@ashishvrm86 (96)
India • Age 38
Joined myLot 18 years ago
commando(call on duty)

ashishvrm86's Likes

ashishvrm86 liked this  9 Jun 07
how can u impress a girl/women?
ashishvrm86 liked this  1 Jun 07
Is the ending of movie is right?
ashishvrm86 liked this  30 May 07
wht can do in this summer?
ashishvrm86 liked this  29 May 07
wht can do in this summer?
ashishvrm86 liked this  28 May 07
Why u like to drive ferrariii
ashishvrm86 liked this  25 May 07
Whom you love most in your life?
ashishvrm86 liked this  17 May 07
who is the style icon for you?
ashishvrm86 liked this  17 May 07
who is the style icon for you?
ashishvrm86 liked this  16 May 07
Whom you love most in your life?
ashishvrm86 liked this  16 May 07
how the rating will be increased?
ashishvrm86 liked this  15 May 07
why mylot growing so much fast?