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@NatachaR (39)
Age 46
Joined myLot 13 years ago
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NatachaR's Discussions
Best Vacation Ever
25 Nov 12
In the.amazing and distinguished country of Spain you can find on the east some great Islands. Baleares is the name of the group of thehthese Oslands. The one I would like to mention in particular is ibiza. a heavenly Island in...
1 response
How are you driven to the next day of your life?
24 Nov 12
It could be rephrased as the personal motivation that keeps you waking up the next day and believing that it is worth living that day. Do you have hobbies you enjoy? Talents you practice? People who care for you? Ambitions in...
1 response
Money-Making Android Applications
24 Nov 12
In four months period I made over $100 using different money-making Android Applications; and these rewards came in the form of gift cards and cash put directly into my PayPal account. I use shopkick, Earn Money, Get Paid to Play,...
2 responses
Smart Phones: Money Earning Applications
23 Nov 12
Here is a list of some of the Android Applications I personally came across and that have worked for me to earn direct pay to my Paypal account and also gift cards. AppNana Pocket Change PlayMobs Viggle App Trailer Prize...
Pointing Guns at People Worshiping
23 Nov 12
In Spain, during the occupancy of Franco, people who began practicing the religion of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, most commonly known as the Mormons, found themselves in their places of worship surrounded by...
1 response
Utilizing Alka Seltzer for Urinary Track Infections
23 Nov 12
I have read about using Alka Seltzer to help overcome Urinary Track Infections. Many people have testified that it has worked for them to overcome the UTIs they have suffered from. I am currently trying this for my own. I am not a...
1 response
Always mad! How can anyone live always being mad?
22 Nov 12
I don't think I will ever understand the particulars of the madness behavior certain people live with. It is like everything or anything will set them off. Anger is horrible. I read an article that said that the family unit is the...
1 response
Only if you believe
22 Nov 12
The difference between belief and hope must be wide. When considering what is between those two words I only see darkness. The word belief seems to reach far beyond any tunnel of darkness. Hope seems empty handed with little to...
1 response
The newer Spiderman movie
22 Nov 12
Review regarding this movie, the most recent Spiderman movie. It seems to be a lot more down to earth then the other movies created previously. This kind of movies can never get away from some of the computer animation needed to...
1 response
Adopting a baby
22 Nov 12
My husband and I cannot have children. This has been a difficult road to travel in our life through our marriage. The disappointment of not being able to conceive was nothing compared to the emotional "torture" it is and has been...
foster care
2 responses
Doing what you see in the movies
23 Jul 12
Years ago there was a movie that showed people laying down in the middle of the road playing a game while cars drove by them. Well, so some movie immitators decided to go do the same thing in real life and got killed. Some people...
Any experiences with foster care and case workers?
12 Jul 12
Could any of the readers here, who have experience in the foster care system, please give me a description of their experience please? It can be as general or detailed as you want. I need to get all the information I can. We are...
foster care
Save money by using coupons combined with sales
12 Jul 12
Weekly deals help us find great savings in the stores we frequent. Unless one is in the loop they are hard to notice. Those weekly ads that invade the mailboxes nationwide opened up and viewed save a lot of money. Prefer to pay $4...
2 responses
Why so driven to give advice?
12 Jul 12
I am a woman and I have not been able in all of my years to find out why some woman have such a strong need to constantly give advice to other people. Is there or can there be a woman that lives a life without constantly giving...
2 responses
Fake sympathy?
9 Jul 12
Reading here on this website some of the posts regarding relationships in the work place have spiked an inner frustrations regarding fake interest sympathy from people. The fact that you know who your true friends are when you are...
1 person