Do you love Jesus? Why or why not?
By CallMeDaddy
@CallMeDaddy (535)
United States
February 25, 2007 7:39pm CST
I love Jesus for what he has done for us. However a lot of people do not feel the same. If you have a genuine love for Jesus you can help people by giving your testimony here. Explain why you love him and what he has done for you. However if you don't feel that way please explain why because I can't understand why someone wouldn't love Jesus.
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24 responses
@bluegem (174)
• Dominican Republic
26 Feb 07
I am totally in love with Jesus. The fact that he could make such a great sacrifice for me means a whole lot. I know that if I was the only sinner on earth he would have done the same thing. Can you imagine someone else who would want to die just so you could live? That's a one in a million chance. Jesus is the 'Great I Am. He can be whatever I want him to be: a husband, a father, provider, counsellor, comforter, best friend, saviour, joy giver, my everything. Jesus is the sweetest name I know. When I'm in trouble and I call on Him. he always come through for me. How can I help loving him? If I didnt I would be the most ungrateful person to ever live. Try Jesus today, He wont disappoint you!
@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Amen. It is evident that you have a genuine love for our lord and saviour
@tami8994 (16)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I love Jesus with all my heart. He has come to my aid more times than I can count. He blessed me with 2 great kids after 4 doctors told me it was impossible to have kids. He has helped us with our financial troubles when they arise. He has just blessed my family so much. So, yes, I love Him and owe Him everything.
@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I am glad that you recognize the source of your blessings
@janet069 (663)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I don't understand how people can't believe but there are many who do not and a lot of them are here on mylot. There are so many times I don't feel I could get through without Him watching over me. I'm facing something scary this coming week but I know He will be there to see me through it. If everybody trusted Him there would be no war and there would be no crime. It is a shame we have to wait until we get to heaven before we can experience true global peace.
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@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree with you so much. We must trust God. He sent his son Jesus so that we can have peace and that means a lot. I believe that we need God in order to recognize the deception of Satan who really hates us.
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@livvy092002 (1032)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
I love Jesus, simply because He is Jesus. I just felt Him inside my heart. I believe that He is in there eversince, inside my heart. He placed himself in there and i have no other option to take but to feel him within me and to be in love with Him. He is with me all the time and being with Him makes everything turn out right. I have known his life here on earth and on heaven. I have known His kindness, His selflessness, His unconditional love, yes, for me.. but i know that that love was not just for me only but for all mankind. Now i dont want to bother myself in wondering why others dont feel the way i do about Jesus. But all i want to say to them is if they only try look deeper inside of themselves, they will feel and see Jesus more clearly.
@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
i do love jesus...everyone should. everything in me whether good or bad, i know he's the reason. i love him for giving me my child..whom i love so much. i love him for giving me all the trials that went my way..because that made me more stronger in facing or in living life...i love him no matter what. i believe in anything. and i know for a fact that he loves me too, so truly and he loves everyone...some just need to open their mind so they could see how jesus loves us so.

@kagandahan (1327)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
i love jesus,no questions asked. he save us and still there to save us whenever we have difficulties and hardships.i don't know how life will go on without him by my side.

@amit8sinha (836)
• India
26 Feb 07
Yes i love to jesus, chaitnya mahaprabhu, Sai baba, gautam budh, mahaveer, Hazrat Mohammad saheb and all those person who come on the earth to give their live for others. They make themselves as good as God. Jesus is also one of them. So, it is not possible to hate him. He is also real god as God can't come to us to make us learnt to live our live. The almighty god use them to make our life good.
@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
26 Feb 07
I believe in Jesus Christ with all of my heart. You have your own religion, and I do not force mine upon you. If that is what you believe, then fine, but I believe in Jesus, with all of my being.
@saadsiddiqui87 (10)
• Pakistan
27 Feb 07
man !!! am not forcing any1 ...i wuz just telling that i love him!!! thats it
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Mar 07
He was a pretty cool teacher. But that's about it.
Sure, he probably was real and all..but his actual diety status is really questionable. He's admirable truly, he was a great magician also probably the most famous (don't jump down my throat about this either, this is just what I believe).
But the thing is, I tried the whole christian scene for awhile and I never really felt anything. I wanted so badly to feel that wonderful feeling everyone described..and nothing. Absolutely nothing. No pitter pat of the heart, no sudden feeling of peace..nada, squat, zilch. I hesitate to say he's never done anything for me, because that makes it sound incredibly selfish somehow. It's just I know it's not the religion for me, especially since all I've learned about it. I can feel that in my heart..and I'm quite happy on the spiritual path I'm on without Jesus or the christian God. Because I can feel how real it is..instead of reaching for something, which in my mind, never there to begin with.
But that's just me ^_^
@Shadenfrauder (355)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
I love Jesus too.^^ Not just because of all the things that he had, has, done, to demonstrate his love for me, but because there's nor reason why I shouldn't love him.
I always like this part in the song "Better Than Life":
You oh Lord made the sun shine, and the moonlight in the night sky
You give me breath and all your love, I give my heart to you because
I can't stop falling in love with you
I'll never stop falling in love with you
And so yeah, more than love Him, I can't stop falling harder and deeper in love with Him, every second, every minute, every hour.
I love Him so much it makes me smile just thinking of it! o^____^o
@envae25 (25)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
I love GOD very much..why because he has never failed me.. yes he would give me problems sometimes really tough ones but he would never let me down.. I just ask him for help and he is always there to rescue me.. I believe that everything happens for a reason.. and i realized that he just want me to experience hardship so i could learn the value of something that I dont care about... at work, whenever I feel so stressed out.. that will come to the point that i could take my job anymore.. i would cry and tell him i cant take it anymore... and i realized that all I have to do is leave and find a new job and move on with my life.. why did I ever had to make it so complicated.. and after I resign from something really bad would happen to ,y previous company.. then I would think.. Maybe all the hardship and pressure GOD is giving me is HIS way of saying my child I want you to leave that company because I will teach them a lesson...
@sammantha (278)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I love Jesus for what he has done for all of us.I personally love him for what he has done in my life.He bless me with 4 kids one is my step-daughter an two of them are living.The doctors told me that I can't have kids.I was glad when I had my soon my daughter is a true blessing she is only 2 now but had to deal with alot in her young life she first was a preeme that weighted in at 2 pounds and she was a twin and he didnt make it he weighted 1 pound 2 ounces and I thank God that he is not in pain.I do elive all kids are all blessing from God.
@saadsiddiqui87 (10)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 07
i am a Muslim ...and i Love Him as a Prophet.!!!! its simple and clear and Quran tells Muslim to love each and every Prophet that have come to the earth to spread the message of Oneness of GOD!!!!!
@tanveerquazi (77)
• India
26 Feb 07
i lot of love to jesus..........jesus is messanger of allah..........
u asked this u dont know why u love to jesus.....and who will decid how u will explain love for him?
@decentguy (79)
• India
26 Feb 07
I love Jesus
He saved me from many troubles and some time he gave me troubles so that i can learn from them and be wise in what i do. Gods thinking is not as humans think it is far superior to us for example when i pried for the wisdom he gave me problems to solve it wisely , when ever i do small mistakes he punishes me for that so that i may not commit the bigger mistakes. I am striving to meet Jesus in Heaven .
@d4deepaksurya (72)
• India
26 Feb 07
i dont love him...
and everyone there is no nedd to love /believe god...instead help the remaining mankind...thats that even if god does exist he will be very happy seeing us do social service!!!!
@kayesteph08 (174)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
yes i love jesus.i have faith in him. he is the reason why i am here