obama is not a muslim!
By 4ftfingers
@4ftfingers (1310)
6 responses
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Wow 4ft, what brought th at on? LOL I think we had a discussion about this a week or so ago. Is there being more misinformation being spread about my beloved Obama? You know how I get about that! LOL Seriously, thank you for reinforcing this, for some reason his religon seems to be one of the bigger issues people are confused about.
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@newgator9999 (8)
• United States
21 Feb 07
it is not his religion that bothers me, it is his origin. Anyone can pretend to be someone they are not to get into a position of power, then show their true selves.
@4ftfingers (1310)
21 Feb 07
soccermom - lol yehh i was gonna say more but i thought i would just leave it as that and explain later. looking through other posts it seems that generally people's biggest dislike of him is that he's a muslim!? what?? lol if your man's gonna get hated then it should at least be for the right reasons.
it really has nothing to do with me not being american.. but it's just so funny that so many people think he's muslim, it got me wondering how it all came about. has another politician or the media called him a muslim? or do they confuse him with kieth ellison. to be honest i have confused the two.
negator - that is entirely up to you if you beleive that is what he is doing, i understand. but do you think that he has joined the church of christ to appeal to the majority then, or do you mean in other aspects?
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@4ftfingers (1310)
21 Feb 07
hi charlene, im pretty sure he wasn't raised as a muslim. and not all muslims hate jews, not even most. i am from a christian background but i have muslim friends, and i can assure you they don't hate jews, and would find that very offensive. muslims are not evil, the extremists are evil, but the average muslim is a person just like us, with fealings just like us.
it is clear that religion is important to the majority of the american electorate, so i agree it is debatable whether he has chosen his religion based on that. but surely that applies to any poitician. some are taught christianity at a yougn age, and then they lose it as they get older, but some might chose to keep their religion to benefit them.
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@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
22 Feb 07
This is an interesting thread. I'm not from America, and pretty much everyone outside America knows that Obama is not muslim! Yet reading some replies here, it seems that Americans have doubts. Someone seems to have done a good and proper smear job on Obama.
@4ftfingers (1310)
23 Feb 07
i know, poor lad eh! he didn't stand a chance. i think it was predictable, i remember a news reporter talking about him before i knew he existed, and he was saying already people are digging up dirt on him, calling him muslim and likening him to osama cause their names are similar lol. how disspointing
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@piggiehandcuffs (365)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Just because you belong to a church doesn't mean squat! A Church is just a place to give your money to cover all the priest law suits, an a place to gossip every sunday. If god is everywhere, then why do we have to go to church and pray? Why not pray at home or in the car or wherever for free?
@4ftfingers (1310)
17 Jul 07
This post isn't really relevant any more, at the time simple people were confusing Obama with Keith Ellison.
I agree, we don't have to go to church, I'm a Christian and I don't go to church.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Hi! I really don't know where that thinking started. I tried to research it yesterday and all I found was that there is no proof that Obama is muslim today and that Obama himself has denied being muslim. His past does indicate some involvement - his dad was a muslim at one point but they weren't close for most of his life and he did receive some muslim education - but Obama himself has said that he isn't muslim. So, I don't know what else to think! :-)
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@4ftfingers (1310)
21 Feb 07
hi clownfish! yeh i think, as you have proved to us, that maybe the biggest problem is that there is not enough information about his religious background, leaving people to believe he is muslim. i was searching and the best info i could find was wikipedia. it's hard to know whether to trust wikipedia, but on there in short it says:
he married his wife in 92 at chicago's trinity united church of christ.
he says he was brought up in a non-religious background - his grandparents were steeped in mothidist and baptist teachings as children but were not realy concerned about religion.
his mother was also a skeptic.
his father was raised as a muslim, but was absent from his childhood and was atheist by the time he met his mother.
he started to get involved in the chrch of christ in his twenties, he says it came about as a choice, not as an epiphany, but he felt god's spirit bekoning him.
but is that really the reason people don't like him, i wonder?
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I didn't wanted to respond twice, so I'm adding comment about what I've read so far. First 4ft I commend you for taking interest in politics in a country that is not yours..if only all Americans took it seriously. Second, I think our president should have a grasp of what the concept is behind various religons, it's not like the president deals with strictly Christians. AS for the lack of experience, some of our greatest presidents have been inexperienced! Obama was a senator in Illinois for 7 years, and we've seen reform in education, healthcare is available for EVERY child, and he truly did a great job for the area he represented. Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have emailed several local and state representatives and have never received a response from any of them personally, it's always been from an aide just signing a name, with the exception of Sen. Durbin. I like the fact that Obama hasn't been on Capital Hill that long, he doesn't seem to owe favors to anybody, as so many politicians do.
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@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
23 Aug 07
And he is a bloody good candidate for the us presidential election too. I'm not american but i will root for Hilary, but Obama is a damn good alternative and I believe he could make a good president too. Unfortunately I am scared to bits of the thoughts that America is not yet ready to be ruled by a woman or a black. This is probably the strongest card for the republicans. Wish you the best Hilary & Obama.
@4ftfingers (1310)
23 Aug 07
Yes mate, I too fear they arn't ready. I definately don't think they are ready for Hilary, and to be honesty I don't think she would fair well here either. We had Thatcher, but she had balls, she was basically a man in a dress. They would need a female like here. I hope they are ready for Obama because he is a very decent bloke. As ever with the US elections I just know we won't know until the fat lady sings. I thought Kerry stood a better chance last time, but maybe that's just the impression I get looking from the outside in.