What were they thinking???---Please read and share your thoughts???
By mzbubblie
@mzbubblie (3839)
United States
March 6, 2007 10:02am CST
I have 2 stories here, One yesterday, I was home watching the news. This lady who lives about 45 minutes away from me. She was living in a basement with her 4 kids...When the police arrived, the house was filled with urine, feces, a dog who had been living there...Also, the people who rented the basement out to her, shouldn't of even rented out, they were denied a rental rights..
The mother would work and leave the kids at home...
This story is below:
Next story right after that, they were airing these teenagers giving these toddlers marijuana and taping it....The mother was in the back as sleep while this was going on....
The full story is below:
I have to admit, these stories really touched me. Not just because of the situation, but the children involved...It's also sad because I know this goes on more throughout the world, it's just that those people were not caught as these 2 families were.
What are your thoughts? Did you hear about either of these stories? Do you feel that airing things like this will effect others who are doing things like this behind closed doors?
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19 responses
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I agree with the poster above me completely. Much better written than anything I could have said.
I did not hear about the first story but I did see news clips for the story on the pot smoking toddlers - it just amazes me the things people will do and how everyone around is oblivious to what is going on. I was saddened to see the clips of those babies smoking pot - very saddened. The damage being done to their lungs alone at such a young age just makes me so very angry as well.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Yes it does, People don't appreciate their children that they bring in the world these days...I know being a mother myself, I'm a single mother at that..I know one child is enough for me...And I have my times where it's hard but I would never subject my child to live in areas where it's not healthy or not safe...I love me and I love my child..
That mother should not get those kids back...my thoughts
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@mizcheekz (178)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Wow, it is just unbelievable that something like that can go on. It disgusts me that anyone could do that to children. It's one thing if you want to live that way, but don't subject 5 kids to that. The youngest is a 6 month old!!! Did she give birth in the basement? Why wouldn't the homeowner have turned her in? All she had to do was make a call to the police, not like the lady wouldn't have been arrested before she could have done anything to her. Not that it was the homeowners fault but as a homeowner you are supposed to know what is going on in your property. And if she wasn't supposed to be renting anyway, I think there may be some liability there. I just hope and pray the kids will be okay and have people that can take care of them properly and help them get through this.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Actually on the news yesterday, they said that the owners are going to be held for renting it out to her, they were told by the county, they couldn't rent the basement out, but they did anyway...
I wonder what's going to be said on the news today about it....
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
6 Mar 07
i was watching the one story about the teenagers giving the children weed. i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw the two year old smoking on a blunt (and then he passed it back to his cousin to re-light when it went out!)!!! it was the saddest thing that i think i've ever seen. then the great grandmother (the one who had custody of the children) gets on the tv and said that she "didn't know how this could happen". the great grandmom looked to be in her early 50s (she really looked young). apparently she was at workk when all of this took place. the children are in foster care, and she wants them back. i was just disgusted by the whole thing.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Yes I was also...It makes no sense...Then to tape the toddlers smoking made it even worst..Hopefully, this is a wake up call to some of these people who do harm to children....I hope they all get caught..
The sad thing is these kids are placed in foster care, possibly even split up from their siblings...It's really sad...
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I just posted about the same story about the kids smoking pot. I was shocked when I saw the footage last night. It
is so sad the way some kids have to live in this world. I swear some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids. What makes it even worse is the mother is defending the brother instead of caring and protecting her children.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
**goes to respond on coolcatzz post too..**
Part I
I know they shouldn't be allowed to...I know one is enough for me and I make sure my lil man is safe and comfortable...I wouldn't and couldn't dare think of putting my baby in a dangerous situation...
That mother should not be allowed to get her kids back..Hopefully a family takes the kids and raise them
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
6 Mar 07
people that put their kids in that kind of stuff should be in jail. I could never live like that and not to mention my kids there is always something better if they just look. and shame on the people that rented their basement to them. and as for kids smoking pot I seen a 2 year old on the news that the father was letting him smoke a joint on veido he should go to jail also
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I know what you mean, I don't understand it myself..Furthermore, how could an ADULT live in such a horrible conditions, what makes a mother want to have their children under those same conditions..Makes you wonder how much that mother cares for herself or her children....
yes, anyone that gives a child anything harmful such as that should go to jail...period...
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
6 Mar 07
that is so sad, i could never live like that let alone put my kids in that. it makes me sick to think their are really people out there that just don't care. you think of it being something you watch on tv not something that could really happen.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I know right, it's a heartbreaking story but a way up call to those that are not doing right in their own homes..It sets an example to those people...I was watching the news a bit more today, and the teenager said all this that has happen is a wake up call to him...
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I heard about the first one from a friend and she said it was all over the news. Well I call myself listening to the news, but I never saw this about the pot and the toddlers. The first one I have not seen at all. I finally saw the taping on youtube. Here is my take on both of these stories. The first is just a crying shame for anyone to have to live like that, do these people NOT have family emembers or even friends that can help them out with their children? Did the Mother think she was living in 1920 when it was ok to live your children home alone in a basement? How can she not know this is wrong? The media sometimes leaves out very important facts to play on the public, so this may be the case. The second one is about as stupid as you can get. First it was a matter of kids babysitting kids. Come a 17 and 18 year old boy babysitting. I'm sorry but to me boys at 17 and 18 are like girls at 8 and 9 as far as maturity goes. The mother once again was so wrong to allow this. We have to consider there may be more to the story, the Mother may have been in the back with the flu for all we know. The media only lets us hear what they want us to hear. Yes this stuff goes on all the time, but the media does not find a story good enough to tell. The teenagers should pay, the little ones should be put in homes where people care and the media should be honest in stories like these and not twist to play on the hearts of the ones like us who care so much for the babies.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
That's very very true, they only let everyone know some but never tell the WHOLE entire story..We all go on what we see and hear...Very true..
I don't know what the mother was thinking but from some of those pictures, I would have never let my child or me even a dog live in those conditions...
Thank you soooo much for the excellent response
@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
6 Mar 07
You ask what where these people thinking...
Well, they weren't.
Some have mental issues which cause them to allow such things to happen, others are simply greedy and lazy, and there is always the possibility of addiction which causes a person to perceive things differently than they are.
The sad fact is the only people who pay attention to news broadcasts about such things are the people who actually watch the news and would not do such things themselves.
Those who take such actions or lack of them are what one friend of mine calls terminally unique...rules don't apply, they won't be found out, they are special and deserve to be treated as such...morals are for others.
It is a sad fact that more and more of the world's population is affected by something which allows them to behave in such a fashion...and fewer and fewer who take the time to notice the results of such behaviors and report them.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I know and very well said. I agree...I know they were not thinking of what could possibly happen if they caught...Overall, I will say it over and over, I feel bad for the kids in all this...That's what bothers me...
Thank you for the very nice informative response...
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Okay first about the woman and children living in filth: that is horrible and what is worse is that it is probably happening all over. People just seem ot forget about the necessitites that children need, and having a clean place to live and a mother who doesn't leave them all alone is a neccessity. I loved when she asked for a second chance and the cop said you already had 5.
Those kids deserve to go to a home where someone really loves them, because if you truly love them, you wouldn't allow this to happen. And if the landlord was so afraid of her, why did she rent ot her in the first place. That answer is just a copout. She didn't care as long as she got her illegal rent.
When we were renting a place we owned, we kept an eye on what was going on in the house, even though we didn't live in the same property. That is what you should do as a landlord and whenever kids are being mistreated, you report it, period!
As for the smoking: that guy is an idiot and proof that smoking pot does affect you in a negative way. I don't care what excuses you come up with, and I don't care how much a toddler begs for it, you just don't give it to them. OF course you shouldn't be smoking it in front of them anyways, in fact you shouldn't be smoking it at all.
IF that mom didn't know that her older son was smoking it, then she is an idiot. to me it is so easy to tell if someone is a pot user. there are personality changes and you can almost always smell it on them. I don't care how asleep I was, I would smell pot in my house. I would never leave my daugther in the care of someone who smokes it.
Both of these situations are sad and show just how screwed up soem people are. Call me crazy, but I love my duaghter and I don't want her hurt in any way, so I certainly take steps to keep things in my control safe for her. The fact that neither of these people really have any remorse about what they have done is very saddening indeed.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Yes, it is...I was actually shocked...I can't lie i've been invited to some people homes and I couldn't even stay in there, roaches or dust everywhere, I politely excused myself....So for that woman to do something like that and even allowing her kids to stay in an eniviroment as that, she should not be allowed to have her kids back...
I mean if I was in need of somewhere to live, I would do everything possible and wouldn't settle for some anywhere, knowing I have children...
For the teenagers that did that to those toddlers, I can't imagine...I have to believe the mother knew that her children were even smoking pot...Since they said they been doing it for a while...I think she just didn't want to get in trouble...
But, these types of stories just gives me a reality check...I know there are plenty of more people in this world that does far worst than that, they just never been caught...
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@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I think they should just deal with these people and put an end to it. All the glamor that they give some cases just makes another pyscho think it's cool. I truly don't understand what some of these people are thinking. These are their children. They just make me ill to my stomach.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Makes me wonder to what others are thinking when it comes to things like that...I have no idea
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I heard about the marijauna one on the news. I hope it helps people realize that they will get caught if they try to do such a thing. But, also, I really hope that it will encourage people to look at themselves honestly, and see what terrible things they are also doing and stop, or get help. I cannot believe that there are people out there that do not protect their children, or allow other children to suffer. It is something very difficult for me, and I hope that more and more children are protected against these kinds of abusers before they become influenced, and it is too late.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
yes indeed...Hopefully this is a wake up call to the world and to these parents who know they are doing wrong...I couldn't see being apart from my child...That's what makes me wonder about these parents...
@countdown21 (111)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Becaused you asked;
We live in a sin cursed world, this is the result of an individual, country or nation that has no foundation for absolute right and wrong. This is what happens when we do what is right in our own eyes. We are all in this together and are becoming a world without God and therefore without hope in the world.
The answer: God has said all He has to say to mankind, now it is up to us. He gave each individual an escape via Jesus Christ; when we trust Him, by repenting and truning to Him, we escape the punishment for our sin. If we reject Christ we have to wing-it. These stories are just two examples of the consequences of sin. The sad truth is, we all are capable of horible things as we are all sinners. All sin is the same to God; He hates it.
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@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
6 Mar 07
how sad this is. whenever i see or hear something else, i feel so sorry with the kids. thank you for posting it here, it might help, to prevent other children from that. the more poeple know there is something like that out there, the merrier.
i hope it helps open the eyes from parents.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
6 Mar 07
It is very sad...It makes parents realize they need to be more active in their kids lives if they have not been...I am upset about the kids being taken because it wouldn't have to be that way IF the mother was paying close attention to who and what is going on in her household..they are the ones that suffer from this all
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
These were few of the eerie stories that we have encountered these days. Very frustrating indeed to know that some people are really capable of doing horrible stuff even to their love ones.But I am atleast at ease to know that stories like these were known to public. Be it a lesson to all of us.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Yes it could very well be a lesson. I hope it reached out to some people who live like that and they now want to straighten their act up..that would be wonderful...
thank you for your response
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
7 Mar 07
These stories are both awful i can't understand why any mother would live like that with there kids.My kids are all Teenagers now 3 of them live out on there own they are ages 19,18,17 and 15 and i am still doing everything i can to make sure they are living in decent homes and have plenty of everything they need even if it means i go without so that they can have it.My 17 year old decided she wanted to live with my 19 year old so i am letting her but i am still going to do my job as her mother to see that she is taken care of no matter how old they get i will be there to keep them safe.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
That's the way I feel about my son, it doesn't matter how old he gets, I'm ALWAYS going to be there for them. Kids need that in there lives..I know when I was younger all the things my mom told me, I blew it off until I became an adult and had my own child..It's funny because when you realize it when your parents spoke on things it really didn't go out in one ear and out the other...
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
7 Mar 07
I didn't hear of those stories as sad as they are and thanks for the link.
I know that there are things happening behind closed doors all over the place and you will never know what is taking place until somone is caugh and it is on the news.
To me, it is impossible to always know in time to save someone eles from suffering. Usually it is after the suffering that anyone finds out obviously. There is nothing that really can be done barring all personal privacy which I am against.
It is sad and as much as it can break your heart I don't think it does effect my life personally. Not to sound cold as I am not cold.... but it is true.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
yes it's very true all you have said and no you're not cold at all...It happens more than we know in either case, it's just never been put out there like these 2 families have been..
thank you for responding
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Stories such as this makes child welfare even more prone into doing allegations and investigations over families who don't deserve to have there kids taken away. What do you do with such people like this?
@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I would say all they were thinking about was themselves. Not the children. Both stories are terrible, and the adults involved should be put in jail. And that includes the teenagers who gave pot to their young nephews. They are old enough to know better, so in my eyes should be treated as adults. I don't think it will effect others who do this stuff, they always think that they won't get caught.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I feel the same way they were only thinking of the welfare of themselves...Actually all the teenagers are being treated as adults except the one who was filming, he is in juvenile detention...
@BaronBrash (20)
• Australia
7 Mar 07
Airing these things will have little effect on the people already doing these sorts of things. Did you see a television? Would they even watch a program about current affairs? Education in school will help prevent this. Parental education would help as well. It has to start somewhere, teaching children when they're young and reinforcing the knowdledge throughout school every now and then will go a lot further to prevention.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Very true, I agree...I believe in communication with my child. As you said, it all needs to start from birth...I believe some will see this and happy it wasn't them getting caught...
It's sad but you know media, they will air anything that's worth airing and never give all the details..