Do you let your children have friends sleep over?
By patgalca
@patgalca (18439)
Orangeville, Ontario
March 9, 2007 12:04am CST
Do you like it when a friend sleeps over?
Today is the beginning of March break for my children. The first night and my 10yo daughter was already asking to have a friend sleep over. I don't really like having kids sleep over. I'm not good with other people's children, even if they are over ten years of age. I just don't like having my space invaded and all my food eaten. LOL!
On the other hand, it does keep the kids busy playing and having fun and not always bugging me. There is one friend of my 13 year old daughter who I don't mind having sleep over. She is really a good kid and I have come to treat her like she is my own. But there have been times when she has been here for two days.
I just like my privacy. I don't like having my home invaded by others. Am I weird? Does anyone else feel this way?
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40 responses
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I am actually the oposite from you. I love it when my duaghter has friends sleep over. I know it is sad but for the most part they take care of themselves. I mean they play in her room, or sometimes in the bathroom.
I don't mind having to feed them because we usually have leftovers anyways, so it isn't relaly like I am out more food. Most of all though it makes my duaghter happy and I do get some time to myself.
My daughter is getting ready to turn 9 so I do have to keep and eye on them but I set down rules and they are pretty good at following them. they have also learned how to deal with problems themselves even if that means seperating themselves for 10 minutes or so.
My daughter just recently had her first acutal slumber party with more than one friend and it went great. Of course I like kids, never thought I would ever hear myself saying that, but it is true.
I started a Girl Scout troop so my duaghter could be in Girl Scouts and I ended up loveing it. I guess I just get satisfaction out of entertaining the kids andheloing them learn and grow.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Mar 07
It's not the leftovers I'm worried about when it comes to food. It's all the juice and cereal and milk and cookies and such that they go through when they raid my kitchen! It's hard enough keeping my own two fed without adding another body.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
9 Mar 07
I don't have any children of my own, but I can certainly understand how you feel. Kids will not be permanantly scarred if they don't have sleep overs, but it does matter how you explain your issues with it to them. It is generally not a good idea to do anything that you can easily say no to if you don't feel like doing it.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 Mar 07
i don't think that you are weird... some people just like to have their privacy and we just have to respect it... my parents also don't really like it when my friend come to sleep over unless if they already know the person really really well... then they don't mind at all... but i think once in a while is OK as long as it is not very often...
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
I am like you - I like my privacy. If I had my way, we'd ever do playdates, much less sleepovers! My husband is the opposite though, so we compromise and have some kids over, but only once have we tried a sleepover with a really close friend. I'm sure we'll have more as the kids get older - but I don't like the idea that I can't run to the batrhoom in my underwear if need be. heh.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Mar 07
I agree with you there. I live in a four level (basement included) side-split. My children and a friend were sleeping in the basement. I was 3 levels up getting ready for bed when the friend came up to my daughter's bedroom to retrieve something. I got caught with my pants down, so to speak. Can't exactly remember what level of dress I was in but I was embarrassed and kind of po'd.
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I'm kind of like you. I like my privacy, mostly because my house is really pretty cluttered. My stepkids 15 & 12 don't often have friends spend the night. That's because my DH works nights on the weekends and has to sleep pretty late those days. It's hard to have kids with guests be quiet. Not really fair to them either. Since having DS, it's another reason - he needs to have the house relatively quiet to sleep well. Our kids will mostly bring their friends over, but will leave in the evening. Or we'll let them go to the friends' house.
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@potatobutt87 (348)
• United States
9 Mar 07
my daughter isn't old enough, but i love kids. growing up there were sooo many kids over all the time, my mom loved it, but she also loved her privacy. now she gets pretty mad if to many people are over more then one night.
if they are a child, then food shouldn't really be an issue. they cant eat THAT much. one night is good. maybe like every other week or so. if theres more, then i think they would expect to be able to have a friend over whenever they want, and thats not ok
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I hear you there. I let kids come over sometimes but I limit how much I let my girls have someone stay over. My son has a friend I let stay over once in a while. I have alot of stuff in my house and having that many kids in my clutter makes me feel trapped. I have started and am planning on finishing de-cluttering my house. I am getting rid of a bunch of stuff this spring. About 10 years worth junk. I can't wait to gain some room.
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@golden87 (95)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Hi, I actually hate sleep overs. I feel it gives the kids an excuse to act silly and obnoxious. They stay up way too late, and they are loud, rude and inconsiderate. Then the next day they are useless because they are tired and crabby. My rule is 2 sleep overs per year. That's it.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
I always have and they don't bother me. They are pretty good at keeping the noise down although sometimes it's hard to get them to fall asleep. I always make the best of it and set up treats and stuff for them. I've had 5 girls at once. Actually when my son was younger one of his birthday parties consisted of 8 boys. I just make it all about them and let them have some fun.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I let my daughter have friends over about once a month-- (one weekend).. she goes to her dads every other weekend-
I think it is very good for kids to have friends over.. Helps them form good friendships-- plus gives them something to do- One of my daughters friend comes over for the entire weekend alot- I;m trying to teach my daughter that she needs to invite over different people- Its good to have 1 great friend but its better to have many good friends--
I always buy extra food( we usually order out) they get movies etc.. My daughter is 10 also.
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@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
15 Apr 07
I'm not really big on sleepovers, but not something I would prevent my children from doing, so long as they are willing to pitch in and help out afterwards as well as behave while their friends are there. My parents used to allow me to go to the odd sleepover, and have a friend over to one at my place. I also allow my children to go to sleepovers, but insist on the name, address and phone number and if possible, I try to meet the parent when I drop my child off. If they want to have a friend over, I insist that their room be cleaned up, and that they pitch in and do something to help out while their friend is here, and I usually only allow it on occasion. Must admit, I love my own privacy, but I'm not going to stop the occasional sleepover.
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@mom_of_2 (398)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
Hi patgalca,
My oldest is only 5 so I haven't had to deal with sleep overs yet but he is a social child and always wants a friend over to play or go to someones house. I prefer my son at home, I dont see that changing with time. Its so hard once they're in school to meet all the parents and get on a first name basis. I'm sure I sound like a parnoid parent but with all crimes being commites on children, I'd much rather have the sleep overs at my house.
As for the pantry invasion, my suggestion is buy the ingredients and let the girls bake cookies...keeps them busy and full ! You could also get them to make their own pizza.
Try to have a good week :)
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@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
10 Mar 07
I think its really good of you to let your kids friends sleep over. Its actually a win win situation that you create. You get to know her friends, whether they are good company or not, and best things is that they are happy. U get more free time in a sense. Privacy ?? The good things that do come out weigh your privacy I think. Of course I wouldn't know. But yea .its good of you to do it.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
9 Mar 07
I allow it once in awhile but I don't really like the change in my own routine. I have to rearrange all the sleeping spaces and move a tv and dvd player into their bedroom so they can have 'movie night'. There is also the expectation of special meals and snacks, s at the end of the day it is a pretty big hassle and not something that happens that often. Summer is usually a better time for this sort of thing.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Mar 07
Yes, I like it better in the summer because we pitch a tent in the backyard. Then they can sleep out there. Last night I did not allow the sleepover and I'm glad I didn't because I really needed to sleep in and the noise they make in the morning would have prevented me from doing so.
@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
I was never big on this sleepover thing as my kids grew up. My oldest daughter would have a sleepover and there would hardly be any problems. So she would get them once or twice a month. My son asked so little I ususally said ok. But my youngest daughter wanted them all the time. She would want more than one friend. Eventually we put our foot down and said one sleepover a month. Oh, no you are not weird cause if you are than I am too.
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@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I think it is normal and healthy to have other kids spend the night. It's unfair to your kid to be the way you are. We all like our space, but guess what? Your daughter, whom you brought into this world, doesn't have her own space. Sher has yours and one day soon, she will be gone and you will be left with an empty nest. It's not about what you want. Would one night really kill you?
As for the kid who comes and sometimes stays two days, guess what? You can always tell her mother, "I'll drop her off around noon tomorrow. We have some errands to do."
As for your food, order a pizza and buy a 2 liter of soda.
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
9 Mar 07
If I know the kids it's not bad. My youngest daughter's best friend was over every weekend and it always kept her busy and neither one of them were or still are big eaters. Now My oldest daughter Has different "types" of friends, 2 1/2 yrs. difference. I find I wasn't real thrilled with her friends that much. You practically had to force them to leave! drank the pop ! Just depends on who it is I guess , but I do like my privacy .
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@laarni080 (127)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
In my own opinion even though i am not married yet, Sometimes we should allow our kids to sleep over in the house of their friends house because that is the time that they can bond with each other, especially talk first to the parents to make sure your kids is safe.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
10 Mar 07
I have no problem with my kids sleeping over at their friends' houses, but more often than not they are asking to sleep at our house. And I'm okay with that once in awhile but they were barely out of the school for March Break and DD was already asking to have someone sleep over. I figured if she had someone sleep over on the first night of break, how many more times was it going to happen over the week?
@happymomof2 (47)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I wont say your weird.....My daughter had her 1st sleep over 2 weeks ago..She is 8...Its different, but I like to plan fun things for us to do and I camp out int the den with them.....We had fun.....I do get on to the other children if there in my house though...I also have lots of rules....I am private as well, but the party is not for me, its for my daughter who needs her time to grow and change as well...I have had my childhood already....Maybe you and your daughter have to set ground rules about food, and cleaning up..If this one doesnt work tell her no more...Each child deserves 1 chance with a slumber party...ITS WHAT GIRLS DO.......
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Mar 07
My girls are 10 and 13 (almost 11 and 14) so this has been going on for years. Slumber parties for birthdays are one thing, but the constant requests to have a friend sleep over drives me crazy. It is good that you get involved with your kids' sleepovers.
@ladyljs (1303)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I have twin 9 year olds, and this is becoming a real issue here.
The worst thing that i have had to encounter is my little boy asking me if his friend could come spend the night...right in front of his mother!!
I am an extremely private person, we live way out in the country and I am a widow of 21 months..I really don't want to have any other children to have to worry about other than my twins!
I have tried to have a talk with my children about asking their friends in public places, but I understand that they are just 9 and are only looking to have a good time.
I don't even let my own children go somewhere to spend the night because I worry about the influences that they may be exposed to.
Old fashioned...maybe.
Worried...not when they are with me.
Good question
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
15 Apr 07
Guess what? I have a kid sleeping over again tonight! Geez. I told my daughter when she asked me that I didn't want to hear those words again for a long time. I asked her why everyone had to come to our place and they never seem to go to sleepovers anywhere else. I our house really that much fun? LOL!