The word "illegals," is both offensive and dehumanizing. What a Load of Crap!
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
August 27, 2007 10:58am CST
This really blows my mind. First we are expected to embrace Spanish as an official language of the USA. Now the English word "illegal" is insulting and dehumanizing. If you are breaking the law then you are engaged in a criminal act which is illegal...Duh! Obey the laws of our country and then you will not have earned the word "illegal" I am am anything but a racist and resent the inference.
Perhaps I am interpreting this wrong. Does anyone agree with me?
An 'illegal' offense
When the U.S. leaders label people as "illegals," they appeal to the public's underlying racist sentiment. In turn, leaders gain support from the racist community they have helped form.
The word "illegals," often used to refer to undocumented people in the United States, is both offensive and dehumanizing. Even traditional phrases such as "illegal alien" and "illegal immigrant" reflect a deep-seated feeling of unease about immigration issues and need examination.
Full Story"
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23 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Aug 07
I also want to add another fact in this discussion. In the country of Mexico, by Mexican law, it is a FELONY if you are there ilegaly. You can bet in a mexican jail, they wouldn't call us undocumented. We'd be called convicted felons.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Another good point. Thanks for both great respnses.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Xfahctor that is weird. French I could understand but not Spanish!
@dlucia (208)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I agree, I hate the fact that this is the USA, English being the primary language here and we have to deal with phone recordings having Spanish and English translations, as well as Mexicans having their own TV channels, now that is just stupid. Even the food we purchase, has spanish labels, the electronics have instructions in both English AND Spanish. Come on, if you live in this country, either speak our language or get out! I hate being in a store and having to hear Mexicans rattle off words 90 miles an hour that only they understand cos they are too lazy to learn/use OUR language.

@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Why shouldn't they be called "illegals"? They are here illegally. They are breaking the law by coming across borders without documentation and without following the LEGAL process to come into America.
From your post, I can't really understand if you're against these "illegals" or supporting them, because first you get angry about embracing Spanish as an official language (which I agree with you on), but then you're defending them by saying that calling them an "illegal" is wrong.
I don't really think it matters what we call these people. They are here illegally and no one likes that they are here. Especially when you have people who take the time to come here legally and do things the right way.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Aug 07
From your response I really can't understand if you read the topic completely? So here is an explanation. The first part is my opinion.."a load of crap" the second part is an excerpt from the article supporting it. That is why the link to the full story is posted. Does that help? Seemingly all the other members who responded had no problem understanding my position on the article.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Aug 07
ROTFLMAO!!! Riptide that was a hilarious comment and I know exactly where you are coming from with your statement. Wish I had thought of it...thanks!

@sunshinecup (7871)
27 Aug 07
Fine, I have no problem calling the criminals, trespassers or invaders. Is that better for them and will that get them to go home faster? LOL, some people kill me, I am so sick of these bleeding hearts slapping OUR hands and defending those that are doing wrong. Ship all of the invaders to Colin Pace's house as well as all the other bleeders and let them take care of them. Cause I tell ya this skipping and dancing around the issues so they can flock merely in their little whine-fest is really getting on my last nerve. UUUUGGGGG!
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Now they are really splitting hairs. They know they are criminals and the bleeding hearts are going overboard. Could be seeng as how they have problems speaking and understanding English should we be using the spanish translation of the word???
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@sunshinecup (7871)
27 Aug 07
My English to Spanish translator siad...
illegal is ilegal
Ha! One letter is the diffrence, no wonder they are up in arms, they know EXACTLY what it means. :oD
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Thanks sunshine I was wondering what the word was.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 07
It's just another way for the illegals to try to find a way to stay in this country which isn't right. Come into this country the right way which is the legal way then they won't be called illegals. Besides, it's part of the english language so it's time to get over it before it even starts. Geeze. I'm with you in this one.
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@MAINEIAC55 (52)
• United States
3 Oct 07
i also, am not a racist, our country has, in the past had so much diversity, that it is not tolerated any longer and for good reason. it our country was built on the backs of many who were not originally born here. most of us, somewhere down our family lines have migrated to north america, legally.
native americans were the original peoples of our country and we see what happened to them. so is this now what us americans can expect in our future?
but if anyone, no matter where they come from, enters our country without going through the right channels, they are here illegally. thus, they are breaking the laws of maerica. and if you break the law, aren't you suppose to be repremanded in some way?
our forefathers would never have been allowed to break the laws of america, when they arrived. if they did, they were punished. so why is it, today most here illegally get more lawmakers etc, covering their butts, making excuses for them and changing our ways of living, for them?
and this insanity of.....changing the offical langauge of amer to anything but the american totally disrespectful of anyone who is an american.
whether born here or not, when you move to another country, you take on that's countries culture, langauge and traditions etc. and blend it with your own. and to ask a whole nation to change their ways, just because you can't or won't adjust, is just not right!
and being allowed to stay here illegally, certainly can't be happening because they bring so much to our culture or help balance the budget. as most, seem to take more then they give. let alone our govt gives them more then any legally born citizen i know. and all because they know better, then any american i know, how to work the system and even worse, they get more helping hands to show them the way to benefit from the system!
if your born and raised many time in your life did you get the lawmakers to bend the rules, give you good lawyers, money to begin a new life etc for you if/when you did something illegal? never!!!!
from what i see, and feel.....our great country is now asking us to accept lawbreakers, we are told to respect the law makers & breakers? but why, especially if they were illegally here, no matter what country they come from they have no rights or say in how america should be..what langauge they speak or what americans should believe least not until they become an american!
but our country was built on something we believed was higher then ourselves, and it made us stronger. our way of life, was built on the honesty, law abiding citizens, on their sweat and tears of many who worked hard to make us what we are today, the best country in the world!
but to have those who are suppose to be for the people of america think illegals etc are worthy of the benefits our country can provide, is a major slap in any americans face!
now days we reward illegals! what kind of message does this send? it sends the message that as much as the world thinks americans are hard, selfish, cold etc....we're contridacting ourselves by allowing illegals to enter our country, work illegally, gain licences, car's and why have laws at all!
we, as a country need to set boundries that need to be followed by everyone. and that includes illegals. no special treatment for anyone. our forefather didn't receive any special treatment, they adjusted and gave back and became americans the honest way and so should anyone who has come into our country.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Oct 07
Thank you for an excellent response! I just wish I had another best response to give you. Definitely a double (+) rating.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
28 Aug 07
No, I do not agree with you. While you and I would like to call these people, especially the Mexicans, illegals, they indeed believe you and I are the illegals on their land (especially if you are down south in Texas)! Did you know that these people never relinquished their lands? And, do you know that Texas has been reclaimed, and Houston, Texas, is now in fact Mexico city? (Laughs)
Whiteheather39, I think what goes around always comes around! Yap, any land acquired by means of war is never a guaranteed deal!
@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Aug 07
Sorry they are not crossing the borders to come for the land, but the jobs and welfare that comes from our government. Totally diffrent issue than them lossing the war.
@Eskimo (2315)
4 Sep 07
I thought you lived in the U.S. this is the sort of politically corecct thing that is continually being forced on us over here in the U.K. Everyone seems to have "Human Rights" that can't be upset in anyway, except for the law abiding silent majority who don't seem to have any rights at all. It's time that that we called a spade a spade, and say what is right. If people are in the country illegal then they are illegals.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I do live in the U.S. You are correct they earned the name illegals because they are illegally in this country
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
28 Aug 07
It all goes too far. Banning words that might offend someone is just political grandstanding.
When I was in the US many years ago, as a tourist (with passport & visa), I was termed an "alien". The term didn't bother me, even though it is very odd in our eyes; I thought it was funny.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I was also an alien and that really struck me as very strange!! I did not arrive in a spaceship and I was not a green Martian!!LOL
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Is illegal going to be a "bad" word now? Does that mean that mylot might censor it soon and I have to replace the I with a 1 just to spell it out?
What is this country coming to? All this PC crap is BS and I'm getting tired of being told what words to use.
Next thing you know we can't call criminals,criminals anymore either. We'll have to call them law disobeying citizens or something.
What are we suppose to call illegal immigrants then? Greencard challenged human beings? Professional fenceclimbers with greencard defficency disorder? Non english speaking mexican soon to be americans?
Immigration is getting a visa, applying for a greencard and having the proper paperwork. Just coming in here uninvited is breaking and entering and trespassing and that is illegal!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Aug 07
The BR is for this response but I wish I could give you another one for your comment to the next response. It was perfect.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
31 Aug 07
I say call a spade a spade. In Australia, for me anyway, it's the word "refugee" that strikes fear in me. There are legitimate refugees I guess but there are illegal ones too and we let them in!!!
I so feel for all the wonderful immigrants that are now calling Australia home who sacrificed and planned and came here in the correct way and earned what they have achieved rather than these others who barge in and start demanding their "rights" straight away. It sickens me.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Thanks for your response and it just shows that it is a worldwide problem not just in the US.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
28 Aug 07
People can argue all they want about the "root of the problem" but the law is still the law. As far as the southern states the mexico suposedly never relinquished officialy, were talking well over a century ago. The borders are where they are now. Are we just gonna hand over those states to mexico? Would it end there. Ok so now the border is along colorado and oklahoma. All that means is a new border for them to sneak across. the root of the problem is MEXICO'S problem. NOT ours. People sneak up here because things are BAD down there. You can expand thjeir border all you want, all the way to canada if you choose, but they will still keep comming because they come here for a better life. I don't have a problem with that. I agrea our immigration law needs overhauling. My girlfriend is a canadian citizen, she wants to move here, I want her to move here. NO ONE wishes it were easier more than me, believe me. But the law is the law. she wants to move here legaly. It would be very easy for her to come down here with me on a visit and just stay. She blends right in here and doesn't realy even have an accident, comes from a similar to area in ontario, veryu much like this area. BUT, she wants to do it LEGALY.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Thank you for all your excellent comments and response. Kudos to your girlfriend. I did it legally and I am proud that I did. Good Luck to her and she will not regret starting a new life the right way.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I make me think they know they are criminals and are now resorting to splitting hairs.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Well, my head exploded from the stress of this concept.
All exaggeration aside, I thank you for sharing this Heather. It really makes no sense. So "illegals" is offensive and dehumanizing... okay. Why not call some of these people on what and make it about what they do. "Trespassers" perhaps. "Undocumented Lawbreakers", puh whatever. "Robbers", "Rapists" and "Killers" (if you've been paying attention to the news especially Newark.) hmm, it might work. But then again, society seems to be giving more breaks to people breaking the law and screwballing people who obey it. -_-
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I agree. It certainly blew my mind and the racist part really pissed me off.
@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
4 Sep 07
We all know that semantics is just another political game. I have a hard time with illegal or legal aliens, as I keep expecting them to have a space ship. I suppose the more politically correct name would be "undocumented" alien. I bet if someone really tries, they could come up with something even longer and more unhandy to label them with. The truth is that they are in this country illegally, even if they have good intent, which many do. I think if we play with the words enough, we will forget the main issue.
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I'm with's a big load! Illegal is illegal...not racist.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
Look someone can get off the plane from Hamburg, Germany, and sneak into New York, mingle with the population, and still be an illegal even though he is as white as you and I. Does calling him illegal make it right, but not for someone who came from Mexico? Saying undocumented alien or some phrase like that makes one believe that sneaking in from Mexico is perfectly okay and you do not need guards and you can throw the border right open. Besides why is it fine for the Mexicans to cross, but if someone applies legally, he is blocked. Deport all those, except for those who are being persecuted and in danger of their lives, and we will see it become easier for those who want to enter the United States legally.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I think you read it correctly and I think they are ignoring the issue. The whole problem is that they are indeed illegally in the U.S. If they are offended by the facts, too bad!
Maybe we should call them "immigration offenders". Would that make everyone more comfortable? Is making people comfortable what is needed?
Come on people. Politically correct needs to also be definition correct.
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