do u believe in ghosts??4 each response u will get mark as the best response

@punkish (424)
June 19, 2007 8:49am CST
frndzz do u believe in the ghosts?? 4 each response i gonnna mark u as a best response
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15 responses
• Luxembourg
21 Jun 07
as every one says i too dont believe in ghosts bt tell you wat Im afraid of ghosts I think they r some ghosts but they dont hurts us or never they had i guess But the real ghost is the man at times coz not all but some wen hurt try to take revenge on other,with this they turn mad and sometimes kill others seriously. Though i have changed the direction of this discussion from a fun to a serious one i believe that is world about thnxx
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@punkish (424)
• India
21 Jun 07
ohk...thnx 4 relpying
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• Pakistan
19 Jun 07
Yeah i do believe that ghost do exist as i have some personal experience with ghosts too so can not deny what i know and have experienced
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
ohk frnd i hope u wont have such experience again ever in ur life neways have a gud day n thnx 4 replying
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@Ravrockin (281)
• India
27 Jun 07
yes i believe in the ghosts
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@punkish (424)
• India
28 Jun 07
ohk..hnx 4 d response
• United States
19 Jun 07
I believe in ghosts. i think we have some in our house. everytime we take a picture in the house there are these little round orbs of light all over. its not the camera because i have 2 digital cameras and they both get these in the pics and if you take outside pics or pics inside anywhere else these little orbs aren't there.
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
ohk frnd.......then do have a gud time wid dese gost n ya do play wid dem it gonna b fun hehe jst kiddin thnx 4 replpying man....
• Indonesia
27 Jun 07
Yes I do believe. Especially in an old house which is empty since long-long time ago.
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@punkish (424)
• India
28 Jun 07
haha an old house.....n dat too empty..hahaha nice post man:)
• Pakistan
24 Jun 07
No i dont but watching TV programmes and horror movies have somewhat set a fear in my mind which tell me to believe ghosts and this fear becomes active mostly at night times ;) And are u trying to get ppl's attention with that best response thing :P
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@punkish (424)
• India
24 Jun 07
no its not like dat i m trying to get the attention..take ur example dat u havent respond here just 4 sake of was just 4 the sake of fun n nothing else.....neways thnx 4 the response ..;)
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I think there is a possibility for them to exist but I never have seen one before. So, I can't really say that I believe in them at this point.
@punkish (424)
• India
23 Jun 07
ohk frnd,,,thnx 4 the ressponse.....nice 1,:)
• India
19 Jun 07
i absolutely don't beleive in ghosts.. i can say this cos i have been living in a house just 50 metres froma graveyard since childhood and have not been scared of it even once...
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
ok frnd..thnx 4 replying
• United States
19 Jun 07
I believe there's a possibility to everything. Therefore, just because I don't necessarily believe, doesn't mean I rule it out completely.
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
thnx 4 replying dude
@Hitmen (71)
• Singapore
19 Jun 07
I look at things from a psychic view and I believe in them. If you do far life regression or other spook craft then you will believe in their existence.
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@punkish (424)
• India
21 Jun 07
ohk thnx a lot 4 replying dude...
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yeah I do and I am scared of it. I think I just saw one last week. I hope it's not true.
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
haha u saw i tlast week..its cool man...thnx 4 replying
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes, I believe in ghosts...I have seen one. My ex husbands house has a little girl ghost...she likes to play games with you...she threw a shampoo bottle at me...she opens the bathroom window...she plays in my daughters daughter has also seen her...I described her to my daughter...and she said that's what she say...a four foot tall little girl with long dark hair. My favorite show is Ghost Hunters!!
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
ya thnx
@yuanchang (474)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
regardless of the best response thing hehehe, i believe in ghosts. i haven't seen one but i've grown to believe in them.
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
ok....thnx 4 replying
@mattyg2k7 (215)
23 Jun 07
i do totaly as i had an experiance as a young child were i was in my bed and i seen a ghost this happend twice in my young childhood i now preety freeky isnt it
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@punkish (424)
• India
24 Jun 07
uff wata a disasterous experience u have gone through..i must say this...neways i ll pray u wont have such now in ur life....thnx 4 rplying have a gud day ..:))
@mugzy528 (800)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes I believe in Ghosts but have never seen one I don't think I have but then again I have seen some weird things late at night outside my House since I live in the woods and have a Civil war Graveyard in my Backyard its kind of Scary to think I might see someone or something out there.Also the Graveyard no one ever goes and visits it except last year some people came and cleaned it up put Flags on the Graves and left. I Think they were relatives or something. Have a Great Day/Night.
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@punkish (424)
• India
19 Jun 07
ok frnd thnx 4 replying