@Jazz96 (399)
Joined myLot 5 years ago
Jazz's Responses
Google Plus 3000+
@GooglePlus (3830)
30 Nov 20

I am not a fan of clicking my pics, And if you have seen my social media accounts on varies platforms you might seen mostly a group photos and hardly a photo in which I am alone in it.
I recently changed my profile on Mylot. And...
7 responses •
6 people
Google Plus 3000+
@GooglePlus (3830)
14 Mar 21

Disclaimer - [i]Complete Story is a dream... It has "something" to do with my life, my past incidents. But few points where clue less , I don't know what triggered them and characters weren't clear when I was experiencing it......
6 responses •
8 people
Google Plus 3000+
@GooglePlus (3830)
30 Apr 21

I was wondering have you ever tried to date - two at same time?
Like you manage the time slots in such a way that two won't be aware of what you are doing ? or Have you ever Used Dating App in your life ? How was your experience...
11 responses •
8 people
Google Plus 3000+
@GooglePlus (3830)
16 May 21

Second wave did impacted us we never thought of. And our president didn't see a point of calling a Lockdown again as second lockdown will put India xx years back!
I had a habit of keeping a track of each of my school and college...
5 responses •
6 people
Prabhat Singh
@Prabhatsingh (3537)
• India
24 Apr 21

So, I have been stuck again in my home because of lockdown in my state.
It has been almost 20 days now, and I feel caged as this time I am all alone at my place.
The weekdays get by, by throwing myself into work but its the...
15 responses •
15 people
Prabhat Singh
@Prabhatsingh (3537)
• India
8 May 21

So, one of my friends visited me today in lockdown after so long.
I had asked him last week to come and meet me anyhow.
So, the two-hour grace period we get for buying our essentials is the time he came running.
And he got me a...
24 responses •
25 people
Prabhat Singh
@Prabhatsingh (3537)
• India
15 May 21

The weirdest thing happened to me today.
Okay, I was wrapping up my work and going to bed when suddenly I got a message beep on my cellphone.
I checked and it was my Project Manager.
He said that I needed to punch in some extra...
20 responses •
20 people

Jazz Sounds like you had an extremely long working day/s. Did you manage to get some rest afterwards?
11 Jun 21
1 person
Prabhat Singh
@Prabhatsingh (3537)
• India
24 May 21

Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be getting my first shot of the vaccine.
Yes, it is booked for tomorrow i.e 25/05/2021.
After utilizing my whole weekend and jousting with the booking site, I was...
28 responses •
28 people
Karen Hellier
@Kouponkaren (5503)
• United States
9 Jun 21

It is 11:55 pm here in the Southeastern US and I am getting ready for bed. I have a whole routine that I go through before going to bed. Between 10 pm and 11 pm I take my dog for her last walk of the night. It's just a few minutes...
8 responses •
10 people
Zabi khan
@zabikhan09 (141)
• Bangalore, India
10 Jun 21

Is it possible? Just by reading varieties of non-fiction books, learning new skills or by spending time with people smarter than us. Experiments in our daily life happens a lot, the key is to experiment smartly is the way....
5 responses •
7 people
Jaya singh
@Starkinds (32713)
• India
10 Jun 21

Yesterday I wished my friend a birthday at 12:00 in the night, then talked on a video call, after an hour, today again in the morning the video came again and we talked for about half an hour, we had a lot of fun yesterday,...
13 responses •
11 people

Jazz That's great. Very nice to have friends who make the effort to stay up and do that for you. Your friend is lucky to have you
10 Jun 21
1 person
Jaya singh
@Starkinds (32713)
• India
10 Jun 21

Yesterday I wished my friend a birthday at 12:00 in the night, then talked on a video call, after an hour, today again in the morning the video came again and we talked for about half an hour, we had a lot of fun yesterday,...
13 responses •
11 people

Jazz That's great. Very nice to have friends who make the effort to stay up and do that for you. Your friend is lucky to have you
10 Jun 21
1 comment
1 person
The Horse
@TheHorse (224384)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jun 21

When I work at my friend's preschool, I usually work with the older (meaning 3- and 4-year-old) children. But yesterday, I worked with the 1- and 2-year-olds. I enjoy the littlies, in part because I can't always understand what...
19 responses •
19 people
Uncle Jay, Finding More Value in Your Machine
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
10 Jun 21

Bill Maher hosted Bob Costas on *REAL TIME with BILL MAHER* recently, and there they briefly discussed (more like 'commented before getting to the interview') that they're probably going to adopt the convention of 'bowing' (and...
9 responses •
6 people
Danna B.
@db20747 (43438)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
10 Jun 21

Just saw a most interesting recipe! Sautee the cicada in worshire sauce, dip in flour and egg, then breadcrumbs and fry to a crisp! If I didn't know it, I would eat this right up like sweet chicken! Is this a dish you would...
12 responses •
9 people

Jazz Looks unique... I'd probably try a tiny bit first then continue if I like it
10 Jun 21
1 person
The Horse
@TheHorse (224384)
• Walnut Creek, California
10 Jun 21

Yesterday was Wednesday. Wednesday is the day I work at my friend's preschool in the morning and then teach at Guitar Center until 8-o'clock in the evening.
So far as I can tell, I made it through yesterday. This could be heaven,...
11 responses •
15 people
Jaya singh
@Starkinds (32713)
• India
10 Jun 21

I have just finished my dinner and now watching tv I will go to sleep later till 10:00 but sleep is very late then i watch some comedy videos on youtube which i like very much
4 responses •
4 people
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
10 Jun 21

Went over again to water my neighbor's special memorial flowers he has for his wife.
They are under his covered deck. Even with the rain we have gotten, they still need water.
Noticed this pretty pool decoration today. It was...
16 responses •
17 people

Jazz It's beautiful....when I looked at it without reading, it looked like it was a painting
10 Jun 21
1 person