I need Motivation to exersice
By Michele21
@Michele21 (3093)
United States
February 27, 2007 8:11am CST
I know I should exersice every day but it is so much easier to sit on the couch and be lazy =) I want to be in better shape and get rid of my tummy. Please help...if you have any good tips, ideas, motivation, words or wosdom I would love to hear them all!! I will rate veryone!! I am not really overweight I just want to get into shape since Summer time is coming. I don't want to be outside in baggy t-shirts because I can't get rif of my belly. I have an elliptical machine I just don't use it very often. Thanks so much for any replies!!
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53 responses
@michelledarcy (5220)
27 Feb 07
i find it easier to just fit exercise in your normal routine. So if you normally drive to the shop, walk instead. If you use the lift, take the stairs.
Try to walk around the house more when doing your housework etc.
Then when it comes to exercise do it at a time when you are watching something you like on TV. Then you can find a fixed time in the day to do it and you won't get bored doing it.
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@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
27 Feb 07
We live not even a block away from a grocery store and I have only walked there once!! I know I should walk and pick up a few thins every day instead of making a bog shopping tipr but I can't do it!! I feel silly walking to the store and back...I know I need to get over it!! Thanks for the post!
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@neezhom_almaniri (423)
• Malaysia
28 Feb 07
Hi n good day all
My way of getting fit is include fasting, eat less, eat less calories and cholestrol, eat more vegetables ana fruits and exercise as a daily routine.
But i think fasting is great because inspite of getting fit, also prevent from desease and getting ill. And above all, pray to God and ask Him for our health. Thats spiritually because our body consists of spiritual and physical.
Guud luck and all da best ;-)
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@mourning_willow (50)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Fasting is not good at all for your body, if might be a religous thing but they dont starve them selves. your body needs food it is its energy. if you dont eat then you will be lazy. fast will help some people but others it wont at all. look at the movie stars that have lost so much weight and look like skin and bones thats what happen to them from fasting.
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@AndiCat (325)
• United States
27 Feb 07
A few years ago, I lost 40 pounds. I was diligent about calorie consumption and I exercised for one hour most days of the week. I looked and felt great! Then, I got cocky. I figured, oh, dessert here, a roll there, etc, etc . . . Now, I've regained 12 pounds. My exercise was cut in half, if that. As of this morning, I decided to get back to one hour of exercise (or at least darn close to it!!) most days.
Walking is the safest, cheapest, easiest form of exericse imaginable. All you need is a decent pair of shoes and you are good to go. That being said, walking was really starting to bore me. So I got an IPod. And, I'm getting my walking done first thing in the morning. Of course, any time of day that's convenient for you to exercise is fine. Morning just works best for me. I get it out of the way before anything else gets a chance to distract me.
Although one hour or more a day is recommmended for weight loss, just 30 minutes a day is a great start if you've been inactive up 'til this point. The goal is to move. I know from experience that on days I've exercised I just feel so much better!
@melissa1177 (90)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
Getting motivated is difficult for me as well and there are a few tricks that I have found works for me.
If I am watching TV, feeling lazy, I exercise during commercials. Every commercial I get up and do crunches, or leg lifts, etc...
Instead of turning on the tv, I put on really upbeat music, I can't help but dance around. Dancing doesn't feel like exercise to me, but you use many muscles.
I have found a walking partner to walk with after dinner every night. When I don't feel like walking, she talks me into it and I do the same for her.
Hope this helps.
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@treeoflife43 (118)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I have the same issue as far as being motivated to exercise. I don't know if you go to a gym at all, but for me it is very important to bring my work out clothes to work and go directly to the gym from work. If I go home first, and sit down in front of the tv, I am never going back out!! I found the hardest part is starting. Once I get to the gym and begin working out, it is much easier to complete my exercise. I also agree, that having someone to exercise with helps. It keeps me accountable if I know I am meeting someone, or even if we share our goals and experiences. It helps the time go by too.
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@mailboxmoney (1216)
15 May 07
a good idea to get in shape and stay fit is to do some exercise either once or twice a week and then focus on your abs (stomach muscles) doing some situps. see my blog for free fitness tips http://www.blogchex.com/urbancitycrew ill be adding a workout video anyone can download today or tomorrow as soon as i work out how to do it!!!
@Richardflo (40)
• China
22 Apr 07
As a woman , to keep fit is a good idea. Especially , in summer .Doing exercise is said easy.When you grow elder, you will feel there is no more energy or spirit to do, just as you have an elliptical machine but you don't use it very often. I advise you invite your friends to form a group to do some exercise, for example , play tennis, basketball, ride a bike, go out to camp... They contribute to your health and keep you fit.
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@whoisanand (228)
• India
28 Feb 07
It's Simple Just Put My Wallpaper on all walls of your room
As I am a body builder
That will help u a lot
My friends did the same
@fajaralbeli (77)
• Pakistan
28 Feb 07
i have some tips 1)dont stuff eating
2)dont sleep late make time table
3)jogging daily
4)eat less then ur hunger
hope u will be in shape
@queenajasmina (449)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I think the best type of exercises are running and swiming. These two exercises work every part of the body. U should get up every morning and just jog at your own pace and see some scenery. You feel good since you are working out, and just being out in nature I feel helps too. You should also get a workout buddy. They should be good at pushing you to get your goals done and you be sure to push her too. Swiming is also good becuase of the the hydrotherapy on your body. You should alternate between these two because swimming will relieve any stress on you body that is left after running.
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@KetanGulati (579)
• India
28 Feb 07
well I too believe that exercising isnt tough.... it is tougher to do it daily... it is tougher to maintain the schedule for ever.... and that is one point where an individual then requires motivation...okay I tell you somethin.... one of the greatest solutions.... thatr helped me out too.... may be it would help you too... if it does do tell me... What keeps me motivated is actually a frightening thought .... I keep on frightening myself... think Ketan...realise...another summer where you would have to expose your ugly looking belly to people.... when you have to jump in the pool.... think ...again no girl would be wid you... OMG...the thought is so frightenin.... that by its terrible fear.. I start exercising...one once not twic4e but for ever.... you might give a same thought to yourself too... it would definitely stop you... alongwith that do noe thing for aure... cut down the total carbohydrates after sunset,.... that wud help for sure!!!
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@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
28 Feb 07
What about putting up a picture of a really sexy girl in a two piece bathing suit somewhere where you will always see it? I am overweight and always need motivation to excercise. I just look at myself in the mirror and I'm motivated already. But since you are not fat, just think that it's good for your health. And so that you will live long to see your kids have kids.
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@galatea (686)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
Take a picture of yourself in a bikini, label it as 'before', and post in front of the elliptical machine. Then cut up a picture of a model in a bikini and replace her head with a picture of yours, label this as 'after'. Post this beside your 'before' photo. :)
As for me, workout videos are the best so i always recommend my favorites: turbojam, slim in 6, and core rhythms.
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@blue_fairee (236)
• Pakistan
28 Feb 07
Walk daily for 30-45 minutes before going to bed and when you wake up in the morning take a glass of water with honey on empty stomach. You will see results in a days.
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@vin_kmr (227)
• India
28 Feb 07
you should do exercise daily to keep your body fit and in good shape, The exercises you do should be natural like jogging, dips, but avoid machine exercises. if you are doing some natural exercises you can get fresh air and your mind will be free, you will feel comfortable also. yoga is the very good natural exercise. find a book or cd of yoga and do the yogic exercise, but still make up your mind to do exercises and be fit. once you start you will be addicted to the exercises. all will be having starting problem. i am also bit fat, i also feel lazy to do exercises
@recycledgoth (9894)
28 Feb 07
I am very much like you hun, I do tend to have a lazy streak and sometimes feel I should do more exercise but the apathy kicks in. I try to run up my stairs rather than walk, when sitting watching television in the evenings I try to do *leg lifts* and stretches. I try and walk to the shops rather than drive too. I plan to sign up for aqua-robics in the Spring, water aerobics is a really good way to exercise without putting too much stress on the body.
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@dubaimt (273)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Feb 07
just let the idea of you being in baggy shirts be the pushing force! with that picture in mind, that will make you push yourself into that elliptical machine. walking is one way of good exercise; just plug in those earphones with your fave music on and you hardly will notice how long you have walked - you will just stop because your battery ran out or you are soaking wet of perspiration. happy exercise!
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@sujikka (76)
• India
28 Feb 07
Doing exercise is very good to reduce weight.To reduce your tummy go for a walk for half an hour everyday in the morning.do this for one month and you will be happy to see your shape.Lie down straight and lift your legs up and hold for 20 counts.repeat for 3 times.this would help to reduce your tummy.Another simple exercise is bend yourself slowly and touch your toes,repeat for some time, even this would help.
@kmdvmd (357)
• India
28 Feb 07
When do you get up in the morning.Get up early in the mornong.brush your teeth and sit at one place start performing yoga and pranayam.The breathing exersice will decrease the size of your belly and you will start loosing weight also.Drink warm water,stop taking cold drinks eat vegetables and fruits rather than heavy food.If you feel better do yoga and pranayam twice a day.
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@dancing_queen6776 (45)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Feb 07
no gains without any pains... put on some stimulating music, that would make you get off your couch and get on your toes. Start with light steps and then to hops...Aerobics and belly dancing are good to get rid of the belly. So get moving babe.
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@moonke (64)
• Australia
28 Feb 07
do little things, things that are do-able. for example. park your car further away when you go shopping.
change full cream milk for half milk. buy half fat cheese.
it's small steps. it's hard finding motivation. but instead of waiting around to get motivated, get up and you will be motivated.
also invest in a pedometer. an average person will walk around 6,000 steps a day w/out exersise. aim for 10,000 steps w/ exercise.
just remember small steps.
if you find it difficult to find the time to exercise. consider the 4,3,2,1 program (it's part of the trim body system) and it's quite simple.
4 mins of cardio
3 mins of strength training
2 mins of core strenghting
1 min of stretching.
you may also want to consider having a journal. that way you can write down how you feel when you eat. and you can also find out the reasons why you are eating. write in it as often as you like.
the other thing you may want to consider is to declutter your house. people who have a clutter/messy home tend to be more on the unorganised side. once you have done this you'll find that you have decluttered yourself.
i have more advise but don't want to overwhelm you
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