"It doesn't pay to be kind"
By whyaskq
@whyaskq (7523)
March 22, 2007 1:05pm CST
"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted"
These contradicting quotes have been ringing in my ears since I was in primary school. It will sort of ring everytime I am about to do some kind acts out of a kind heart. Not that I am expecting any reward for any help rendered, but I do fear the outcome. There may not be a word of thanks but a string of abuses. Some people just don't have the luck to be the kind soul or being appreciated after rendering some kind acts.
Which of the above quotes do you believe in? How true are they? Have you ever been kind and yet you feel hurt? Or that you have been unkind and achieved solace?
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34 responses
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Well, I think they both sort of ring true. For one, if you're kind, you always end up getting screwed over, usually by the person you were kind too. Then, people always tell you to be kind, and when you do, something really wonderful happens and you're rewarded for it. Either with money, physically or something else. It's always nice to see the latter pay off of course.
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@healer (1779)
• India
23 Mar 07
Things does not work the way that we deserve at times, frustrating arises at such times but lets keep on with our good works. I have been living a life helping people most of the time but at times our love turns to poison and its hard to move forward after that but now i believe there is somebody who knows us and we will be paid for it, and its the MIGHTY one above. Its seems that things didn't work well with you but keep on moving and good luck in the future.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
23 Mar 07
being kind to anyone is good espeially if your not expecting any return of it...it gives me a high feeling to be kind and be able to help anyone..yes its true it is never wasted...if you done something to someone God will be happy since Hes in everyones heart..
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I like to think that people consider me as being kind I have taken people in with children and given money with the promise that I would be paid back but I was taken for the kind hearted fool that other people view me as but I know that upon my judgement day I will be rewarded and I alwys promise myself not to be so soft hearted but it never fails I can not be unkind to anyone sure I have said that I wash my hands of certain people but I will help anyone that needs help regardless who it is I have learn to forgive and I think that is why I am the way I am having a disability I think makes me have a bigger heart than most
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I believe in the second one..no act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted...I don't do kind things expecting anything in return..no recognition, no repayment, no trades...I do them for my own selfish reasons..and those reasons are that it makes me feel good, I enjoy it and I believe that the world needs more good deeds done for no reason!! I've never felt hurt associated with being kind because I expect nothing..so what could hurt me? I have, I admit, been made fun of by some when they knew I did something nice for someone else...I've been told it is a waste of time..that no one appreciates it...but they are wrong..and it doesn't matter...I don't think I've purposely been unkind in my adult years...perhaps as a child.....I just don't see the point in unkind behavior..And as for your title "quote"..it may not pay money to be kind...but the dividends are endless in the way it makes everyone feel!!!
@ipodbaby (53)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
Yep, there will always be a string of abuse when your kind. When i was a kid, i am oh-so-an-angel. When my classmates would ask for my food, i share it with them; when my classmates would ask for a piece of paper, i give them a piece (until the "asking of paper" became as frequent as it was); when my classmates would ask a favor, i wholeheartedly do it as they ask. Then as i grew up, i noticed that these same people who "ask" when i was a kid, were the same people who continued to "ask" 'til i was grown. But when you're the one asking them favor, they refuse just as that! 'Til then, i started having the "no favor policy". I learned how to say NO. I learned that being kind is good when you're influencing the people around you to do the same kindness to others. But when abuses start to show up, quit being kind and give them what they truly deserve..a bat on their head! so they'd learn their lesson.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Mar 07
I have always been kind and yes kicked in the teeth a few times over the years even by Friends but I will not tar everyone with the same brush and I will not start being unkind to People because of the few that are about not appreciating it
So I will stick to being kind.
@jojopuff (520)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I do think acts of kindness should be appreciated, but unfortately some people just can't appreciate people being nice to them. I am usually nice to just about everyone, but a lot of times people can be rude or not even say "thank you." I let it just roll off my shoulders and don't let it get to me, because wherever you are in the world there will always be people who just aren't very nice, no matter how nice others are to them.
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@smurfettewv (359)
• United States
23 Mar 07
the statement that kindness is never wasted is very true no matter what if you help someone you did the right thing even if you never get a thank you at least you tried. Think of Jesus he haled 10 lepers and only one came back and said thank you. Yet he did heal them any way.
No matter what it gives me solace at the end of the day when I help someone when I get upset is when I need help and no one is helping.then human nature comes in and I pout somewhat.
@bluewings (3857)
22 Mar 07
I'd rather believe in opening quote and not the title,even if every act of kindness doesn't conform to the norm.Kindness might go unrewarded at times,but no one feels good about himself by being unkind.This only makes the person subconsciously feel negative about himself whereas an act of kindless, even if goes unappreciated ,gives you a good feeling about the person you are.
I won't lie,yes , I might have been hurt after being kind ,but That's only shortlasting.If I try being kind again after being hurt,it would soon be appreciated and I would forget my previous experience.I think it's better to choose to be kind,even without the price,for our own good :)
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
22 Mar 07
I think you are being too skeptical. You *should* *continue* to do good deeds. :P
Perhaps you have been hurt in the past. Let go and look forward. ;-)
@abc_mgs (230)
• India
23 Mar 07
hey friend , kindness is the gift of god and you have it.
do what what your kind heart say and do not care about the result . you have to feel pleaser for your kindness. don't take on heart peaple's reaction. just believe in almighty god and keep it up !
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@browneyedgirl (1264)
• United States
23 Mar 07
So, if you seek no reward, why worry about the "string of abuses"...the act is a reward in itself...it affects you inwardly much more than you know. I've been kind and yet hurt many times. I've tried very hard to not be deliberately unkind-but at times have been. I have to admit that, under certain circumstances, at times, I have achieved solace. Sometimes when you have to choose to be kind to yourself (self-preservation), it may be perceived as being unkind by someone else.
@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
hey whyaskq, if one believes in doing the right thing(s) (but then again this is relative, hehe) just do it..! no questions asked, no labels necessary, no rewards awaited, hehe. sometimes we do spontaneous things like helping out people right where we are and when we see it is needed and not because we crave the "kindness" tags. once upon a time, like my mother used to tell me, people were "kind and helpful, loyal and generous, honest and trustworthy", nowadays, she says it's so difficult to find these virtues in our daily lives. i tell her, sometimes when you least expect it, it happens.
if you feel like being kind, just do it. the great feeling that you've just done something good or right is already a good reward in itself;)..
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@atramesil (685)
• United States
22 Mar 07
An act of kindness should be an award unto itself. Keep doing them and know in your heart that yours is a good path. And yes, there are those of us who appreciate it and try to give those acts as well.
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@angel108 (570)
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
When one does something good without asking for any return then one automatically feels good. Remove that fear form your heart in doing something good thinking people might abuse you. Do good to others but let them also not totally depend on you.This is true kindness.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 Mar 07
frankly I do not understand your point,
an act of kindness is an act of kindness it's personal consequence is of no concern, it is the act itself is good,
if you give a beggar a dollar and he spits in your face, does it change the fact that you did something good for him, that you rendered a kindness - of course not.
maybe the next time a person gives him a dollar he will remember the kindness and not spit in that person's face even if you are not around to see it.
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@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Don't anyone tell me that kindess is never wasted! We have a world full of USERs,TAKERS, THIEVES etc.
I don't give anymore and I am the happier for it. Beautiful story if you don't EXPECT something in return, but when it's your turn to ask for help and the person (s) you helped won't assist or GIVE...then all bets are off. We, as humans, do expect kindness back even if we give from our hearts-not to buy someone, but to help a fellow human being in need. But for me NO LONGER AT THE EXPENSE OF ME or NO MORE MS NICE GUY.
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@complexvanilla (653)
• India
23 Mar 07
Firstly, where is the contradiction in the quote? It is not to be taken at face value, however. I never see what I get in return before doing something good. Having said this, I don't see myself as an altruist. I'm a fan of Ayn Rand's Objectivism and believe that it is nobody's duty to see that someone else is happy. I don't go out of my way to help anybody unless it really seems like a good idea to me, and I don't look at anything in return, so I don't badmouth them when they don't show the gratitude that you expected them to show or whatever. I help people if I can and want to. Nothing more, nothing less.
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@andreaskye (390)
• United States
23 Mar 07
As Jewel said in her song "Hands", "In the end, only kindness matters." I believe that with my whole being.
I have not once been unkind to anyone and not felt remorse, on the other hand I have never felt remorse for being kind even if I get hurt in the process.
I guess because I can look at myslef and know I did my best and their response is on their own heart.
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@Grillmama (294)
• United States
23 Mar 07
I think it always pays to be a kind and giving person. You will find some people that don't appreciate a kind act done for them but that is their problem not yours. I have always been a very kind person and I have not always been treated kindly back. People will try to get me mad or wonder why I am smiling. If they only knew that I just feel life is too short to be mean and it makes my life easier and nicer by me being kind. I feel good about myself being kind and that is what is important.