Getting Very FRUSTRATED!!

United States
March 14, 2007 7:31pm CST
Don't get me wrong..I like mylot, its just that I am starting to get frustrated and discouraged. It seems at this rate I am earning pennies here, my first payout will be in ten years probably. I have only earned $1.16 and seriously I spent hours at this computer. Please cheer me up, and say it will be okay! Give me some encouraging Mylot earnings stories.. TRUE stories!! LOL Thanx!
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65 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Trust me you can make some decent money on here but you do have to be very active. That means posting not only good quantity of posts but also those of good quality. The more active you are the more you'll earn. I post quite a bit and I've earned a fair amount to date, approx. $170 in three months time. As you can see by my rating number, which is almost 5000 in that three months time and that does not include extra comments I make that aren't added in to that number, that I'm very active. I also upload pictures to my interest areas which does add some to it. Also getting referrals can help although mine really haven't. I hope this helps to encourage you a bit.
@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I even need to take some advice from this lady, although I have earned about half of what she has. I do have a couple of referrals, but they do very little. What you earn per post seems to vary from day to day lately, but I tend to make more when I go back and comment, and resolve my discussions. According to a lot of the discussions I have read, you may feel like you are not going anywhere, but most people say that myLot pays better and more consistantly than any other site.
@jahvo6 (623)
• Peru
15 Mar 07
Wow, $170 in 3 months is rteally a lot here, I am getting a bit discouraged too but I keep posting.
@cinz20 (63)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
well, i dont take this seriously just spending sometime here during off work... but still i can earns some money.. well just enjoy and have fun reading comment and learn to it..
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
let me see, everyday when you try to do better this time around and thinking you are going to eran more in mylot and yet you didnt that leads to frustrations a lot of it. here's a success stories, i got a friend named angel_jean this is her history, 1st month 48 dollars, 2nd momth 63 dollars, 3rd month 19 dollars. this is what she did, she answered many discussions long answers and tagged them with many words and and thats it. I hope this would inspire you that indeed mylot truly pays its just you have to define more hwta is hard work in mylot, its really darn hard hard work...
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
hi deliciouslyjuicy! im from the philippines and a new member of my lot 2 days ago. i read about the frustrated member of mylot. i am very earger toearn money from this. is $.34 earnings for 2 days enough for almost 16 hours of typing on my keyboard. please correct me if im wrong on my understanding of what you have said about your friend.. is the earning depends on how long or short your response to the discussions? so if my response is long then i earn more rather than ive done a short response.. pls can you reply? thank you.. it will help.
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
15 Mar 07
You are not going to get rich, but you can earn the minimum each month. I joined the end of November and earned $4.32 which rolled over to the next month. In Dec. I earned $17.12 plus the $4.32 which gave me a payment of $21.44. In Jan. I earned $15.49. In Feb. I missed 14 days being online here because of an injury, so only made $4.55 which is rolled over to March. So far in March I've made $9.74 counting the $4.55 from Feb. so I will be able to make the minimum payment again this month easily. I spend about 2 hours a day on here, but usually don't get on here on thursday or friday nights as I have to get up really early the next day for work. I sometimes get on twice a day on my days off to make up for it. Some days I can answer 20-30 posts and maybe start a couple, but some days I waste a lot of time reading posts and looking for some I want to respond just depends.
@solodog (89)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
It will be okay! I think if you keep working at it for a while you'll see, it will improve. I am pretty sure once you get your star rating things start to happen. I upload a few pictures here and there and that certainly helps. Good Luck.
4 people like this
@mdarma (868)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Yes solodog you said it right. Little rain drops make the might ocean. Don't give up lets all work together. Cheers
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@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
What I do is set myself a posting goal, like 25 or 40 posts a day and then I just log in from time to time and check out the current discussions. If there is one that I am interested in or can help out with, I post. Doing this from 7 am until midnight, I usually make my goal and I am now up to just over $9.
4 people like this
• United States
15 Mar 07
I haven't been paid yet, as I've only used myLot for a few days, but in those days, taking advantage of my spare time, I have made nearly a dollar. Here's my tip: While you work, every ten minutes take a small break to post a response or two on myLot. The earnings will pile up in no time. It's not like you are THAT busy at work anyways, is it? :D
3 people like this
• Lithuania
15 Mar 07
I haven't been payed yet too, coz use myLot just about a week. Also it is as a pleasure for myself to spend here my free time, just I haven't it much.Sometimes I use some minutes from my worktime to post respond or just share this site. So, during those days of presence here, I earned about dollar too:) but no matter, coz I came here not only for earning; anyway I have work and get salary for living. I didn't study rules of using myLot , but know, that earning deppend not only from how much of time u spend here, but also do u post new topic or response to others. As I see there are members, whose posted more then 2500 topic! wow thats amazing how people are smart to find a new points for discussing! No jealousy feel-just wonder :) And just hold them up as an example:) Good luck for everybody and look ahead!
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Mar 07
Thank you for your advice! Good Luck on Mylot! :)
@lenywp (1963)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
Try getting some referrals becaue they really help out ith your earnings. You get 25% of what they earn - it's great!
• Lithuania
15 Mar 07
tell me, how i can get referrals?
@taiguy (478)
• United States
15 Mar 07
get people to sign up at "" and you will get 25% credit for whatever they make.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Mar 07
ohh sweety,,it will be ok..but you have to keep in mind this is noo way to make big bucks.,lol..its just a way to have extra change in your pocket,,when i first started i was luck if i made $5 a I have my own way and system that i am now making around $30 a mth and thats working about 3 hrs a day,,i dont know how much you are striving for, but what i do is have like 10 pages of mylot up and 10 diff discussions on them..and bing bang make sure you are rating everyone..and have excellent quality just need to get your own system going and you will be ok..your still pretty just give yourself time..and have fun..and before you know it you will be much faster and making some better money..take care hun:)
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
15 Mar 07
on December 1st last year i earned 3.85 on mylot, ok ive never managed it since but it certainly used to be able to be done blessed be
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@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
You must be making an elementary mistake, because with the amount of time you say you spend on mylot, you should be doing better... Are your responses too short? Do you start good discussions that people react too? Do you upload pictures? There can be many reasons why earnings are slow. Actually, $1.16 for 72 posts is about normal. Try doing 50 in one day and you will see the difference.
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@sinyem (85)
• Malaysia
15 Mar 07
hi smith, after 28 posting, my earnings is pitiful $0.17.... but money is not everything as far as myLot is concerned. considers other benefits such as: 1. traffics and referral to your site. 2. friends and networking. cheers
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@davenzx (68)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
hey dude we have the same feelin right now, coz its my first time too to get involve to this kind of site, i just want to earn money too thats why i keep online here even i'm busy to work, its now my 4th day here and i earn 1 dollar, i think be obedience and be communicative so that you can earn money that fast...hopefully i'm not get tired to post discussion here....just trying dude...and gudluck to us....
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Mar 07
I think that you are looking at this from the wrong point of view here. Don't you like coming here and posting? The community and the discussions? I look at it like this, I have posted THOUSANDS of bulletins elsewhere for free! Think of how much money I could have had if I knew about this place then! I come here not for the money, but for the talk and because I like getting paid pennies for doing something I do anyways!
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@jbillin1 (12)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Hey there smith21471. I'm new to mylot, I just signed up today, so I don't have any encouraging earnings stories!. But I've been here for hours too lol. But I'm curious, does everyone get paid the same amount per post? Or does your pay depend on the quality of your post. Let me know, and I hope you do better with your earnings. CHEER UP! EVERYTHING WILL BE OK! LOL.
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
that's how i feel a few weeks ago, until I reached that 100 post and see shining start above my name,boy I was so encouraged that i set up goals of how many should i post per day. I don't have much earnings yet but I am enjoying reading and responding to several discussions and if this will make you feel more better I am here most of the day like I don't log off for at least 8 biggest earning for a day is $0.22-it can be very frustating at times but if you enjoy what you're doing you won't even notice that you're actually earning good.
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• India
15 Mar 07
I m really getting frustataed from my life.Theirs no enjoyment in my life.I m completing my grad in june after tht i will miss my frds a lot n i cannot do naything baout it.
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@Squash88 (91)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
I'm glad that you like my lot, because if you don't you'll even get frustrated and wont even be asking for advice. The key not to get frustrated is to understand that this is not really a money making site. Not seriously at least. But lots of people on this site, from old discussions and even new ones do give lots of advice on how to augment your mylot money-making potential. You could refer your friends and share with their income, or alot a certain number of hours per day to post at least 50 responses a day. This will suppose to earn yuo at least 35 dollors in a month. Don't get too frustrated. Just enjoy the discussions and don't even think about the money. Think of the money as a bonus, it wont even be enough to pay for the cost of your internet connection. But you meet lots of friends and its better than just surfing without making any single cent for your time and effort.
15 Mar 07
hey pal!!! dont get discouraged if your earning only a penny right now... i know what you are going through... but let me tell me too i am not earning yet but thgis old adage sayings are always on my mind that a one pastor had shared to us not to despise the days of small beginnings because this will give you the fulfillment when you are already recieving greater things right.. because of the patience and hardships endured, you will know how to value that gtreat thing tht will be poured out to you someday... and if you happened to remeber the parable of the talents? that a master gave talents to each of his slaves. the other two had made it grow and multiplied while the other one only stored it in the coinbank and buried in the soil.. he despised it as a little things so what did the master did.. he retrieve it bacj and gave to the other slaves who knows how to value it.... an din mathematics always bear in mind that a whole cannot be a whole without its parts right? now without having a little things in your life now... you cannot have greater things... hope i have encouraged you pal... im cj
@joshisk (50)
• India
15 Mar 07
you try yoga
• India
15 Mar 07
nice joke!!!
@goldsun (19)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 07
haha.. well Im new here too.. dunno how long its gonna take me to make good money here.. but then Im hangin on it cos a good friend of mine has been on for quite sometimes and his cheques keep on comin.. so yeah seein d cheques makes me wanna go that extra mile.. guess we gotta just chill and itll pile up by itself:)
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