Anti Islam in school???
By Ravenladyj
@Ravenladyj (22902)
United States
February 23, 2007 2:01pm CST
I am absolutely FLOORED right now and will be seriously ticked off if this teacher isnt fired...
"Group: Pupils given anti-Islam material
RALEIGH, N.C. - A high school teacher allowed a group whose declared mission is to "raise an awareness of the danger of Islam" to distribute literature in his class, including a handout titled "Do Not Marry a Muslim Man," according to an advocacy group.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations says a representative from the Kamil International Ministries Organization, based in Raleigh, spoke to a ninth-grade world history class at Enloe High School and distributed the literature, which also discussed Jesus.
The father of a Muslim student reported the incident, said CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper. The council wrote to Wake County schools Superintendent Del Burns asking that the incident be investigated and that the teacher be disciplined.
Burns had not received the letter, but an investigation is under way and officials will take appropriate disciplinary action, district spokeswoman Kristin Flenniken said.
The teacher has not been named. A call by The Associated Press to the high school's principal, Beth Cochran, was not immediately returned Wednesday.
On its Web site, Kamil describes itself as a Christian group "dedicated to teaching the truth about Islam" and says its mission "is to raise an awareness of the danger of Islam."
A phone number for the organization could not be found. An e-mail to the group wasn't immediately returned Wednesday."
What is your reaction to this??
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38 responses
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
23 Feb 07
To be honest, I am glad that there are at least some schools presenting the negative effects of Islam, not sugar coating it to appease the politically correct race card playing CAIR. CAIR is a nefarious group. They won't condemn Hizbollah or Hamas, they setup a 9/11 fund that actually went to support Palestinean liberation terrorists, and they are just so hypocritical it isn't even funny.
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
24 Feb 07
You are a bunch of simpletons and you would make ANYONE hate you ! Terrorism was invented by Christian radicalists and Anti-abortion people ! I think YOU are the real terrorists if you pretend to control OTHER peoples and carry war to their countries and then cry "WOLF!" when they express their anger !As for 9/11 I resent you accusing Islam of it when :
1. No conclusive proof has been made available to impartial 3rd party assessment .
2. American activists proved very efficiently how it was most likely carried out by Neocons (or Neo-Nazis) elements in this administration for ultimately gaining tighter control over the public and the media ,and to fill the pockets of the American aristocracy at the expense of the American people's safety and assets .
Islam is JUST A PATSY !
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I have to agree with you. I believe Islam to be a dangerous "religion".
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
23 Feb 07
well said both of you too many folks hide there heads in the samd and why it may be true All muslims are not terrorists to date all terrorists are Muslim!
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@happymomndad (1035)
• United States
23 Feb 07
WOW, I am speechless. I am a Christian and have been all my life and it still amazes me how many so called Christians preach hate. I cant belive it. This is certainly not something to be tought in schools. I have a very strong belife that no mater what you belive in that is your right, a right that no one should try to take away or cause you harm for. This is vile, These kids should not be exposed to such things. We need to be teaching tolerence and deversity not hate and intolerence. I also am going to be sending an email to the "christian group" you spoke of and it will prolly not be very nice. How apauling.
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@biblebeliever (10)
• United States
24 Feb 07
We are to "tolerate" a religion whose stated objective is to BEHEAD or CONVERT a follower of Christ, who YOU claim to be ???
@tcpfinc (24)
• United States
24 Feb 07
dont forget 911 when they flew airplanes into 3 buildings and 1 into the ground they didnt care about the inocent people they killed. they dont teach tolerance to there children they teach them hate and train there young ones early to hate and kill non islamic people.i thanks its good to teach our children about this so they can be prepared to the real world out there and no what to espect when there the radicle islamic people dont care about respecting any other beleves only islam and there intolerent with the christian belevers and the jews and any one else that dosent beleve in islam.911 proves there hate i know not all muslims hate but our children need to know about the real world not just 2+2 =4 they need to know what life is about and the people out there that want to hurt them.
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@birdman613 (19)
• Hong Kong
24 Feb 07
I deplore this act totally and would like the teacher concerned to be rusticated. We have our own right to choose our religion and missionaries can propogate their own religion but it is totally uncivilized to teach against other religion. That too to young children. let them grow up and they will fidn their own way and choose their own religion
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Very bad to encourage children to be prejudiced. That teacher should fired and I don't care what religion it was it has no place in any school.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Feb 07
+++ for both of are so right...and Whiteheather39 best response goes to you because you nailed it IMO..we are talking about children/teens being encouraged to discriminate, hate and so on and THAT is IMO completely UNACCEPTABLE under any circumstance but whats worse is this is happening at school...Unfortunately parents that behave that way we really cant do anythign about...however this is a teacher who took it into his own hands and IMO was WAY out of line
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Thank you for best response. Your topic has shown just how it seems to bing out the worst in some people who are so fanatical they spout some utter rubbish.
@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
yeah, it is not a matter of religion or race, it's a matter of educating the students in the right way without prejudice. good post.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
24 Feb 07
In a taxpayer funded school in the US or any other secular country - this is apalling. Even more disgusting is the fact that a Muslim child was present among the group of children.
My next words are not in anyway a vindication of what happened, but merit consideration.
I have lived or travelled in many Islamic countries. I have also been keenly watching the developments within the Islamic world and the nature of interaction with the rest of the world.
The ninth grade equivalent children in Madrasahs (Islamic schools) are exposed to anti western and anti religion propaganda by mullahs. This is a recurring nightmare that I have observed in the Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, a little less in Dubai, Pakistan, and to a lot less extent in Malaysia. Egypt which used to have a more moderate view is getting increasingly more rabid with the Wahabi brand of Islam.
While a detailed inquiry should cetainly be instituted and if the teacher is found guilty of either omission or comission in this matter s/he should receive the maximum disciplinary action as provided within the rules.
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
24 Feb 07
"Madrasas" ( as you put it , the word actually means nothing more than "schools" ,but I guess quoting a foreign word makes you appear sophisticated and savante ) or religious schools are no where as common as might be understood from your post , at least in Arabic Moslem countries , much less than 5% of the total students study in religious schools ,even in Saudi Arabia where religion is an important topic in all schools ,the greatest Sheiks always insist on delivering the correct interpretation of verses in the Koran regarding dealing with other religions .
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
24 Feb 07
Savante is with an E (unless you are a man ) because it's French , and in French you add the E for the female gender .
.Facts from thin air ? I have LIVED ALL MY LIFE in arab moslem country ,and you pretend to know more than I do ? You really outdid yourself there :) !
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
24 Feb 07
Savant is spelt without the (e).
It would appear that you picked the 5% from thin air. I doubt if you can substantiate that.
When religious education (oxymoron) is a significant part of an student's instruction, it is a sign of a regressive society is what I say.
"The cornerstone of education in Saudi Arabia consists of the most pervasive themes in Islam."
This link tells you about the Syllabus and Curriculum in Saudi Arabian Schools.
Get your facts right.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
Ohhh, this is just crazy!
I'm shocked that this would be discussed in school of all places.
Why are they teaching kids this crap for gods sake? Is the world not already a bad enough place to live?
I totally don't agree with this. I remember a time when most religions got on well enough side by side. Now, every little thing turns into a holy war. You know it's getting REALLY bad when a teacher can bring this into school undetected till a parent complains about it.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Feb 07
yea its a shame and being a parent in the U.S with two school aged kids I often get kids have had to deal with "hatred" but on a personal level only and not to this degree...however if anything like this were to happen in my kids school I'd be all over the board, principal and teacher in the worst way!! and for that matter my kids would speak up right there in class...they know that kind of talk etc is wrong and they wouldnt stand for it for one second
@tarsadawn (350)
• United States
24 Feb 07
What happened to no religion in school? I am a Christian and believe in God and Jesus Christ, I cannot believe that in this day and age, someone with responsibility, would do and say such hateful things. This teacher definitely should be fired.
@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
and when the day comes that children become adults and have no respect with other people, that teacher will be responsible for some of those students.
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@pormadi (1300)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 07
The people of Muslims should clarify, is it true that Islam a dangeorous religion? Can we prove that Islam is a dangerous religion? May be, many of my friends are muslims. They can live together in peace. A small group is dangerous in my country.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
24 Feb 07
i can't say anything... i just annoyed and couldn't believe that a teacher can actually teach this kind of behaviour in school... what a joke... i think this teacher really should be fired and the teaching licence should be suspended for a certain period amount of time... this teacher should face a proper disciplinary action from the school...
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
24 Feb 07
It is just too bad he wasn't brave enough to include some hard truths about christianity along with his anti-islam rhetoric. People like this are the worst example of human kind.
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@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
people like them are too bias and judgmental too. an anti-human being kind of person.
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
24 Feb 07
As an everyday natural born American former teacher, I am appalled that a teacher should allow such hatred be a part of his/class. As a Muslim and a member of CAIR (Counsel for American-Islamic Relation), I've seen it far too often. If I was that Muslim student, I would have walked out of class and called my parents to come get me. Since the teacher is obviously encouraging this behavior in the classroom, then that student is in trouble with his grades. I would pull him out of there.
Yes, there is Freedom of Speech nd that group has a right to distribute out their
material in public, but there is
also a point where preaching intolerance is against our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
24 Feb 07
Oh dear, why are they allowing a teacher to do this is the school, maybe this teacher has seen the danger of what some of the Islam people have done to the world but it still does not give him a right to do this as not every muslim is like this and I personally have friends that do belong to the muslim religion and what they have put up with is very bad and I tell other christian people that everyone is different in different countries and that you will meet good and bad people all over the world not just beause they are muslims, I know many muslims and they do not agree to this terror.
@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I guess because we have seen the Islamic world go totally bizerk over cartoon, books, and plays which have protrayed them in a negative light I'd have to see the material and make my judgement on whether the facts or opinions presented are true or fall into the category of hate group propaganda. If the facts are true or the opinions expressed ared reasonable and not filled with hate then I'd side for the teacher but if it is hate group propaganda then I'd forward it to local law enforement for prosecution.
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@microzeta (245)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Well said, this is perhaps the most rational and reasonable approach I've read thus far; how can everyone else make snap judgments and immediately side with a side without even reviewing the materials in question?
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I don't think the teacher should have done that. I don't believe in Islamic teachings, but they won't allow Christian teachings either, which is sad.
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@zetta290371 (86)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 07
I am a Catholic who lived in the country that majority is Islam/moslem, Indonesia. As a minority, I felt oppressed by Islam believers and this is not only my opinion but rather current opinion of the other non-Islam believers in my country. According to me, Islam teach the followers not to accept the other except Islam and if could, fight a holy war ("jihad")to make the world Islam.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I understand what you are saying however how is it any different to what numerous Christians do to non Christians in the Western world? Christianity is teaching ppl to not accept anyone who follows a different faith..and there have been many cases where violence has been their answer...knwo what I mean?
@tamanash (950)
• India
24 Feb 07
every person have his/her own opinion.but its really unfair to make that other's opinion too.and specially if they are childrens.i am a hindu and i am pround to be but that doesnot mean i dint believe in other religion.i have respect for all religion.islam have many good things to preach but because of some people its earning a bad we should stop such type of propoganda.
@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
that's pathetic. they teaching children not to respect other people's belief. it's a shame they do this on children. they should teach children to understand other people not disrespect them.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
23 Feb 07
My question to you is wouls you be as concerned if it were anti Christian liturature??
@thomashoi (70)
• Singapore
24 Feb 07
It's absolutely unethical and I believe all religions should be respected!
Thomas Hoi
@Achaniel_18 (15)
• United Arab Emirates
24 Feb 07
So this is one way of creating a religious enrest. Imagine what the kids are being taught. Even though it doesn't make any difference, the guilty should be punished. Maybe it won't make much of a difference. But it will make a difference nonetheless.
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@uniqueandwise (1)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Well, I have a two-sided view of this and I will play devil's advocate for one side but dont get me wrong with my response. I am not trying to inflame you. On one side, I believe the freedom of speech issue, but truthfully with some "common sense" ground to it. I feel that the agenda of the group in handing out the material was to hand it out not to spread their agenda per-say, but to spread their agenda to the youth of today which is just exactly what some of the hate groups like the KKK does to brainwash the young minds to join. I think that is very wrong what they did. On the other hand, what the heck was the school thinking in letting someone come into a classroom of youth without seeing the program ahead of time or seeing the material intended for the class. That makes me wonder if anyone can come in with anything and show a classroom hate filled articles or disgusting literature only meant for the radical, racist, insentive cult personality. Plus, does it make you wonder if the school knew about it ahead of time? Hmm, makes me wonder.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I'd like to know myself if the school (principal for example) knew ahead of time about it...that would TRULY be a sad thing if he did and he okayed it....I'll be looking for updates on what has happened and I'll be sure to keep everyone posted..and if I can actually find some or the entire pamphlet online I'll definately post that too...