What is your first thought when you see really, really, fat people?
By ironstruck
@ironstruck (2298)
March 17, 2007 10:37am CST
Is it one of disgust? Do you wonder how people could care so little about their appearance?
What do you wonder when you sit in a restaurant and watch them eat. Or see them on a plane----so big that they pay for 2 or 3 seats?
Personally, I believe people should show some compassion. Not every one is blessed with a slim body and the ability to eat all they want and never vary in weight much.
Also, these people may have a medical problem or other problems that cause them to gain weight.
It could be in the genes and hereditary.
Whatever the reason, we should not be so quick to judge.
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56 responses
@shadow9 (238)
• Romania
17 Mar 07
uhm well usually when i see a fat guy i hate it because it reminds me of my dad witch is fat ... but then again i don't really mind i guess ... i don't really care about my apperence either but i have an averege body so it may be genetic ... anyway, "never judge a book by it's cover"
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
well this one is interesting to me..I spent 12 yrs as a plus size model..which gave me an amazing sense of self..I never felt my weight was an issue..it never affected my health my blood pressure was perfect chlosteral all great.. I always dated, married twice lol..I was very comfortable in my skin..now that i have started 2 meds that have caused me to lose weight in the last 2 months I still feel good and a little extra room in my jeans feels good too.. so I think overweight people deserve as much love and respect and the rest of the world do..would be with a model who treated me like crap or a plump guy who had nothing but respect for me well you chose???
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@toyboxer04 (353)
• Malta
17 Mar 07
I am not really really fat though I have a weight problem. I can control the weight when it start to get a bit off hand and can loose it easily.
More than an appearance problem I see a health problem in very fat peaople. In every fat person there is a healthy one crying to come out! It could be genes or even hereditary but I beleive that a bit of control does not harm anyone! It's not only in weight management but in anything we do in life!
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@TJHornibrook (196)
• United States
17 Mar 07
my best friend is a big girl. but she is losing a lot of weight.
She eats like a bird I blame it on nine years of her job which is to answer phones all day long.
At the job-training I'm going to, there is a big girl there too, she is beautiful enough to be a model.
I would take an overweight person any day before I would take a super skinny person.
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@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
I feel sorry for really, really fat people. I think they do have medical problems, even probably complicatons. We are lucky we are healthy and fit and able to do anything we want to. these people cannot do as much as we do. they have an eating disorder that we are fortunate enough not to have. They should not be judged, just as we don't want to be judged.
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@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
17 Mar 07
i so agree that everyone who is heavy isnt that way because they eat a lot there are many medical conditions that cause weight gain i have compassion for most and i know a few whom have tried everything and nothing works, but they are all gods children and should be respected all the same for most it is a handicap to there lives.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
18 Mar 07
"Really fat people."
I would think "Over weight people" would of been a better way to word it, but that's okay.
ANyway, if I was to see a over weight person, I wouldn't think anything of it, why would I? Everyone is equal. Doesn't matter if your on the heavy side or the light side.
We all hurt the same.
I don't like making fun of people or putting them down. We are who we are.
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Actually the first thing that pops into my mind is the curious question on "I wonder how he got that big" Of course it has to start somewhere, and he couldn't be that big eversince, even if he's a big baby, the actual stage itself of becoming really huge intrigues me.
Like it couldn't have just happened at once..poof! But then it has gradually build up through years.. it's not really disgust that goes into my mind.
Sometimes I wonder if they have hard time breathing though, and walking.
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@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
I think it is common for really obese people to have knee problems..
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 Mar 07
My first thought when I see a heavy set person is that they must have very low self esteem. I tend to think they eat and feed their nerves because of it. I also think that maybe they have a thyroid problem or something. I am very lucky not to be fat because I eat when I am nervous or stressed out. I am nervous and stressed out most of the time over something and I will constantly want to feed my nervous habit. I do not look at fat people like they are disgusting. If they are dirty looking along with being obese, then I may look at them differently. I do not stare at them though. I feel sorry for obese people because alot of them cannot help the way they look or how they are gaining weight. Some of them do not eat much but they still gain weight because their body does not burn up the calories they are eating. I'm sure alot of them are very unhappy with their body and we should not make them feel worse by judging them by their weight.
@askguru (96)
• India
18 Mar 07
My first feeling is that oh my god it must be because of some disease, i know that they dont like their apperance and i felt very pathetic for them and i thank God for making me what iam, like normal people. But on the other hand there are some fat people who dosn't have any matters at all, those people makes me sick, instead of pathety it comes out hateness. I also used to think how will they sleep, sit and especially for girls the main problem would be when they have their period.
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@natalie1981 (1995)
• Singapore
17 Mar 07
Personally, those people who look at fat people with disgust should look at themselves with disgust. Obesity is not something to laugh about. It just irritates me so much when people giggles, laughs or make fun of obese people. I know how they feel coz I used to be obese and I'm still struggling with my weight. People should just treat each other with respect. What's my first thought when I see really, really, fat people? NOTHING! I don't believe in judging other people. My two cents. :)
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@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
thanks for your honest comments....People are still people and come in all shapes and sizes.
@spasm061568 (285)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
More power to you and your efforts to lose weight. I myself am on the heavy side and have been struggling with this for most of my 38 years. Getting made fun of as a child does have its effects until one reaches aldutlhood. its good to be surrounded by caring ang loving people...but what about those who dont have that support?
@avinashrocks007 (82)
• India
18 Mar 07
My first expression is when i see fat people is that of disgust and of humour.....i know it's wrong but it's something that i just can't control. I agree with you that it is wrong of us to treat people like that and that we should try and be compassionate with them.
Im actually a really slim guy who's trying to put on weight. I can eat how much ever i want and still manage to not put on weight. I kinda like that toooooooo!!!!!!!!!1
@swanrock (26)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I agree with you. In fact it is one of the last allowable prejudices to judge or make fun of people because of size especially fat people. They are always made fun of in movies etc. Everyone would like to be the perfect size or have the perfect ears, nose etc. However, that is not always the case. Some people can never lose a pound and some can never gain a pound and we should not be allowed to make fun of them because it hurts. By making an issue of size when someone is a size 14 they think they are fat and before long they are either bulemic or a size 18 because they try so hard to get thin that they gain more weight instead. God made everything in different colors and sizes, flowers, trees, animals and human beings. It should be against the law making fun of people because they are fat or staring at them when they pass by.
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@ghellycious (54)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
I'm actually not satisfied with my body simply because i think i'm fat...but whenever i see people who are really big, then i have second thoughts. I should be thankful that i'm not having that much of a hard time dealing with judgmental people because of how i look. Also, i think that we should start realizing that skinny is not the perfect body type, it may be ideal but it's not reality. If thin looks good, then in one way or another, fat can look ok too. I think it's just a matter of perspective.
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@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
That is so true.. Skinny people can also have serious issues because of it...
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Honestly, I wonder how it ever happened that things got that far out of control for them in the first place. I wonder why they aren't doing anything to help themselves. And then I wonder if it could ever happen to me, since I tend to be lazy and I like to eat, and then I decide that it probably could not happen to me because my sense of shame over myself would (hopefully) kick in and prevent it long before I ever hit the 200 pound mark.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
18 Mar 07
thank you because as you know I am obese and I was just about to delete you as a friend. If people think being laughed at shunned, not getting dates, or jobs, or whatever think again. And no fat people are not always jolly, sometimes they act that way because they have to try so hard to make friends.
usually in the play ground you will here here comes johnny or Mary,
they are addressed by name
but when obese children come over it is
either big fat johnny and big fat mary
or more insulting, oh no here comes that fat kid again.
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
17 Mar 07
When I was younger, and skinnier, I often thought that they were big because they didn't know how to push themselves away from the table. When I got older, however, I got sick and was put on meds that packed on the pounds and messed up my system to that it made it almost impossible to lose the weight. Once I walked in their shoes I understood that it isn't always an eating issue. I am still heavy, but am 150 lbs less than I was. It's easy to judge someone by their appearance unless you've actually walked in their shoes. :( I learned the hard way.
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@abhishekkaushik (327)
• India
18 Mar 07
when i see them i wonder why these people work out in the gym and make them little attractive.
@maucute (979)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
I don't feel disgust but I do feel bad for them.. At first glance I don't have any clue what makes them that way. Whether be it that they're just obese or hereditary, we never know that they may have had tried so hard to lose weight but just couldn't.. Some of us are blessed, I agree with you, but it's not also nice to take advantage on a situation that we will teased them or look with disgust that would just make them feel even more down..