Do you like being a mom?
@PATTYCAKE1979 (227)
United States
March 19, 2007 8:40am CST
I was watching a show on parenting, and alot of women admitted that they hate being mothers. Kids today are raised alot different from my generation (I'm 28) and there are alot of things that are considered unacceptable as far as discipline. These single, out-raged mothers have had it and it gets to where the fathers don't want nothing to do with the children. This could probably explain alot of mothers who kill thier children, not saying it's right, but it's reality. Some people say "If you didn't want kids you shouldn't of had them" This is true, but people foget that it takes a male to assist in the process, and they are dismissed when it comes to parenting. What do you mothers think about this issue? Do you like being a mom?
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44 responses
@wishiel (19)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
I am so lucky to be a mom, this is probably a blessing to every woman who bears a child. You cannot be called a mom unless you bear a child. I like not only being a mom but I do love it, anything accompanied in it, the responsibilites and all that. I love being a mom. I already have two kids, and I am just 26, they made me stay happy and determined. Though I must admit that it is so hard to raise children, but that's what being a mother.

@sivadirehs (27)
• United States
19 Mar 07
There is more to being a mom than bearing the child. There is the years that follow. Some women who bear a child are not mothers, and some that dont bear a child make wonderful mommys.
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@sangita999 (210)
• United States
19 Mar 07
agree completely even i am blessed with a 4 years old child.he has some physical problem he can'twalk. but my only motto in my life to make him walk at any condition.and my hearts says yes he will definitely walk. mothers love is unconditional,unselfish.
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@sivadirehs (27)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Being a Mom is the most wonderful thing in the world. I cannot imagine anything ever making me more happy in this world. I truly dont know how any woman who has children could ever do them harm. Also, I think men should be held accountable more. They are trying to get laws passed that would allow men to get out of paying child support if they didnt want kids. They say its not fair that a mother can give the baby up for adoption, but if she decides to keep it the man has to pay. I think they should make a male birth control pill or something to fix that problem.
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@PATTYCAKE1979 (227)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Thank you for your response, your right they do need to add more responsibility for the man involved, he gets off to easy.
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@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Being a mother is the best thing in the world. I just love it. I have 2 children, 3 years old and 8 months old. They are the most precious and wonderful things. I wouldn't have it any other way.
@dreamingmyth (594)
• United States
19 Mar 07
well personally i LOVE being a mom! im from your generation as well (im 25) and i think your right that alot of things when it comes to dicipline are unacceptable now. i think alot of that stems from our patents generation pretty much starting the whole "we should love not spank our children" and then add to it the fact that you can possibly go to jail for spanking your child, because law doesnt have a gray area (as it should) they only see black or white! my sons father is not around and doesnt pay his child support, though it has nothing to do with me or our son! he was just not ready to grow up and be responsible. when he was younger he learned the "my parents beat me" technique, which of course he wasnt being beaten but used it against his parents to do whatever he pleased to do!
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@michelledarcy (5220)
19 Mar 07
I do enjoy being a mum but it is also very difficult. I am a single mum and being able to work wll be very difficult for me as I don't know anyone who can have the kids for me as I'm so far from my family.
I work hard with my kids trying to help them as much as I can and teaching them at home so it is tough, but also rewarding.
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@ycswid (279)
• Canada
19 Mar 07
I do enjoy being a mother. I also agree that fathers often are left out of the parenting.
I raised my two children as a single mother. They are now grown 26 and 29 and well adjusted wonderful people.
I have just recently taken in my stepson who is 17 and was raised by his mother (from the age of 3)who called my husband a sperm donor even though he continued to be the only positive rolemodel to his children. This woman was no mother she was just a child bearer.
I am not enjoying this part of mothering only because I am having to revisit an age I thought I was finished with. I have a 17 year old who, having been raised in such a negative environment, is creating a very trying atmosphere and much adjustment. While I don't begrudge taking on this task it is a constant reminder of the important role child raising is and the boy's mother certainly did not take it very seriously.
Thanks for initiating a timely discussion for me.
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
19 Mar 07
Yes...I like being a mom. I know that kids can be challenging and can sometimes really test your patience but I think that I would not be the same person without my son. I was not expecting him and it was a complete surprise. Unfortunately..his real father didn't want a baby so he left us. I did find another good man and he has been with us ever since. I do feel that children need both parents..especially a male role model..for the boys...It is too hard to raise children by yourself these days..with work and all the other pressures of life...
@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
i love being a mom. it's the best and most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. admittedly, it can be really tough and trying to be a mother. i'm a single parent too and responsible for my son's every need. it is really difficult but you somehow forget all your worries, your bills, stress and everything negative about your life when your child suddenly comes up to you, gives you the sweetest hugs and kisses ;).
also, even with the challenges that go with being a single parent, i learn greater focus, real responsibility, loads of patience, hard work, time management, trust (innocence), etc. plus, being a parent can get hilarious sometimes, imagine multi-tasking (cooking and setting the dishes while holding the baby coz he wont stop crying or doin your paperworks while feeding him while every second or so u check the stove for the stew you just put on, harharhar!) all in all, it's the most gratifying role i have now.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
20 Mar 07
My baby is 9 months. I like being a mom so far but she is at the stage where she is up my a$$ all the time. That kinda pisses me off. And sometimes I wish I didn't have her so I could do the things I was doing before I got pregnant. But I am glad I had her and I wouldn't trade her for anything. And my husband does most of the work anyway. He is the disciplinarian. I am the good guy. I don't hit her or yell but then again she doesn't listen to me. But he dad yells and spanks when necessary and she seems to get the message.
@PATTYCAKE1979 (227)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I hear ya! My 11 month old stays on top of me too, and sometimes it is nerve racking, always clinging to me, and following me, I can't go to the bathroom without him crying wanting to go. But the discipline is just the opposite. I am the bad guy, and dad gets ran over, and calls me later when it can't handle, talk about raising another child.
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@mauier113 (688)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Its the best thing that ever happened into my life . iT made me complete as a woman. I were able to give up my carrer for my kids and i enjoyed every minute of their growing up. i enjoy their company. They've a lot of stories to tell eveyday. And being their mom makes me proud for the're both happy and confident kids.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I love being a mom! I would never change it. Sure I have my days where I just feel like screaming/crying, but I still love being a mother. I have a 4 yr old daughter who runs all over me and I have had some small problems with her, but I don't give up on my kids and no mater how hard my daughter can be at times, I love her and wouldn't change her. I love the challenges she gives me everyday because without her, I would be lost. I also have a 14 month old son. I love being a mother to both of them. You learn from your kids. You really do. When I was pregnant with my daughter, her biological father walked out and when she was born he saw her a few times on and off, but never did anything to help. I did fine though. He finally signed over his rights and I am with someone else now. My husband adopted her, she knows no different.
And as for mothers killing their children, well I am so against that. There is no excuse for that. I don't care how depressed you feel, you don't kill your kids and you don't blame it on other people. I just don't understand that.
I don't understand how a mother can even say they hate being mothers. I mean we all have bad days, but how can you hate being a mother? I guess some people were honestly not fit for being a parent.
@shafinazatul (74)
• Malaysia
20 Mar 07
hi 49..
i m a mother.i only have a first, being a mom is really bugging me off my comfortzone.i really hated it when i hve to spend most of free well as my busy time to look after for him.until all of sudden, i hve become a fierce person..coz my son is really naughty.sometimes i feel like i want to leave him to my mum to look after..but then,,i m worried that i will miss him.for just life..we need to just go with the flow of our routines.sometimes..i like being a mom and sometimes its hurting me inside..i hve thought the same that..if its burdening, then a marries couple should considere planning in the first place..dont u think?
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@marymarj2002 (1769)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I like being a mother though it needs too much responsibility and sacrifices. Every problem of the family is in your shoulder. The budgeting, the care of the kids and all is yours. Plus the wake up of nighttimes for your baby's needs. It is tiring and needs too much sacrifice but at the end it makes my life complete and happy.
@michele_villasenor (624)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
It's just been recently that I gave birth so I'm still enjoying this new role I'm playing. I can't imagine getting to that point wherein I will hate being a mom. I think the difference lies with the motive one has in bringing a child into this world. If it is out of will it seems impossibe to hate it. If it's an unexpected child/pregnancy, maybe the parents could hate it. Nonetheless, parents should always try their best to teach their children well so that their children can grow up to be wonderful people whom they will love relating to.
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
21 Mar 07
It depends on my mood and how my kids behaved that day. I suffer from really bad depression and when I get down everything in my life seems so out of proportion and in those times I absolutely hate my life. I hate being a wife and a mother and I just plain hate everything. I wish I could be anywhere but in my own skin. It is sad. During those times I just wonder why anyone would choose to be a slave and a maid and have people treat them like crap day in and day out with no thanks or appreciation--because that is my every day reality.
I do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, child raising, etc and my husband hardly ever does anything but go to work and sit on the couch. He yells a lot and the kids ignore me. What's there to like?
But on my good today I enjoy it. I love watching my kids play and they are so freaking funny sometimes (they are 6, 5, 4 and almost 1).
The stress is just getting to me. I get about 4 hours of sleep a night and I am treated like I don't exist during the day unless someone wants something from me (which is always when I am trying to do something for myself).
@enigma2core (137)
• India
20 Mar 07
I would love being a mother.People say that a girl/woman feels complete only when she becomes a mother. In fact it was just today morning that I was analyzing my affection for people around me, my mom, my dad, my friends, boyfriend.
And I realized that I am closest to my mother as she is a person that I am not only biologically close to, but emotionally too! I am a part of her and I would love to experience a relation like that when a living being is going to be a part of me and I am sure it is a wonderful feeling!
Of, course it is true that anything which is unwanted, should be around, other wise they foster frustration and same goes for children too. Being a mother is a big responsibility and not everyone can take it! :)
@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I honestly can't think of a better job, than being a mom. I love it, But I do know of some who can't stand being with their kids for long period of times, because they say they get on their nerves. I run a daycare and see all types, I'm watching one, who's mom actually took on extra hours, just to avoid having to be home with the terrible two's. I understand that kids can try your nerves, and be a challenge..But so is life, and anything else you come across, By staying home with them, you really get to know them, as an individual and understand a little more, instead of seeing them as that annoying little tantrum thrower . . .
I think alot of mothers get excited about having babies, babies are cute . . . They have no idea what they are actually getting themselves into. And soon find it to be overwhelming. I think that when couples get married they should be handed a puppy. . . Puppies are cute, but they need to be watched over so they don't piddle on the floor, or chew up all your stuff, and they grow up to be big dogs, but if it's raised right, they will listen, and follow simple commands like sit, speak, stay...If you loose your dog, or raise a dog that is a barker, or a biter...Then they should not have kids.
@werkaholic (74)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
definitely i do love being mom to my cute daughter and to a handsome young man. they came early for my age, but i was never regretful of having them because they were the perks of being a mom. i'm a bit moody but when it comes to my kids, i always show them how much i love 'em and try to explain them that whenever i get grumpy about their behavior, it's just a means of showing great love to them. because i want them to grow as a good Christian.