How would you define happyness?

February 13, 2007 3:49am CST
I could say very well that i`ve been happy as i never dreamed in my life .. But yet there are few moments of happyness we can enjoy in our lives .. because other things get more important than ourselves or our beloved ones . I see happynes as a very pure thing .. a feeling that comes from deep inside .. and it has various causes .. We can get happy because we got the present we wished for .. because we got in the high-school we wanted to .. because the person who we love is always by our side .. and many other reasons .. What does happynes mean in your oppinion .. don`t we deserve to experience more of this feeling ?
14 responses
@alpha1000 (237)
• Egypt
13 Feb 07
Happiness is a pure feeling makes the one totally change from inside to the better,i find the real happiness in the real pure high love,this changes me totally,makes me like a butterfly,in fact im living this high pure real love,and im sure from every word i said,the real happiness is in the real pure high love
• Egypt
14 Feb 07
YES IT EXIST,and im living it,im in pure high real love with her,it is a feeling more than the word love,unnamed doesnt deserve the word deserves more than that..even the whole words of love in the world would not be enough to satisfy it
• Egypt
14 Feb 07
i don't deny that it is rare in my opinion the best thing that can make it pure is the distance ( but this is not a rule) be honest and look inside your self you have a very pure high love inside you,you just need to find the real pure honest one,then your life will be changed COMPLETELY
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• Romania
13 Feb 07
But does that real pure love exist .. for everyone ? Why didn`t i felt it ? :( I can`t say i`m not super inlove and loved .. but it`s not pure anymore .. :( .. why can`t we keep our love pure forever ?
@serenae (161)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Happiness to me is being able to be with my kids everyday. I love having them hug me and tell me how much they love me. That is my true happiness. It is the greatest feeling in the entire world. I would love to be able to stay in that moment forever.
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@serenae (161)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Yes it is the most wonderful thing in the world. I feel very lucky. This picture is of my youngest daughter she is 9 months
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• Romania
13 Feb 07
She`s adorable ! I love kids ! I just can`t wait to have one of my own too .. Ok .. i know i`m only 18 and probably that will happen after 5 -6 years .. but there are days when i think about how sweet would it be .. if i would have a little baby .. to take care of .. to play with and so on .. :) I think the happiest moments of my life will be the ones in which i`ll hold my little one in my hands for the first time .. :)
• Romania
13 Feb 07
:) I think that this is the most precious way of being happy too .. I look forward to have a lil` baby .. just to see the smile on his face day by day .. and to feel the worm little hugs they give .. i think that`s wonderfull .. isn`t it ?
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Feb 07
Happiness to me is a sense of well being. You have comfort in many aspects of your life, you have love, a roof over your head, not a lot of money but enough to not have to worry too much at the moment, a satisfying job, your health and a reliable network of friends etc It's about living life instead of worrying too much about it. Finding joy in simple things and not becoming obsessed with things that are beyond your control.
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• Romania
13 Feb 07
I thought i was the only one who think this way .. That`s what i think too .. and i don`t know why .. but i get happyer when someone i care for does something sweet for me .. than when i get expensive presents .. I noticed sadly that nowadays .. kids (and i say kids because i`m only 18 and i still consider myself one ) are more preoccupied for the material part of the things .. and forget to feel .. to be happy if their parents give them a hug or a kiss .. to be joyfull when the rain stoppes .. to be proud of a good mark at school .. and simple things like theese . Everyone wants now big expensive gifts .. cars .. houses .. and there are few people who really know how to enjoy life even if this means not riding a fancy car .. living in a pretty little house .. having a job you really like .. but where you earn less money that doing something you don`t do with pleasure ..
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Feb 07
I was fortunate enough over the last two years or so to pretty much lose every single material thing I owned and have practically lived out of a suitcase since. I had two houses, an expensive car etc At first it was extremely tough. It's amazing how much you realise how insignificant all of that stuff really is once it's gone. My whole perspective on what is important in life has changed and I am far better off for it!
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• Romania
13 Feb 07
I can`t tell you i don`t appreciate material wellbeing too .. but after i "lost" my mother on behalf of her job .. i decided i won`t do that .. and that material things have to be less important that our family .. friends .. and all the persons we love .. because you never know when you can loose all that .. as in your case ..and after that .. if you didn`t appreciate the persons who tried to be by yourside.. it`s very difficult to go on .. ain`t it ?
@FreakQD (867)
• India
31 Mar 07
Hapiness is a state of well-being characterised by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being. According to different ethical views, happiness might be one goal in life, the only possible goal, or a fortunate by-product of the pursuit of other goals. Happiness might concern one's aggregate of pleasure or require a complex balance involving virtue, pleasure, achievement and good fortune.
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@filchi (291)
• Netherlands
14 Feb 07
Happiness to me is having peace in my heart, feeling comfortable and not worrying.Getting along with your partner, talk and plan for the future. It doesnt matter if you dont have much money as long as you can have a smile or laugh in day.And having my two kids around me, the most happiness.
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• Romania
15 Feb 07
:) I shure do think that way too .. Congratulations for being a mommy ! I hope you won`t miss those simple little things that come across your life .. that bring so much happiness in our souls .. I really think that a happy family has happy members .. where everyone gets along with everyone .. in peace .. love and caring . This must be the most beautiful and sweet source of happiness ..
• India
13 Feb 07
when my heart feel that i am happy than its a happiness for me....
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• Romania
14 Feb 07
This means happyness to me too .. i`m glad there are still people who don`t see happiness in a well paid chek .. or stuff like this .. and maybe you`re wondering than why am i here on this page .. Well .. i`m home all day long .. and i love talking to others and see different oppinions .. so what should i do ? i don`t care for the money .. it`s just sweet to have something to fill your time in with ..
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
Happiness for me means being grateful for new day to live in. For experiencing another beautiful day of my life. What adds to my happiness are the plants and flowers and almost everything else that's keeping the world so beautiful. YOu can only find this happiness if you've learned how to see things like it was your first time to see them. You'll be happy if you'd appreciate their beauty and see them in their totality. So be happy. There are so many in the world that would make us happy.
@smkwan2007 (1036)
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 07
To me, happiness is a matter of choice and every one needs to cheer themselves up. After one is born, he or she has to face all sort of situations. As we grow older every day, we must have to face pressure from school works, exam, other people demands on us, if we always think about the pressure, or what people say about us, or other people's criticisms, we won't be happy. Well, when we have a great meal, we enjoy it and forget the chores we have to handle, we become happy. When we visit a garden, we enjoy the moment of watching the beautiful flowers, grassland, butterflies, we forget the moment of being nagged by our supervisor, then we will be happy. Even when we are stuck in a situation that our loved ones leave us for someone else, we can still be happy too because we may turn our attention to the moments we enjoyed most in the past and expectation of getting a better lover in the future. Then happiness appears again in our mind.
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@mikekire (146)
• Nigeria
25 Feb 07
Happiness is knowing whom you are and being contented with it. Happiness is knowing peace of both mind and body. Happiness is being accomplished.Happiness is to know God and be at peace with Him.Happiness is getting what you want and achieving your best.
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• India
27 Feb 07
Happiness depends on individual’s perception of being happy in life. or say what will make one happy. For some people materialistic things cause happiness and for some peace, family, love, respect cause happiness. so there may be many reasons for being happy. you may just be happy for whatever you have or unhappy because you dont. so i think better be happy always, dont crave badly for something and dont worry much coz you dont have.
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• India
25 Feb 07
weelllll guyss happiness is da satisifaction of da soul.... dat da individual is living happilyy....
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• India
27 Feb 07
well i have set up very low standards in my expecting and ready for all bad even when things get worst in life..i still dont lose my mind and get sad or always happy...and i take things on as they come into my life...that is what makes me happy...
@chakotay (240)
• Romania
28 Feb 07
happyness ......its's somtehing ....i dont have the word's to describet but was i fellit before my girlfredd to move with happyness is just a lost feling in the time...dont give up of liberty!
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• United States
1 Mar 07
Hi Chrissy. I know you posted this discussion a little while ago, but I still want to give you my response because I think it's a great subject. For me, happyness is a very simple process: following your heart, doing whatever it is that you want to do in a particular time and in the company of the person or the persons that you want and, above all, laughing. Like you, I believe we all should deserve to experience more of this feeling, but in today's fast-paced world money and material things have changed our feelings around many things and ideas, such as happyness. For example, it's very tough to separate happyness from money in a poor country such as Honduras or Cuba. Yet, there's light at the end of the tunnel and I think that discussions such as this are a great way to start.
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