Do children need to watch TV?

March 20, 2007 5:29am CST
I have decided that I am going to get rid of my TV. However a lot of people are saying that my children will be missing out if they don't have one, what do you think?
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18 responses
@eshaan (6188)
• India
20 Mar 07
Don't do it. Both you and ur children are going to miss it when there is something very important to watch and you don't have TV, just clean it from time to time and watch sometimes.
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20 Mar 07
I dont think it is worth paying £11 a month for the odd program, I can always watch it at someone elses house
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• Australia
20 Mar 07
What costs 11 pounds? Are you talking abotu cable tv or normal tv? do you pay for normal tv?
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20 Mar 07
Watching tv - Glued to the television
In many ways I feel that children spend far too much time stuck in front of the televsion and not enough time playing and learning to interact with others. Television is used as a baby sitter, something to keep the kids occupied. It is known to be a strong influence on young minds and is often the cause of poor behaviour. However, television can also be ueducational and entertaining without necessarily being a bad influence. Perhaps rationing the number of hours of television viewed might prove a good idea. Maybe let your children watch the educational programmes rather than contstantly having the television on at all times. Just my thoughts
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20 Mar 07
they will still be able to watch dvds on the computer, and their dad has a tv so they can watch things there as well if they want to.
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@Mitraa (3183)
• India
20 Mar 07
Certainly yes! For children, TV is not only an equipment but also an excellent window to a separate world! That world is full of fun, adventure, games, sports, scientific studies of rare fields and incidents, personalities' views, health care, education, news and many more items those vary among broadcasters. By allowing them to view TV regularly for their liking programs, a mental nourishment is also available to them from it. But it must not exceed an hour daily for making a good amount of hours to prepare their regular studies. Yes I may say here, "Study hours are of first importance than any other interest." So first 'Study' and then TV. Thanks.
20 Mar 07
I'm not convinced that children need to watch TV, but I also wouldn't get rid of my TV. Did you know that on things that the government deem a necessity that a TV is on there? From reading another one of your discussions I'm not sure you'll really care what the government think though!!! Although maybe not essential I do think that it is quite important for kids to be able to watch TV, especially as they get older as its a huge social thing and I think the government arguement is to do with social isolation of families close to poverty, so I guess if thats not really an issue and your kids have plenty of opportuntities to interact and you don't feel they're missing anything then why not? If you go for it and do get rid of the TV then I really admire you for it - I'm just not that strong, I like my trashy soaps too much!
20 Mar 07
I am sure that the kids will be able to get decent knowledge from the Internet and there is a TV at their dads house so if there are things they feel they 'need' to watch they can go over there and see them
@bluewings (3857)
20 Mar 07
Well,as long as they are getting to watch those programs on computer and you also continue to have internet ,I don't think they would be missing out on much.However,you might like to find an alternative source of entertainment for those hours when they used to watch tv.Perhaps you could let them invite their friends at those times to play some games.
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20 Mar 07
They only watch TV in my house for a couple of hours a day so it really isn't a problem finding something else for them to do. They can always watch a video or a DVD.
@smithy86 (137)
20 Mar 07
I used to say no because i would find the children that i used to babysit inside during the hottest day of the years. I guess it has some advantages though. There is a new program over here in england that is a kids show but while he speaks english he uses signe language at the same time so they start to learn it. Qhich i guess is educational and they have dora the explorer who speaks spanish. One other advantage would be when you and your partner want to go out and you dont want your children annoying the babysitter. I guess there are pros and cons to everything. I would just monitor what my child watches.
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20 Mar 07
I never go out and leave my kids with a babysitter. If I go out their dad has them, as we are separated and he has a TV at his house.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I think it is crazy to pay registration fee in UK. I have 3 TV's in my house and most of the time I don't watch TV...but I don't have to pay....just for having TV.... we pay only if we want to have cable with additional channels. As far as your long as they see nice movies once a while...thay are fine.... I would keep TV for kids.
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• United States
20 Mar 07
I grew up most of my childhood without a TV, and we don't own one now as a family either. I think not having one makes children use their imagination more, and I find that mine play amongst themselves or read books more often without one. Personally, I would encourage anyone with young children either not to have one, or to be very selective with what is watched and how much is watched. There have been studies showing how watching TV influences the way we think about anything else, no matter what it is you watch.
@yanjiaren (9031)
20 Mar 07
To be honest if I had my way I would get rid of it too.but there are some interesting things like documentaires and when I was a young kid I liked watching thses ans political shows funnily enough...I think if you can monitor what your kids can find a good balance..But I really don't blame you if you get rid of it..Finding other creative things to do is far better..
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@mrsturner (518)
• Canada
20 Mar 07
I think that whatever decision you make for your kids will be the right one. As you say, they have plenty of opportunity to see TV programs elsewhere. I grew up without a TV for the most part because my Dad would get tired of the language and profanity and throw out the TV. (This happened at least twice and then we would go for 5 or 6 years without one.) I don't feel like I missed out on anything. I have developed a love for reading and would never trade that for anything.
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
20 Mar 07
I do not think they will be missing out without a tv. When I grew up some 30 years ago we had 20 minutes of children tv a day. We had one channel and everybody watched the same things. When we got a little older we all saw the same shows on saturday, and we would talk about it on monday. We might have felt we did not belong if we missed it. It is not like that anymore. people waych different shows and different channels. A tv show is not something everone shares anymore. I am sure the problems these days is not too little but too much television. Missing out? how? i think they will be gaining time to do other things, like play or read and things like that.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I think that tv can be a helpful tool. For instance I watch with my son the educational programs and we talk about the nice things they are doing, using manners, sharing, etc. We interact with shows such as sesame street, etc. He learns a lot with me while watching tv. But I dont think it is necessary. Although, they may feel left out, and wonder why they cant, and if you ever bring it back they might try to watch all the time. TV is wonderful in moderation.
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@gbaben (509)
• Russian Federation
20 Mar 07
I think it will not be right for you to deny your children from watching TV.Because i believe that there are lot of useful information on TV.What i will advice, you should do is that you should try to restrict them to Educative stations.I think this will help or you should have a time table for them, when they will be watching TV in a day.
@laltu86 (1249)
• India
20 Mar 07
Every thing has its plus and minus , tv in the simmilar fashion, it depends on the channels and programms viewed , what do you call a child who loves to see extream machines in discovery, or wildz in animal planet, - a good boy , Tv is helpful here , but in the same time if its WWF, or the baywatch then you should not throw your tv rather throw the boy out of the house.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I think it is a good decision that you will get rid of the TV though your children will be missing out on somethings but those things won't affect their quality of life. Your kids would even be more creative in doing some things that would be entertaining to them and they could spend more time outdoors and play more with each other. They would bond more and will not be subjected to the negative influence of TV.
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@joluha (342)
20 Mar 07
I think if you limit the amount of telly they watch it is ok..some programmes especially the ones for small children help them learn a great deal. Just don't let them sit in front of it all day long!
• Singapore
20 Mar 07
I think it's just a form of entertainment. They don't *need* to watch TV, but why not? After all, some programs are enjoyable. :P
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@palpalsky (899)
• United States
20 Mar 07
well we cant isolate them without tv ... that would be undue restrictions on them .however you can fix timing when they can watch tv...