Why do some People Throw their Weights Around?
By jackie_mmm
@jackie_mmm (886)
February 26, 2007 8:12am CST
I've been to several jobs in four years and I always come across people throwing their weights around. I don't why they do it, so I tend to ignore them or let their slights and taunts roll off my back. But there are times when I ask why they do it. We are all the same, except maybe they're still working there longer. But is it reason enough to get so fussy about what others and they do? They treat us like we're naive children. Really, they can be a pain in the neck.
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18 responses
@recycledgoth (9894)
26 Feb 07
Over the years I have come to realise that these people are usually either very shallow or very insecure. Most of the time I can ignore them but if you can't ignore them or let them alone, a friend of mine suggested that if they are really getting on your nerves, just imagine them with no clothes on, that will help you smile and walk away.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
26 Feb 07
This has happened to me in the past and all I can conclude is that they are jealous because I could do the job better than then even though I hadn't been doing it for so long. Perhaps they would be worried that you might get promoted over them so are trying to be nasty so that you leave.
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
26 Feb 07
darcy has a point there. Sometimes it can just be jealousy, fear that you might get promoted in their face. Other times i guess it's just simple insecurity...they feel weak themselves or they don't like the way they are, so the best way to feel powerful is to try to put someone else down.
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@rainbow (6761)
26 Feb 07
I don't know why people feel the need to talk down to workmates, after all each different job is important to get the main thing done, so no-one is more important.
Some poeple are insecure nd think that by being loud, or abuseive that others respect or look up to them, this is often not the case.
I would either ignor it or and this worked really well for me as I am blonde and used to get comments about it and baby talked. I would then behave completely air-brained and keep asking them if things are ok or what I should do next or what they would suggest etc. They soon get so sick of you asking they avoid you as much as possible and you get the last laugh as they realise they don't know anything about some of the things you do.
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@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Lol, jackie...this is your second post about work! I'm guessing you had a bad day at work.
I don't know why people throw their weight around, it annoys the crap out of me. I would like to say I have ignored but I never have.
I'm not a bully or a loud person, I am pretty much quiet and laid back but I have absolutely no respect for people that disrespect me. I have put more than a few people in their place in a diplomatic way.
When I was working at Walmart, I worked with this woman who felt very annoyed because everyone in the department was following my lead. I wasn't in charge. She was. I didn't tell anybody what to do or boss people around. They just realized my way of doing things was much easier and less time consuming.
She approached me one night and told me enough was enough and she was going to report me to management. She also went on to tell me I needed to let everyone in the department who the boss was.
I politely told her, if you feel the need to report me than by all means do it. As far as setting the other people straight in the department, it's really not my place because I am not in charge and have never told anybody waht to do. I'm just doing MY job.
She responded by telling me, well you act like you do and I have been here longer. She rattled on whining and complaining for about 10 minutes. I finally told her if she felt she was in charge and she wanted to be in charge than she better step up to the plate or move on!
Needless to say, I was called to the manager's office as well as the rest of the people in the department. By the time we left, MISS THING was in another department and I was in charge.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I think when it comes to people throwing their weight around I do the same thing and try to let it roll off my back. Like let it go in one ear and out the other. Lots of times when I've seen people who do that kind of stuff it seems like they do it because they're dissatisfied with themselves or they're insecure about themselves and have to get down on other people so they feel better about themselves. Try not to give them a second thought. Keep your head up!
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
Those would be the few people that really think they're something special and that they're better than everyone else right?
Those people need taking down a peg or two in my opinion. When we're in the workplace, we're there to do a job. In order to do that job, we all have to pull together and work as a team.
When there's someone acting like a know it all and they're slighting someone, it's not hard to see why the teamwork can come undone.
Some people do this because they have insecurity issues, and they like to boost their ego by making others around them feel unimportant and useless.
I absolutely HATE those type of people. Whenever I've run across them, I tend to report them if they start taking their issues out on me. I shouldn't have to feel intimidated by someone who does the same work I do.
@mistym (18)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I think some people behave that way because they are lonely and never learned proper social skills. I have found a lot of bully like people are either (as previous mentioned a lot---are insecure) or are just lonely and don't know how to behave themselves. But it can be annoying.
@ArsonCuff (3114)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I think to better comment on this you should share specific examples with us of the job and what these people "do"...I know a lot of people, especially once they reach management stage in companies and have been there a while become like a lazy man with a tv...just growing fatter and fatter and taking up space annoyingly
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Feb 07
They do it because they are stupid and they think that they are better then every one else but they are not, they don't realise what an Idiot they look when they carry on like that, if I where you I would just ignore them all together and not even bother with them.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
27 Feb 07
You'll always find people like this. The best thing to do is to simply ignore them as you are doing. They will eventually give up and go away. As for why they do this, I really have no idea. Perhaps they are envious of you or maybe they are just bullies.
@dubaimt (273)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Feb 07
yes, i have been with these kinds of people. if someone doesnt like the work they are doing, they tend to make every one feel that too and it is really not a good thing. i tend to veer away from these types of people as they just ruin my very sunny disposition in my work place. i dont like people who grumble about the cramped workplace or anything at all as i make use of whatever the company provides me and that is it. as long as i love my work, let me be.. and dont throw your weight on me! wehehehe
@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
I have had several different jobs and found the people who throw there weight around are either too scared you will surpass them casue they are lazy or do not know the job or they are jsut set in there ways and nothing will change them. They say things like it has been that way for 50 yrs why change it. Most of the time i do my job to the best of my ability and ignore them they are not worth the effort.
@seraphim_1991 (69)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
Well you cannot miss those people. They are everywhere. The best thing you can do is to ignore those nonsense. We cannot avoid them since we deal with them everyday. Everybody has their own characteristics and sometimes they are that kind. All you have to do is to ignore them. As long as you are not hurting someone and do not do anything unworthy or unkind, just go on to what you are doing. Be patient with them and just pray for them to change.
@ldarcy18 (2)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
Two words for you..POWER TRIP!! Some people get off on bossing others around..and others do it because of pressures from above to perform. I personally that people with these type of tendencies shouldn't be bosses/supervisors etc. Whether you are a bank manager or a bank teller, at the end of the day we are all here to serve. They should have to check the attitude at the door!!
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
I think that perhaps these people throw their weight around because they are basically insecure in themselves. By doing this they perceive their importance to increase and this makes them feel better. I had this in my workplace too and it can be a real pain. Just don't let them get to you - a good and fun thing to do is to imagine them on the loo or with no clothes on and this'll make you laugh inside! lol
@dbeast (1495)
• India
26 Feb 07
hell yeah this happens eveywhere.when people get insecure or when they see us climbinb up the ladder faster than them they start pushing their weight around.they try to dominate and start to get real fussy and they can be a big pain.they can stoop to extents of giving false remarks and all kinds of stuff.some people just never grow up and as you said they can be a real pain in the neck.
@joey_matthews (8354)
27 Feb 07
Three reasons are;
Selfish (Pure)
Most case's I guess it's basicly a mix of all three. Personally it's not a quality which I like in people, nothing against them exactly but there's more in life than thinking or putting yourself first. I think about each of my family member and it's hard to cope with when things are hard, I'd rather be remembered for being like this than to be remembered as someone who didn't truly care.
@Mainemom (46)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I have told my children the same thing jackie, there will be ALWAYS someone in the work place that is either Eeyore or Pooh! lol
It is good that you let it roll off your back, because it could be jealousy, it could be that they feel you are doing a better job then you, or that maybe they want to be you. It could be they have nothing better to do in their lives but taunt and nag and make another person's life miserable at work. The way I used to look at it when i worked outside the home, is I am there for a paycheck not to make best friends, and I tell them that as well. I was there to support my children, my household and my family and that was it, not to make best friends with any of them, if they wanted to get the ulcer or the headache let them, and shrug it off. It can be a pain in the neck, yes, but you know what, they must be pretty bored in life to keep it up. Sometimes i would just tell them that and sometimes laugh at them, and usually they either back off or give up, knowing they could not push my buttons and get the best of me either. Good luck with your situation, i hope it does get better for you, remember don't quit if you like the job, and all and you like what you do, it will die down and quiet down. they will find they cannot push your buttons anymore after a while.