Gifts have gotten way out of hand.

United States
June 18, 2007 2:51pm CST
I wish we could get back to the simple gifts and the ability to appreciate them. People give so elaborate gifts now that it seems everyone is in competition to give the best gift. I wish things were back where we could make handmade things that really come from the heart and they meant as much to people as these expensive priced gifts. I can crochet, and sew and would love my family to appreciate those gifts as much as if I had went out and spent $$$ on an expensive gift.
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23 responses
@shelagh77 (3643)
18 Jun 07
It is possible to get back to the simple gifts, but you do have to take your courage and pride in your hands first. I lost my job through a serious illness and I just can not afford the expensive gifts but like yourself I am good at making gifts. I had a good discussion with friends and family and discovered what type of craft gifts they would like. For instance I grow my own lavender (sounds grand, doesn't it, actually the lavender was planted and it just grows itself lol) and many of my family enjoy gifts which contain lavender etc. Most people are relieved to have the stress of this unecessary expense lowered. Not all people can make gifts themselves, and if that is the case, encourage them to the "craft" and "bring and buy" stalls. There is almost always something quite exquisite and not a fraction of the cost it would be in a mall. Good luck, and try your best to enrol as many people as you know will not be offended into your scheme. It would be nice to know if you manage to make this change over.
2 people like this
• United States
18 Jun 07
It would be a great change over. Thanks for posting.
@shelagh77 (3643)
19 Jun 07
Well my suggestion would be to have a really good think as to what type of craft gifts you could give or maybe use your computer to make some "vouchers". If you have a special skill such as ironing, or making a nice job of a manicure for example, you could give a "voucher" for a free manicure or ironing session. Once you have decided what you can give then you can review your friends and family list to see who would be suitable for these gifts and make a start on discussing it. You may find that you start a fashion. One tip though. Be careful. Another family member might want to take up the "give a home made item" route and then ask YOU to make the item for free as "you are soo good at that, I am useless" - yes, that HAS happened to me, which is why I am warning you about that little trip lol.
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I love handmade gifts. I think it is so hard to buy gifts now-a-days, because everybody already has the things they need and want. And, it's so hard to get the right colors and sizes. Or least they have the things that are within my budget to spend on gifts. Things made with love and from the heart really do mean much more.
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• United States
19 Jun 07
I think they do too, Sherry. They just seem so special if someone has spent that time on making it just for me. Thanks for posting.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
18 Jun 07
How true are you !!!!. Its a great shame that no body appreciates anything anymore. Ive seen it especially with kids if they dont get the lastest craze or video game their little noses turn up in disappointment. Its horible. Like they its their right and you are expectected to spend an absolute fortune on them.
2 people like this
• United States
19 Jun 07
You are exactly right. KIds these days are so spoiled! Thanks for posting.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
18 Jun 07
That is a fallacy to think that when you make something for someone, they will say, "for me, and you did all that work?" You have to give the gift the person will appreciate not what you think they will appreciate. Look, a box of candies or cookies you make will be gone in no time, a doily is a doily, but a fancy tablecloth that they want but the price in the store is too much. Now since you can sew, why not make something extra special or something that would be much better than they could get at the store. You see, when someone gets a handmade gift that does not look like it was bought in an expensive store, they get rather disappointed. This is from someone who got those handmade gifts from people who did not bother to find out that yellow, orange and brown were not my colors.
• United States
18 Jun 07
LOL , those were my mama's favorite colors and I ended up nearly hating them because I had to see them so much in her house. LOL Thanks for your suggestions and forposting.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I do hate that how everyone wants big expensive gifts. My soon to be brother in law is one of those jerks that always compares everything. He wants to know which one of his friends spent the most on his wedding gifts, and which family member, etc. I think that's so tacky and inconsiderate. I know he is going to say something about the fact that we aren't buying them anything at all, but I don't really care. I'm driving 1100 miles with my baby in the car to go to their wedding. They are getting a gift basket full of soap and candles that I made, and a picture that my son colored. I don't really care if he doesn't appreciate it, because we can barely afford to go home in the first place, we can't afford to spend a bunch of money for the things they want (like an $80 sheet set).
2 people like this
• United States
19 Jun 07
The gift basket is a great idea. I would not worry whether your BIL to be appreciates it or not, it is the thought that counts any way. We all need to learn to be more appreciative of other's time. Thanks for posting.
@mschiqui (1284)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
me,i would prefer those gifts who are personally made by the person who give it to me..i will really appreciate also i love doing it by myself..when i know that one of the family member is celebrating a bday, i would think of someting that i will make for her bday,even for my friends..even in boquet of flowers i woill be the one to make the boquet..
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
I knwo your gifts are so heart felt. Thanks for posting.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
18 Jun 07
Yes, I think it is sometimes a competition. If I had the means, I would buy nice gifts, but not to impress others. I also think practical gifts can be homemade and just as valuable. If someone gave my a $250 watch, it would be nice, but if someone gave me a nice handcrafted throw blanket, I would appreciate that just as much and probably more. It seems more practical to me. Some of the simplest gifts can provide the most use and comfort.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes, practical is the best. If someone gave me a $250 watch, I would be afraid to wear it afraid I'd lose it. LOL Thanks for posting.
@badpenny (741)
• Lancaster, Texas
18 Jun 07
I actually have adapted to new technology and use it often to make gifts, rather than but tem. For example, for Father's day, I gave my husband a really nice photograph of his 3 year old grandson. I took a snapshot, taken when he was just a little baby, enlarged it with Microsoft Digital Photo editor, and prinited out an 8X10 on matte photo paper. I bought a cheap 8X10 frame at the dollar store, and wrapped it up in The comics section of last Sunday's newspaper. My total cst for a professional looking portrait? Less than $5. The look on hisface when he opened my gift? Priceless.
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes, Priceless!!!! I love those kind of gifts. thanks for posting and sharing.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
20 Jun 07
yup, and you dont always know if they like it...we dont go cheap, but we are definately frugal in our gift giving...i hit sales etc all during the year and store stuff away... and yes, i still make homemade stuffs (whether they like it or not)(i also crochet scarves n stuff and make my own jewellery...)i think you have to train em!!
@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I'm a huge fan of homemade gifts. I have some friend that we just agree to make things for each other, and other times, I "warn" them before I give it to them. Sometime I just casually hint, "I would like to knit you you have any fiber allergies?" This way they have been warned and can be prepared to respond appropiately. I think so long as the gift suits the person..especially in the case of a handmade gift, that people will learn to appreicate it. I would love it if someone would sew me something, since I can't sew and I'm always eyeing simple dresses at stores that are so costly. I think you should keep or start giving hand made gifts. People will learn to enjoy them...and if they don't then they are the ones missing out!
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes, because if you consider the time it takes to make these things. There is no price on time. They are really priceless! thanks for posting.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I agree with you mamacathie. Nowadays kids want the latest in technology and or the latest trends in fashion. Its hard to keep up sometimes and hard to say "sorry son, I can't afford that" but I have to at times. My mom use to sew clothes for us for our birthdays and christmas presents which never cost as much as a playstation game would LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes, it is hard to say no to our children, but we all and they would be better off if we had said no many more times. Thanks for posting.
• Canada
19 Jun 07
I am with you on that! I totally have put a stop to expensive gifts for the most part. Not that I won't buy them ever but I sure have decided not to be doing that all the time. I buy expensive things for my kids on every occasion even though they are all older. I have stopped it. I am buying simple things and also adding something homemade to the pot on occassion. I think really hard about it and aim to please them and not just make any old thing for the sake of making something. I have to tell you that I have seen more grateful attitudes over the simple things I have been buying then over all the expensive ones through the years. It has taught me a lesson.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes we do learn thru the years. Thanks for posting.
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
19 Jun 07
I feel the same way, and often make my gifts. For one I can't afford expensive gifts to give. And I know I appreciate a gift more if it is made from the heart opposed to receiving a gift that was bought with $$$$.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
I agree with you. I am trying to cut back on expenses and would love to be able to give more handmade things. thanks for posting.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I try to give as many handmade gifts as possible. I've just started attempting quilting, so I'm going to try giving my family member homemade quilts for christmas this year.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Oh, I know your guilts will be gorgeous and your family members will be so proud to have them. Thanks for posting.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
19 Jun 07
I feel we can only get such gifts from children who are in preschool classes or lower primary. These children will have handicrafts made and are so proud of their achievements especially if they made it for us. As for adults, it is really sad that not many can appreciate such gifts from another adult, be it hand-made or specially bought from a handicraft shop. Perhaps we are now more aware of what is called face-value. lol. I appreciate any gift given by a friend especially when there is no occasion for it. It is the thought that matters.
• United States
19 Jun 07
Amen! I agree on the complexity and expense of gifting. My gifting has and always will be something I have either created (sewing, painting, carving, jewelry, crocheting) for the recipient. My heart is in everything I create and specifically for that person. I refuse to take part in "mine is bigger and better and more $$$'s." For practical reasons if the gift needs to go a long distance I will purchase a gift certificate from the 1100 shopping mall I joined for free to get the rebate income.
@tredale (1309)
• Australia
19 Jun 07
I think you make a valid point, we have a budget on gifts now because it got crazy. Who could buy who what and for the next week you cant afford to eat. My family are very easy to buy for infact my mum would be much happier if we made dinner or wrote an I o u in a card. This is what I did for her birthday which happen to fall on mother day this year. I made dinner for her and dad for mothers day and I o u weeding the garden for her birthday. she loved it and I loved doing it. I wont be able to by gifts for my children in a couple of years with out taking out a loan if something doesnt change. Its all so commercial. I think bring back the hand made from the heart gift. They make more sense anyway.
@shemah (840)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 07
I love getting gifts especially if they are handmade. I won't say i'll take care of other gifts less.. but it's something that I will always treasure with the thought that this is one of a kind. You can't get anything else like this anywhere. The thought of someone making something for me really touches me. Yet, if someone gives me something expensive, I really feel bad.. i feel somewhat guilty that they spent so much $$$ on me. all in all, i'd say I cherish ANY type of gifts given to me. from the cheapest to the most expensive.. as long as someone thought of me and feels like a deserve a gift, that's enough for me. :)
• United States
19 Jun 07
I have a friend that gives me greeting cards that she made personally. It means more to me than those that are bought over. Now, I also create my greeting cards to give to my loved ones. It has more sentimental value in it.
@sakana (260)
• Singapore
19 Jun 07
I think learning to appreciate is hard, especially when people are so materialistic nowadays. Personally I think gifts should be more about effort than price tags. I would prefer if someone took the time to find out what I liked rather than simply walking into a store and buying the most expensive thing on the rack for me.