seriously
@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
8 Feb 07
You are wrong. It is up to the mother to protect her child. It's not for her to control her parents.
This is what is wrong with the world...everyone wants to control someone for self-importance.
I say leave the parents alone...control not lest ye be controlled.
@weemam (13372)
13 Feb 07
My husband used to go out and when he came home the smell of smoke on his hair was enough to start my asthma of , There is a no smoking rule now in Scotland and it makes things a lot easier , He used to have a shower when he came home and that fixed it , You should just tell your parents that they have to come visit you as you can't take your baby into the smoky environment of their home and when they come to you they cant smoke , I have friends who visit me and they never smoke because they know I have asthma , If they don't accept that tell them that you will just have to visit them without your baby , They will miss him so much they will come visit and not smoke , your baby must come first he can't stand up for himself xx
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Well, you need to somehow Stress that your Son aka their grandson is very sick. You feel it is best you not bring him around them while they continue to choose to smoke due to his health problems. By you continuing to do so, could be making your Son worse instead of better, and wouldn't it be better to improve his life around him? I do wish you well with your son, and I am sure there are many out there Praying for him that will become aware of your situation. I wish you the Best.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I am sorry but have you had test run on the child that says smoke is the cause of his problems? Does he only get sick when he is around his grandparents smoke?
If these questions are yes, then you should keep the child in your home where you can make the rules. Your parents can come to your home and play with the child as much as they want as long as they don't smoke in your home. I am sorry to say if you are taking the child to their home it is not right to tell them what to do in their own home. I have never heard of smoke causeing ear infections but I am sure that the government will come out with a study saying it does.
I think if a specialist has run a test and smoking is the cause then you need to keep the child away. It is terrible but you must think of the child.
I am sorry your child is sick and I hope he gets better. I have asthma and smoking doesn't bother me half as much as someone who is wearing a ton of perfume. Good luck and I hope you can resolve this issue with your parents amicably.
@suzannaz (73)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I know that you don't want to disrupt family events but it soulds like they just take advantage of that to feed their addiction while your son is around.
Don't be afraid to leave a dinner if they light up and make it clear that you are leaving to protect your son from their nasty habits.
@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Dont takeyour son around them if you don't like them smoking. My brother had severe athsma as a childand both my parents smoked around all of us kids, It never affected my brother at all In fact he grew out of his athsma! So It prob won;t make a difference anyways. people make too big a deal out of the whole second hand smoke thing!
@LindaLou (483)
• Canada
8 Feb 07
This is no time to be nice. Not when your son's health is in the balance. You must show them that you mean business. It is not your choice to deprive them of their grandchild, but it is the choice THEY are making when they choose smokes over him. They are making the choice, not you. You have no choice but to choose your child's health over anything else. You have to protect him since he cannot protect himself. Bottom line, if they smoke, no grandson!
@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
8 Feb 07
The house is not hers. She is responsible to PROTECT her child.
I sense that there are other issues concerning her parents. I believe she thinks her parents were not good parents and she is TRYING to make them see that she is the better parent. Should this be so, then her only responsibility is to the child. She needs to protect him.
Butt out CHILDREN. Leave the parents alone.