Those christians who knock on your door and try to convert you...

March 22, 2007 3:18am CST
What do you think of all those christians, whether they be j-ho's or whatever, who come and knock on your door, anxious for a chance to try to persuade you to join their religion? Do you appreciate that they're probably good people and its nice of them to want to 'save your soul', or do you think they're a bunch of annoying idiots, and feel insulted that they think you should beleive the same thing they do, you're wrong and they're right, etc? Or do you think they're funny, what with all those crazy ideas and being so desperate to convert you and all? I think I feel a mixture of all three...
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59 responses
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
22 Mar 07
I mostly feel uncomfortable. I don't really know what to do or what to say, and I mostly want them to go away. I just don't want to be rude.
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• United States
23 Mar 07
You can tell them that you are not interested and not be rude.I usually say no thank you.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Um it is the Jehova's who come knocking on my door and because I am a Solitary Wiccan I tell them that I am a Wiccan witch and they tend to take a step back and politely say thank you for your time and then run away. I cant stand them and I think they are going about there recruting all wrong. They would probibly get more people join them if they would stop knocking on everyones door.
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• Australia
22 Mar 07
heh, i'm wiccan too. i'll be careful not to use the word witch so i don't scare them away! then if i get sick of them, i can just tell them that i'm a witch and that'll be the end of it for them...hmmn..that'd make it even funnier...
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Well look at it this way: It's their personal belief my soul needs saving. It's my personal belief that it's wrong to force someone into believing something i.e. 'converting them'. I avoid them altogether usually. Though of course they seek me out lol. They're funny and annoying. I honestly don't need the extra aggravation.
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• India
22 Mar 07
Even i think so.
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• Niger
23 Mar 07
Who just tell them that I specially deserve to know their God,which right do they have to think that I don't know God and that God is not in my life. As most of them are wash brained and are like zombies. I really hate conspiracy for mind control.
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• Philippines
23 Mar 07
I think they are fine sometimes but sometimes its annoying coz some of them are really trying to push you to join their religion. I have nothing against other religions and I do respect them so all I can say is I hope they will respect other people's belief.
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@crackhead (1826)
• India
23 Mar 07
Well even i have seen situations where some Christians Persuade other religion people to convert to Christianity. They do offer some good gifts as well as some assurance in responce if they agree to undergo that Convertion. I suppose this is the worst act one should do after all. When all the holy religious books reiterates god is one and same whats the necissity of changing religions. I totally condemn this act of Religious convertions, Which ever religion it is no matter. Myself being a hindu i never hurt any religious feelings or i never make a comment on their rituals.
• Haiti
22 Mar 07
well i think al of those things you said overthere translate a large part of the way people think about convertion campaign or evangilization for the christian. Well i think it depends of the faith or belief of the person who received those people in his house. For some they are crazy, for orther they are funnny, for others they are really serious and have a lot importance. And also the view change as quick, today you can think that they are funny and because of something which happens in your life, tomorow they came and you see them seriously. Life is changing and strange
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@quatelmon (955)
• United States
22 Mar 07
It's very bothersome to me. However, most of the time they are poliet and you can be gentle about letting them know that you are not interested. When you believe that deeply in something, you really don't think about how the other people feel. I live in New York City, and the scientologists are the big problem here. They con people in with free "stress tests" and other assorted non-sense. As long as they are not taking my money or physically hurting me, it is all good.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
22 Mar 07
I would definitely find them annoying if they would insist on converting me to their religion but I also find them admirable for trying so hard to spread the word and in the end helping 'bad' people become bettter people. Each of us has a way to make our mark in this world and I guess theirs is to convert as many people as possible.
@mrcong (152)
• Singapore
22 Mar 07
Being a Christian myself, I feel, they are committed but perhaps the methods need to change. I believe you are talking about Jehovah Witnesses. I agree that spreading the gospel should be done when you know each other, because, it's only through relationships then you can see that thhis God he worship really is true in his life. right?! O ya. Jehovah Witness's doctrine is not recognised in the Christian society.
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• Australia
22 Mar 07
some jehovas came to my house a couple of weeks ago. It was fun because they had a little book with hilariously lame pictures in it, and said a bunch of crazy stuff. i invited them to come back lol its good/amusing to know that their doctrine isnt recognised by christian society.
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@mrcong (152)
• Singapore
22 Mar 07
i common staring phrase is "Hi, would you like to see the new version of the Holy Bible, we can give it to you." I just ask them this qn,"Since when did God created a new Bible with unknown locations quoted in it?" they are dumbfounded
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• United States
22 Mar 07
Personally, I really detest those that 'bible bang' from door-to-door. Relgion to me is a very personal choice and a commitment much like a marriage would be and if I am interested in learning more about a relgion, fine...then I will seek out my own way to learn and ask others if need be. I do not need people knocking on my door at 9am on a Saturday morning. I understand they are proud of their commitment and their relgious choice however, not everyone shares in that feeling.
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@WyldPnut (74)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I do not appreciate this unwanted solicitation on my doorstep. It isn't like we live in a remote country and never heard of religion. I shoo these people away and find the more persistent they become the ruder I will be to them.
• United States
22 Mar 07
Well, they believe they are doing what they "should" so to gain souls, maybe even gain their way into the appropriate afterlife, so then one cannot really fault them. On the other hand, it is truly annoying when they will not leave you alone even after you say politely that you are not interested. But once again, they have good intentions. So where do you draw the line between accepting that they are folowing their beliefs and annoying the crap out of you? That is a hard one. And if they offer reading materials, and you take them to get them to leave, they come back OVER and OVER. I personally feel for them and try to be as patient as possible with them. As hard as that can be.
3 people like this
• United States
23 Mar 07
No, I don't think you are creepy for finding it funny. You are like me, easily amused..LOL! I so wanted to ask this one young lady that kept coming in for a minute and say "Girl, you are so cute, get rid of that long skirt and have some fun!". I never did though and now I think I should have.
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• Australia
22 Mar 07
that's pretty much how i've been thinking about them, only i find it pretty hilarious at the same time i hope the ones who visited me come back again soon. I will make sure to accept their reading materials and such, and then take some kind of weird amusement out of watching them come back again and again... people so trustingly and caringly putting so much effort into something completely i creepy for finding it so funny?
3 people like this
• United States
22 Mar 07
Personally, I think it's annoying. It's ironic because I have a sister-in-law who is a j-ho. I've let her know that she is the only one that i am going to allow to do their whole spiel to. I am a christian myslef, but i don't go around knocking on someone's door trying to get them to convert to my faith. I think that's a personal thing and should not be a pressure tactic.
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@20031969 (932)
• India
23 Mar 07
i hate this practice. nobody has the right to pursuade the poor or illiterate people to adopt another religion and those people who are doing practice should be punished under the law. thanks.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Every religion has their own beliefs and their own ways. Though I am not a Jehovah Witnesses, I know that the members of their kingdom hall are required to visit a set number of homes to witness Jehovah to at least a certain amount of people. This is a requirement of their religion. I have relatives who are Jehovah Witnesses and when they have come to my home I have politely told them that they were welcome to come to my home, but not to preach to me. They have not been back to my home since. We still talk in other places, but they don't visit me any more. I still get occasional visits from other Jehovah Witnesses, but not from them.
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• Canada
23 Mar 07
I figure, it is kind of annoying, they are happy in their beliefs and proud of them, and that is excellent, however it doesn't mean it is for everyone. today I had my 1 year old in the tub, and they came a knocking, I wasn't really interested in what she had to say, but I behaved myself and was respectful even though i felt like telling her that, I couldn't entertain the idea of a religion or practice that believed only men would be resurrected when Christ (or Jehovah as it maybe) returns.But I just smiled sweetly and said have a nice day!
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@swanrock (26)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I will tell them that I am very happy in my religon, we all love the same God just have different names we know Him by, and sometimes I will discuss their differences and mine. I will not give them money as I have my own charities that I donate to and are important to me. But I do respect them and ask them to pray for me as I will pray for them.
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• New Zealand
23 Mar 07
hi first let me tell you that you have started a very intersting and a thought provoking topic. Well back in India from where i am we not only get christians but also people of many other religions coming over to propogate. Some people are very cruel with them,very offensive too.I personally am so much interested in all religions as i had friends from all religions with whom i freely mixed attended their functions and was a very important part of all this.I showed respect i was showered with respect. Never ever people tried to get me converted because i have full faith in my own religion,they know i dont need to see elsewhere and it is out of deep respect that i join their festivities. i read a lot, i read the bible specially as i had English Literature am a major in it,hence i loved reading the holy book.Frankly all religions are so inter-related one is the cousin of other.We are all one children of father Almighty. Thats from my point, but here i would like to add one incident that happened after i got married.One saleswoman happened to knock at my door my mom in law recieved the lady.The lady showed some books on christianity before i could refer the books mom said no thankyou we arent Christians we have our own religion own faith and we abide to it.Thankyou. Well she is a staunch believer so i guess her behaviour was fine atleast she wasnt rude!! Personal choice
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• Philippines
23 Mar 07
well I personally think that they're both doing good, bad and at the same time time they're insulting... GOOD because they are lecturing GOD's so called words to every door they find. BAD because there are some who uses this way to earn money. some say it's just donation but it isn't. insulting because they are somewhat implying that you are a sinful person. i do believe in GOD but im not a church-goer person. i pray but only when im about to sleep. to sum it up, i don't believe in them.
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