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@dazeylaze (256)
Age 39
Joined myLot 18 years ago
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dazeylaze's Comments
Google Adsense doesn't accept autosurfing!
18 Jul 07
I was quite shocked to be cautioned by google for using autosurf websites to promote my own website. It's quite ridiculous! Now they're putting sanctions on how I promote my website. It's one thing to try to generate automatic...
google adsense
5 responses
4 people
Yes, I suppose you're right there, I am lucky I got a warning. It would be a shame to be blacklisted at such an early stage in my online career. But now I'm confused about what is classed as autosurfing. Is it just the sites that you leave running and don't...
19 Jul 07
Google Adsense doesn't accept autosurfing!
18 Jul 07
I was quite shocked to be cautioned by google for using autosurf websites to promote my own website. It's quite ridiculous! Now they're putting sanctions on how I promote my website. It's one thing to try to generate automatic...
5 responses
4 people
That's a fair point, I'm going to mark this as best response. You're right about the lack of decent exposure the advertisers' websites get when using autosurf, but my only argument is that perhaps it shouldn't be based on impressions, it should just be about...
19 Jul 07
Sometimes having a great idea just isn't enough!
18 Jul 07
It's a struggle trying to succeed at the best of times, but when you've got no ideas and nothing new to offer the world, it's almost impossible. Well, theoretically that's what it should be like. But nowadays I'm really...
make extra money
2 responses
2 people
Yes, that sounds like the best thing to do. But still you have the problem of advertising. I think that's my main obstacle at the moment. One site is ranked high, but the other 2, which are so much better and more necessary are not getting the exposure they...
19 Jul 07
Google Adsense doesn't accept autosurfing!
18 Jul 07
I was quite shocked to be cautioned by google for using autosurf websites to promote my own website. It's quite ridiculous! Now they're putting sanctions on how I promote my website. It's one thing to try to generate automatic...
5 responses
4 people
I guess you could do that, but all that hassle just so you can put those stupid ads on your site, which, for the most part don't generate much of an income for you. It's just so silly. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.
18 Jul 07
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
paid to click
15 responses
4 people
I know, it can be difficult distinguishing between the good ones and the bad ones, but just go by the ones that have been out the longest, have the least spelling mistakes, and have the most members, I think.
3 Jul 07
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
15 responses
4 people
Yeh, there is that surfing one that people keep talking about, agloco and others, but I'm not really interested in using them as search engines. I tried slashmysearch about a month ago, but it really isn't a very good search engine, and in the end I went right...
3 Jul 07
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
15 responses
4 people
Thanks for the advice, but as a matter of fact I do have a website, I've got more than one. Well, one's up and running, .co.uk and everything, another one is on one of those free hosting plans and web builders, but I will be building it from scratch when I...
3 Jul 07
Too Many People In London! Too Many Problems in London!
2 Jul 07
Today I'm on a real rant. Who on here has been to London, England before? Well, if you haven't, I'd advise you never to go. It's far too crowded, overpopulated if you ask me, you have no space to breathe (especially in the...
1 response
Yeh, I suppose for tourists it must be nice, but for people who have to live there day in day out, it must be horrid. Well, for some people anyway. Mind you, if they hated it so much, they'd all have left by now. It has everything, that much can be said...
3 Jul 07
Was the persecution of Christ used as a cop-out in the Holocaust?
2 Jul 07
I'm going to try to keep this discussion as neutral as possible as I know this topic is quite a sensitive one, not only for Jewish people, but for all people. I remember reading that anti-semitism stemmed from the persecution...
5 responses
2 people
There's no argument here, insofar as this sentence can be called an argument. You've not explained anything. Do elaborate.
3 Jul 07
1 person
Was the persecution of Christ used as a cop-out in the Holocaust?
2 Jul 07
I'm going to try to keep this discussion as neutral as possible as I know this topic is quite a sensitive one, not only for Jewish people, but for all people. I remember reading that anti-semitism stemmed from the persecution...
5 responses
2 people
Exactly, it wasn't about Jesus at all. Like I said before, how could people expect us to believe that it was. Greed and power, indeed, but also envy. It's so easy to look on races and see their tenacity, dilligence and drive, and despise them for their...
3 Jul 07
1 person
Was the persecution of Christ used as a cop-out in the Holocaust?
2 Jul 07
I'm going to try to keep this discussion as neutral as possible as I know this topic is quite a sensitive one, not only for Jewish people, but for all people. I remember reading that anti-semitism stemmed from the persecution...
5 responses
2 people
Hmm, thanks for the History lesson, but I've already learned about that stuff. But you're right, it was a lot to do with scapegoating. Hitler did use the Jews as examples of why the Aryans were unemployed, and people always want to blame others for their...
3 Jul 07
1 person
Was the persecution of Christ used as a cop-out in the Holocaust?
2 Jul 07
I'm going to try to keep this discussion as neutral as possible as I know this topic is quite a sensitive one, not only for Jewish people, but for all people. I remember reading that anti-semitism stemmed from the persecution...
5 responses
2 people
Precisely. No supremacy group could ever use Jesus Christ as an excuse in killing any race, especially where Jews are concerned, as Jesus was one himself. It's actually quite insulting that they'd ever expect anyone to believe that's why they did it. The human...
3 Jul 07
1 person
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
15 responses
4 people
Yeh, it's generally the ones that have been around from the start that are the decent ones. The others promise the earth but deliver nothing, and they will be short-lived too. But alas, as I write I am coming up with a new and unique ptc idea that really...
3 Jul 07
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
15 responses
4 people
Haha, mylot should really get a spellchecker, because that's one thing that is so necessary here. I hate spelling mistakes and grammatical error (it's the English teacher in me). I didn't know Yahoo had a forum like this one whereby you get paid for your...
3 Jul 07
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
15 responses
4 people
Absolutely. People should try to set up sites like this, but saying that, then we'd have a surge of these type of sites, and soon they'd lose their appeal, and become 10 a penny, just like the ptc sites.
3 Jul 07
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
15 responses
4 people
Yeh, you're right, you shouldn't go over 2 or 3. I'm on 4, mind, but I only take 3 of them seriously. I am a member of adbux, but certainly not bux.to, because when it launched it was trying to kinda rip off adbux, it looked exactly like it. That was enough to...
3 Jul 07
Too Many Paid To Click Websites!
2 Jul 07
Am I the only one who thinks that there are far too many PPC websites out there now, and many more launching soon? It's getting ridiculous now. And boring. They're all the same and there's nothing unique about them. Obviously...
15 responses
4 people
Hey, that's pretty good that you've been able to earn enough for your books and stuff. Then I suggest you try to spend some time on mylot, starting topics because you'll make more money faster, I reckon. You could definitely make that $10 a month payout, if...
3 Jul 07