I Think I Need Therapy...
By havfaith
@havfaith (174)
United States
March 6, 2007 12:43pm CST
I have been going through depression for a few months now, Last month I mentioned it to my doctor and he agreed. He put me on Lexapro and suggust I get therapy. Since I have been on them I do see a difference in me. My husband is against me going to therapy. I can talk to him about everything but if we have don't agree we end up in a fight, so I agree with him even if i'm right. My question is what can I do to get me help without up setting my husband?
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32 responses
@lovemycats (141)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Please get the counseling for yourself! Most important to get and keep yourself healthy. Remember everything you tell a therapist is confidential!!! Why is your hubby upset about the idea of therapy? Does he feel thrreatened??
How awful to have to agre with him just to end an argument. Doesn't sound healthy to me.
Tell hubby you are doing this for YOURSELF, period...
And your dr. recommended therapy too!!
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@aka_chandler (93)
• United States
6 Mar 07
If you need help then you shouldn't worry about upsetting your husband. He should not be able to tell you what you need to do. If you feel like that is what is best for you then go for it. Your husband should back you up during your hard times. If it was my husband i'd tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine. My husband and I don't see eye to eye hardly ever, but when it comes down to things i feel like i NEED to do...he doesn't fight it.
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Its your life and health. You go to therapy if you need it. Depression is as bad and deadly as cancer. You need to take care of it. Your husband feels you would be relying on someone else to help out. tell him that isnt true. If he loves you he will let you get the help you need. Period.
Good luck hun....It not up to him this decsion.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I would get the therapy. It sounds as if your husband could be part of the reason you need it. If you fight and give in even though you know you are right then there is something wrong with the arrangment. Even if he isn't a problem you still need to go. You need to do what is right for you, not him, for you. You have to think of yourself first in this situation. It's your mental health on the line and trust me depression is a nasty thing to deal with. I have suffered with it all my life and I know how it can effect you. Let your husband be upset. If he is that selfish where he doesn't want you to get help then he doesn't deserve you. He should want you to get the help you need.
I'll be blunt here, from reading your post if you are that worried about him being upset then there is something wrong with him and it sounds like a form of abuse. It might not be but if you are more worried about having him upset then your mental health I have to wonder if there isn't. If there is then get out of the releationship now! Call up an abuse shelter if need be, they will help you. There is help avialable out there. Don't let him ruin your life.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
6 Mar 07
The fact that your husband is discouraging you from going to therapy means you really should go.
Your depression might be directly linked to your relationship. Your husband appears to be afraid that you will think about something in the relationship and changes will have to be made so that you are healthier within it. Right now your husband has the advantage, which means that you might not be getting your needs met.
I suggest that you go to therapy and not worry about your husband's getting upset. If it upsets him then maybe he needs some therapy too.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
6 Mar 07
i am sorry but he sounds like half the problem. i can't believe he says no. DO IT ANYWAY! he is your husband not your father and you need to do this for you. you should not have to agree with him just so there is not fight. there is alot my husband and i don't agree on but there don't have to be a fight. depression is not something to just set aside and worry about later. you need to deal with it now and take care of it and if that means going for therapy then do it.
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@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
7 Mar 07
Would he go with you to the doctor, and listen to what the doctor has to say? If not, I would suggest taking the medication and therapy without him knowing about it. He must learn to see this as an illness. Why is he so against you going to therapy?
@havfaith (174)
• United States
7 Mar 07
He knows I take the medication he says he sees the difference in me. I could never do anything behind his back. I don't believe in keeping secrets from him.
Him and his x-wife had their daughter in therapy and it never helped her. And he feels therapy won't help anyone.
@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Look, I have suffered from depression off and on for a number of years. There is NO shame in therapy and your husband is NOT qualified to help you with everything. A husbands job is to be the man of his house, right? Well the man should be able to tell when something is beyond his control. What about talking to clergy? Would that make him feel better? Many people fear you will be talking about them in therapy. Hello, it's not ALL about them.
@willocfc (963)
• Australia
7 Mar 07
Depression is an illness, if you were to have cancer would your husband disagree with you seeing a doctor who specializes in cancer? Im sure he wouldnt so why should he disagree with you seeing a doctor that specializes in treating depression? Unless you are going through it yourself its hard to imagine what its like to deal with, and if its therapy you need then you should get it, your husband needs to be a bigger man and accept that or risk losing you forever
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@stateroad (730)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Depression is a serious illness and if someone needs
help with it they should be allowed to do it. You
husband should support that you are suffering from
Depression and need help. He should not be going against
you and your treatment. I would just go ahead and see the
Therapist or Doctor regardless of what your Husband says.
Someone has to look after you and make sure you are alright. Maybe your husband will change his mind about you seeing a Therapist after a few visits.
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@tacoman25 (233)
• United States
7 Mar 07
To be quite honest, it sounds to me like it might be a good idea for both of you to attend therapy sesssions together. Or maybe just counseling of some sort. If you can't discuss something with him that you don't agree on without fighting, that might be a sign of something unhealthy in your relationship. He should not always have to be right. I hope your depression is not caused in part by feeling trampled on by your husband.
@Rosepariah (6)
7 Mar 07
sometimes therapy can help in many ways, and if you think you need it then you should have it, regardless of what your husband says. Explain to him that it is important to you, and in the end you probably wont be having as many fights with him as you say your having too! Good luck and keep yer chin up! :)
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@melody1011 (1663)
• India
7 Mar 07
Im not too sure about depression however, since your husband is against you going for therapy, you could find a another person you can talk to and confide in. This person could be a family member or someone who you look up to. This way you are not actually going for therapy but can talk to another person without you getting into a fight. I know exactly what you mean about your husband cause my bf is exactly the same way. He always has to be right and even when i disagree with him we get into a huge fight. Dont know what to do on that score. What do you do? besides agreeing with him that is.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Go to the therapy. When I was first diagnossed I went to therapy and it was one of the best things I have ever done. My husband and I went through soem serious problems while I was being treated. It is scary for the loved ones becaause they want to help but don't know how, your peraonality changes, they want to understnad but you can't even really descibe what you are goind through.
It is a tough situation for everyone, but you have to take care of yourself. You cannot continue being in a relationship with your husband if you lose yourself because you didn't get the help you needed.
It may sound selfish but right now you have to worry about yourself. YOu cannot give anything tho anyone else if you are not healthy enough to take care of yourself. The therapy can be a real help, so go to it and just tell your husband that right now, you have to do what is best for you and the therapy is it.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I also am helped by lexipro but if your doc tells u to go for therapy you should go if you had an ilness would your hubby deny you a doctor well tell him you are sick and therepy is part of the treatement!and GO!in spite of him hell get over it!
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Hi there,
I have a solution that will help with both the depression and diet, Exercise, it is a fact that doing so releases endorphins that combat depression. People and doctors are way too fast to get pills for everything that bothers them. Please do not take that as a criticism it was not meant as such, anyhow give it a try. Just one day this week take a brisk walk and when you come home take note that you will be feeling a little better.
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@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
7 Mar 07
If you think you need therapy... then YES you need therapy. The Lexapro is working to help you see that life can be better and you can feel different. I was having pretty much the same problem but with everyone and not just my husband. Is money the issue as to why your husband does not want you to go? Call the mental health department in your area and see if you can see a therapist at a reduced rate. That is what I had to do. It was worth it. I was having anxiety attacks and suffering from some after shock of a messy childhood. I get along better with a lot of people now and can tell when my anxieties are returning. I take Paxil, it works for me and I have gone up on dosage and down on dosage as I felt I needed with my doctors permission. I am at the middle dosage now. My husband once asked am I the problem? My response was I don't know but if you are please know I love you and I want to fix me and us. So now he can tell when my depression is creeping in and he'll say do you need to talk to me or someone else. Honey, please get the help you need. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!!
@fizz11 (69)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I am very sorry. You have alot of good advice responses. I hope that if you cannot convince him that therapy is a good thing that at least you find people to talk to about this. Please feel free to message me if you want to talk more about it. Also, I was on medication sometime back for depression. I am not saying there is anything wrong with it and I think it can definitely help short-term for getting you on track. But talking to a professional counselor was what ultimately helped me. She gave me great techniques for dealing with stress and self-doubt amongst many other things. I am not on medication now and am doing fine. I hope you do get therapy. If you must, keep searching for the right counselor. I found I had to do that. Sometimes talking to a counselor you do not feel comfortable with can be ineffective. As for your husband, is he so against the therapy because he is trying to pretend like nothing is wrong and it will just go away on its own? I am confused as to why he would be so against it.