I just got some bad news
@sunnypub (2128)
United States
February 16, 2007 12:42am CST
Hey mylotters. I just got some bad news today so I have a waring for you. If you are sick don't let anything stop you from going to the doctors because it might be too late if you put it off.
I grew up with this girl. Her family lived right next door to mine and still do. We have all grown up together and have remained friends, and get together every year on Halloween, as we all go back to our childhood neighborhood to take our kids trick or treating.
Anyways, she was sick a little bit ago and found out she had valley fever. She was trying to recoup and started feeling worse about a week and half ago. the symptoms were different, but she didn't go to the doctor because she had no money.
Well 3 days ago she colapsed and had to be choppered to a specialty hospital in a different city. It truns out she the valley fever had lowered her immune system and she got spinal menegitis, which moved into her brain because she didn't go to the doctors.
Today teh doctors declared her brain dead and now her husband has to decide if he should pull the plug or not. they have 4 kids, two of which are actually her sister, but she adopted them when her sister couldn't take care of them.
I am just sick about it. I cannot believe how quickly you can be gone. I feel so bad for her family especially the kids. And her husband, I just cannot imagine how he must feel knowing that if htey hadn't let money stop them from going to the doctors, she could still be alive.
I am sure he is going to pull the plug and I will be attending a funeral in the next week or so. It is just so sad. I mean I have known this woman for 37 years. My dad said he feels like he is losing a daughter of his own because of how long we have known them.
So I am a little bit in shock today. I just found out about her bing in the hospital yeaterday. I didn't even really have time to process that much and now she is gone. She has had no brain activity for 3 days, so for all intense purposes she is gone.
So please, go with your gut, and don't let money stop you from going to the doctors. If you have to, go to a hospital and worry about the bills later. Your life is worth how ever much money it costs.
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51 responses
@nfhs79 (861)
• Malaysia
16 Feb 07
What a sad story. I think we should take this as our precautions. I also always refer to a doctor everytime I have sickness or etc. I didn't want to suffer all my life. I think this story should be share together with all myLot community. Thank you for sharing the story.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Thank you for responding. it is a sad story and I agree that people should take it as precaution. My sister says she is going to start hounding everyone to go to the docotrs and she is even going to start putting money aside so if someone says they can't afford to go, she can give them the monney to go.
I know I won't ever let money stop me or my family from going to the doctors ever again. It is sad that it takes something like this to make us see what we should have seen in the first place.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
16 Feb 07
This just sickens me in a country as rich as America for things like this to happen !we so badly need socialised medicine here I was raised in England and as long as 60 yrs ago we had ability to see doctors without being rich if it worked when i was a child there it will work today here the only thing stopping it is the greed of the health providers It is wrong and shamefull that in the richest country in the world people have to die this way this is why i will be voting next time for someone who will do something about it and not just talk war and lie to us!
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I completely agree with you. It is sad that Health Care is more of a business here than a right. I do thik that something needs to be done. Thanks for responding.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I am so sorry to hear this. I also had menigitis when I was younger and I know how devasting it can be. I was in a coma but did come out of it in a few weeks. I however had to basically learn to do everything all over again because all my functions failed. I am truly sorry this happened to this family...and especially with the children...It must be a horrible thing to have to go through..and the worst decision imaginable...I hope you can be there for them as much as possible..and many others who I am sure they will need now...
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Her problem is that it spread into the brain so quick and just killed the brain in a matter of days. She has had no brain activity now for 4 days. I sure am glad you came out of it and are fine now. It is a hard situation and a hard decission to make. Thanks for your support and your for responding.
@bonnielass (484)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Im so sorry about your friend and i send prayers to your friends family. I recently had pnumonia for over 2 months. the reason i had it so long as i didnt know i had it. I kept saying it was a bad cold and never went to the doctor. Well 3 in half weeks went by and i was feeling so aweful so finally i went. My doc heard them and right away said u have pnumonia. I dont even want to think what would have happened to you if you didnt come in today. I had to do a double dose of anti biotics broad spetrum and strong and a strong cough medicine. Plus go to a lung doctor as it didnt want to go away. All cause i didnt go straight to the doctors. So i agree. If it doesnt clean up after 4 days its best to seek professional help before there is no turning back in some cases like your friends.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
It is kind of sad to think how much we take our life for granted, isn't it. I sure am glad it was not too late for you and you were able to recover. Thank you for your prayers and for responding.
@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
16 Feb 07
I'm so sorry about your childhood friend. I to have heard on many occasions people say they can't afford to go to the doctor but even bigger than that is I can't afford to take time off work to go to the doctor. Our health should be one of our top priorities, but especially with us Dr Moms, we try to treat ourselves, we need to learn to say, I don't feel well and I need to see a Dr and make an appt and get our butts their ASAP. Again I'm so sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and the family.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Thank you for your support and caring. I had a lesson like this sort of myself but it was way less serious and of course I made it through. I used to be a complete work-a-holic. I would go to work no matter what because I didn't want to disapoint my boss.
Well one might when I went to work I was feeling horrible. I had been sick for over a week. After working for a few hours I went to take my lunch break. I remember heating up some soup and sitting down to eat.
next thing I know, is paramedics are talking to me. I had passed out and my boss found me and called 911. I had an extrememly high fever and had to go to the hospital. It turns out I was severly dehydrated. Luckily I was able to get to the hospital and get some fluids in me.
I was so embarrassed for having to be taken through the store on a stretcher. But I learned my lesson and since then I have no issues calling in sick to work.
I hope everyone learns from this and never has to go through this kind of thing. Thanks for responding.
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@metiphisto569 (8)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Really sad. Now when Im sick like this, Im going to actually go to the doctor. Normally I would just wait it out for like a week and a half.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
It is good to know that someone is taking this story and making it a lesson earned. I hope you live a long and healthy life. Thanks for responding.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am so sorry to hear about your friend! This has got to be such a horrible thing to have to deal with, especially since it might have been prevented. I get so angry that people in this country are not able to get health insurance because of the astronomical rates charged for premiums. There is something wrong with a healthcare system and a government that allows this to happen. This is exactly why I am so opposed to the issue of giving benefits to the thousands of illegals in this country; we don't even take care of our own hard-working American citizens, so why should we take care of the poor from other countries, especially when they break the law to come here? I'm sorry, that's off topic and best saved for a different discussion.
There are many reasons why people don't seek healthcare, but lack of insurance and lack of cash to pay for services is the major reason, I am sure. Your friend most likely had some high medical bills from her initial treatment for Valley Fever, since she doesn't have insurance. She may have hesitated to add to those bills when she became ill again. This is a bad reflection on the healthcare system. There has got to be a way to ensure that people get care for physical and mental health problems even if they are uninsured. To me, this is one of the major political issues that I will be looking at for the upcoming election. How can the U.S. say that it is keeping the Americans safe and protecting our freedom, while they fail us in such a fundamental way?
Again, I am sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers go out to you, her family, and all who know and love her.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I completely agree with you. I think our Governement has become so concerned with being the one who helps all those who can't help themselves, that they are forgetting about thier own citizens. I do hate that they seem to be giving such great things to the illegal immigrants. It does just drive me nuts, and it is time for a change.
You bring up a great point about mental health issues too. Even with insurance there are still limits on the mental health care a person can get. With my insurance I am allowed 30 days of in hospital care for mental health, and I did a few years ago need that care. Well after 5 days my insurance forced the hospital to realease me, even though the doctors didn't want to. Why do I have 30 days if I can only use 5 of them. It really pissed me off and I swear I thought about doing something bad just so I could sue the damn insurance company. Again, that is maybe best suited for another discussion.
I do think that the Goverment needs to go back to the beginning and make sure it's true citizens are taken care of in all the fundamental ways, before they start trying to help others.
Thanks for your support, prayers, and for responding.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, but you are very true and I do live by those words..My son and my health is very important, I will go as far to say even my dog health is important. (I have doggie insurance on him also).
I've been with my company for almost 8 years, and one thing I can say is benefits is not a want it's a need.
At one point, when I didn't have benefits, If anything were to occur in my household, I was going to a hospital..
This story really saddens me, because I hear of how expensive health care is now a days. I was blessed, I tell you to find a job where I only pay under 10.00 for visits or any surgeries, and 5.00 for my medicines..
I totally agree with what you said, please go the hospital, where-ever you have to go if you need to. My life, my son life is too precious to just wait and see "IF" it goes away...
Thank you for sharing your story, and you and your friends are in my prayers....
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
16 Feb 07
It sounds like you have your head on straight, and are prepared for such things. that is good. As far as I know a hospital cannot send you away if you don't have insurance, so if you have to go then just go. It truly could save your life.
I want to take this moment to thank everyone. Coming on here and seeing so many people sharing their thoughts and prayers, really helps in a situation like this.
Thanks for your support, caring, and response.
@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I don
t know about now but I do know that when I went to a hospital in kentucky with my grandpa they did turn someone away, because they had no insurance,
They finally did allow another hospital to come get the person, they were severly injured. (life threatnening)
The boys father was crying and in hysterics because of it.
It was horrible.
I hope that was an isolated insident.
I am sorry to hear about your friend.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
That is horrible. I can't believe they would send away some in a life threatening condition. I think if you go by ambulance you have a better chance of being accepted. I mean in a ambulance you are taken right in and the treat you before you are fully admitted. I sure hope that was an isolated incident.
@rosie_123 (6113)
16 Feb 07
What a very sad story. Please accept my condolences. And once again, it leads me to say how eternally grateful I am to live in a country where medical care is free. Here in the UK, no one has to worry about paying medical bills - if you are ill, you go to the Doctor, or Hospital, and you will be treated for free, regardless of your age, employment, or financial status. I know it is the same in Canada too, and I do find it hard to believe that a country as huge, and wealthy as the States can't do something to provide basic medical care, for it's citizens.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Thank you for your condoloences. I agree with you. America is one of the largest and wealthiest countries yet we have people dying because they cannot afford to get the help they need. Something has got to change. Thanks for your support and for responding.
@saintz87 (439)
• Singapore
16 Feb 07
I would never expect myself to hear this true story if i never visited your profile. The wonders of MyLot, being able to share true experiences, and bringing emotion to see the humanity of this world.
This is a genuine reason I see why I choose to stay in MyLot. If we could share all these precious experience to people around us, creating awareness that there are somethings we should never neglect despite tough situations, then we could have avoid tragic, and head for the repairing of its minimal damage at least.
omg, the primary reason of why money is essential to everyone eventhough it is not important. If we could just have that little extra income, we could have helped those who are really in need. Sometimes, as I look at those in disease, but yet unable to treat them due to monetary problems, it aches my heart. At the same time, I become critical of donating to them via organizations as many are exploiting tbis scenerio, for the sakes of one's own benefit, to embezzle, or make use of the donation with little relevance in helping those who are really in need. I almost just can't tell the difference anymore.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am so glad that I had MyLot to come to in order to try and get some support. I know that people here are pretty much strangers, but every show of support and every helpful thought, does make me feel better. All these great responses have really helped me to deal with this. Thanks for your support and for responding.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
21 Feb 07
Sad story sunny :(. Actually i am not really reluctant to go to the doctor when i feel something is going wrong with me or someone i care about. So i will keep on with that policy...
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Good for you. More people should thnk that way and just go and deal with any monetary consequences later becasue the consequences for not going can be much worse than any monetary consequences. Thanks for responding.
@itsbeebs (4)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I am so sorry for your loss! How dreadful that is! It is truly shocking when you think how quickly things can change. It is even more worrisome how people cannot afford health care. I wish we had a national health care system like the UK, where EVERYONE could have access to medical care. Now, this dear womans children have to grow up without her. I am sure you will be much needed as they deal with this. My sincere condolences to you and her family. God Bless....
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I agree with you. I wish we had a national health plan too. I think that would have made a difference in this case. At least she would have had a chance before the fluid got into her brain. Thank you for your condolences, and for taking the time to respond.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
16 Feb 07
we need it a lot more than we need to lose any more of americas sons and daughters in a war where we are not wanted !
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@Angiepoo (20)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
That is so sad, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose someone like that but sounds familiar.
Last year I thought I had the flu for a week with bad stomach pains. I didn't think I had any medical coverage having move dout of province either. I didn't think it was anything serious. After about 5 days I thought I was finally getting better and right before bedtime I had a surging pain through my entire body that I've never felt before. It turns out my appendix burst and I came so close to dying that night not to mention excruciating recovery and complications (collapsed lung) and infections. It definitely wasn't worth not going to the doctor earlier. You never know what could happen.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Well I am glad that you did indeed go to the doctors and that you got better. It is true that life can throw surprises at you and you just never know what could happen. Thanks for responding and for your support.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
20 Feb 07
WOW, that is a horrible story. I mean I thought first and froemose that health professionals are there to save people. I guess somewhere big business became more important and that is just wrong. I am glad the family of the pregnant woman sued and I hope they won a ton of money, but the best things about the situation is that now that hospital won't ever do that again. thanks for responding.
@devinitly (93)
• United States
23 Feb 07
i'm so sorry .... thats really sad and its something that was preventable... i know i have put things off and didn't think it was that important... i'm sure to tell everyone to take care... thankyou for that message and know how many people you are helping by sharing that with us.... god bless you
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I do hope that I help people by sharing this story. I know it is not the only one like it. Thanks for responding.
@SanDslnrs (268)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am so sorry to hear this news about your friend. I totally agree with you, our lives are more important that the money. I know though it's hard to go when you don't have the money, sometimes doctors will not see you. She could have gone through Emergency because I believe they have to treat you in am emergency irregardless if you have nsurance or not. I feel your pain, my coworker was feeling ill around Christmas time, and a few days later went to the hospital and she passed away suddenly. No one knew why or what had happened, it was a real shock to us all. She was 39 years old and leaves 2 daughters. My prayers are with you, your family, and her & her family as well.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I sure hope we can all remember that our lives are more important than money. I do believe that if you go by ambulance they will not turn you away even if you don't have insurance. I am not sure about that. I think they should not turn anyone away in my opinion. It is scary how quickly a life can end. Thank you for your prayers and for responding.
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
17 Feb 07
So sorry to hear about your friend, Sunnypub. You are so right about getting medical care when it is necessary, but she probably didn't think it was that urgent or she would have gone in spite of the cost. Everyone has to do what they think is right at the moment and sometimes we make mistakes. That's the way life is.
Try to be strong and supportive for the sake of the family. I know you are hurting inside.
God Bless.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
The thing is that they really were scared because of how sick she was and she was having different symptoms and they talked about it but they decided they would wait until the paychecks came in so they could afford it. Unfortunately it got worse before the checks came in. I know we make mistakes, it is just sad when they have such dire consequences. Thanks for responding.
@purplegirl (12)
• Australia
17 Feb 07
so sorry to hear this, in Australia, we don't have this hassel, medicare covers everything. not bragging, it's just i find it repulsive that money comes before people's health(turned away for not having insurance) there has been talk the goverment here might adopt the U.S health system, it would be acomplete disaster as i'm sure you know too well.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I sure hope they don't switch your health insurance coverage. It sounds like you have things better than we do here. Why anyone would want to switch to our healthcare system is beyond me. Thanks for responding.
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
I am so sorry to hear that. That is so sad, specially for her family. i agree, you should always see a doctor right away when you feel something.
just the other day, a client of ours wept silently while talking on the cellphone. Turns out that his older brother, who came home from Saudi Arabia for a vacation, suddenly collapsed. The doctors in the hospital diagnosed it as a broken spine!!!! Imagine, his spine broken. And when we aske dif his brother ever fell or carried too much load, he said no. Although his brother has been feeling something for about 5 years now but never bothered to go to a doctor. He is now undergoing an operation.
I, too, have experienced being paralyzed from the chest down when I was 17. we had no money and my hospital bill ballooned to afew hundred thousands. We still got the best doctors... to this date, I don not remember how we were able to get through that ordeal. I am now happily married with one child.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am so glad that you are fine now and have a happy life and family. I can't imagine walking around with a broken spine. that is so weird. Thanks for responding.
@metrobelle (398)
• India
17 Feb 07
It is very sad to know what had happened to the girl. apart from te money issue but the very idea of going to the doctor that had put me off:) even from the illness. Thanks for the eyeopening incident you had narrated.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Well I hope that you can keep this story in mind and go to the doctors when you are ill. Thanks for responding.
@Macthedj (630)
17 Feb 07
My heart goesout to you and your dear friends family, all you can do now is be there for her husband and kids. You never know in the future maybe you can still take her kids trick or treating as a way to remember her when she was fit and well. you are right we should never put off going to the doctors due to money. I just hope that a lot of mylot members read this and remember it. take care
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
17 Feb 07
yea, I hope we can all still do the trick or treating thing. I know it will be hard at first but it is a tradition and I don't think we should stop. Thanks for responding and for your support.