Should domething be done about rude shoppers?
By 66jerseygirl
@66jerseygirl (3877)
United States
March 9, 2007 8:54pm CST
I find that customers are gettting ruder all the time. I don't even know where to begin they annoy me so much.First of all, I really get ticked off at people who park in the handicapped space that don't have a handicapped plaque. I get so tired of people who block the aisles then have the nerve to get mad because you say "excuse me"or you have ones that will reach right in front of you to grab something without excusing themselves.How about this? Someone will pay by check and instead of making the check out ahead of time and keeping the amount blank,they wait til they are up at the register then fill out the check and register. What I hate most of all are these adults that bring kids to the store then let them run wild and scream their full heads off because they don't want to have to deal with them.I know there isn't much that can be done about blocking aisles,etc, but I believe that if an adult is letting the kids run around like nuts with no regards for the other shoppers,that shopper should be asked to leave. Customers shouldn't have to put up with that nonsense
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26 responses
@Connie1013 (1098)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I was with ya right up untill you brought kids into it. Parent's try very hard when shopping. I bring my kids and husband with me a lot. After putting up with other shoppers blocking me in, waiting for that one spot closer to the door, and tring to find everything on my list, I get tired. I keep a close eye on all 3 kids but sometimes they get away from me. I do care if they upset other shoppers. If I was asked to leave a store, there would be holy heck to pay. If I don't like shopping with other parents/adults, I go at odd times. Mornings are usually empty stores or just less morons. Maybe you should try that too? Or just go after midnight when 90% of all kids are in bed.
I gave you a + out of respect.
@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
Not all places have grcery stores open that late and i applaud you for doing your best it the ones that just let there kids run wild as a parent i was once in your position and i found it hard some times to control mine too the parents that do not even try those are the ones i am thinking about.
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@Connie1013 (1098)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Around here, there is SuperWalmart, Kroger, Meijer. I could go late night shopping but because my husband works nights, it is easier to shop around 9-10am. I get to see the pre-Kers with their MOMs. Makes me with I had another one to place in a shopping cart.
I do understand. I do see kids like that then see parents having a rough day and loose those kids. I feel bad for their parents.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
First of all, thanks for the + rating even though you disagree with me . I wasn't talking about parents who have kids are get away from ya once inawhile.I'm talking about parents who let their kids run wild from the time they walk in the store.They are running into custmers ,yelling and screaming and acting like ninnies. that's what I'm talking abuot.Actually I decided to write this discussion after talking with a neighbor when we were sitting outside.she showed me a nasty bruise on the side of her thigh that she had gotten from a kid who was running up and down the aisles with a cart. She hunted the mother down and told her about it and she didn't even make the kid apologize .Just gave her that kid's will be kids attitude and let the kid loose with the cart again.
As for shopping in the morning,I try but i don't have the opportunity and it's also hard in the eveing and late night. My father is very ill and I need to be around him at those times
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@sandie61 (2359)
• United States
10 Mar 07
it annoys me when people are rude. just today I was at the grocery store and some people were stopped chatting in the main isle and this elderly man and lady were trying to get by so I stopped and let them by as soon as they went by a lady came out of the aisle and went right in front of me as if I wasn`t even there. also I hate when they race to beat you into a parking space as if there are no other spaces available and also the ones that wait there for you to leave so they can have your spot. it would not hurt them to take another spot and walk a few steps further.
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@sandie61 (2359)
• United States
10 Mar 07
that is very rude that they did not stop for the lady and child to cross that had alot of bags. they have lines in the road that the drivers are suppose to stop and let the pedestrians go by. half the cars do not even stop for people in the crosswalk. that is so rude.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
that does serve him right! I have had people beep at me the instant the light turns green.How fast do they think I can move for goodness sake
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
YOu know that doesn't surprise me at all. Things were never this bad when I was growing up.Of course we had our rude customers but never to this extent. Oh yea, I had forgotten to put that one in.I am always being cut off in parking spots.I hate it when someone's waiting for me.Half the time these people don't give you enough room and it makes it real difficult getting out of the parking spot.and how's this for rude. I was in a shopping plaza driving in front to get to the petsmart section.There was this woman and little girl coming out of old navy loaded down with bags. They looked utterly exhauseted and not one car in front of me would stop to let them go by so I did .Two cars in back of me had the nerve to beep at me cause I let them go by!
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I definitely agree that customers are becoming more rude everyday. They take up parking spots, like handicapped spots or they take up a couple parking spots by parking in an angle, they are rude to cashiers and store people and I remember working in the bank they would call and yell and cuss at us for their mistakes. I think many people do not have patience anymore and get upset very easily and take it out on other people.
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
There is anew trend here they park the cars so they now can oocupy all four stalls this seems ot be popular with the big suv's
My vehicle is getting fairly old got a few parking lot dents so now when i see peopel parked like that i ssqueeze as close to them as i can so they have a hard time getting in, Once had a guy ask me to move it so he could get into his car. Said if he had parked like a regular person i would not of had to squeeze in and he could wait till i was finished what i was doing then i would move it.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I can't believe I missed the cars parking at an angle! How about those cars that park so close to your car while you're in the store you have trouble getting in? Customers have no patience anymore and it's getting ridculous. I hear people yellingat store employees all the time and it's stupid.It's not the emplyess fault if the prices were high and there wasn't enough stock or whatever. If people have a problem,they should complain to the manager.That's what they are there for.It's not the employees fault
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Excuse me,I have been more than patient with these people. How more much more patient do you expect a person to get?I go to the store to be shop,not to be run into with carts or to be stressed out by people who no manners
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@mpshiva6 (65)
• India
10 Mar 07
Your observations are true 100%. But this is not the case only with customers in a shop or super market. This is today's scenario in every place. Take the roads, the parks, anywhere. People no longer have basic courtesies. This comes from the sudden boom in economy and people finding themselves suddenly rich. These people feel that just because they have become richer it makes them free to do anything. Just look at the way the newly rich drivers drive on the streets. They dont care for any other drivers. Letting the kids loose in the shop is another way of showing others that they let their kids pick up whatever they want because they have the money to buy them. Even among the youngsters of today arrogance has become a way of life. This is the result of a society which wants freedom in everything. This freedom has turned into arrogance. Another reason is the break down of the family system. Today everyone lives on their own and there is nowhere to learn basic discipline from. In the olden days parents and grand-parents had a control over the children and taught them discipline and courtesy. But today the case is different. And the more richer they are they become more arrogant.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Arrogance isn't the word! These kids are so arrogant it'snot even funny! It's unreal how much people have changed.I do agree with you that richer people think they are better than everybody but ,rude people are every where,poor as well those with money. I do believe that the break down of the family is a big cause of it.
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Oh, thank you for this! I agree whole heartedly. I have one of those handicaped plaque & while I can walk, I really can't walk far or stand long (I hurt my feet about 15 yrs ago & just have never gotten better. That & my fibromyalgia are the reasons I have one.) The whole check thing is another thing. These days I mostly use cash or a check card - I don't even carry a check book most of the time (I just stick my drivers license and check card in pocket & don't even carry a purse because of my bad shoulders & back.) And KIDS... well, I don't much like them in the first place and don't have any so, needless to say, I have little patience with misbehaving kids.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
You are quite welcome. My mother was disabled and there were actually times when we could not park at all in handicapped spots because of people parked there that didn't have the plaques.
As for the check thing,I submitted without checking it-mymistake.It's when the stores are crowded -that's when it bothers me ,cause the lines just get longer and longer . I have no problem with checkwriters when it's not crowded.Sorry about that!
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@weemam (13372)
10 Mar 07
yes I agree with you My son has a handicapped badge and it really annoys me when able bodied people use them , it annoys me when people stand and chat in the isles and I cant get passed them , the kids don't bother me too much as well!! they are kids , but I was in ASda the other day and 2 youngsters were roller skating in the isles now that!! annoyed me , I love shopping though , Odd ! but I do xx
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I had another resonder talk about people chatting in the aisles. That is rude,if you want to chat,move off to the side and let people go by. I don't know how any one with a conscious can use a parking spot made for the disabled when they aren't even disables
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I so agree with you on every complaint you listed. I think they are getting worse all the time. People are just getting so selfish that they dont care about anyone but themselves. It is a "ME-Me" society.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Don't I know it! The selfishness in this country is getting out of hand. I think a lot of it is due to the fact that too many parents give their kids what ever they want and don't take the time to teach them to care about others and it carries over into adulthood.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Of course I'm upset. We shouldn't have to put up with these rude custmers.We should be able to shop without being stressed out like that
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@hottie0728 (1732)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I agree with you 100%!
I work in a retail as an office coordinator but sometimes I have to be on the floor and during those times I have to deal with customers. Some are nice but most are stupid and very rude. I used to work as a customer service specialist too and I hate dealing with those kind of customers. I know I have to be nice but they provoked me to be mean too.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I feel for you having to work with customers,lol!I used to work in retail and I hated it.I am so glad I don't have to put up with that crap anymore. Although,I still don't work in retail,I still get rude people.I work for a nursing agency and let me tell you,I have gotten some really rude people! that's why I decided to start school online for something in the medical field,maybe medical billing and coding.
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@simesc (248)
10 Mar 07
Shopping can be a nightmare at times. I try and avoid it at certain times. I find Sunday afternoon is the worst, there are loads of families and loads of kids running all over the place.
The people who do all of the bad things that you say, do not care for anyone else. But they do not really care about their kids either.
I am a dad and my son knows that he cannot go running round the store, he knows that he should be respectful of others and not bum into them, not scream by them and not throw things on the floor.
It annoys me when I see kids do all of those things.
The one that I want to add is people with baskets and carts who keep nudging you in the back as you wait in line to pay. They keep moving it into you for no reason. The queue is not moving so why are they trying?
I have just woken up this morning and now I am angry - hahahahaha
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I am so glad you keep your kids in check! You seem to be one of a few. I have had a few runins with people who keep nodging you with the cart. I don't put up with it though,I usually turn around and confront them abuot it
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@Joey322 (272)
• United States
10 Mar 07
i can agree with you on most counts. i also get bothered by anyone who loses their temper or screams at an inoccent employee. if you are that mad, then MAYBE you can get away with yelling at a manager, but many people unload on the first level employee and they don't make the policies, they are just trying to do their job.
i wish stores would give anyone who was out of line "the boot" and ask them to leave and come back when they can behave in some sort of decent decorum. those people don't realize how stupid they look to the other shoppers, ya know??
as for the check writers. well, maybe you can slow down and not be in such a rush to leave the store. sure, it would be nice if they had it filled out, but it doesn't really take THAT long to fill out a check and besides, once they get to that cashier...that becomes their time at the register. you will get your time when they are done.
i feel that people have lost all patience. we live in a "gimme right now" society and things like the internet, where the world is at our fingertips and everything is INSTANT, has really helped make us this way.
so, next time someone is writing a check...well, try to be glad that they aren't digging themselves into debt with a credit card and are using a form of payment that will eventually become obsolete. take a deep breath and understand that it won't take but 1-2 minutes and they will be done and it will be your turn.
as for eveything else...i agree!
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I agree with you about the cutomers yelling at the employees.I always thought that was so stupid. Let the manager take care of the problem,he/she's trained to deal with customers.
As for the checkwriting thing,as I told one of the responders, I submitted my discussion with out checking it and i didn't finsih what i was thinking. I have no problems with people who wait til they are up to the registers to write the checks when there's not much business,it's when the place is crowded that it bothers me. EVen though,it may not seem long to the checkwriter,it seems long to someone else waiting inline.especially if the line's long and you have other people writitng checks at the last minute.
You said I shouldn't be in such a rush.I have a very ill father at home.I can't afford to pay someone to watch him so I HAVE to rush.I don't have a choice about it
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@Kingofptw (70)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
Yea you are right about this,rude customers should be kicked out of the shop,but the big companies will not do that because they want cash and if they lose shoppers they lose cash
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I know nothing will be done about these people unless a customer complains but it's not right.they are pushing the good customers away to keep the money.
@monica1981 (466)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I agree with you on most points, especially children running around wild in the store. It can be very annoying and dangerous for the child. I do have to disagree on your statement about handicapped plaques. Not everyone has to have a plaque. There are signs you can put up on your rear-view mirror, as well as stickers. As for telling if someone is handicapped or not, how can you be so sure? One of my friends has a heart problem and is considered handicapped because of it. However, that is not something that is visible to the naked eye. Also, I drive my handicapped mother around a lot, and sometimes she'll be insitent on walking in by herself. I'll park in a handicapped space and wait in the car for her so she doesn't have to walk as far. I don't see anything wrong with that.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
That's the problem ,no one does know if someone is truly handicapped.There are still a lot of healthy people that use the handicapped parking because they think they are better than everyone else and I think it's appalling.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
10 Mar 07
i can understand what you mean and i also feel the same like you... i feel so annoyed with rude, ignorant and inconsiderate shoppers... they just don't realise what they are doing is really annoying the other shoppers... i think the only thing we can do is not to follow their footsteps... i try to be a good role model when i go shopping and be a good shopper... if we can't stop people from being rude, may be we can start from ourselves and show them good examples...
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I try to be a good shopper also. Just because they act like morons doesn't mean I have to. I just wish people would remember that this is a civilized country-although sometimes I wonder with the way people are acting now.
@silvatungfox (336)
• United States
10 Mar 07
My first thought is that you don't have kids. Frequently keeping control over offspring is impossible if not difficult. I am not real happy with unruly kids, but I would not stoop to being so fascist that I would want them to be unable to complete their shopping.. after all.. those kids are probably very hungry which is part of their problem. (although it also is probably that they are hyped up on sugar since that is what a lot of frustrated mothers jamb into their kids mouths in an attempt to keep them under control or quiet. This of course back fires more often than not.)
Public spanking can get you into trouble at times, with all the goofy laws that were intended to protect children have caused most parents who must resort to such activities to keep them out of public.. the kids are smart and figure this out so will act up more in public, such as at the store, than they would if they were home where Mom would not think twice before paddling a behind.
Now that is a whole different issue than the folks who wait to fill out their checks when they will be paying by check.. if they have a pen and don't need to ask for one, and are not filling out the check, I find another line.
And both of those things are separate issues from the taking up a handicap parking place without the legal authority to do so. This final one happens to be one that I find more than annoying. I happen to be the sole unpaid caretaker for aging and ailing parents both of whom are in wheelchairs. I will not use a handicap place even though I have the placard, if I do not need to get out a wheelchair (or two) or if Mother is going to sit in the car while I run into a store/library whatever. I only use them when there is need.. which as it happens.. is what the law says. Those who use the handicap places without the proper authority, are breaking the law, which is more than rude.. it is criminal. I have seen stores (not many granted) call the police and have the offenders cited or the cars towed away. Reporting violators to store management will give you a pretty good idea of how seriously they take this law.. and if they don't, maybe you need to be supporting stores that do take the law seriously.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
What does the fact that I don't have kids have anything to do with the isse?I -as well as other shoppers-should bea ble to go shopping in peace,not have to put up with smart mouthed kids or having kids knocking things over and breaking them or running into me or others. Just becasue I think something should be done doesn't make me a fascist. As for them acting like this becasue they are hungry,I don't buy that.They act like that because nowadays the parents don't know the meaning of the word discipline.
It's kinda hard to get out of line when you are stuck in it.I don't see why people can't have their checks filled out when they know the stores are gonna be crowded.
I don't put up with it. I have mouthed off to some jude customers and have complained abut people parking in the handicapped spots but there's always someone else that takes there place
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I agree with everything that you are saying. It comes down to "selfishness." Sadly to say, most humans carry this fault, more than the ones that are more thoughtful. Not much can be done my dear. We have to grin and bear it.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I agree with you .There is so much selfishness nowadays.I may grin but I don't bear it lol. I do confront these rude people cause I don't think we should have to put up with it.
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
Those kind people are rude and stubborn. I think mostly poverty is the only thing that encouraging them to do bad things. But still it is not enough. If our government will help these people maybe things will change for the betterment of the world. Basic solution is to give good employment to all, and there everything will start in the right manner.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
It's not just poverty.these rude customers come from all walks of life.there's not many people who seem to have many manners.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
10 Mar 07
Customers think they are king... in a way they are right since the companies they patronise usually make loads of money from them. But then again, if they think deeper, they will realise that it is the companies that are rich at their expense - not their staff.
If only people would keep this in mind... this will make them more courteous to staff who just want to do their jobs too.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
It's not just the staff they are being rude to ,it's other customers that have done nothing to them. It's getting to the point where I even hate to go shopping anymore
@beachaddict (18)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
I don't think we can regulate rudeness. It's a person's personality or upbringing that defines their manners. It's a free world, which means, unfortunately, that they can do as they please, wherever they want as long as its within law =(
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I didn't mean that something should be done with the law.I meant that something should be done in the stores. I have complained many times to managers about customers or their kids but it shouldn't have to get that bad.the manager or assistant manager should be coming out and dealing with these loud ,obnoxious,customers right away and it shouldn't be left up to the good customer to complain