myLot members - Were you 'tricked' to 'myLot' ?
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
March 22, 2007 8:51am CST
I just entered the site, and discovered that my 750th referral has just signed under my referral link! Ok! Don't feel envy, because you are not loosing much! Yes sir! Not kidding... seriously...
I often get mails from other fellow members saying that you are just two months old here and you already have 700 plus referrals.. you must be earning a lot.. share your tricks blah blah ... blah ......! I do tell them all I know, I dont mind sharing, in fact, I love to share ideas ... but the I don't disclose my earnings just because I know that it would mislead them, as the number indeed looks big - 750! But the fact remains that you don't get money for making referrals, you only get rewarded if they are 'active' on the site. And I don't say that none of them are.. a few are a good ones, but then if I tell them how much I earn per day out of that 750 referrals, they might not belive me, and may feel that I am just saying that to discourage them from trying to make referral, and I don't want to enter into any kind of worthless debate like that, so I just don't give figures.
However, one thing that I would like to say is that one should be honest while making referral. When I first came to know about this site, the person who referred me told me that he made 112$ out of the site in his last month. Now I know that he lied to me - not because its not possible to make that much sum from the site; I am very confident that we can make that amount, and in fact even much more that that, I we apply ourselves well on this site. But, that user lied to me for sure, because I can see that neither he had that many postings under his belt, nor he is in 'Top referrers' list', so he could not have managed that amount, and had I taken his words seriously, I would have resigened in my first couple of days, because all I earned then was a few cents!
So, I would like to know a few things in this discussion:
1. How were you referred to myLot?
2. Did the person who referred you to this site lied about
his/sites potential of earnings?
3. Would you like to 'trick' someone, to bring them to the site?
4. Did you felt that the user that referred you, 'tricked' you to the site, in one way or the other?
I apologize that my discussions are quite a pain to read (lenghthwise!), but just to motivate all of you, that myLot DOES PAY MORE for a good (not necessarily lenghy thought!) discussions!
I have a few more things to say, but first let me have other's feedack too...
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42 responses
@michelledarcy (5220)
22 Mar 07
1. How were you referred to myLot?
My sister told me about the site. she tells me about a lot of money making sites but usually I don't join up, but I joined this one as I thought it may be a way of spreading the word about veganism.
2. Did the person who referred you to this site lied about his/sites potential of earnings?
No she didn't lie to me at all.
3. Would you like to 'trick' someone, to bring them to the site?
No I don't think it is fair to do that.
4. Did you felt that the user that referred you, 'tricked' you to the site, in one way or the other?
No, she did tell me that each response earns more than I get but I think the amount each person earns is going down all the time, so that wasn't a lie.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
22 Mar 07
ok, u get 10/10 for a so 'proper-proper' answer!
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@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Thats a great discussion in a good way too .. I am not sure if I was actually tricked into joining but it was done in an off hand sort of way ...but that has all been forgotten as I really do like this place ...its fun and aI can also laern quite alot form others as well ..
My story is that I was talking eveyday to a friend in a social networking site and he emailed me a fewtime with his sign up link at the bottom og his email being the curiuos type I hadn't heard of mylot so I checked it out ...of course it took me to the sign up page and it sounded great so I joined ...after two months here i am not sorry that I didi ...I have been paid and enjoy it so it all turned out ok ...funny thing is not that i have signed up the person hasn't spoken to me since ..which I find quite strange as when I refer someone I try to help them along so they make money too ...One day i will send him an email to find out why he quit talking to me after I signed up ....
you have done agreat job in getting so many refferals and you are right about the numbers matter how many you have unless they are active the nukmbers don't matter ...too bad for you there isn't a bonus for so many refferals best of luck to you ...
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
22 Mar 07
hehe, wel it's not THAT bad, they have been earning for me, n i can easily get of my cutoff mark even if i dont post nething in the whole month, but i definately would like to have some referral like u! from now on, i will start posting link with my e-mail too!
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I was not tricked it was shared with me and I chose to participate. You can tell of your success like I go since I way outearn my referral it is easy to say I avereage like 50 a month and encourage other people to try it if they like to respond to discussions and make a few. I call it pocket money and that is all it really is. I don't sugar coat it at all. It defeats the purpose of getting referrals. Only get those that will join and know that they will participate. Your 700 is inflated and does not show how it really could work. I wish you luck in the future and maybe you should delete some of those and work on real referrals. Just my thoughts.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
22 Mar 07
well its up to us. i tell them that there eaniongs r directly proportinal to there quality of work, and make it claer that if they want to earn decent amount here, they need to reply to 40-50discusions daily, n all that of qaulity. as for making referrals is concerend, i got all of them my online marketting, i worked on it, and it worked out - i atleast convinced ppl to register, and i diodnt made any false promises, some hard work, some luck, and a bit of creativity, n in fact i also enjoy doing my own lil expreiments, so it's a learning processs for me as well.
i dont know how can one delete ones referral? and i dont understand why on earth will someone like to do that?
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@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
22 Mar 07
Here are my answers:
1. No one has refferd me.
2. No one lied about this site.
3. I will never lie to someone just because I want to get another refferal that will sign up under me. I hate to lie.
4. No one reffer me that site, so no one has lied to me.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
22 Mar 07
n u also get a choclate for such a neat reply, absolutely no waste of time n space! kudos!
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@MrSaleh87 (340)
• Egypt
23 Mar 07
am with ya on ur talking but i diffrence with ya in one that ma friend is who refferd to me :D
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
22 Mar 07
The person who referred me was honest. They told me what they made and I belive them. I also was honest when I sent referals. I have 15 referrals but only 3 are anywhere near active. I was not tricked nor have I tricked anyone else. If they are not making money it is because they are not active enough.
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
22 Mar 07
thats gud 2 know, 2-0 in favor of honesty! cheers!
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@aengeLusz (81)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
hey i have question to "LIFEISBEAUTIFUL"
does referring affect the points?? if so does some of your rewards or money transfer in them cause you are active??? cause i am active indeed. ive been addicted to this and i just git here yesterday...
or they'll just have a reward or point if you are an active myLot user and that ends there..? which is it?
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I used to post on Yahoo answers when I was bored. One day someone posted that we could earn money for doing the exact same thing on myLot that we were doing on answers. I don't think they gave an exact figure, but they were pretty honest, saying that you earned a few cents per post and stressing that myLot really did pay.
I have tried to recruit a few people to myLot, but still have no referrals (I don't have a blog or website). I am always honest about the site, saying that you have to think out your answers and will only earn a little per post.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
22 Mar 07
ok, thats 7-0! i m yet to try my hands on yahoo ans, i will sooon try to bring some referrals from there too! thanks for the info!
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@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
23 Mar 07
1. How were you referred to myLot? I saw someone post on a mom website. I don't even remember who it was! I just signed up because I thought it was interesting.
2. Did the person who referred you to this site lied about
his/sites potential of earnings? Nope, I never even talked to her!
3. Would you like to 'trick' someone, to bring them to the site? No!!! What good would that do? It would only make them mad, then they wouldn't post and you wouldn't make any money from them anyway.
4. Did you felt that the user that referred you, 'tricked' you to the site, in one way or the other? Nope, she didn't even know I was interested.
I don't have any referrals... I've posted about it a few times, but not much. I guess I should give it a try!
@raveena (1353)
• India
23 Mar 07
Making referrals alone does not help you earn money. Only when those referrals post or answer discussions and when they get paid you do also. I do not have many referrals infact I have only 2 and both are inactive.
I am grateful to the person who referred me to mylot as I have got my first payment from them.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 Mar 07
My sister is the one who told me about this site and I did sign up under her but then it wasn't showing that she was my referal so we both emailed them here and explained that I was supposed to be under her and they were really good about it and put me under her themselves so that she could make some of the referal money off me . I don't mind helping someone else out as it was her that found the site first and had it been me she would have signed under me , so I don't feel like I was tricked even though I know she is doing good under me as I am on a lot more then she is but I don't mind . I like the idea of being able to help someone out even in a small way like this as it cost me nothing to be able to help her out lol . She never lied about her earning either , although I would be upset with anyone who lied about what they made . I have made almost eighty dollars in the couple of months that I have been on here and although it is not that much , I am happy with the amount that I am making and realize that I could be making more if I was on here more but just try to get on when I have the chance and so sometimes do good for the day and other day's don't get much done at all . It is true that you don't make that much with your referals especially since they do not all do something . I have seven referals and none of them are doing anything on here and only did something for a day or two and then quit if they did anything at all .
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@im_theboss (384)
• India
25 Mar 07
hmmm...u have a point.but i think the person who brought me here didn't fooled me. now it happened like this: i used to wonder whether there is any way to make money by working online or not. i was good at yahoo answers. hence i opened a discussion there that if it is possible to make money online by giving suggestions & opening discussions. now the person who motivated me to be here said, she have earned some $4 a week at mylot. i thought this was very less. but since the figure she mentioned was not in millions,i felt honesty in her words. i joined mylot & now i am happy that i have joined it. if she would have told me that its very easy to earn more than $100 per week, & i would have discovered that she was lying, then i would have stopped visiting mylot. i think 1 active member is pretty good over 100 inactive ones. at least u can earn a few dollars from an active member, where its worthless to have 100 inactive members. now would u help me know how to increase the number of referals here. its because i dont have any active referrals, since i try to be very honest while trying to motivate them to join mylot. please, do help me.
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
25 Mar 07
i have written a detailed article on getting referrals, pls check it out if u please. in shoer, i have made all my referrals by doing online marketting on chat rooms like yahoo n rediff, sites like orkut, and a few more discusion forums that dont pay(!)
i would advice u to look out for a few good persons that r really intereted in earning, as i have already told u that inactive onesr no good, eevn they r in thousands.
@complexvanilla (653)
• India
23 Mar 07
I guess a lot of people who try to get referrals fool people by claiming ridiculous figures, but I don't condone such actions. In fact, I like your policy of not revealing the money one makes too. My earning were pretty good in the first week of my becoming a member, and a lot of people seeing my success asked for referrals which I sent them. They failed to see however that I was into quality posting. Most of them posted very little, and mostly it was for the sake of posting, and their earning were disappointing, it seems. I however don't think I cheated or lured anyone into it. Right now however, I'm the only guy still posting anything into mylot. The others have given up.
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@mummyofthree (2715)
23 Mar 07
I found mylot whilst browsing and was curious about it. I read a few discussion threads and thought why not!
I would never trick or mislead someone in to joining. As you said it wouldn't help me any because they would leave when they found out I had not been entirely truthfull!
I have no referrals at the moment and really have no idea were to go to find them!
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@neglitex (347)
• Latvia
23 Mar 07
Actually I was not referred to this site. Once i received an email where I could join another paid forum site. But that site sucked so i looked for some new sites! And I found this one. So simple and yes I've seen other affiliates who write that you may got even 1000s/month on these kind of sites :D
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@lonewoulfe (585)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
thats a long one up there. tricked purposely - no, mislead - no, but biased influenced maybe. but i dont regret it anyway, i enjoyed myself more than my first expectations. its quite a challenge for me now how or what my responses are on certain topics. its quite interesting to me now what level of literary skills i had or would progress.
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@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
23 Mar 07
I heard various discussions about mylot being a place where a person could come to earn money so I decided to come and check it out. So no one lied to me about the site, or the type of earnings they were getting, and it's not something I would do to get someone else here.
One of the main reasons I came was because there aren't a lot of places that will pay Canadians for writing things, so I just wanted to check it out to be sure they did. I must say, you really need to spend a lot of time on here reading and writing and comments and coming up with many new ideas and topics in order to earn anything.
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@titaniumsoul (1191)
• Singapore
23 Mar 07
1. How were you referred to mylot?
I was referred by a friend named EDmund, he can be found at
2. Did the person who referred you to this site lied about his/her sites potential of earnings?
I don't know how much he earns but he says he going to earn US$2,700 a month.
3. Would you like to 'trick' someone, to bring to them to the site?
It depends on the person who I find it as friendly or not. If he/she is unfriendly, then no mylot for him/her else he /she will be introduce to mylot.
4. Did you felt that the user that referred you, 'tricked' you to the site, in one way or the other?
Nope, it is not that the user trick me, it is after the introduction, I did a research and found it this website is very informative and able to earn money online. Therefore, I must say I have found a gold mine here.
@wildhorse (1293)
• Egypt
23 Mar 07
This is very interesting discussion, so far i have zero referrals but i haven't really tried much, I wasn't tricked since my referrer told me he have 60+ and only 3 or 4 are somewhat active, as I personally know who referred me , we had a lengthy chat about it and he was honest, but as i started I found out that I made much less per post than he said he makes, other members here confirmed that some members makes more than others and i still can improve with time.. so I wasn't tricked or mislead. as for other sides, i was hopping to make payout this month (but it seems impossible now) to be able to refer others and confirm I was paid, knowing other/s who were paid is not good enough prove for many people..
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@ronaldtiamzon (6)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
at first i was skeptical about joining, and later give it a try as i was amazed with other discussions about earning to this mylot page, so why not give it a try, as starter i earned a bit when i start and little bit convince that i really earned, maybe if i earned more and have received those earnings in cold cash will really convince me to really spend extra effort, though i am doing this now, hope there are other peeps who will say this is for real.. and have proofs of receiving them in their hands.
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@Suze05 (480)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I found this site because I read about it in different blogs and forums I nobody lied to me. Nobody told me a figure of now much I could earn, just that MyLot does pay for posting and stuff, so that sounded good enough to me. I just came to have fun and join in the discussions and stuff. I just joined but I'm having fun so far! LOL I wouldn't lie to anyone about how much they could make..just tell them they can make a little extra money and to come join because its fun to join in the discussions! : O))