How do I switch from being a SAHM to a WAHM?

United States
March 15, 2007 3:08am CST
I am currently staying home with my son. He is 6 months old now, and I would like to find some things to do to add to the household income. Are there any good resources out there that you have found? I am pretty new to the looking, but have seen enough to know there are a lot of scams. I know enough to stay away from anything that promises to get you rich quick, or asks for money. I am just looking for some honest work at home opportunities. I am currently a chacha guide and do some ptr emails and of course mylot, and am starting to explore the world of blogging, but I am looking for something with a little more income potential. Do any of you have any info you care to share?
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16 responses
@re08dz (1941)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
For me, creating my own websites and blogs is the best way to earn online, once you have them created you have a residual income that just keeps growing. Not only have I discovered that I enjoy doing this (and sharing what I'm learning with others) there's really no limit as to what you can do and earn. If you're interested there is a link in my profile to a program that helps create your own income earning websites and blogs - or I created a free ebook that you can download that shows a little of what I do online.
• United States
16 Mar 07
Thank you for the information. I will certainly check on your profile. I havent really looked into creating my own websites. That does sound interesting though
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@tesmel (44)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
hi..have you heard of global domains international where you can earn residual income... come, check this link: or it's worth a try. good for stay at home mothers like us...
• United States
16 Mar 07
Thank you for the information. I will look into it.
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@ktwags (52)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Have you made any money doing it?
15 Mar 07
I think the best thing you can do is to try and use your own skills to make money. For example I'm a web designer so have done a bit of that since I've been at home with the kids, I also do some on a voluntary basis to help me get back into work when the kids are at school. Other people I know sell books through usbourne, make cards to sell at craft shows and do massage while their kids are at nursery. The other way I used to get money is by selling stuff on ebay, but I find that I don't get as good prices for things any more and I am also running out of good stuff to sell. I also do boot sales in the summer to get rid of kids clothes, toys etc that they have grown out of and have made a fair bit doing that as well.
3 people like this
• United States
15 Mar 07
Thank you for the suggestions. I too have tried ebay, but it doesnt seem as if it is nearly as profitable as it once was by the time you pay fees for both them and paypal. You gave me some wonderful ideas. I really need to sit down and look at my strengths and weaknesses and decide where to go from there.
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I make most of my living working from home-- in part by having a largely eBay-based collectibles business, in part by working as a contract technical writer and business consultant. Getting "real" paid work (as opposed to "make money online" web sites) can be a bit tricky, and requires some leg work-- but the rewards can be pretty good. What you can get also depends on our skills and experience. I periodically work for ETS online, grading written exams for everything from California high school exit exams, to various college admissions tests. It requires a college degree and passing a couple of pre-employment tests. I have also worked designing skills tests for a large company that helps employers test incoming employees. Finding "gigs" can be a matter of work and luck. If you check the job listings on craigslist on a regular basis, you might get lucky and find online job listings (that's how I found the ETS job). Otherwise, there's a "contract labor" area on, or you might check into a site like, or other sites that serve as clearning houses for contract workers.
• United States
16 Mar 07
Thank you for the suggestions. I will definately check into job listings. I would rather find a consistant source, or at least a potential consistant source instead of relying on the make money online websites. They were fun for a bit, but not necessarily reliable. I am not worried about the legwork. I have done a bit of the ebay thing, but I think I need to actually take the time to build a store front and make the time to list a large number of things. Definately some things to think about, thanks again.
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@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
16 Mar 07
I like the SAHM and WAHM phrases. Do they mean Stay/Sleep At Home Mother and Work At Home Mother. I think its good that you are already trying out so many things. But I would like to remind you that anything that is joined, you are actually making the people who came out with it rich. Always try to come up with something of your own.
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• United States
16 Mar 07
Yes, stay at home mom and work at home mom. I think you are right. That it is probably going to be a lot more profitable if I come up with something of my own.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 07
I have just resigned from my corporate job. It's kinda scary to learn that my regular income has stopped, but wighin things over I know there's a more important reason for me to have taken that decision - I want to spend quality time with my son and I don't want to have any regrets in the future, there's no way for me to turn back the time. My husband is earning just fine, though I know i still need to push some things and help out. I've tried a lot - the internet offers are mostly scam. Why don't you try trading in the ebay? I have some products which can be found only in my country that I tried selling on the net, maybe you can look for something to sell. I also see good potential in tutoring children. I hope I was able to contribute thoughts. :) Regards!
• United States
16 Mar 07
Thank you for the suggestions. I have done a little on ebay, but havent done too much. I really need to look into more. I am thinking a storefront on there may be a way to go.
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@wsue1023 (1395)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Visit: for work from home ideas. You should also visit and frequent the message boards there. You'll learn a great deal about what works for other women and possibly find your fit!
@acosjo (1903)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
You can have a look at my blog. The main opportunity provides people with 3 different solutions for starting an opportunity. You see some opportunities that cost anywhere from $1500 - $3000 and everyone falls out because they cannot afford. This is perfect for all income levels. Good Luck and contact me if you have questions. My email is there.
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• United States
16 Mar 07
I too am a stay at home mom becoming a wahm the last few months. I have found several sites that actually pay and I CAN provide proof. If you want a list of them, just email me at I don't want to post them here and be accused of spamming...HAHA Anyhow, Email me and I'll send you a good list to start on! Anyone else need them? Feel free to email me too!
• United States
16 Mar 07
Thank you for the info. Again, let me know if and when you want that chacha invite. Good luck with the new baby.
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@rhodilee (114)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
You may want to check out if you are serious about working from home. The site has links of companies hiring people who want to work from home
@katty0004 (386)
• United States
9 Aug 07
Why don't you go and check out the site they have lot of information on there and most of them work out of their homes and that way you would know you are not getting scammed.
@Sweetpeas (738)
• Australia
16 Mar 07
I have been making my own natural beauty products and selling them on ebay. Ocassionally I get a rather large order and last summer was making pamper hampers for a bed & breakfast. I agree, try using your own skills hun as get quick scams are just that!
2 people like this
• United States
16 Mar 07
Thank you for the suggestion. I am thinking it might be a good thing for me to sit down and really examine my strengths, weaknesses, and interests, and go from there in developing a business plan.
2 people like this
• United States
23 Mar 07
I am in almost the same situation as you, but I don't have children at home during the day. I really would love to be able to call myself a WAHM, and I just recently found a wonderful site! The woman who writes it has tried everything she talks about, and gives her honest opinion on how good it is! It's just a great resource, and is updated almost daily!
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• India
15 Mar 07
Give me your email Id so that i can send you without any investment business details or else just email me on
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• United States
16 Mar 07
Thank you.
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Chocolate Candies - A friend of mine makes good money by making and selling candies, especially around holiday times.
Depending on your talents there are so many things that you could do from home. I have done childcare from my home, as well as making and selling crafts. A friend of mine makes good money by making and selling candies, especially around holiday times. Another friend makes and sells fancy cakes. My neighbors have an upholstery business at their home, and another woman I know does sewing and mending. There are those who teach piano, those who tutor students, and those who type up papers. You might find an opportunity as a medical transcriptionist, or other similar profession... and the list goes on. Good luck, and I wish you the best.
@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
23 Mar 07
You might want to check out my website: Good luck!