Morals -- Has it decreased? Is immorality increasing?
By bluemestizo
@bluemestizo (429)
United States
March 19, 2007 10:55am CST
There was an old saying back then in history from a Jewish Christian that quoted "There will be terrible times in the last days" due to the increase of wickedness and immorality. As I have seen that many people are tolerating things easy than it was before. Homosexuality has been considered ok to some and others still forbid it. Due to abortion some have agreed to and others still forbid it. Many have divorced or have had affairs and have cheated with other men or women. Many people have argued, debated over what is wrong or right. I've always said human nature (mankind) have their own saying, wisdom, knowledge and their ways of thinking....and then there is God Himself that makes the rules, regulations in life. What can you say about morality? Is it becoming worse or not?
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21 responses
@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
20 Mar 07
The life has changed. Life style has changed. People are entering new kind of things which are growing fast!
Well where is morality? where all social reformers? where are good persons willing all the good!
The fast packed train is on its track and it is the only thing considering life!
So many things are breaking the old structure of society and human relationship is now under siege! Morality related with all such has started to give up or say it is changing!
I hope that new learnings are comimng to us. New era of developing totaly for the society is just immerged and one kind of evolution will take place! And the true things will come up for its establishment!
Lets wait and watch and if want to participate then do it with whole heartedly: Morality will be here but with newly transformed and more vital believable and accepted also!
@Kentenathien (31)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Morals are abstract and subjective, IMO. Therefore, if morality is decreasing, it is only because the current social trends are doing things that are considered "immoral" according to your subjective codes of morality.
"Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is just opinion." -Democritus
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I guess some morals are geting worse and it's everywhere but why do we want it this to be this way when we can help bring those people back as long as they are repentant of their sins.
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@ElementalCaster (19)
• Singapore
20 Mar 07
I agreed with the olden saying, and man is becoming worse day by day.....
Actualy my friend, this is only the starting... its a phase by phase. At the end of time.. man will lost his wisdome, hope, faith, etc. His spirit will lay broken and doomed, if he do not guard himself against the evil whisper of this material plane....
@jakeman0074 (33)
• United States
20 Mar 07
you know i think you are rite the moral value at least in the us has dropped dramaticly in the past few years. I dont thinkthat we have much time left here and the end times are around the corner soon to come.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Benjamin Franklin, said a society collapses when morals are forgotten, and morals are forgotten when religion is forgotten, or given up - that is er, paraphrased by memory.. But that's the jist of it. It's my theory that this is the life of "all things gone wrong" or maybe, more accurately "how everything can go wrong" and then there will be the final collapse, the end of the (unavoidable) lesson, and the 'end' result, which because God is Perfect, can only be the absolutely best-possible 'end' result.. I hate to say it, but I think this world will increasingly get worse and worse.. I think these are the most important days to be "Wise as a serpent, and Harmelss as a dove"..
:))-God bless..
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
The number of people who do not like to obey God is increasing tremendously and therefore immorality is increasing tremendously also. People tend to obey the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life.
@raheel07 (485)
• Pakistan
19 Mar 07
Immorality is increasing because we have stop following religion. Actually most world religions have become orthodox just because of people, politics and no evolution with time and now the new generation has stop looking to it because they consider it not with the time. Therefore, all those unethical things and unacceptable things have become a norm. They are no longer regarded as wrong but have taken shape into the acceptables because everybody is doing it. Wrong is a wrong. This issue has depressed me immensely last week and I haven't been able to come out of it. It makes me feel hopeless and helpless when I see the youth. I want to live in this world but not with the dirty minds :(
@wifeofharvey (1156)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I do think that wickedness and immorality is increasing. What used to be a temptation, is now so condoned by society that it is indulged in. Words like tolerance, life style, situational ethics------------these take SIN out of the equation and make it a choice. So sad, so deceptive. Yes, worse is to come.
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@jean_rose (415)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
As observed, we are experiencing moral degeneration in these modern days, my friend. Try observing the young people--- only but a handful seem to know the meaning of respect, loyalty, chastity and all those ideal virtues. They aren't even feeling ashamed to flaunt their lack of morals.
As a high school teacher for ten years, I have observed that year after year, the morality issue continues to worsen. I couldn't point out a finger as to who did who, but I guess, someone must be accountable. If not the influence of the media, could it be the lenience of parents? Or could it be the endless pursuit of material gratification which has dragged man's morality down the drain?
@pacwmn (79)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Unfortunatly, yes, I do think that morality is decreasing. So many children are growing up now days without being taught any morals at all. There are so many bad examples to look up to. Many of America's idols (celebs, athletes, political leaders) are loosing their morality. These are people that our children look up to, and when I think of that, I am definetly concerned about my children's future.
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@edz3105 (66)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
Yup because some believed that being immoral was sort of survival in this world. Some have to be greedy to sustain his own personal wealth. Too bad that they haven't realized that what they are doing was an awful thing from the eyes of humanity. I do wanted to be strong and tough to survive but not to abuse and hurt others.
@andreaskye (390)
• United States
20 Mar 07
My view is that morality is in the same state as it has always been in humans. There has always been good and evil, as subjective as those terms are.
I mean take a peak back. mass murders of coutries in the name of god as far back as "biblical" times. The Holocaust?
The issues change. The ability to send and receive information became quicker. Human nature and the balance of it remains the same.
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@im_anna (717)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
Yes, indeed it has been worst than years ago because of so many reasons. Men this age have been capable of doing horrid things unimaginable decades ago. But there were also new resources that are also available right now that was not available years ago, even decades ago, resources/books than can help even ordinary people like us that can help us improve our lives. New ways to uplift our way of thinking, a different perspective so ordinary individuals can be extra-ordinary, can be secured within themselves emotionally, mentally, financially. And in turn, this security would bring about the need to help others help themselves in so many ways. Pardon me if someone gets offended, though, the point of the matter is, yes it has worsened, but what can we do about it? I've heard somewhere from somebody "if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
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@im_anna (717)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
Morality refers to the concept of human ethics which pertains to matters of right and wrong --alsor eferred to as "good and evil" --used within three contextx: individual conscience; systems of principles and judgments--sometimes called moral values--sharedwithin a cultural, religious, secular or philosophical community; and codes of behavior or conduct morality. Personal morality defines and distinguishes among right and wrong intentions, motivations or actions, as these have been learned, engendered, or othrewise developed within each individual --- from
@dravenwriter (232)
24 Mar 07
What you describe may be the culmination of a false moral framework imposed by theism which has made morality a simple set of rewards and consequences imposed externally; instead of a focus on the true nature of morality which comes from ourselves and our relationships with one another.
When people start discovering that the house of cards they have followed for a moral framework is false, they do not have the moral fortitude within themselves to act morally anymore. They have not been taught properly, instead they have been trained to ignore the true nature and reason for moral behavior.
Let me make an analogy. If you tell a child not to do something, or else they will be punished, they will obey as long as they think you are serious. Once they no longer feel fear of punishment, they will actually go out of their way to NOT do as you wish.
If instead, you taught the child the reasons why they shouldn't act in such a way, and show them why it's beneficial for them to do so, you no longer have to enforce the rules externally. They act of their own accord with the knowledge and understanding you have given them. This is true morality.
I wrote an article on the subject here:
Draven the Respectful Atheist
@ehdzzie (331)
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
morality is obviously becoming worse...there are many immoral cases by now(like abortions...etc...)that people used to do it and it is already not a big i can see, the more wisdom and knowledge the people has, the more they became immoral...
@vonn1378 (706)
• Philippines
11 Jul 07
I reckon immorality is increasing. It might be due to modernization. People are becoming more liberated and sometimes ethics and good moral are being set aside. In today's enviroment divorce, abortion, infidility are more rampant compared before. In the news almost everyday there are reports about abortion or infedility.