By springborn
@springborn (295)
United States
February 22, 2007 5:36pm CST
I came up with this idea and told someone here on myLot about it, and they said it sounded great. I'm starting this controversial debate sorta thing that deals with controversial questions. There are no right or wrong answers, it's just your opinion. I'll warn you all that I'm a staunch conservative (American), and I'm probably going to end up playing the Devil's Advocate. So, our first question is about abortion:
Where do you stand on the issue of abortion?
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33 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
I believe it is up to the woman as she is the one who has to carry that baby, and give birth to that baby and as the usual motherly things after, I think in todays world it is better when a baby is absolutley wanted 100% and loved.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
22 Dec 07
Actually in Canada when we adopted, twins who were premature, and (curses you will hate this) looked like me and were also of the same background, only perfect parents got the perfect infant. So if the rich couple were too old, had a checkered past, etc. they would be refused their perfect white baby and got a baby or older child with a handicap. I had a past and we were near the end of the adoption allowance, and so they told us we had to take a hard to place child and that would be the law from then on. We could not later on adopt an infant who had both my husband and my features and intelligence. I did not want to be punished more for my indiscretions by being forced to adopt a child who was mentally and physically disabled.
Well you will be disappointed, but our two sons are now adults, went to University, have successful careers, no mental nor physical problems and my granddaughter is precious.
@springborn (295)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Yes, but why abort the baby when there is that chance? I mean, there are other options, such as adoption at birth or foster care or something like that.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
22 Feb 07
I have mixed feelings. Without them there would be a lot more people on this planet, and not necessarily happy ones.
However I don't agree with ending lives in any way. I don't eat anything living, and I think we should all be given an equal chance in this world.
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@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Ok Michelle Darcy is a little hipocritical! look at her other posts where she says that people over 65 should not have healthcare because of over population. And Uneducated people should not be able to have kids! ok then!
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@richardjames (166)
23 Feb 07
Having been adopted when I was only a few months old, I cannot agree with infanticide. Some argue that the pregnant woman has the right to choose abortion but how can you defend infanticide by saying you think it's the woman's choice? A choice for murder cannot be considered a moral one, although I understand that this issue is very difficult and emotive. I'm just glad my natural mother chose to have me adopted rather than making the other choice..

@richardjames (166)
23 Feb 07
Thanks Rachel. It's just my opinion but I'm glad you understand.
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@rachelzwo (310)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I totally agree with you and I love how you use the word infanticide. Never heard of it put that way. I too was adopted.
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@sandgroper1 (629)
• Australia
23 Feb 07
I have mixed feeling about it but ultimately i think it is up to the people involved. In the case of a woman being raped or incest i think abortion is the answer unless they themselves choose to give the baby up for adoption when its born. If i found out that i was having a baby that was going to be severely deformed or have major problems i would probably also abort. I think that abortion needs to be considered and councelled carefully and should be the choice of the people concerned. I would hate it if someone else decided what was best for me.

@sandgroper1 (629)
• Australia
23 Feb 07
I think the person definetly needs to have councelling and the abortion needs to be done at a very early stage. I dont believe that it should be used just because someone has forgotten to take their birth control definetly not for convenience sake.
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@springborn (295)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Good point. Careful counciling is very very important, and the government shouldn't say what you can and can't do with your body.
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@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
23 Feb 07
40 million people are missing from earth because of abortion. Most woman who have abortions have already had an abortion. www.abort73.com
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@RogerTheRabbit (1271)
• Portugal
22 Feb 07
Well here in Portugal, there was a voting about this issues. The 53% of population voted yes. But the whole campaign was full with controversy and the result was decided at the very end.
I think that under certain situations the woman was the right to decide if she wants to abort or not. But only under 10 weeks. This situation include rap and malformation of the baby. Other than that, I don't believe there are reasons to make an abortion.
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@springborn (295)
• United States
23 Feb 07
What about health issues for the mother? And why under 10 weeks? I mean, don't you believe that there is life at conception?
@RogerTheRabbit (1271)
• Portugal
23 Feb 07
Well most of people who voted yes were concern about the mothers heath. If she can make the abortion in a hospital, rather then in a place with no condition, you are giving the mother some health and psychological conditions.
So if you were raped, and got pregnant from this rap, would you have the baby? It's a difficult decision, and a decision that only women can make.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
24 Aug 07
It's good to see that some countries are moving forward and allowing all of it's citizens the right to decide what happens within their bodies. However, 10 weeks wouldn't be enough time to give women/couples options when medical emergencies pop up. Generally genetic testing isn't done until further along in a pregnancy and the most serious complications for the woman are also unlikely to happen in the first 10 weeks.
@red158 (333)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I am ProChoice, not Pro Abortion, but ProChoice. I do not believe it becomes a baby at the moment of conception, I believe that when it is born and takes it first breath then it becomes a baby. Actually I believe that when it is able to live outside of the mother's womb then it is a baby.
That being said, I have felt the pain of a miscarriage. I believe if a mother to be is killed then they should be charged with 2 counts of murder, because the mother intended that child would be born.
I resent anyone telling anyone that abortion should not be an option, especially a rape victim.
I know it sounds like I want to have my cake and eat it to, but this is a very complex issue.
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@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
23 Feb 07
www.abort73 is a website that actually tells stories that are true an abotion doctor who is changing his mind after hundreds of thousands of abortions, He knows now that he is killing babies! Take a look if you dare.
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@springborn (295)
• United States
23 Feb 07
That's true. It is complex, and I realized when I opened this discussion that quite a few people haven't fully formed an opinion about it. I'm still forming an opinion, though most of it is done, and discussions like these help. You get to see other peoples' viewpoints (an added bonus-from all over the world), look at the pros and cons, and make a decision.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I'm against it. The killing of innocent life is wrong and what is more innocent than a pre-born baby?
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
24 Aug 07
It doesn't freak me out, it's her opinion and life. For someone not wanting people to command others, you seem to do a lot of it.
If people don't believe in abortion, fine. If you do believe in it fine. This is an issue that is going to vary with each person and situation. No one should force a person either way.
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@mommy2jason922 (529)
• United States
23 Feb 07
i am 100% pro-life!!! here in Kansas they just passed a law saying if a baby can survie ourside the womb and is killed before being born, its considered murder. a 14 yr old who was 9 months pregnant was killed and so was her baby. thats when the mother of the 14 yr old faught cause they were only going to charge the killer with 1 account of murder, now he is getting 2. i say that the mother should carry the baby to full term and if she doesnt want the baby afterwards give him or her up. there are so many people that cant have kids that want them. i actually know 2 couples!! back in oklahoma. i say the only way the mother should abort is if it was going to cause great danger to her, or if the baby wasnt devloping right, as in a molar pregnancy. or if the baby had no chance to make it to full term and would most likely die even in the womb or right after giving birth. if that was the case then i would say it is right to abort, but not cause your not ready for a baby. if your not ready then dont open your legs, and if its a rape baby, then the least you can do is give him/her up.
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I am against abortion. Let me say, I was prochoice at one time in my life, until I was sent into the operationg room to do what turned out to be an abortion. I was told it was to be a D&C for uncontrolled bleeding. That was a coverup. My patient came in almost 6 months pregnant, 6 months! The baby could be seen moving. I began to question the wisdonm of a D & C on her but the doctor and staff actually laughed at me. The doc asked for the instrument and that is where I have to stop because it is to awful for a public forum. I can tell you in private if you really want to know what happened, but I will not post it for just anyone to see. I will tell you this, I ripped my gown off, walked out of the room and handed in my badge.
There is a video that a doctor made where he did an abortion with the use of ultrasound, so he could prove that the baby feels nothing during an abortion. After he watched his own video, he refused to ever do another abortion again. The video was quite revealing.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Where did this take place? What was your job title at the time? A D&C would never be performed or attempted on a pregnancy that has reached 6 months. Terminations that far along are pretty rare and they are not done via D&C. A D&C would no more remove a pregnancy at 6 months gestation than a band-aid would stop the bleeding of an amputated limb. Late term terminations are done by D&E (E= evacuation where as C= Curettage) and/or by saline induction. If your client was bleeding profusely she was likely experiencing placenta abruption and the 'baby' was either already passed or moments away from passing. Short of an immediate c-section, nothing is going to save a baby should the placenta fail.
@rachelzwo (310)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I'm so against abortion. I know people say what about incest? What about rape? What about if the mother's life is in danger? Well less than 1% of abortions are due to this. Also, they've been saying that the worlds been over populated for decades and, yet, we still find places to put all these people that keep being born.
By the way- kudos for the controversial subject matter. It makes things a lot more interesting on here.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Feb 07
Where do you get your figures to say that it is less 1% and who is the one that put that figure togther and are they biased? That is what I want to know.
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@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I hate the idea of it, and yet i know its a nessisary evil of our world. I will never like it. I would never do it. But i would never say we dont have to have it. And i would offer what comfort i could to a woman who chooses this path.
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@springborn (295)
• United States
23 Feb 07
How is it necessary? I mean, what if everyone in the world practiced abstinence 'til marriage (I know it's never going to happen, but this is an hypothetical question; bear with me)? Would abortion still be a necessary evil?
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
23 Feb 07
regarding Willful Abortion: The mother is neither the author of her own life nor the life formed within her. "Render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's and unto God that which is God's"
Human laws do not surpass God's. We are not permitted to obey in sin. God first in ALL things. A civil "right" does not surpass an inalienable right (God given) which the unborn child does have, which is the right to live.
The Lord Giveth and The Lord taketh away. It is not man's place to willfully take innocent human life.
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@apricotrains (456)
• Melbourne, Australia
13 May 07
Having been bullied into having an abortion when I was 16 was the worst thing to ever happen to me. It's a horrid thing to go through and when you actually wanted the child it makes it alot worse. I was bullied by my family and found that my so called friends were the same as them. I had no support from the father and so I was at the mercy of everyone else. I hate the fact there is abortion, I wish it was against the law.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
14 May 07
There are many girls who would be greatful for getting talked into having an abortion. And even more women who chose to have one all on their opwn and do not regret doing so. Just because you didn't want one doesn't mean the entire procedure should be outlawed. You could have just said no, you know. There are plenty of places for pregnant teens to go.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Feb 07
I think that is should be left as it is and up to the women what she wants to decide. I think that other people should stay out of stranger's business and lives and let them have their own decisions and repercussions.
I despise the idea that other people are always trying to get into other people's lives and try to dictate what is right or wrong based on their own personal beliefs or feelings. (Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions and shouldn't be forced on others.) This is a very personal matter that is quite hard for those that are involved. It is none of anyone else's business.
I know that there are those that would disagree but then again, if people were in YOUR business (No matter what it be) you wouldn't lik it either especially if it going to affect your life.
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@blissfulgirl (13)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Abortion is a hard descision to make and it is very personal. I don't know how I feel about it personally or spiritually. I do know when faced with a very difficult situation surrounding my first pregnancy I did choose to keep my baby. BUT, POLITICALLY I do strongly believe that this is a part of life better left for personal soul searching. no government should be allowed to force a woman to conceive a child. Education, prevention, family planning, easily accessable birth control are all much more necessary than controlling availablity of abortions. Keep your laws of my body! The issue with abortion has been turned into a play on personal emotions. It is purly a political choice. It should not bee about your personal beliefs or emotions it is about what is fair and just. It is not fair or just to force a law about someones body upon them.
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@springborn (295)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Interesting point. I agree with you (politically, of course...lol). The government shouldn't choose for the woman what she does with her body. And, as mentioned earlier, if the government were to make abortion illegal, we'd go back to coat hangars and many more deaths and disabilities and maimings.
@fieryfrost (316)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
I am a prolife. I don't like the thought of abortion in general BUT there is one case I would allow abortion and that is when it's a product of rape. I trully believe that when the egg and the sperm meet up...it's already alive. I know this is still being debated but come to think of it...the smallest living creature is a cell, an egg and a sperm are cells thus making them a living creature still when combined.
I trully believe when couples decide to make love (whatever their age is)they are taking the responsibility of their actions and they SHOULD take that responsility. People will contest that we should also take into consideration the parents' state...I agree but not to the extent of killing an innocent child. If it's proven that the parents aren't capable of taking care of their baby, child services will immediately take the baby away...and there are families who are longing to adopt. As for others who are prochoice, I believe (as I said above) once they've consensually agreed to making love (especially without protection), they already chose to to become responsible. The choices and options were already there, why wait long enough when they're already having a baby.
@muppetsnap (229)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
Every cell is alive. The sperm and egg are alive seperately. Coming together simply causes them to do some magic.
How about this: until 14 days (IIRC) there is no way of tell what any of the cells which have formed are going to be. That is, the cells haven't decided who will be the head and so on. It's one of the pieces of data used in some of the UK fertility laws.
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@malini4u (896)
• India
24 Feb 07
yeah its not good to go for abortion .but still when u consider there are certain situations wer the baby cannot be born well.like in some illegal relationship,young ages...its better to get aborted than goin away and spoiling the babies life...got it
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@tinakalra25 (85)
• India
23 Feb 07
Abortion nowadays is perfectly safe..but still holds some social taboos to it,on the other hand people who even opt for them are quite relentless and unhappy...very few people can take the stress of going through the procedure without any problem...for me abortion is not the first choice as I fear God...and for a mistake of mine a new life should not be punished...but as individuals we react more the the circumstances around and behave accordingly..so a person like me who strongly opposes it today might react differently when step in those shoes
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