Some Mother's just don't Appreciate their children!!!

United States
April 6, 2007 7:24am CST
An incident happened in front of my eyes that made me think about how some mothers just don't value their children. I think every mom should appreciate their kids no matter the circumstance. Ok here's what happened: I was in Walmart waiting in line for my daughter's prescription. This other mom was about 25 feet away. She had two kids with her one sitting in the shopping cart the right way, and the other sitting in the basket part of the cart. **Side Bar** I have done this before but this is why I will never do it again. Ok so she keeps telling her 3 maybe 4 year old son to sit down every 2 minutes and he keeps getting up...RED FLAG for sooner did I look away that I heard an awful crack of a sound and I look and her son toppled out of the cart right on his forehead. What happened next boggles my mind? The kid crying and the mom picks him up, and says "I told you to sit down didn't I" and proceeds to put him back into the basket part of the shopping cart. HELLO LADY ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Then she sits her BIG OL BUTT...on the blood pressure machine and that's it....YOUR SON PROBABLY HAS A CONCUSSION YOU IDIOT...The pharmacist comes out to see if he is ok and the mom just brushes it off like it was no big deal. Then a few minutes later the pharmacist brings her a cold paper towel. AGAIN ARE YOU KIDDING? He wasn't bleeding so what the heck is a cold paper towel going to do? This mom was so not paying any attention to her son. And he still kept trying to stand up, reaching for her to hug him. Yes he should have listened to him mother but lady give him some hugs and kisses...I wanted to tell her what I thought of her so bad, and I should have, but I bit my tongue. She was giving me the eyes like she wanted to say "what you lookin at?" I was daring her to say anything! She went about her business like nothing ever happened? Like I stated above I have done this with my daughter but the minute she decided she wasn't going to sit...she walked her little butt everywhere...The kid has legs, make him walk. AND it clearly shows you in pictures that you are not supposed to put your kid in the back of the cart. HELLOOOOOOO READ THE SIGNS LADY!!! OOOOOO she p!$$ed me OFF. Well MOMS please don't put your kids in the back of the cart anymore. I would hate for someone to feel this way about you!!!!
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28 responses
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
Your post literally almost made me cry. Seriously. I see so much of this type of thing and it truly does affect me badly. I have always wanted to have a large family but after having my son Gabe I got told I can't safely have anymore children. This pushed me into a state of depression. My son pulled me out of it, thank god! Everyday I look at him and hug him and tell him I love him (trying so hard not to "smother" him in too much affection). I am just so thankful to have him in my life. He has changed me completely. I see all of these other people with babies and hoestly I am jealous! So when I see people abusing their children or read in the paper that parents have killed thri children it almost makes me cry. I can't understand how people can be so heartless and unemotional and hurt their babies, the babies that LOVE them that look to them that idolize them..... How can parents do stuff like this?
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@sunup13 (420)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
Punky, your story breaks my heart. I know what you mean, I always wanted lots of kids too and I can't imagine why people would hurt theirs. I just don't understand why people have kids if they aren't going to take care of them right. If you don't want kids to begin with, don't have any or put them up for adoption. There are lots of others who would love them unconditionally!
@smartmom (826)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us PunkyMcPunk. It must be so difficult, and my thoughts go out to you. Don't forget though that there are always other options, where one door closes another one opens. Think of all those kids out there, who need a parent. When my kids start going off to college, my husband and I will definitely become foster parents, and we have even talked about adopting one day. There are so many kids, especially older kids, who just need someone to love them, make them feel safe and care for them.
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@TeeandMe (104)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I have been known to let my children ride in the back of the cart. But my children know how to behave while there and they sit and don't ever stand up unless I tell them too so I can get them out. When he first started playing and getting up she should have immediately got him out. I am a firm believer of giving one warning.. but if it is something that can harm them then you do something immediately. I will give you an example of someone doing something that cause a child harm.... My sister ( older) was living with me at one point in time and I had just moved into this house. I had made arrangments with the landlord that I would paint the house and not owe a deposit. Right before we had moved in he had removed some marble stone that was being used in the yard as stepping stone and one of them was too heavy to lift to far and they didn't have room in the truck to haul it off. So they had it leaned up agaisnt the porch rail. The landlord told me that he would have it removed within a week but it was still there a month later. I had checked how steady it was where it was moving... and everytime I touched it it didn't budge so I didn't really worry about the saftey of the kids playing in the front yard. Well I was about finished with the painting of the house.. and I only had my bedroom to do which was in the back part of the house. My sister took the kids out front to play and I told the kids to stay away from the marble slab. As I was walking back to do my room... I heard My sister tell my oldest to move away from the slab. I yelled back at her to take them to the side yard if she was already having problems keeping them from it.. but I guess she didn't listen. In my opinion telling them to move away is their first and only warning.. after they did it again then she should of made sure they couldn't get around it. Next thing I know about 20 mins later I hear my oldest which she was five at the time screaming bloody murder. I have never heard her scream as loud. I run up and sure enough the marble slab fell on her. It fell on her leg... This thing weighted over 200 pounds. My sister couldn't even get it off of her... and we had problems getting it off of her. It removed alot of skin from the side of her lower leg.. going from her knee down to her ankle. I rushed her to the ER and found out that it had broke her leg in two spots. I was pissed. Now my daughter wasn't playing around it perse... she just bent down to pick up a rollie pollie.. placed her hand on the marble for balance.. We are guessing that she found a spot that I didn't find when I was trying to see if it would knock over!
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
6 Apr 07
You must have been so upset, and angry as well. It is something like this that we all fear, and no matter what we do, and how much we try, it is just impossible to keep our children out of harms way 24/7. I look at my boys, and I remember, what a tombboy I was, when I was a kid, and I remember how often we got in trouble or ended up in dangerous situations. When I think about the freedom I had growing up, I often feel that I am being to cautions in regards to my own children, but then again it is a different time, and I grew up in the countryside, while we now live in the outskirts of Miami.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
6 Apr 07
I try not to be judgemental (not always successfully). I agree that woman sounds like a terrible mother but hopefully she was having a bad day and this is not how she normally behaves with her kids. It does sound terrible though.
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
This is only a minor incident as compared to what other mothers can do or have done to their children. I feel irritated too with irresponsible parents who don't treat their children well. They shouldn't be given the privilege of being a parent if they can't take care of their kids. They treat heir kids with a sense of ownership that says they can do whatever they want with them because it is their parental right. But where do we draw the line here? We can't just remind them every now and then and say, 'hey, aren't you being a little hard on your kid?' It has to come from them and we can only hope. I never let my daughter sit in the back cart. There have been a lot of accidents about it and I don't want to risk my kid's safety. The rule has to be strictly enforced in the groceries or supermarkets to prevent future accidents.
@rabi9634 (419)
• United States
7 Apr 07
It's a shame that some people have children without realizing how much actually goes into parenting. Some people are too stupid to realize that they're too stupid to raise a child. It's a shame. Probably best that you didn't say anything. Sounds like this lady was more concerned with her own needs than with her kid, and that's a big clue to her character right there. Not worth arguing with someone who's clueless enough to do what she did.
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@Luciea (80)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
I run into these situations quite often... It breaks my heart every time I see it. Children shouldn't be treated like this, they should be loved and cared for. I can't believe the mother didn't check to see if her son was alright. He could've been incredibly injured! The poor boy only wanted to feel loved by his mother after getting injured. Although the boy shouldn't have been standing inside the cart, the mother should have known better. At that age, kids are very curious and tend to get restless. She should have taken him standing up and moving around a sign to take him out of the cart. Unfortunately, because of her negligence he injured himself. How I wish this kind of thing wouldn't happen...but there's just too many irresponsible mothers out there.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Apr 07
i agree with you... some mother just really doesn't appreciate their children and just take things for granted... i pity the boy for having a bump on his head... hope nothing happened to him and i think his mum really have to have a check on him especially his head... she will regret it if something really happens to him...
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@kareng (70421)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Yes that is sad. Mothers like that don't need to have children. You are supposed to nurture your children and love them. It sounds like this lady has a screw loose. I think the pharmacist was just showing a little compassion for the little boy. Like you, he felt sorry for him but could do very little. I'm sure the wet papertowel felt good!
@sunup13 (420)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
Too often I have seen mothers who are just like this. Grabbing and spanking their kids in public, screaming at them. I've always wanted to say something to them but just like you I hold my tonuge. I can't imagine treating my child like that. And yes even if you are an all knowing mom, kids have a habit of not listening and if they hurt themselves, please have some compassion and show them some love! Hurting themselves is the only lesson they need, not an "I told you so" from good old mom, how childish is that! Thanks for the tale, it makes me appreciate my daughter more and makes me proud to be a good mom.
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I get so upset, when I hear about stories like this, and I know that you must have felt a strong urge to get this experience of your chest. I often see similar situations, and these always break my heart. I for one, have told my son, that he is not allowed to sit in the back of the cart, but I often encounter problems, when we go grocery shopping with other people Just the other day, I had to find a creative way to let my husband' aunt know that my son was not allowed to sit in the cart, after she had put him there. I also often see some of these carts that do not even have safety belts, and I know that in my native country this is the norm. I am so scared to take my toddler in these, because it gives a false sense of security. I am a children's rights fanatic, and whenever I encounter situations like the one you did, it really does break my heart. In the mother's defense though, we don't know what her life is like, and although it does not justify her actions at all, I know how motherhood can be very stressful a times, and she might just have been in a state of chok, and maybe she was even embarresed because of all the attention, since I am sure she knew that she should not have let him be in the back of the cart in the first place. My son once tipped over in his stroller, and I sure remember that feeling of chock, fear, and concern for my child, while I was also upset at him, because I saw how he made it tip over (you know that kind of slow motion experience, where you see it happen, but you cannot do anything). This was the end of my son's strolling experience, as I decided that if he was able to tip it over, even when he was buckled up, well then he was too big to be in the stroller. From then on he has been on his feet!
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@taymouse (585)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Wow, I wouldn't care if I told him to sit down or not, if he had seriously injured himself like that I would NOT consider it to be his "punishment". He could have gotten really hurt and he probably was seriously hurt and she just didn't know it. She shouldn't have even let that happen, and even though it did happen, she shouldn't just brush it off. She should have been a MOM to him, and checked him in case he was seriously injured because when things like that happen it doesn't usually just turn out to be a bruise. She needs to take a class in how to be a better mom, in my opinion.
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@User10 (82)
• United States
7 Apr 07
That was just a classical example of a stressed out mother. She clearly wanted her to children to stay close to her, that was why she had BOTH of them in the cart at the same time. You hear of children getting abducted in stores when they wonder off and it only takes a few minutes. Sometimes when parents try to protect their children and the children won't listen, it just makes a stressful situation even worse and what you saw happen is the usuall result. Or a parent saying something that they later wish they hadn't said.
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• United States
6 Apr 07
I am pissed off with you. I do not want to take sides but I think that mother does not know how to be a mother. I had one of thoes mothers. Some women should not be mothers, they do not care nor do they want to be mothers they are put in the situation becasue they "accidently get pregnant". I feel for the children becasue that child only wanted mom to love him. That poor boy will grow up and find love somewhere else and not all in the right places. You had every right to be angry, it just makes you appreciate your children more.
• United States
6 Apr 07
I was very disturbed by you story. That poor child, I know that I have no idea what that woman had been going through that day, but when your child gets hurt there is never a good reason not to give them love and affection. That poor litle boy just needed some attention I am sure. It frightens me the way some children are neglected and ignored. It breaks my heart to see those kids and think how miserable their little lives probably are. Makes me more vigilant about showing my children how much I love them as well.
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
6 Apr 07
wow, thats so sad. yes, our children should be appriciated and loved no matter what. some people i think just dont get it. or they are too busy worring about what they need to be doing.i have seen thing like that too. but what can you do, say something or just look away?
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I commend you red for not saying anything to this lady, I know I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut. I have never set my 4 year old in the basket part of the cart, if it was safe they wouldn't have warnings. Regardless it is common to see people with their kids in the cart like this. I have 2 small children and I know how hard it is to try to shop with them. This kid could've been seriously hurt and I think the mom ignoring the fall and not consoling him is just rotten. If this is how she is in public imagine what it is like at home! Poor kids. I remember seeing a story about a year ago about a 10 year old girl in Target who was "riding" on the side of the cart with her little sister in the actual seat. The mother took her hand off the cart and the imbalance of the weight made the cart tip. It fell pinning the 10 year old underneath, it also hit her just right so that it crushed her neck and she is now paralyzed from the neck down. In our area recently there was an 8 year old girl who was climbing around on a table in a laundromat, the table fell on her and the impact of her head hitting the floor and then getting crushed by the table killed her. Crazy accidents happen, we need to keep an eye on our kids at all times, and not let them do anything foolish.
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
7 Apr 07
You've certainly proved my point about safety just by your two examples. My husband often thinks that I fuss to much, especially because I refuse to drive with the kids without a car seat, and because I refuse to drive with anyone who don't put their seatbelt on. I just don't get how some people can play jeopardy with their kids, especially since the chances are that they can injure themselves without our help.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Oh, I would have been so upset. I would have wanted to wring her neck. I am guilty of putting my son in the basket too, but I try to make him walk. The only time I have put him in the basket is when he is really tired or sick. I don't know about your walmart but ours has carts designed for older kids that have these blue plastic seats with shoulder harnesses for the kids. I normally use one of those for my son. If it was my kid, i would have been calling 911 to have him checked out. That poor child. I am over protective with my son. We didn't plan on children due to the fact that I didn't think I could have any. Then we had our son. We have been trying for 5 years for another baby and well, it just isn't happening so I am really protective of the one I do have. I would never want him to get hurt because of something I did.
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• United States
7 Apr 07
I'm right there with you redstrawberry. My daddy would have been more like that lady I'm ashamed to say. But I'm totally opposite. The first thing I would have done is to grab my child and coddle them making sure they are alright. Then I would have had the pharmacist come out and take a look. Then I might say while I'm coddling, "Baby that's why mama doesn't want you to stand up so you won't get hurt." Some people should not be allowed to have children...they act as if the children are simply an interference in their lives. Mine too have sat in there and if they refuse to sit down...those feet are made for walking.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Some people shouldn't even have children. For one thing, she should never have picked him up, if he had a serious injury she could have injured him more. And you are so right, the back of the cart is not where children belong. My cousin had put her child in the back of a cart, she had turned her back for a moment and he fell out breaking his leg. Of course, like any GOOD mother, she panicked when he fell.
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• United States
29 Jun 07
The older I get the harder it is for me to keep my mouth shut when I see these things occurr, if she did that in that in the store just imagine what she must do at home. It makes me soooooo angry and sad to see the billions of good wanna be parents out there who cannot have any children, and then to see "people" like this who abuse thier children on a constant basis.This probaly isnt the first time either. That mom doesnt deserve to have kids!!