Local mother faces losing son to CPS because he's fat!
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
United States
February 27, 2007 7:58am CST
I'm sorry but where do we draw the line in government? Children's services locally has told a mother of an 8 year old boy who is obese that if he doesn't lose weight and continue to lose weight he will be removed from her care because she's "Endangering the welfare of a child" by feeding him too much and allowing him to eat fast food too much.
While I understand that this is unhealthy where are we going to draw the line? What if my feeding my kids meat offends the vegetarians and is now considered "unhealthy"? Am I going to have to fight to feed my kids what I want?
What cracks me up most is... they claim they're so backed up with CPS and so much slips through the cracks, including a case last year where a girl in foster care was beaten to death by her foster mother even AFTER CPS had been warned about what was going on, yet they waste time going after the mother of a fat kid? Let's spend some time taking care of the kids that are abused and lost in the system, not the ones that are loved and cared for.
While I agree the kid is obese and it's unhealthy... so is feeding your kid candy and processed sugars, etc. There has to be a line drawn somewhere.
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33 responses
@michelledarcy (5220)
27 Feb 07
I think it is terrible that they class this as child abuse. I think that it is bad parenting, yes, but abuse no.
I think the government shouldn't be focusing on this single case but doing something to stop all the obesity in this country by enforcing a sugar tax and banning all meat. This would make everyone much healthier.
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
I would agree with the "Bad Parenting" rather than abused. Since if there was an abused there should be refusal by the other party but enforced by another. In this case it is mutually acceptable in both parties that they want to eat a lot. I guess it was a bit harsh for the law enforcers to get your child jsut so you are overfeeding your child. I guess you could be penalized for doing so but not taking your child away. I guess you need to be educated regarding proper nutrition and everything but not taking of the child.
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@firstcontact1990 (1784)
28 Feb 07
I agree its bad parenting but, he is obese at 14 odd stone at 8 yrs old.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
27 Feb 07
I was absolutely shocked when I saw this on the news this morning, and my first thought was "What a waste of time and money" for goodness sake. There are children in this country being beaten and abused every day yet the authorities have chosen to pick on this case instead. An acquaintance of mine has just had her 12 year old son taken into care because, allegedly, she "hit him with a strap". She is in a dreadful state over all this, particularly as the incident in question was blown out of all proportion - she was teaching him to ride and the strap was, in fact, the reins of the horse.
I feel that we have now become such a nanny state that there are authorities prepared to take action over an overweight child while ignoring the genuinely harrowing child abuse cases.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Yeah, they spend more time trying to live our life for us and in the mean time how many fat a$$es are in the government? Why aren't they governed?
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
7 Mar 07
I aggree with you 100% on this. Their are children being physically and sexually abused, abandoned, and killed by their parents and they are chosing to spend time and money on a case like this? The Government needs to do more investigating and research before jumping to conclusions or making false acusations. It's just like a posting I did before about how some people are so ignorant and uneducated. They aren't really any better and they are supposed to be setting an example for the rest of us?!?
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
That's disgusting. I know children who who lived in really poor conditions and nothing was ever done. I also know a family that had 5 children who were clean, well fed, and as polite as you could ever hope for. Because they were on social assistance income (welfare) and the authorities were forever trying to pin something on them. How fair is that? Sometimes I think these "authorities" are people who don't know what it is like to have children and just needed a job themselves so they made up this agency.
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@suscan (1955)
• United States
27 Feb 07
MAybe it is wrong for her to have let him get that heavy,but I agree that it is bad parenting not child abuse. Cys lets kids be beaten and abused every day by cruel parents.
I do think people from agencies do not know how to parent,they just read books and go by that.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
28 Feb 07
as a person who was brought up in the uk and raised on fried fish i have battled my wieght all my life i am now a diabetic and have many diet related diseased these folks may love there child however they are slowly killing him with thast love this IS child abuse !from one who knows !
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
It may be true that it's a bad choice but how would you have fared if the government stepped in and removed you from your family home based on that eating habit? Would you have been able to become what you have?
The mere fact that the system is overcrowded with not enough foster families and then so overtaxed with REAL cases justifies why CP is NOT who should be doing this. Medical professionals and ok, if CP is concerned or the school is concerned, etc. then send in some professionals to do a daily work out after school or at that matter I would bet my last buck that he's not the only OBESE child in his school. Start a program at his grade school that gives these kids a work out. EVERYONE benefits and that includes HIM. Taking him from a loving atmosphere and caring family is not the answer. Perhaps if he were 1 of 10 obese kids in our country I could understand. He's FAR from that though.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i became what i am because i got myself out of that situation at 18 yrs old got myself educated and did not raise my own kids that way!
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i became what i am because i got myself out of that situation at 18 yrs old got myself educated and did not raise my own kids that way!
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@xabimaru (340)
• Malaysia
27 Feb 07
Why do they care about the way we treat the kids?? It's our own so we have our own way to treat them, fed them and raise them. It's not just because of the food, sometimes kids do get fat as the genes in the family are like that. Can you blame on the genes??
It just ridicules!! There a lot more thing to settle out there other than just blaming for parents not for lack of feeding but OVER FEEDING!! What is this?
Come on, maybe last time when we are kids, our don't have the finance nor even for meal at the fast food. Now that we have earn more, we don't want the kids to have the same experience as we do!! We want them to be happy and of cause the look when they wanna a happy meal!!!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Exactly... I have 3 kids... 2 are perfect weight, one is heavy like me. We obviously all eat the same foods from the same house prepared the same way. Should they remove just my "fat kid" because I'm unfit? I don't think so. And I think it's ridiculous coming from an organization that has done nothing but complain how overworked and understaffed they are!
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@xabimaru (340)
• Malaysia
27 Feb 07
What actually the organization want?? I think they just raise this kind of issue just to show the government they are working and need a lot more worker to settle all this so call problems lol. Just poking around and raise the unrealistic issues!! There are a lot more unsettled problems out there need more attention rather than a fat kid problems!! Fat kids shows that their parents care and feed them well dooouuhhhh....
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@19moonspryte65 (8)
• United States
27 Feb 07
You ask;"Why do they care about the way we treat the kids?"The responces that I am seeing here are the VERY reason "they" do care. Being dangerously over-weight is just that DANGEROUS! There are many, many forms of abuse in this world, and who is to say that one is more important than the other? Do you know what a fat childs deals with in his/her life? I do and it is NOT fun, I can tell you that. Not only is there the emotional factor here, but the basic health of the child is as risk. His/her life is being cut short by a parent who would rather give in, than to teach. As parents it is our responcibility to take care of and teach our children. This mother is not doing that, so thank goodness there are ways to help this child other than relying on someone to have the proper concern and knowledge to raise a happy, healthy child, which she does not seem to be able to do.
I was a fat kid, and I can tell you that at 42 years old, I feel better now then I ever did at 12 years old. The US is THE fattest nation in the world. Do a little research and take a close look at the statistics. I think it is about time someone steps in and assists people in learning to live healthy. I know that I would not want my child to grow up fat, stay fat and suffer all of the complication of being so. I should hope that every mother would want better for their child. It seems that people here are taking personal offence in this issue. I am wondering why?
Again, do some real research and then come back and tell me that you would want to put your own child at such risks. Read about what the real effects of being over-weight means to a persons health, and self image. A good, healthy diet and excercise is vital. Making a decent living should not be reason to load your kids up on all of the unhealthy things that you can afford, it should be reason in invest in a healthy lifestyle. And if your child has a medical reason for being over weight, then you can afford to get them the proper medical and nutritional care to manage it. Each of us have a very different metabolisim, so each person should be taking care of accordingly. I am shocked to see such outrage over someone stepping in to save ANY childs life, and very concerned that there are people who would even try to compare forms of abuse as being lesser or greater. Abuse in ANY form is wrong and should be stopped. Childern cannot defend themselvs, so there are people out there who care enough to fight for them.

@lillake (1630)
• United States
27 Feb 07
While I don't tend to trust CPS because I've heard of too many cases where they pull kids for no reason, I can almosat see this being a good thing. I mean, how fat is the kid? There comes a point where it is no longer just unhealthy but moves into deadly. What is she feeding him that made him so fat. I could see if she makes healthy food and he just eats enough, but if she's giving him Pop-Tarts and Pepsi 3 meals a day then she is most certainly endangering her son.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I don't have issue that she has made some obvious bad decisions in how to feed her kid but is this what CPS was for? This isn't abuse. He's in a loving environment and cared for. There are kids out there that are literally dying as CPS ignores their cases, yet they spend time on something like this? How "good" can it be for the kid to basically be told "Lose weight each week or we're taking you from your mother!". I'm sure the mental stress of that works wonders! If he isn't screwed up for life because of having to deal with his obesity, he will be after this!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
If you THREW him in front of a car, then I could relate. There are many cases where parents do NOT agree with medical intervention for various reasons. It's very familiar to see parents refuse childhood shots for various reasons and that is legal. I personally think that not giving your kid shots is horrible and definitely NOT healthy for the kid. Yet those children remain with the family. Most medical people will tell you it is more detrimental to NOT give the shots then to give them. But yet, still they remain with the family.
My biggest issue is that this NOT something CPS should be dealing with. This is not why CPS was created. And allowing them to step in on something like this opens the doors for so many other issues based on what individuals think of as "proper parenting". In Japan, Sumo wrestlers are bred to be HUGE. They are amongst the most highly honored. So what if the parent said they believe in those standards? Would it then be ok? If not, then we'd have to remove any "Non-Christian" children from Christian homes if the majority were to rule that wasn't the proper way to raise a kid.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
This is NOT a matter of abuse. The parents didn't sit the child down, force feed him and lock him up so he couldn't exercise. Did they make proper decisions in raising him? Probably not. Are they the first to have a fat kid? Definitely NOT. Look around the entire country. How many kids would CPS have to house?
@lillake (1630)
• United States
27 Feb 07
It is not physical abuse, but it is certainly neglect. She is neglecting his health and welfare. And I'm sure there are going to be some psychologal issues that he will have to deal with because of his weight. Really, I didn't see the news, but I fail to see how it can be assumed that he is in a loving environment. A loving parent takes care of their child and helps them because of the love, allowing the child to reach such weight does not reflect love to me. Not real love anyway, the kind that a parent feels that urges them to care for her child.
CPS is for more than just abuse, they also step in to handle cases of neglect. Allowing him to eat until he was this large is the same as not taking him to the hospital over a serious injury that could kill him.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Feb 07
i saw this. I was astounded to see it made national news. Thankfully a judge has ruled that he will not be taken in to care. Why he will not be taken in to care? because he has lost a stone in weight since christmas. Your point remains, where does this interference end?
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Oh so true. He's been told by CPS too that if he doesn't continue to lose weight regularly he will be removed. That's a great incentive for an 8 year old eh? Talk about making their mark on this childs life forever!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I didn't realize it made national news! It's sad indeed to see the child become so obese but it's not the place of CPS to act. His doctor/pediatrician and nurses, etc. need to step in and talk to the mother. She wasn't ignorant by any means and admitted she gave in all the time to him eating fast food almost daily because he loves it so much. She realized, in hind sight her flaw but by no means did she abuse him.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Feb 07
agreed. What really troubles me is what impact all this media attention will have on a child so young. This child could be damaged by this for the rest of his life, i just think it is very sad indeed
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
27 Feb 07
She isn't abusing him but she isn't doing what is in his best interest. It isn't hard to feed kids healthy things...my kids love them. But so many of us chose junk because it is easier and cheaper.
Yes, there needs to be a line drawn somewhere. While I understand that he needs help, why not have someone come in daily to help him get some exercise for 30 minutes a day and help the mom plan the menu/snacks for the day. That sounds much easier and cheaper on the state than taking this boy away and putting him in foster care. This way he can still be with his mom but he is getting help. But there are SO many children who need help who are being physically abused as we speak, why aren't they helping these children??
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
So true mom2! And the sad part is, if we would spend more time and money on making our youth feel GOOD about being themselves and accepting who they are we probably wouldn't have so many eating disorders.
Some people, no matter what are going to be heavier. I'm heavy, my dad and his whole side are heavy, my oldest daughter that looks like my twin is heavy. My twins are like their father's side, thin. They often eat more than me and my daughter, yet WE gain the weight.
@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I hope he doesn't have an eating disorder after this :(
It is so awful, you can turn on your tv and see numerous weight loss commercials. My daughter who just turned 4 in January told me she couldn't eat something because it was bad for her and she would get a big belly. How awful is that??? I'm overweight but I don't say stuff in front of the kids. I don't put myself down or anything like that and to have my 4 year old be concerned just floored me! She isn't overweight at all. She is a bean pole...lol. But people wonder why our teenagers have eating disorders when all they have to do is turn the tv on to see a weight loss commercial.
(Sorry, I know that last part was totally off topic)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Exactly. Spend the time, effort and money in helping the child and not threatening him. How much mental abuse can he take and the end result is going to be some real issues with eating in general if you ask me.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I have a real big problem with this. Now you didn't state how old the child is, his hieght or weight but even so I think this is wrong.
One reason is due to the clinical definitions of Obese and morbidly obese. The definition for obese is 20% above ideal body weight. So if you have a child that is supposed to weight 60 pounds and they weigh 72 pounds they are obese. For morbid obesity it's 30% so at 78 pounds they would be considered morbidly obese.
Second is that so many just go by the age chart for kids. So if a kid is supposed to at age 5 and weigh 50lbs and say betwen 3 and 4 feet tall (sorry don't know the exacts here for it) but the kid is 4 1/2 feet tall and wieghs 60 pounds they don't bother to look at the height. They just look at the weight and say they are obese. The fact that they are taller then they should be at that age doesn't matter to them. Believe me I've been there with this.
Now you take that and you look at some kids who yes are fed but they are kept so skinny that their bones are seen and you can count them, why is that so much better? Neither is healthy but they don't bother those parents at all. It's a double standard. One that I don't like at all.
I've also seen some kids that no matter what they eat they are just bigger then others. I've also seen medication cause kids to gain weight. I've seen a lot of things that contribute to weight problems then just over eating and it really irritates me when people just assume someone is shoveling food down their throat or their kids throat. It doesn't always work that way.
I think the government needs to back off. They are trying to become super parents over all of us and deciding for us what we can and cannot do. I don't like it. They start with one thing and if we allow it there it moves on to the next. It's very easy for them then because we already allowed them to interfer in our rights already. Before you know it we don't have any rights or choices in our lives. They decide what we can eat, what we can drink, what we are allowed to do. I don't want to see that happen.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I agree. Attacking one family who's only "bad" action is to allow the son to eat poorly as opposed to most of the nation that is also obese.
This kid is huge and at 8 years old they said he's something like 8x the average acceptable size. I believe they put him at like 200+ pounds and that is horrible. But you can see the mother has gone to find him help even before CPS came in on it. They interviewed her on local tv and she is also a larger lady. It's obvious that eating poorly is common in the household. But how many others are also guilty of this?
I agree that at this rate of the government jumping in on a child's eating habits, the smoking habits of adults, the trans fat issue with junk foods, etc. that if we don't take a stand soon we're all going to be thinking of FREEDOM as something that our forefathers had long ago.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Decisions that are made in childhood can affect the person's health for the rest of their life. I have asthma now because my parents smoked around me so much when I was a child. It wasn't considered abuse back then, but now I have to live with the fact that my lungs will never be entirely healthy.
If a child is eating so poorly that it is affecting their health, then there has to be some way to help them. If the child develops diabetes, that could potentially cause them blindness, gangrene, even heart attacks. There are children with high blood pressure who are having strokes and heart attacks. They could end up being disabled for life.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I understand that and I do agree that these are wrongful.. BUT... I don't think it's a situation that our CPS people need to be dealing with. Get the schools, counselors, doctors, etc. involved in helping this child and even coming to the home and giving advice, etc. but CPS should be used for what it was created for. ABUSED and life threatening children. Children who are beaten, sexually abused, etc.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
9 Apr 07
NP! It was a great response and brought conversation with it! A definite great addition to the conversation.
@mfpsassy (2827)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Well for one CPS is a joke. Now if the mother is working with doctors to figure out the cause then I don't see the issue. If she is buying healthier foods for him to eat great. Does he go to a school where they still have recess and P.E.?
As for the goverment regulating half the stuff they say is good for us isn't and the the stuff they say isn't is
And being a vegetarian I don't think so. Everything in moderation.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
You would have thought they would have learned from prohibition many years ago wouldn't you? But they seem to think of themselves as untouchable and truly have been for the most part.
@Cephoozee (373)
• United States
7 Mar 07
You know what, I think the CPS is finally doing something positive for once. Go CPS, a message needs to be sent that obestiy is BAD FOR YOU! WILL KILL YOU EARLY!! Parents needs to do a lot better job on their kids especially in the states, where I read a statistic that in California at least half of all kids under the age of 18 and over 8 years of age are obese by at least 40 lbs. It's disgusting.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Yeah, being fat is a whole lot worse then being molested, beaten or even killed. I agree.... NOT! CPS needs to do the job they were meant to do before they decide to be the nutritionist of the day. And before the government steps in on a child's eating habits they need to take a good long look at what THEY provide to our kids in school every day. Little Debbie snacks for breakfast is far from healthy I'm sure. They load their meals with fat, salt, carbs and more.
Maybe CPS should spend their time truly helping children who are abused and hurt by their parents and leave the overweight issue to the family and doctors involved. I just cannot agree with you on this one.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
There is truth to that. But I would venture to guess in a situation where the child is being starved there is going to be more abuse. In the case of overeating it is more a matter of over indulging a child... sort of like the single child who is given everything they want, creating a spoiled brat. Where as a kid who gets nothing in the way of clothes and toys and food would be "abused". Maybe not so much toys.. lol.. but you know what I mean.
I do see your point though. I just think that it's viewed of as differently because the parent is not providing something that is a necessity to life; whereas the other parent is just over providing.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Feb 07
There was a similar case in a town near me a few years back. There was NO PUBLICITY about it, I only know because I was working in the facility at the time. A child, age 8, weighed 200 pounds. He was so heavy that his legs were bowing under the weight. The doctors/nutritionists etc met with the mother and advised her of measures to take...yet she continued to send him to school with EXTRA money for additional items at lunch. Long story short, he was removed and placed in foster care. It is a major step when government starts stepping into our homes, yet, who is going to look after a child's welfare if the parent doesn't? I felt pulled two ways abotu the case I saw, on the one hand the mother was blatently disregarding the adivse of medical experts. Yet, on the other hand, how hard it must be to deny your child food when they are hungry.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I see your concerns and your reasonings and I do agree that it's sad but I just think this is not something our government entities should step in on. But I can see too that if the mother does ignore the medical experts that told her what to do and how to handle it, what is left to do.
My personal fear is that the government is getting out of hand about everything from child rearing to smoking and eating unhealthy. I live in AMERICA for my FREEDOM, not to be owned and governed with every step I take, including my eating habits. How long before they go further and further. Give them an inch, they take a mile.
@melissacus (441)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I think it is bad parenting if you let your kid get obese. I also think it could get classified as abuse. Granted, it's not the same as beating your kid or ignoring them, etc. But it is harming your child and it's a sense of neglect. Sure, you can say it's not the governments business what you feed your child, but techinically, neither is hitting your child. I'm not trying to at all compare the two or neither am I trying to support abuse. I'm just saying, you set the example for your children, and you set their habits. They don't have control over what they eat when they're just kids, the parents do. If you're feeding them greasy cheese burgers and bowls of icecream every night, and they develope diabetes and become obese, then it's ultimately the parents fault, and that is, in a way, abuse. I don't think CPS needs to center in on these cases though. I think they need to focus on the ones that involve murder, and rape, and molestation. These kinds of things just make me fairly upset..ahh.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
But in the same sense, I have the perfect example of "It's not always the parent". My 3 teens eat identical foods placed on our table. My oldest is heavy like me while her brother and sister (twins) are thin like their father. So that means I abused just one kid and treated the other 2 fine? I don't think so!
And what about the skinny kids that eat nonstop junk food? My son has a friend that I swear I've never seen him put a vegetable near his lips! He's far from fat. He eats junk food nonstop though. So because he's not fat from it, it's not abuse?
I agree, it was bad choices that the parent made and allowed the kid to eat fast food constantly but it's not the place of the government to step in if you ask me. Instead of spending time on accusations of child molestation and physical abuse, etc. they target a parent for feeding her child wrong? Just not right if you ask me.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
I totally agree with you on this one.
They did finally decide at a hearing to let the child stay with his mother because he's lost 1 stone 7 pounds since starting a diet, and they said that they wanted to let the child stay with his mom. However, knowing what Social Services are like, I have no love for them!
I find it shocking that a case like this would make the news when there are kids out there suffering at the hands of someone in their family every single day, and yet they constantly fall under the radar at Social services who just do not pick up on the fact that abuse is happening. It's almost like they deliberately close their eyes in some cases.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
And then they wonder why people are so unfriendly to them and fear them so much. I've seen "wrong doers" go free without as much as a spanking while people who aren't abusing but perhaps have made some bad choices, etc. are put through the mill!
@Joey322 (272)
• United States
27 Feb 07
this is a slippery slope, you're right. i am torn b/c she is endangering his life and the poor kid will only know what is taught to him by his mother. she is teaching him how to be obese and how to dig himself into an early grave and how to teach HIS children to do the same. it is a vicious cycle similar to child abuse. however, i don't necessarily agree with approach.
instead of threatening her with taking the child, how about some counseling? how about a live healthy program that she can take to implement healthy living habits in her home so she and her family can eat better and live well.
some can argue that she shouldn't even have to do that if she doesn't want to, however, we are slowly killing ourselves with unhealthy habits. yes, there are lots of unhealthy items out there that just stare us in the face, but we have choices in this life and what we shove down our throats is one of them. money isn't a factor either, b/c my family lives on a tight budget and junk food and fast food is RARELY brought into our house. time is not an excuse either. i have found numerous websites of quick, healthy, simple and tasty recipes online.
NOW, one thing that i wonder about in this situation is if the woman is on any kind of gov't assistance....
i have worked retail for a long time and i have seen food stamps used for junk food, soda, etc. it makes me ill standing there thinking that my tax dollars are going to this family that is obviously "working the system" b/c mom has done up nails and hair and kids all have on shiny white sneakers and she is not only using food stamps for junk food, but it also debiting out money from her welfare account for garbage that are definitely NOT household necessities.
SO, sure there needs to be a line drawn, but there will almost always be a gray area which makes it hard to draw that line.
i think americans don't know how to live well anymore and it's sad.
also, did you ever hear about the legislation that was passed about all foods containing trans fats will not be sold in NY?? now,you can still by twinkies at the store b/c it is pre-packaged. however, McD's is going to have to make sure all of their prepared food products are barren of any trans fats or else they will be fined, shut down,etc.
besides, isn't it kind of "common knowledge" by now that what this woman is doing is wrong??
just my opinion. i found this discussion very interesting..thanks!
take care.
@lovemydsdominik (282)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Well, I think that maybe the lady should take her son to a doctor, maybe there is some other reason why he is obese, I mean something that could make him gain weight a lot faster than normal or something. However, I do think that parents have a responsibility to keep their kids from being obese, after all, there are life threatening things related with obesity. But I am surprised that CPS is paying so much attention when there are kids more endangered than that, seems silly to me.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I do think she's addressed it with her pediatrician and I'm not sure she allowed the press to know if there was a problem or not. But to see her house you can tell she's a good parent. They were in a nice house, clean, he was clean, she was clean and neat, they had a trampoline the kid was on out back. It's far from an "abusive" situation by any terms.
I agree that she should make some changes in his eating habits and even teach her what to offer and how to prepare it. She was a heavier lady herself, not nearly as obese but still obviously wasn't eating properly herself (I'd love to see someone who is eating properly 100% of the time though). Spend some money helping the kids who are truly abused though. Leave the eating healthy promotion to the doctors and nurses!
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Yes, they were forced (also by the US government) to change how they cooked their foods. I agree that the kid is obese and unhealthy but it's not the place of the government to step in if you ask me!