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@jeggie (99)
Age 37
Joined myLot 18 years ago
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
i have a new puppy at the moment part golden retrever. very playfull as all puppys are .shes only eight weeks old .already she has a bad habbit that im trying to stop her from doing with no luck .every morning she comes in all excited to see me and bites my...
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
My dog takes her food out of the bowl and puts it on the floor and than she eats it. I guess the food taste better when it's on the floor.
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
Our dog can open the back door. Our back door has a problem latching. It closes, but is not completely latched. Shadow will stand up on his hind paws, put his front paws around the doorknob and pull it opened. Then he spends the next hour or so roaming the...
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
I have a dog that just loves to rub the top of his rump on the couch, chair, bed and gets a wild look in his eye while doing it. If you start petting him or shoving, he gets a wild and runs like a maniac round the house. lol He's a nut! Outside he'll get that...
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
Well I don't have a dog but our budgie has a funny habit. We like to reward him a few times a week by giving him celery leaves, whenever we do and he sees them coming he gets very excited and makes a funny worbling sound. When we put them in he fights with...
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
My dog was pretty normal in most respects but every time I would get the three hole punch out to add pages to a book she would go hide. I am sure it is like being gun shy but other noises, other than thunder, don't make her run and hide.
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
my dog (3 year old puggle) has a lot of cute things he does. He smiles, and I mean smiles lol he shows all his front teeth (top and bottom) its ear to ear :) Also, when you call his name he brings you a toy, but he doesnt want you to take it to play fetch or...
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
We have 4 dogs and each one is different. They all have funny habits. Our dog Patch is a border collie and he herds everything including us, but his funny habit is doing back flips when we come home from being out. We have one pure bred Dachshund and she will...
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
My dogs have all very different and distinct personalities. My male Basset Hound is a very calm, almost comatose dog who likes nothing more than to sleep and eat and is happy with an occasional pet and treat. He will be walking across the room in his lazy...
20 Feb 07
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20 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
I knew a dog with Funny habits. But it was not my dog, I don't have pets. It was my maternal uncle's dog. Now the habit was to eat weird things. Let me share with you a list of the weird things it ate. It will make you laugh, I suppose no dog eats them...
20 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
..my dog is female, and sterilized.. yet, almost every day she comes close to me, gets to stand on her back feet and scratches my arms, like if she wanted to ask me something..when i turn, she immediately grabs my leg and.. humps it!! O_O She's totally...
19 Feb 07
1 person
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
Yeah! My dog always lays down on its back waiting for you to pet her stomach but then falls asleep in 2 minutes. Then when you finally do pet her she rolls over and wants you to pet her normally. Pretty wierd if you ask me
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
My dog's strange habit is when we come back from the street, he likes to meet other dog, that is inside a garden. He likes him when it's inside the garden. But sometimes he's outside the garden and my dog starts running. Really funny habit! Halozer.
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
One of our dogs is the best diplomat ever, she will stand between two people arguing and lick the face of the more agressive arguer and try to calm them,lol,we've seen her do this with arguments from more than one set of arguers too, she nearly always defends...
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
My dog is a nester and sometimes a burrower. She pushes and drags my bedspread around on my bed until she gets it into a good nest. Then she'll nap there all day. Sometimes, if she wants, she'll burrow under the bedspread after she has it situated the way she...
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
my german sheperd, floss...does have some funny habits. she has a funny twich on her back and chest...another thing she does is she also has a habit of shoving people off the sofa too, so she can have a seat
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
anytime my dog feels like going for a walk or for a ride he ll start jumping and running in full speed around the house.he ll be continuously running around taking down anything that comes his way till we tell him we l go out for a walk.thank God he is a small...
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Does your dog have any funny habits?
18 Feb 07
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with...
52 responses
11 people
yup my dog also has a funny habit-whenever i rub on its lower back it tightens its legs and when i press its back it seems as though i was pressing a rubber ball
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Horoscopes ......... what do you think to em?
19 Feb 07
I was just wondering what people thought to horoscopes. Do u read your horoscope, if so do u believe in them? If you are a non believer, y? Share your views ....
3 responses
1 person
i am a non beleiver. I mean every magazine/paper gives a different horoscope. i just cant beleive something a person behind a desk wrote.
19 Feb 07
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19 Feb 07
Horoscopes ......... what do you think to em?
19 Feb 07
I was just wondering what people thought to horoscopes. Do u read your horoscope, if so do u believe in them? If you are a non believer, y? Share your views ....
3 responses
1 person
I think one of the most common mistakes when viewing astrology is to think in terms of absolutes. Astrology is a very complex system which needs to be considered in its entirety in order to get any kind of reasonable results. It is not about predicting one's...
19 Feb 07
2 people