your kids

@dixielol (1579)
United States
October 22, 2006 12:51am CST
Do u have kids? are you proud of them? What was some favorite, embarrasing or funny momments that involved them? Also how old are they & please fell free 2 include a pic.
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17 responses
• India
25 Oct 06
Well I dont have any kids, but I do have a 3 year old niece & I just love spending time with her.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
25 Oct 06
Impressive, a guy who likes to spend time with his little niece. Thats something that you dont see everyday. I bet you would make a great dad sometime. Do you want to have kids ever? Thanks for responding.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I know what you mean. My niece is like that 2. She wants me to sit down & watch t.v. with her at night. She comes in & hollers "moan" grabbs my hand, pulls me into the living room & makes me sit down on the couch. Then she puts the Thumbilina dvd in & we watch it about 3 times in a row before she goes to sleep. Thumbalina always says "help me mama" So now she runs around hollerin "hep me mama" Its so sweet. Any how, thanks for responding & i gave you best response!
• India
26 Oct 06
Hey thanks for your appreciation, but trust me spending time with kids give you such joy that you will not find anywhere else. Kids are selfless & every minute that they spend with you, they are with you physically and mentally. I just love it, when my li'l nieces treat me like a friend and force me to come with them to the kitchen garden and then they tell which flower is their favorite and how a flower was looking bright the other day and is looking dry now.. etc. etc. Those are precious moments!!
• Belgium
27 Oct 06
Syl - Syl riding the bull last year on a bbq
I have 3 children. Nora is already 22 (23 in januari). She lives now in Turkye, working in the managment of a hotel in Side. She was always a very social girl, learning fast new languages, which improved her social contacts. She is a good singer and actor. She song with a band. At the age of 14 she had very bad friends, which really undermined our friendship. Now she is doing fine, we speak more than we used too. Whenever she has a problem she will call or mail me. I am ver proud of her and what she achieved in her young life, eventhough she did not finish her school and everyone told me she was a bird for the cat. Well, she proved them to be wrong. My second one is Yael. She will be 13 in december. Her life exists out of music! In the morning she wakens up singing, dances to school, at night she stills dances to bed and sings till she falls asleep. She wants to become a singer, danser. She is extremely tall for her age (1m78) and is also solliciting to become a model. I am very proud of my pretty tall little one. She helps everyone in need (getting herself sometimes in problems because of it). My youngest is Syl, 10 years young (next april 11) . The sweetest kid, kinded like Gus in Cinderella. You just need to cuddle him. Always wanting to do good, but mostly it ends with a minor note as he wants to move to quick, or does not pay attention to the other things around him... He is letting his hair grow, because with christmas he is going to visit his dad in Togo (Africa) and want his hair to be braided there. So now he has this hughe afro head. Funny! I am so proud of my little one, he really fights when some kids gets discriminated because of their colour, religion, size,... he just can not handle unfairness! And he is a good basketball player!
• Belgium
27 Oct 06
could not get but one pic at the time so I add
• Belgium
27 Oct 06
could not get but one pic at the time so I add
• Belgium
27 Oct 06
my son now
@psmohan (1877)
• India
27 Oct 06
I have 2 kids both males aged 14 & 19. They are smart inteteligent and well disciplined. They are average in their activities but lovely and co-operative. Never naughty and give problems to us. They are very understanding and inquisitive and very studious.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
28 Oct 06
You are lucky to have well behaved kids. Thank you for answering.
@kati16 (764)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I have 2 kids. We went Disney World in September. We went to a show with the turtle from Finding Nemo. All the kids got to sit in the front adults in back. my son Evan(he will be 3 next month)sat in the front facing the audience and picked his nose the entire time. Very embarassing. My daughter Audrey is one (yesterday was her birthday). She hasn't really done anything embarassing (yet).
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Lol. Thats funny, I know it must have been embarrasing for you at the time though. Cute pic.! Thanks for the answer.
1 person likes this
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Yeah, I bet it was! Kids digging in there nose is always funny. Well, small kids. Not like 10 yrs. old or anything. What is going on in the pic. Is that cake frosting?
@kati16 (764)
• United States
27 Oct 06
It was too funny to be embarassing.
• Denmark
27 Oct 06
no got no kids
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
28 Oct 06
thanks for answering.
26 Oct 06
I ahve a little boy who is 3. I am a very proud mother, he sarted riding his bike 2 weeks ago without stabilisers and I am very proud. I work full time and only really see him in the evenings and weekends but every bit of time is precious.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
26 Oct 06
You should be proud, 3 yrs. old & can ride a bike. Thats good! Thank you for your answer!
27 Oct 06
I am sure I was a lot older than that when my stabilisers came off! I wish I could say it was me that taught him but it was my parents that kept persevering running up and down the fields and wearing themselves out!!
@NOCEagle (583)
• United States
25 Oct 06
Hehe i dont have any kids :(
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
25 Oct 06
Do you want to have kids in the future? Thank you for your response.
• United States
25 Oct 06
I have 4 kids and of course I am very proud of all of them. Meagan is 6 and is in 1st grade but is reading at a 3rd grade letter and I'm sure she is going to get all A's on her report card. She is also an artist. She loves to draw and is very detailed in her drawings. Last night she wrote a poem. It was very cute. Owen is 5. He is the sweetest little boy and is completely devoted to his baby sister. He does everything for her. Brenna will be 4 in two weeks. She is a sweetheart and loves music. She loves any show on TV that has music in it and makes up her own songs (her first song she made up was at 2 1/2 and it was called "The I Hate My Mommy So Much" song). Nora is almost 7 months. She is the light of my life. She is so smiley and silly. I've posted the pic before but I'll do it once more.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
25 Oct 06
oh my goodness, sounds like you have some baby geniuses! Your kids are very cute & sound like they are extremely smart. But I dont think I could handle 4 kids! Not that young of ages anyhow. I really dont see how those of you with alot of kids do handle it. But heres to those that can & do, cheers! I would love to know what the words to the "I hate mommy song" were. LOL! Thank you for your answer.
• Hyderabad, India
26 Oct 06
i have't not get married , i wamy to have kid like marissa
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks for answering
@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
26 Oct 06
i got one, a good son (99% of the time). he bags contest titles, very talented, i'm so proud of him! he's my inspiration, the one that keeps me going!
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thank you for answering. Glad that you have such a good kid.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 06
I have two boys aged 1 and 6. Of course I am proud of both of them. My 6 year old is always asking impossible questions and the one year old does funny things. They are both very clever and cheeky. This morning my 1 year old was being a scary monster and frightening me and then told me I was naughty! My 6 year old is funny but I can't really explain what he does. I think it's more the way he says them. Like he once put a hand on my mum's shoulder and told her she didn't have to worry about when he was grown up because she would be under the ground being eaten by worms but that it was ok because she wouldn't be alive!
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
28 Oct 06
LOL. My niece has toy spiders& snakes. She loves to"scare" people with them. My 6 yr. old cousin could ask qustions all day. Some times that can get on your last nerve too. He always ask what the clouds are made of& how they stay in the sky, how hot is the sun& a thousand other qustions that i dont have a clue to the answer of. Its cute though.
@Bettyann (2485)
• United States
27 Oct 06
i don't have kids but i want 2
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
28 Oct 06
My niece, cole, eating her 2nd birthday cake. By the time she was done, what a mess!
Thanks for the answer. How many kids would you like? I think 2 would be good for me. Not sure I could handle more than that.
• United States
25 Oct 06
I have a daughter Named marissa. She is 13 months. I am SOO proud of her. I take every chance i get to talk about her. I think she is a genius but I am sure evey parent feels that way. She does ALL kinds of funny things! I just love spending time with her!
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
25 Oct 06
AWW, what a cute little girl! Yeah, I think my niece is smart too. I guess everyone thinks there kids are smart, lol. But your daughter is verry cute. Glad to hear that you care so much about your baby. Thanks for responding.
@justnitya (1392)
• India
27 Oct 06
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thank you for answering
@skittlez353 (1402)
• United States
25 Oct 06
that would be pretty messed up if someone said they werent proud of their kids, I have one daughter and I am very proud of her.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
25 Oct 06
I don't have any kids, but I babysit from time to time and I love talking to them and see what they consider SOO important in their young lives :-)
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
25 Oct 06
thank you for respnding.
@Disie67 (17)
29 Oct 06
Yes, I have a 5yr old girl and am very proud of her. The funniest thing (or embarrrasing, I don't know) was when I took her to the zoo and she saw a little person and exclaimed in a loud voice, Mummy, I know why that lady's legs are too little, she ate too much and they got squashed!! AAAhh Kids. Gotta love em.