are you happy being a stay at home mum?
@michelledarcy (5220)
February 16, 2007 7:16am CST
Do any other stay at home mums find it difficult to be completely fulfilled with just being a mum? I know its the right thing to do for my children and i can see that they are benefitting from me being there. However I feel that my skils are being wasted and I am just making it harder for myself to get a job when they both go to school.
Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do for me that will make me feel better about myself but still be able to be at home with my kids?
(I'm a single mum too so I can't work in the evenings or weekends)
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26 responses
@fabwisp (1327)
16 Feb 07
I wouldn't have it any other way! It can be a bit lonely some evnings when the kids are in bed as I'm also a single mum, but thats it. I find loads to do. If I'm not doing things around the house, I'm on the computer. I'm a registered childminder so I can work at home around my own children. And I am studying fot a degree with the Open University.
I don't really have any time left to worry.
Have you considered childminding? It might not be for you but look in to it a bit before you say no.
Also the open university do loads of courses that will keep your brain active and you do them at your own pace...also they are free for us single mums!
Do you have any centres near you? We have a sure start centre and the face centre, where they do free computer, leisure, beauty courses etc and provide childcare.
I don't know what your skills are but if its typing or something like that then you are practicing them everyday on here...stand back and see if you really are wasting your talents. You might be surprised. Take care and don't let it get to you.
@michelledarcy (5220)
16 Feb 07
Thanks for the advice. I have done some courses but this term I haven't been able to get onto any which could be part of my problem.
I don't think I would get a degree free from the open university as I already have a degree.
I have thought about child minding before, or possibly learning how to be a teaching assistant or even doing a pgce so I can be a teacher. I tried it before but failed, partly because I was only 20 and my confidence was low but also because I wasn't motivated by the national curriculum but I think I might be more motivated to do it now.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
16 Feb 07
forgive me for my ignorance, but what is "childminding"? Thanks! (:
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@michelledarcy (5220)
16 Feb 07
Childminding is when you look after someone elses kids in your own home while they are at work.

@apky12 (769)
• United States
16 Feb 07
It is very hard. Could you volunteer somewhere? That might make you feel better and you might be able to bring your kids. I think it's the right thing for me to do to be a stay at home mom. I do feel though that I should go back to work and I miss the adult conversations and really accomplishing a work task. My life kind of blends into my kids lives and that's all I have to talk about really right now.

@michelledarcy (5220)
16 Feb 07
i know what you mean. It is great for me to be able to encourage my kids and work with them, but I need something in my life that is just for me.

@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I love being a stay at home mom. I also run an in-home daycare so that I can contribute to the income for our family. It additionally allows me to help other parents that need to work outside the home with a place that their child can call home away from home.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I was in the military when my first daughter was born and I had always worked full-time until about 6 months ago when we moved back to the States from Japan. I decided to stay at home instead of work because my husband was going to Iraq and I wanted to be around for the kids.
I know I made the right decision but I really miss working and I don't feel fulfilled just being a parent. Plus I'm not the most patient person when it comes to kids and now that my husband is deployed I find it extra hard to relax and enjoy being home with my girls.
You can always do a transcribing job. A good company is as they accept beginners and you can get about $20 per transcription. If you want to get out of the house, maybe set up part-time daycare for them and join an exercise class or just go out on your own for walks or do something that will keep you balanced. Plus the kids will be able to socialize. If they are older just find a babysitter and go somewhere by yourself without the kids in tow.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
16 Feb 07
Unfortunately being a stay at home mum means I don't have money to go out very often. They do a few free exercise classes near here, but they don't have a creche so I can't go.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Wow, your a single mom, and you stay at home. I'm so happy for you that that has worked out for you. I know for many single parents that is never an option. I stay at home and I love it, but I do understand what you are saying. There are definently days where I feel unfufilled, especially if I'm secluded, and haven't gotten out with friends in a while. It is difficult to keep things in perspective when you are cleaning runny noses all day long, but I personally feel that it's the greatest job out there, the most important one for sure. It is hard, and thankless at times.. but it is well worth it. Being a single mom, you must never get time off, I think this would help you alot. I dont know if they have these programs where you are at, but here, alot of churches have a "mother's day out" program, where they have certified child-care providers and they will watch your children once a week during the evening, so you can have a break. It's usually fairly inexpensive and Your children would problably enjoy it as well. If it's not an option because of finances, trade babysitting time with a close friend whom you trust, you watch her kids for a couple of hours and she returns the favor. You need time by yourself, even if it's just going to a bookstore. GOOD LUCK!!
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@michelledarcy (5220)
16 Feb 07
I have a friend who is another single mum and I am going to offer to have her boy for a day in the holidays if she can have my girls just so i can go out and do something for myself. She works at a nursery in the term time though so I can't ask her to do it any other time.
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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
i love being a stay at home mom, i think i enjoy it because i'm not going to be staying home for long and i want to make the time that i have as great as possible. my daughter will be starting school in september so i will have no reason to stay at home while she goes to school so i will be getting a job then. i'm looking forward to a change even though i've loved being at home.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
16 Feb 07
In regards to stay at home mums, there are advantages to this and disadvantages, I found that the advantages that I was not completely fulfilled as although I had a lot to do in raising my children, that I was busy with them, but not fulfilled as I did get very lonely at times, and the disadvantages were that we were not bringing in the same income of course as when I was working so it made it harder to live and could not do as much with little money, but I stayed their with my children until the age of 5 and then returned to work while they were at school. You really have to find something else to fill in the time while you are with the children maybe if you could get away maybe twice a week to go to tafe and that way you would keep your skills updated until your children started school.
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
17 Feb 07
I don't know what your skills are but maybe you could do some volunteer work in the area your are skilled in. Or you could work at home online.
I had no choice in the matter because one of my children is autistic and I had to stay home because there are no afterschoolprogrammes around here to take care of your special child when you are at work. (even though I'm not a singel mum the work schedules of mu hub always demanded at least one person at home in the evening) But since my son doesn't need that attention anymore I try to find out for myself what I missed out on over the years and try to focus on what I need instead of the children. The more independent your children get the more you will discover what you need.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
16 Feb 07
what about taking a college course during the daytime..part time just a few hours? or are the kids too young at the moment?
i am trying to build my biz from home but it is hard work until i settle in one place...
have you thought of hooking up with some voluntary groups..just getting back into the swing of things..even without pay can still be rewarding and up your esperience..hope this helps..
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
I'm not saying that i'm happy staying at home for a long time. But i need to stay this time for my child. For me, to make sure that all her needs would be given. But sometimes i feel so tired with the same routine everyday. Like household chores, specially the laundry..Me too, is a single mom but i have my mother with me so when the time comes that i would like to work, she can do the things that i'm doing for my child..
For you, you can get a nanny for them. But it's expensive, i guess. You can read books while at home, so that, still you can enhance your knowledge and your skills will not go to waste. I hope this idea can help you.. :)
@joy1982 (226)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
on my opinion if your kid is still a baby or not yet going to school, well your kid needs you and you have to be with them all the time..
but whhen your kid already go to school maybe when it is school hours you can have part time job or you can do what u think might can enhance your skill.
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@heartie (59)
• United States
17 Feb 07
hi...i hope u r in the same situation as i am...I never like to stay in the home useless.but for the kids goodness we have to sacrifice something fo daughther is 18 months & my hubby is not interested in sending to the daycare...o ..i have to stay home to take care of her...
My profession is software my i thought of doing some certification in java ,java beans...Searching a loty every day through internet for m,y career...u can improve ur knowledge by the time u r staying...we can make it a sa nice oppurtunity for us to shine in our career..
this is what i feel...i never wants to waste my time...
Bcz time never comes back right?
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@Fishish (696)
• India
17 Feb 07
i am not a mum yet.i can imagine how u must be feeling as i too had been without work for some time once. what u must immediately start is identify what your interests are and determine to devote at least half an hour to your hobbies is not just refreshing but makes u feel good about having spent time on yourself..
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@samseiko (116)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 07
I know my mom is not very happy staying at home doing nothing but cleaning adn tidying the house. She felt that she could get a job, but I think she shouldnt? cuz she had to take care my baby brother (2years old)
And its more harder if you are a single mom but most of them end up having a good career . i think its because they have their family support
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I LOVE being a stay at home mom. Yes, I do have a degree, had a successful career, etc. But I "gave" that all up to stay home with my child and I don't regret it one bit. I know my child is not going to be little forever and I want to treasure every bit of time I have with him. But rather than just feeling like I've "fallen off the face of the earth", I read a lot, keep up with the news and latest happenings. I also do a lot of volunteer work. They pay for my childcare and transportation. That way, it's only my time that I'm spending. And because it's volunteer work, I can arrange it according to my schedule and I do no more than 12 hours a week. With what I'm doing now, I feel like I'm keeping up with the world, continue to sharpen my skills and still be "out there". I know it will also look good on my resume when/if I go back to the workforce. Or you can look at doing some further education at home, maybe online, while you have the time now being a SAHM.
@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am a single stay-at-home mom. I homeschool two teenagers, run a small daycare in my home to stay home with them, do things like type and feed the neighbors cats for extra money.
I felt like I had to do something for me. Like I was not living at all for myself, so I did a few things:
I decided to launch a writing career.
I started scrapbooking.
I have a little more personal time for myself and my spirituality.
I decided to organize my life and home for more efficincy.
I decided to set myself up with an in home/outside exercise routine, a diet just for me, to hopefully lose some weight.
I feel much better about myself now.
I also decided that I was allowed to hang out with my friends every so often, and my sister as well. Recently we had a moms night out (we simpley went to see Eragon at the theater), and we also spent a moms day in Salem, Mass. We had a lot of fun.
• Australia
17 Feb 07
I have raised my children and are now raising my grandchildren and i still crave for some company from women/men