Prayers, I need them

June 14, 2007 6:17am CST
I am asking if you believe in prayer, will you please say one for my father in law. Here is what’s going on. My father in law is the toughest man I have ever met. Up till now in his 64 years of life, never has he ever been in a hospital. None the less a few months ago he had what he thought was an ingrown nail on his toe that became infected. Well he doctored it as he normally would have, but it became worse as time when on. Then on top of that, he became ill a month ago, and loss his appetite and energy. He didn’t tell us how bad things had become for him, we really didn’t know. Then last Friday, he showed his foot to a friend and they seen one toe had turned black and the foot was red a swollen. On top of it all, he wasn’t looking too good. So he was rushed to the hospital. They found he is diabetic, and has two viruses one of which is strep and the other I can’t remember for the life of me, that is rare. So they had to amputate his foot and pump him full of antibiotics. This was three days ago. Yesterday they had to go back and remove his whole leg because the infection continued to spread. Need it be said, he is not getting better and at this point there are no more alternatives left if the infection continues to spread. Please, my heart is breaking, I am begging you to please say a prayer for this man. So this post does not get deleted, here is my question…How do you pray and when do you pray? Thanks to all in advance.
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20 responses
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Sorry to hear about this family health issue you are going through. Why would you think this discussion would get deleted though--you are discussing health related facts that do indeed occur, and you are bringing to light a very common issue I ran into all the time when I worked in the hospital with our older male patients. They seem to be more stubborn with their health and often don't seek medical attention till things worsen. So, you have enlightened us all here at Mylot with that knowledge--don't wait, seek medical attention. You've discussed how diabetes is often compromises the immune system, circulatory system, and vascular system. This is very important information and you delivered it to all of us upon the sad news of your loved one who is ill--you did a service with your discussion. Sun, I don't pray, but I will send you and your family all my warm wishes and positive thoughts--my equivalent to prayer. You stay strong.
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Yes, many people who are inflicted with diabetes will have issues with their sight and develop conditions like glaucoma more easily. See, your discussion is quite a teaching tool *smile*. People with diabetes have a hard time healing wounds and injuries, and it if very commone of a small wound to the foot to turn infectious and necrotic which is what happened most likely with your father in law. Many people with diabetes have to go to a foot doctor to get their toe nails professionally trimmed.
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14 Jun 07
JC, those warm wishes and positive thoughts counts in my book. Thank you You do have a point, I just really didn't want some technicality to remove my plea. I did forget to add, he has lost partial vision in both eyes, one seems to be worse than the other. So it appears diabetes when left untreated, can affect vision as well.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I'm so sorry! I just said a prayer for him. I prayed that God would stop the infection and that he will get better. I pray every day. I know God hears my prayers and He answers them. He hears all prayers. He loves us so much! I can tell you really love your father in law very much! Just be with him and show him your love. Make him laugh...that always seems to help! Tell him that he has many people praying for him! Tell him to get well!
• United States
14 Jun 07
You are so very welcome.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
14 Jun 07
I am not much of a prayer - actually i never pray.. however I will do what I can in my own way.. light a candle and keep him in my thought. I am so sorry that u, the rest of the family and him has to go through this. The world just isnt fair. I hope that the infection stops anzd that he will recover soon!
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14 Jun 07
Candles and thoughts are just as welcomed. Thank you Marie.
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• United States
14 Jun 07
I will put him in my prayers. As for your question you pray anytime day or night, whenever you feel the need. God is always listening. It can be at home, alone or with friends, any place you choose. It does not have to be in a church!
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14 Jun 07
Thank you, and you are right God listens any time, no matter where we are and what we are doing.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jun 07
Oh suneshinecup, I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for your father in law and send extra prayers from my kids-- they always pray for special people every night before bed! As others have said, you can pray any time and anywhere. Please keep us posted on yoru father in law's condition!
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14 Jun 07
I pray everytime I feel to do it, when I have healthy problems in my family like you do. Hope he will be good soon. I'll say a little pray for him.
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14 Jun 07
Thank you, I also hope this is it and now he can recover and we can all move on. This is just killing me.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
15 Jun 07
i will definitely pray for you and your father-in-law... i'm sorry to hear about what happen to him... hope he will recover soon... and please be strong... he needs you to support him to go through this difficult time... my heart goes to you... please update us on what is happening to him as soon as you got the news... i usually pray at night before i sleep...
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@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
15 Jun 07
In the last year we went thro this same thing with my cousin, only difference was we knew she was diabetic. and had been seeing a dr about her foot all along.First they removed her toes , and then continued to remove more of her foot after 3 surgeries they removed the leg to below her knee. I know what she went thro so I feel for your father in law.I will light a candle and ask that he gets better and soon. Was the second infection staph infection? Maybe MRSA? Candles are lit now. Blessings for him, and to you who will be there for him .
• India
15 Jun 07
Hey sunshinecup! God is great! when there is a sincere pray a miracle always happens and helps ot human efforts.So your father in law, not only will recover but will get well soon. When we feel that our efforts have limitations ,we pray.It is a humble request to god. We all mylotians pray for him.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
15 Jun 07
My prayers are with you. The Lord's prayer, BTW, is probably the best prayer in the world, recognized for it's beauty and simplicity by Christians, Jews, and Muslims. However, It is quite best to prayer with what is in your heart. Remember, ultimately, if you believe in such a fashion, then it is God's will not your, that matters, and remember to pray in the present tense with gratitude.
@kareng (70266)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Your father in law is in my prayers. I'm so sorry to hear of this sudden illness. This must of been a huge shock to the whole family. Hugs!
18 Jun 07
Yes it was, we knew he had a sore toe, that was it. Then he started feeling bad, but we didn't think anything of it. He is an artist and has been working very had at getting pieces done to sell. I at least thought it was from him working too hard. None of us suspected it was Diabetes.
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I will for sure be praying for him and for your family. I know this has to be very hard for him and for all of you. I pray whenever I feel the need to, which is many times during the day. I pray anyplace and anytime, I know God hears and listens to me wherever I am. And, He is with you right now.
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@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
Hi sunshinecup! you know when i read the first stanza of your discussion that your father in law had a swollen toe what my first thought was actually he is diabetic, oh gosh how i wish that your father in laws didnt get into much to that that he detects that on the very early time that it didnt come into this end to remove his leg, dont worry just pray to the Lord to take care of you father in law, just show all your love to Him and all the support he can make that strong enough and help him get well on that situation. May the Lord help your father get into out of that..
@MJLami (1173)
• United States
15 Jun 07
You'll be in my prayers. As for praying, I do it throughout the day, every day. In the car, waiting for a job interview, sitting at home...I'll even say the rosary as I'm checking my emails. Please ensure your spouse and any siblings make sure to be checked at least annually for diabetes and to know what the symptoms of this disease are. Not always, but generally adult on-set diabetes is genetic. Had the signs and symptoms been known this could have changed everything for your father in law. I am so sorry for you all.
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• Nigeria
15 Jun 07
yes i do believe in prayer and i am saying a prayer for your father-in-law. When i pray i pray with my hearts out and cry to GOD. I also get down on my knees and make sure i praise him after praying for like an hour or thereabout
@asmurthy (2461)
• India
15 Jun 07
I pray for your father in law. I go to temple every day and I see to it that your father in law gets blessings from our gods. Wishing quick recovery.
@AmbiePam (96483)
• United States
15 Jun 07
This is so terrible. I can't imagine the anxiety that would grip my heart. I'm about to go to bed, and the first person I'm going to pray for is your father-in-law. Please let us know how things progress. With God and his family close by, anything can happen.
@dina60 (37)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I will pray for your father in law and for the family. I pray daily and give thanks for what I have. My prayers are with you and your family.
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
15 Jun 07
My sweet, Sunshinecup, you just talk to God and tell Him what is on your heart. He will know what you are asking him. Do you mind if I add your FIL to the prayer request list I have on my blog? Please go to my blog, it is listed in my profile, and scroll to the very bottom, there is the prayer list. Please feel free to read my blog too, I would hope you could find some comfort. We will be praying for you and your family and of course, your father in law. God bles you.
• United States
15 Jun 07
I am so sorry to hear about your father in law. It sounds like he is really ill and had one of those super bugs that is not reaponding to antibiotics. I will be saying a prayer for him. Now how do I pray? Everynight before I go to sleep I lay in bed and talk to God and ask him to watch over my loved ones, and then I ask him for other things. I will ask him to do his will for your father in law and to guide the care givers. Now several times a day I may stop what I am doing and say a little prayer just for one person. It is just like talking to someone but just to God. I do not speak it outloud. I have not been taught to say formal "hail marys or anything like that. It is like meditation or thinking of a one sided conversation to God. I ususally ask for guidance I usually do not ask for specific things in my life. I feel that is too selfish. Good luck to your and your father in law.