All my friends got married, i am still single

March 15, 2007 11:16am CST
All my college and university friends got married or those who are not married are ateast engaged. But i m still single. My age is 26 rite now. two of my best friends have one baby boy each as well. But i am not even engaged yet. I am doing job since i was at univerisity and doing really good in my career life. This is also one reason i m still single. My most of friends who are married are now house wives. Should i start thinking seriously about getting married now or i should concentrate on my career and professional life.
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95 responses
• United States
15 Mar 07
One important thing about getting married is that when you find someone, there's a balance that will have to exist between career and family anyway. The thing is, a significant other doesn't always find you, you have to be sort of looking too. True, we sometimes unexpectedly find that special someone, but sometimes we have to be aware and we have to put ourselves out there to find that person. I think you should concentrate on your career, but at the same time socialize and see what comes of it. It's just that when you do find that person that balance between personal life and work life has to start existing.
3 people like this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
yes u r rite. And one reason that i am still single is that i will prefer someone who can find me rather than looking for someone myself. thanks for your response.
@ydnac22 (802)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
very well said gingisnapz..try to balance both.your career and love life. Dont just focus too much in your work try go out sometimes and socialize with other people.Im pretty sure you will find one in Gods Time. :) Good luck to you.Dont pressure your self too much maybe God is still writing the best love story for you. It might came late but just be patient and expect for the best!. :)
@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
Don't worry dear if you are not yet married at your age now. I got married at age 27 and I have a lady officemate who married at age 39. So you still have lot of chances. Just go on with your career but associate and go out with friends. Sometimes we find our lifetime partner in some least expected occasions and time. Don't loose hope, you are still young. Good luck!
2 people like this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
Thanks for encouragement. I feel good.
@decimus785 (1419)
• Aruba
15 Mar 07
I think you should continue your career abd professional life. Not because you're friends are married you should get married to. just wait, continue your with your career and when you less expect,you will be engaged and ready to get married.
2 people like this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
ya thats what i m doing currently, concentrating on my career. But when i joined my friends gathering and they all talking about their families, husbands, etc etc than i felt why i m still alone. Otherwise i m better off than all of them in rest of things.
• Canada
15 Mar 07
I am 26 too and I ma single. There's nothing wrong to be single. I have a friend who got married at 24 if I remember and gees... That friend got pregnant this year. what the hell, getting pregnant at 26. I am glad to still be single. And really, do you want to be a house wives? There's nothing super great at being a mommy at home. Enjoy life, push your career, relax and go for some cruising. ;)
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
16 Mar 07
i, too know people and friends who got married and got pregnant even before finishing college. and they all tell me that marrying in an early age isn't really like heaven like we most thought of it. they say that it's better to be prepared before getting into marriage since it's not just like any other joke. it's a serious kind of thing to deal with. so, i say, cheers to all of us who are still single! but well, i am so happy with my boyfriend now. hehe. i know there will come a time when we will finally tie the knot when we are both ready for it. so, take time and slow down a bit for you.
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• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
ya thanks. i am still single and would like to enjoy little more. But i feel so lonely at a times. I think i should change my friends group and should join SINGLEs community.
@umoo120 (82)
• Pakistan
15 Mar 07
Tht isnt iportant, marrrage shudnt be done by jealousy or to proove something, u can marry in any period of ur life which u think is suitable and making a quik decsion in this matter is totally stupid cuz u have to spend the rest ov ur life with ur partner so understanding is important
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
ya but in our society girls should be married in age of 25 to 30 maximum. Otherwise you are considered over-age. People mostly prefered a girl in her 20s to 28 mostly, in some cases even 29-30 is over age. So than you cant find suitable proposals.
@Kali2218 (61)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I am 26 right now too, but I am one of the stay at home mom's/ wife's. If you love your job, stick with it. You don't have to refocus your life to find love. Love will find you and when it does, you and your significant other will decide how you want to spend your life together. Whether you want to stay at home or keep working, when you want to have kids. But right now you are young and from what you say, doing well. Don't worry about getting married and having kids. It will happen when the time is right. Just make sure that you are open to a relationship if that is what you're looking for. You don't have to chose one or the other. And don't forget that you are YOUNG and still have plenty of time.
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
Thanks for nice suggestion. I am also thinking on these lines mostly. I hope my love could find me.
@anup12 (4177)
• India
15 Mar 07
It is good to be single.
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
hummm this comment usually comes from married persons.
@taiguy (478)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I agree. All of my cousins got married about the same time. The only people who did not were me and my sister. Personally I think it is retarded to assume that your ready to be married before the age of 30.
@rima0013 (441)
• Iran
15 Mar 07
marriage is something that need lot's of factors to be happen , there is not just thinking, and ofcourse it's not by force. maybe some times you feel in love with some one whom you had met once before.altough your friernds(all of them) got marreid ,but it's not the reason you must get marreid too!!! just try to make your life in best ways becuase later it's not your personal life, it's beloge some one else too.
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
Yes i will wait little more and will keep enjoying my life as it is. Lets see if someone finds me right for himself.
@bingkol (38)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
Just because all your friends are married that doest mean that your life ends or you are falling behind. You should embrace what life brings you. Stay happy.. Being single is fun. Don't rush into things.. For all we know, your prince charming/knight in the shining armor/mr. right or whatever is preparing for a lavish entrance..
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i can wait over life if that is going to happen.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
That depends. If you already have a boyfriend that you want to spend the rest of your life with, then maybe you should start considering marriage. If you don't have a boyfriend at the moment, then you're thinking too advanced. Take it one step at a time. If you do get a new boyfriend he might not want to talk about getting married right away. Be patient and you'll get there eventually.
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
Actually i m from society where there is no practise of having boy friends or having long affairs before marriage. I do have boy friends from college but most of them are also married or atleast engaged now. Not all but most of them.
• India
15 Mar 07
It is a really common feeling every woman at age of 25 and above faces. Its good that you are going in a right track with your career. Career too is important in life, dont give up on ur career. Your Mr. Right would surely would come into ur life when time comes, you too should be balancing both personal n professional life. Being success professionally wouldnt give you happiness, you are sure to feel lonely, the way u feeling now seeing your friends, look out for a nice guy who wud love n takecare of you and marry him. 26 is right time to get serious in regard to marriage. All the best, have a happy future.
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
ya i think i should get married in a year or two. Not more than that. Lets see if i could find right person at right time. Thanks for wishes
@spindrift (197)
15 Mar 07
I would say enjoy yourself right now I am 28 years old had my first baby when I was 19 just finished college got married 2 years later had 2 more babies and on now when I am 28 am I starting to work as a designer Which is why I was at college. To be honest if you find a great guy there is no need to rush or feel presured in to marrying him if you can both live together and respect each other work lifes then that is a big plus and if you want to have a baby wait to see how you feel after you have it before giving up your career after all when your child starts school or kindergarten what will you do
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
ya same happened to my elder sis. Actually she got married in the age of 18-19 i guess. This is also one reason i found myself little late as i m in 26 right now , otherwise i m better off than my married sis.
@Fixpcbugs (274)
• India
15 Mar 07
I think you should be serious on your career and professional life more than getting married...that is the right sequance. After you have established,think about marriage as age never waits for my opinion you should not cross the limit 30 of age to marry.
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
Thanks i will consider your suggestion
• United States
15 Mar 07
I would say that you still got a long way to go. Isn't being envious one of the deadly sins? You should never be after what someone else has. I'm 25 years old and almost got married twice. Believe me, you're not missing out on much. I got out of those engagements because the thought of being tied down at such an early age really bothered me. Sure, now that I'm older, I get a bit curious as to when Mr. Right is going to show up. You shouldn't wait for this to happen. Just do what you do best and focus on yourself (priority #1) and then worry about everyone else around you. When you start loving yourself and respecting yourself, then you could learn to love someone else. The whole college journey is about self-discovery. Be happy with what you got now and stop trying to force the idea of marriage as if it's the most important thing in the world. It's not. These days, marriage isn't what it used to be. Most of my friend who got married at an early age, are now single moms. Why? Because they rushed into something thinking it would be a cake walk. Just think about it.
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
ya as i dont know really whats at the other side thats why i m curious about. But it might not that much fasinating as soon as i get there. I will be careful in this. Thanks for response.
@miryam (6505)
• Italy
15 Mar 07
Believe me, you'r luky.dont worry be happy and funny in you'r young years..........
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
am i really? I sometime myself think i am at better position. And i am really thankful to God for all what i have, and at a very early stage. Thanks dear.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
15 Mar 07
this is something that u have to decide by yourself. I am also 26, i have a relationship but i am not engaged yet and I am in no hurry to be either. i am concentrating on my career right now and so is he. i am sure that we will take the next step when the time is right!
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
hummmm actually i already lost some very good friends that could be life partner. But they now got married already as i was concentrating on my career. And i m kind of person that i will prefer someone finding me rather than looking for someone by myself. I want my love looking for me. I can only wait for right moment and right person than, nothing else.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
Sometimes people work at careers because they need the money, and they have not anyone behind them or the right one did not appear when they were at high school or they did something foolish that put them out of the marriage game until too late. Also when you are working, you are probably too busy, and I have no idea what race you are, but many girls keep at their careers until after they have financial success, they decide to get married, but it is too late. They cannot have children. So knowing all this, perhaps you should try a place like E Harmony. They can put you with someone with whom you are compatible with, who has the finances that you are comfortable. Lets say you are an accountant, they might get you with a man who is a business owner, and you can be happily married, have a career, and people had children and managed both. You are in a better position than women like me who were stenos and office workers. Juat don't wait too long.
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
hummm but you know i cant go like this. Thats the reason i m still single. I dont have fantacies but still to have something is my right i guess. Is it too much if i want someone to love me by heart. To come and choose me for himself. I dont think so i m kind of a person who can marry a man only for sake of marriage. I want a real mr right. You can make me feel very special for him.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
Most of your friends are now housewives? well lucky them they don't have to work. Most of my friends and I still have to work even though we are married. That's why I left my job and open my own business. It's small to start with but it gives more me time. I was 25 when I got married and finished my degree when I was 22 like most of my friends. I have been working for about 7 - 8 years before opening my own business. I have friends married to rich guys and so they don't bother working. I think they're lucky!
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
No you are at better position. You are strong than them. And you are what you make yourself. I think we should ask guys what kind of girls they prefered. Working ladies or house wives
@joy1982 (226)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
it doesnt mean that your friends are all married now and you have to get married soon.. well not a good idea.. the right man will just come on ur life and dont ever find it.. your still young and stick with your will just come..married life is not should prepare for it..
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
25 Mar 07
Honey child, in a response you wrote "I am happy with my life and career. I only feel lacking when i join my friends gatherings and when listened to their family stories." When you get among these friends, talk about your job, the fun things you get to do because you don't have children, how the people you work with make you feel good about yourself, etc. Trust me, those stay at home moms are probably thinking "I wish I had decided to get a job like Blue Fairy and not be tied down to the home & with this kid." There is a saying "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
• Pakistan
31 Mar 07
Thanks buddy. its encouraging