@emalijay (111)
Age 53
Joined myLot 19 years ago
Responses (66)
emalijay's Responses
@zdh987562 (263)
• China
15 Aug 07
I often have no money after i went shopping,I don't know why I buy so many things that i didn't need to use.
I have to prevent it,what is your advice ?
DO you ever do the same thing like me ?
2 responses
emalijay Wheneever I've got a little spare cash to treat myself and I go shopping, I NEVER find anything I like. When I'm shopping and have no spare cash I see a load of things I like! Here's my advice - take only a small amount of cash out shopping, leave the credit...
15 Aug 07
1 comment
1 person
emalijay Yes I believe this, although the reason may not be apparent at the time!
27 Mar 07
1 person
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
1 Dec 06
Could there be any reason why you couldn't forgive your child if he did something wrong like murder or stealing for example
5 responses •
2 people
emalijay That's a really tricky one. Being a Mum I love my son more than anything, by a long shot, but also I'm a woman (obviously!) so can relate to the horror of rape and on that basis I don't think a much loved son can be forgiven for crimes of that magnitude. I'd...
1 Dec 06
1 comment
2 people
@hotpress (205)
• United States
11 Nov 06
Provide your business name, contact information, and brief description of the service you provide. Get more customers than ever before worldwide!!!
4 responses
@waleedsyed (222)
• Pakistan
11 Nov 06
1 question.
1 chance.
1 answer.
Thats all you get.
You get to ask me 1 question.
any one question,
no matter how crazy it is.
ANY 1 question!!
12 responses
emalijay Physically challenged covers a huge range but aside from that I fall in love with the person as I find them, meaning the whole personality and the physical body is almost like an afterthought. I guess being in my thirties I know exactly what I like in a person...
10 Nov 06
1 comment
2 people
emalijay I also like blue, in particular the blue of a beautiful sky or the sea:)
10 Nov 06
1 comment
1 person