islam says OK to RaPE
By coffeechat
@coffeechat (1961)
New Zealand
32 responses
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I don't think that all Muslims would agree that violence towards women and rape are acceptable, however I know that there are many Islamic sects that still believe that this is OK and the laws are slow to change. It's a shame that in some parts of the world women are still oppressed and victimized as these Islamic women are. To have no fair legal system behind them makes it even worse. The article is right about one thing. Women in these situations have to band together, educate themselves, and stand up for their rights. Just as women fought for equal rights in other parts of the world, Muslim women must make a decision and stick with it. It is time for this oppression to end.
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@janejaa (412)
• Pakistan
3 Apr 07
Coffechat, Islam is the first religion that rooted out the ignorance and ordered the humen not to bury their daughters in the fear of malignity. It's not Islam that Muslims commit rapes but it's the media that make all people irrespective of their religion to commit rapes. You are right that Islam needs four people to testify that once has raped a women. It's because Islam has strict punishment for rapists. If it did not have then many females would come to courts that they have been raped and the poor people would be punished for nothing they have done.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
12 Mar 07
Thanks Laurie, I am sure you are right about most muslims. However, the Koranic Verses uphold violence against women. In Sharia law, a rape victim needs to have 4 Muslim male witnesses to testify before the rapist(s) can be convicted.
Anyone who questions these provisions of the Koran are treated as Apostates and retribution is terrible.
How will this oppression end?
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Okay I read the article and nowhere that I saw did it say "Islam says its ok" in fact it talked about the laws slowly being changed and 6 of the men are in prison awaiting trial so I dont see how you came to the conclusion that "Islam says rape is ok".....
Sadly though it does happen all over the world including the Western World but more so outside the Western world...It happens in parts of Africa on a frequent basis...In Italy just a couple yrs ago there was a case where the girl was raped and THE JUDGE basically blamed HER.....
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@abijan (494)
• Malaysia
12 Mar 07
This is where I believe, most westerners especially non Muslim failed to differentiate between tradition and religion. Islam never agree to rape.
As you can read in the news, they have the tribal customs and tradition that only rely on what the elders from the tribal decided and this have nothing to do with Islam. You might call them Muslim since they are from Pakistan or maybe because of the name they carry. But I think they might not be a Muslim.
If you said that you have been to many Islamic country, I think you should understand the situation in each country. But from your post, in my own opinion, the only source of information you get is from the internet. It's like you never been to those country as you claim. Forgive me if I'm wrong.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
11 Mar 07
I am sure that this is true and it IS horrible, however to say that it is the whole religions fault is wrong. My bf is a muslim and he would NEVER accept this, and neither would alot of muslims I know.
Islamic people are not all about war, rape and terrorism. There are so many good people out there -. and how often do we stories about them in the papers?
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
11 Mar 07
In the religious address on adultery to about 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, Sheik Hilali said: "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?,20867,20646437-601,00.html
Islam's senior cleric in Australia has this to say about rape. The Koranic Verses have similar things to say about Rape, Wife beating etc.
Here are links to is Islam's Messengers on Earth sanctioning wife beating:
We have a dear friend from France whose boyfriend is a Muslim and she suffers enormous abuse and humiliation at the hands of her partner's relatives. All because she will not convert.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
18 Mar 07
R6 - I think you should read first before making a comment. Because there seems to be little connection if any to post.
@manish2912 (15)
• India
11 Mar 07
this statement is totally wrong that islam says rape is ok.every religion is made for securing people and for the welfare of them.These are the people who do these thing and blame to there religion,that person is from any of the religion.illeturcy, unawareness and so many other thing that are the reason for this.when there thingsare seriously changed then only we make our environment more safe
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
12 Mar 07
Why don't you read the article she posted about a FACTUAL event, then respond. You aren't contributing if you haven't read the article in the link.
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@nanosec (11)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 07
Hi, i am not muslim but still i am very confused and curious about this thread. As far as i know, islam is one of the biggest religion in the world ( from the number of its follower ) and more than 1000 years old. If islam allows rape ( a really bad thing to do ) from the first place, how could islam spread and grow to many places ? Surely people won't accept and follow such religion that allow bad things to do or in the progress there is other motives or purpose to make or change some rules for the benefit of some people?
I believe people follow a religion to make themselves better and for the sake of good and peace and when a great religion such as islam says ok to rape i am sure there is something wrong here.
I don't know if it's the tradition, the people, the education or something else, it's just doesn't sound right.
I am not a religious person myself, just sharing my opinion.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
18 Mar 07
And you shogunly know that Islam says ok to rape by making it impossible to prove, and further degrades the victim by punishing the victim.
You want to deflect this truth by highlighting rape in non-islamic societies. But this is a pathetic attempt to deflect.
So far there has been no material evidence to refute the hypothesis that Islam says OK to rape tacitly.
Just a whole lot of hot air!!
@roccanskater (131)
• Malaysia
15 Mar 07
thank you very much for your elaboration , it s really logical and clear , and very true
somebody in some discusion mentioned that islam was spread up with sword, well in some places yes, most of the other places takin Malaysia as an exemple , islam was introduced by traders, arab traders and yamanis specificly ,ppl here who were then worshipin the sun , the moon and bhuda accepted islam from what they saw from the traders
@roccanskater (131)
• Malaysia
16 Mar 07
well it is a jock after all,
i have no idea where you get that woman in islam are treated as properties, i know muslim woman, i ve never seen my father or any of his friends and brothers and any man in my familly divorcing his wife or raping a girl ,or even shouting at his wife, my father cries when my mother is sick , and takes leave from work to assist her and so all other maen do
you are lying on my face, i don t see my wife as property , i see her as my wife , my women , and my life the mother of my children god's will ,
and for your referal, what you claim happens in the muslim world does also happen in the christian world for example and all other religions
enjoy the links

@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Mar 07
You clearly know very little about Islam yet you insist on using that very little to villify Moslems everywhere . I think you should be ashamed of yourself . How can you take the actions of a few criminals to be Islam's opinion ?? Even some of the worst antagonists of Islam on MyLot replied that your post is wrong and that the sources you provided do not show how Islam condoned that crime . I seriously think you have a problem . Maybe it's because Islam spread in your country and you feel persecuted by your own countrymen who are Moslems ?? Are you bothered by the classification of adulteresses (and adulterers) in Islam as dirty people ? Anyone who is robbed of anything however trivial has right to compensation , nevermind a girl robbed of her honour . Do not use practices of ignorant village sheiks in some remote Asian poor country as proof regarding Islam tenets . I have heard of similar events ,I think in pakistan where a girl was raped by many men as an act of tribal feuding , the local authorities were biased in favour of the attackers ,but when she persisted and took the matter to national high court ,she received justice and compensation and became a local hero .

@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Mar 07
1.All that does not prove Islam says rape is OK . You were lying and slandering and you should admit it .
2. If you presume to know ANYTHING about Libya via the internet ,then you are more naive than I thought .
3. Sadly I was not educated in a Koran school . I studied elementary school in Perth Amboy , New Jersey , USA , then I came back to live here .
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Mar 07
No that is not correct . Islam has spread to many countries beyond the original Arabian countries , in the new homes Islamic practices have been mixed with local CAST issues and socio-economic classificaton issues . How can that be true if I am reading the text of the Koran NOW and it says that anyone who even RAPES AN ENEMY should be punished ?
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
12 Mar 07
Shogunly you probably missed out this bit in the article, if you actually read through it before this rant.
Mukhtar Mai – a woman who was raped 5 years ago in Pakistan is yet to obtain justice.
The case of Amina Bibi, a blind 19 year old who was raped. She was then convicted by your Sharia courts under Pakistan’s 1989 Zina Ordinance and sentenced to Hudud punishment of 50 lashes for fornication. She had the disgusting sickness of pregnancy without the benefit of marriage. The rapists went scot free because according to your Sharia law 4 Muslim males must bear testimony to obtain conviction. (sic)
The situation in Sudan is summarised below:
Not only are these rapes highly traumatic violations, they also have devastating physical and social consequences. Women often do not only suffer physical effects from rape itself, but rape is often effectively used as a form of impregnation, with an aim to genocide or ethnic distortion or propagation. Furthermore, in many communities, women are rejected by their families after rape, being seen as unclean or contaminated. These women must then fend for themselves economically and socially. Some of these women are in fact jailed and fined for "illegal pregnancy," kept prisoner until they can pay the fine. Many women avoid seeking assistance following rape for fear of these consequences.
In your own despotic and stupid country led by mad Colonel Gaddafi - LIBYA
Libya’s zina laws, which criminalize adultery or fornication, can lead to the detention of women and girls in social rehabilitation facilities. These laws, codified in the penal code, discourage rape victims from seeking justice by presenting the threat of prosecution of the victims themselves. Women and girls who attempt to press charges for rape risk being imprisoned for adultery or fornication if they are unable to meet the high threshold of evidence required in rape cases. Judges in Libya also have the authority to propose marriage between the rapist and the victim as a “social remedy” to the crime, further impeding the ability of rape victims to seek justice. Zina laws violate international legal standards guaranteeing individuals the right to have control over matters relating to their sexuality, free from coercion, discrimination, and violence. Most of the women and girls we interviewed were suspected of having committed zina offenses, leading prosecutors to commit them to “social rehabilitation” facilities.
Go bleat to your mad colonel who finances terrorism and has recently confessed about Libya financing the Lockerbie Pan Am explosion. With your goatherd ancestry and recent jailing for assault, you should go down on your knees and pray for guidance from the pathetic state your Colonel keeps you in. Shogunly – you obviously have not read the news link. And your response is a rant, with very little to do with the topic. Since you had a Koranic education your lapses of logic, inability to read and interpret correctly is understandable. Time spent in Libyan madrasahs have obviously addled any residual thinking capacity that has filtered through goatherd and camel dung cleaner genetics.

@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
12 Mar 07
Sad but true. I also saw something like this in Oprah where a teenage girl was raped by a 30+ year old man, when she refused to marry the man, her father & brother tried to kill her by burning her alive. I do wish that the double standards of some Muslim will end soon because they are giving all the Muslims a bad name. I knew some Muslims during my trip abroad and they see women as precious human being that should be respected.
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@janejaa (412)
• Pakistan
3 Apr 07
Dear Coffeechat, I recently saw a discussion at mylot, it said that a 20 year old boy raped her mother somewhere in Europe. The boy and his mother are said to be Christians. I still don't believe it's Christianity that tells him to do so. It's not religion that tells these inhuman acts to its followers but the people do it themselves so the same way there are some so called Muslims who malign Islam. Mind it.
May God guide you to the right path!

@janejaa (412)
• Pakistan
4 Apr 07
Dear Coffechat, first of all I'd like to say since Im not a native English speaker, my English is not as good as yours. I hope you'd use simple English while you reply to my post. Secondly, I've read all your posts and I came to the conclusion that you even did not try a single time to understand what other people explain to you. You just blow your own trumpet. It seems you don't feel like understanding Islam but want to inject into other minds what you think is right and what the other so called Muslim says about Islam. I've already stated in one of your my replies to your post that your are not from the sky that whatever you think or assume will be right.
You cited some Muslims that gave a negative picture of Islam. Islam is not what they showed to others. Neither it's the fault of Islam. If somebody misinterprets Islam, it's not the fault of Islam but the fault of those people. Lots of money and efforts are made these days to misinterpret Islam. I'm extremely sorry to say you are doing the same duty at myLot. But one thing is for sure, Islam is a natural religion. Nobody can stop its way up. It'll flourish more and more with passage of time when the people come to know about its true picture.
Islam has not been enforced correctly and wholly in Pakistan so you can blame Pakistan's law but you can not blame Islam as it doesn't have anything to do with Pakistan's Law.
At the end I'd like to say cool down and be more realistic about the issues. I hope you'll approach with a positive mind to the posts and Islam. We Muslims are told not to call the other religions false because they will call your beloved and true religion false. I therefor would neither say your religion is false nor say your believes are false.
May God guide you to the right path.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
4 Apr 07
Janejaa, a male with a female avatar!
Islam tacitly allows rape, when Sharia Law requires proof of 4 male muslim witnesses to the penetration.
Further as in the case cited and in the case of Safia Bibi in Pakistan, among countless others in different parts of the world where Sharia Law prevails.
Will it take the rape and conviction of a sister, mother or any other close family member to convince you people of the inherent evil fostered in Islamic societies?
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
4 Apr 07
And are you saying that because a boy raped his mother in Europe it is ok for Islamic societies to convict a rape victim?
Your logic has a certain fallacy that is not even apparent to you?

@nowment (1757)
• United States
1 Apr 07
This was a great story thank you for sharing, while I think it is aweful that this is still going on so much in so many parts of the world, and worse in areas where people justify their actions as done in this story.
The story of the woman who started the school, was great to see and read, and the words that ended the article are true
The lesson these girls must learn is clear: laws may help, but the change comes when women take action themselves.
Women need to be the ones making the laws, speaking out, shouting out, until there are tougher laws on this issue, laws that are also followed through, and enforced.
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@janejaa (412)
• Pakistan
3 Apr 07
CoffeChat, you welcome all those mylotters openly and acknowledge their posts who agree with your thoughts and views but those who don't agree you and show you the true picture, you just burst on them. Please don't mind it, but one must be broad minded to face the truth. You are human and human is never perfect. To err is human. I ,therefor, say everything that you say is not supposed to be true.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
2 Apr 07
Thank you for the balanced response.
It is true what you say about the laws on the statuete books and their enforcement.
In countries like Pakistan which are recipients of aid $ they need to at least be pressured to implement their laws.
The world needs to be vigilan of humanrights abuses and commit ourselves to the improvement of the human condition.
@Scorleo4us (292)
• Pakistan
3 Apr 07
dear Coffeetea or Coffeechat,
islam is a very peacful and teach love to all. Islam teach respects for women. Islam hates from bad action and doings. Islam clearly justify the the humanity. so those who are doing bad. they do not have any religion. please do not blame Islam.
you must be aware of what is happening in the world over. we can not blame any religion due someone.
@sadgirl_1958 (1088)
• United States
12 Mar 07
This is unfortunately very tragic - but has nothing to do with Islamic law - the issue in this article is about tribal law and the need to change it. I think it is very frightening indeed to attack or point the finger at a religion.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
12 Mar 07
Pakistan practices Sharia Law, where the onus of proving a rape is on the victim. I suggest you read the complete article and we look forward to hearing from you again.

@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
This is sick but like it was said in the news- it was part of their culture? which makes it sicker i guess. I can't argue if its tradition. I can only wish that their ways would change. I'm really at a loss for words here- its just so brutal and unfair for pakistan women... I wish that their way of thinking will change and appreciate the value of the women in their society. What were those men thinking? what it it happened to their own sister or mother? this is just so sick..
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@webdrifter (83)
• Malaysia
18 Mar 07
Islam didn't say it is ok to rape, never did. The BBC news says that Islam says ok to rape. There is a big different.

@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
19 Mar 07
I appreciate that you have read the different versions of the Koran and that your position is derived from your readings.
You are saying that Islam the religion is being misinterpreded by spiritual heads such as Mullahs, Ayotollah's etc. I agree with you that the clergy is providing a narrow and literal interpretation of Islam from the Koran and the Hadiths.
There are many beautiful and great thoughts in the Koran (which I have read in English) and like all things written by several people over periods of time there are inherent contradictions between versions and suras of the Koran.
There are many enlightened thinkers within the religion who do challenge and look to reform dogmas and practices. The orthodox people however drown out the voice of reform.
The other valid point you make is regarding the followers of Islam
@nationalcity (358)
• United States
19 Mar 07
My friend its not Islam which said OK to the rape. But a community (with 100% Muslims in it) said that as per Islam the verdict they delivered is right as per Islamic Law.
I do respect Islam, it has noble preachings but not human beings who cal them selves Muslims and get in to these kind of activities. I have gone thru the Noble Qur`an and really liked the preachings of the holy book. But unfortunately it is being misinterpreted as per the convenience of some spiritual heads. Islam is probably the only religion which respected a woman as next to the creator of this universe, but today Muslims are treating a woman like a prisoner. I do not want to fight in a public forum, but if you want to argue on this matter please let me know. I have spent a lot of time in reading different forms of Noble qur`an and feel that it really is noble. But do not agree with present followers who support the brutality in the name of religion
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@freak369 (5113)
• United States
25 Mar 07
Just because someone follows a certain religion doesn't mean that their religion is toblame for their actions or that their religion justifies it. The Catholic law says that to take someone else's life is a sin but that doesn't stop Catholics from killing.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
25 Mar 07
We live in political States. When the State follows a religious set of laws embodied in Islam it is called an Islamic State.
In Islamic Jurisprudence, evidentiary requirement to prove rape is "eyewitness testimony of four Muslim males".
Several Islamic countries do not admit medical examinations and other forms of forensic evidence in rape cases to prove that rape did indeed occur.
Christianity proscribes killing. But I am not aware of any the laws in any democratic country that make it impossible to prove - either circumstantially or with more organic evidence that killing occured.
This barbaric legal proceeding is called the Sharia court.
@nafeesa_mohd (281)
• India
19 Mar 07
hey... tell me one thing??? Why are you behind islam???? Where in the world do you bring islam related to the case you've stated above????? A muslim is raped today, and so you say islam says ok to rape... a christian will be raped tomorrow... does christianity also says ok to rape???? So many american soldiers raped young little girls and women on their way to war, so does America supports rape???? If rape cases happen in their country often, islam is not the reason... for islam says kill the man who commits adultery by throwing stones on him... imagine how worse will be the case of one who rapes a woman. today people are not following islamic laws properly because world is going astray in the name of development, culture, civilization.... stop accusing one whole community when you dont know anything....
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
19 Mar 07
By making it impossible to prove rape in Sharia Law, which is Islamic there is a tacit implication that Islam says ok to rape.
Further the victim is convicted because it is impossible to provide 4 muslim male witnesses who saw the penetration.
Your mullahs even go to the extent of saying it is the fault of the woman if she gets raped.
You would probably benefit from reading the discussions and links provided bere.
You want to respond to the question: Can Islamic Socities still Justify Islamic Laws?
@nationalcity (358)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Nafeesa_mohd, Please go through the entrie thread once again. No one has accused the coomunity. As I said, it is a personal ego. We all respect Islam. More over you said that we do not know anything. I challenge you, lets talk one to one (Not in a public forum)you would not be able to discuss with me on Noble Qur`an because you only know the version you went thru. I have spent 14 months reading different versions of Noble Qur`an and comparing the different versions of Holy Bible and Noble Qur`an. I have spent a lot of time in trying to understand the religions and have come to a conclusion that every religion is same. From airport you migh have different routes to reach your house but the destination is your house. Same manner there are different religions to understand and reach Him but the destination is Him. NO ONE IS ACCUSING ANY COMMUNITY HERE. If you feel so, you did not understand the thread and simply making a furious comment !!
@nationalcity (358)
• United States
19 Mar 07
This is my last comment on this thread and whatsoever the reply, I will not go further on this as I feel it is turning out to be a mud wrestling !!
@ladyjava (1184)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 07
Err..I'm sorry.. but in relation to the link that you provided.. where does it say in the article that "Islam says its OK to Rape??" What I read was:
"Tribal customs and traditions treat them like property to be traded or punished to settle disputes".. Are we reading the same article here?
Kindly show me the part that says "Islam says OK to Rape"..
Thank you ever so much for clarify :)
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
23 Mar 07
That article talks about the rape.
The Sharia requires 4 Muslim men to testify that they witnessed the rape - particularly penetration. Since that is not possible, the rapist goes scot free.
To add insult to injury, the rape victim is then convicted for adultery (if married) or fornication (if single)
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
23 Mar 07
The Question is Can they justify their Islamic Laws that allow the rapists go scot free and punish the victim. I would suggest you go through some of the links provided that underscore the proposition that Islam says OK to RAPE.
@ladyjava (1184)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 07
I suggest my dear girl before you carry on slandering Islam and suggesting that you know the Quran better than anyone else does, try going to this website..
Salam and may peace be with you always.. and for GOD sake.. throw away all this hatred for one religion and just concentrate on being a good person.. Islam teaches that you should always start with yourself.. Not many Muslim does this but that's where i like to start.. InsyAllah :)
@roccanskater (131)
• Malaysia
15 Mar 07
hitler was catholic !!!! do we have to blame all catholic ppl for what hitler comited?
i stil can not understand why when a man from any other religion than islam commits a crim , it s him that is accused , but when it is a muslim , it s islam that everyone accuses
rape is everywhere, in every single country in the world, so if a muslim rapes a girl that doesn t mean that islam told him to do so, that means that the gyt is a sick bast**ard,
when the sheikh in australia gave the exemple of meat outside and the cats attacking it , he was refering to sick ppl as cats , and the meat is the almost naked woman walkin on streets, i think my fellow religious christians would agree with that too
if u hate muslims for what they do on wars , that s very political ,and has a litle to do with religion , and i can not believe you can not understand by yourself the fact that there is no islamic country in the whole world , that does not have either a war , apart of it asking for independence , or any other kind of trouble , iraq is being teared apart . children of palestine are crying for god's sake , afghani children die of hunger and are others in sudan somalia and many more
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Hitler did not claim he was acting for God, nor was he supported by the Bible or religous leaders of the time. That is the difference that isn't very hard to understand.
How can a religious leaders instruction of the "uncovered meat" analogy not have something to do with religion? Especially when Islamic law supports that position anyways? Why does the religion FORCE its women to cover if it didn't think that way?
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
15 Mar 07
Sheikh Hilal in a Sydney harangue after muslim men had been convicted by an Australian Court for RAPE made the statement regarding rape that I have referred to in the link above.
So if a woman is not wearing a burqa, and she is raped then it is her fault for being the piece of exposed meat!
Stonings in Sokoto, Nigeria the convictions in Pakistan, the concentration camps for "fallen" women in Libya where women are treated like chattel is referenced in many comments here.
I note your point about every Islamic country in the world being in the throes of some conflict - it is the subject of another discussion. So is Poverty, hunger and economic distribution.
@nationalcity (358)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Rape is a common crime in any religion and country. But question here is how the crime got a breeze of acceptance. Islam originally has very respectable preachings and it also has given women a very dignified status. The interpretations of these preachings were wrong and like wise the translations. What happend in this particular case is a misinterpretation of shariyat. The meaning of jihad for example, how it is misinterpreted today!! Jihad is holy war to kill those who do not believe in Allah. It does not mean to say kill people who do not believe, but kill the evil in their mind and make them to believe in the Great Allah. Similarly, the reason of wearing abaya was for a socio economic equality and not to keep women hidden. The prophet felt that there is a necessity to bring in a socio economical equality among women to keep the spiritual and social tempo intact. Today its believed otherwise.
**** Whatever said here is purely my personal opinion and not to offend any religion. I respect all the faiths so its purely my personal opinion.

@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
19 Mar 07
Nationalcity - this is probably the most insightful comment comment I have seen on mylot. It is indeed a very good question. Personally I have no issues with anyone's faith in God in whatever form they chose to worship.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
19 Mar 07
Thank you for the response and you are right in that rape is a horrible perversion that occurs in all societies. I admire your acceptance of the possibility of misinterpretation of the Sharia, Hud and the Koran and its implementation in Islamic countries.
No other legal system I am aware of PUNISHES the victim. And if it is indeed through misinterpretation not misintent then the sources should be appropriately amended to reflect justice and fairness.
@nationalcity (358)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Simple. We all are normal humans. Though I do not know much about my religion, if some one else talks anything (though its truth, but I do not know whether its truth or not)about my religion the first reaction would be being furious at his comment. Unfortunate, but its a personal ego with every one. I have one un solved question which has not been answered by any religion`s priests; that is, if god created Islam or Christianity or Hinduism, Buddhism or any other religion, then who created the rest ???? no one has answered me yet !!!! They just get angry when they can not answer !
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@marvimustafa (67)
16 Mar 07
You are talking about "GANG RAPE" it is not important who did it? the important thing is that this act is against the humanity. In Islam we believe that if someone do this type of sin then he is no more muslim till he apologies with the VICTIM and then GOD.
So this is my request to whole My Lot team that raise your voice against these type of people who are the enemies of the HUMANITY. I am a Muslim but I appreciate your discussion because I am HUMAN BEING 1st and then Muslim and I know our religion never allow these things and also not allow these people.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
23 Mar 07
Islam does tacitly allow people to rape by making it impossible to prove rape. It takes 4 Muslim Male eyewitnesses to convict a rapist - or the rapist has to confess to the crime.
If the woman is unable to prove rape, she is then charged for fornication or adultery and punished. The victim get the punishement when the rapist goes free! lol.
That is why I say that Islam says OK to rape. Do read the thread and look at the links.