Hillary proposed her universal health plan yesterday

@estherlou (5015)
United States
September 18, 2007 12:01pm CST
Some of it sounds good...some of it doesn't. The one thing that stuck out for me was REQUIRING everyone to have health insurance. I'm not sure I like the idea of the government forcing everyone to buy health insurance, even though I have health insurance. If you want to read the article go here. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/ap/article.html?mi=D8RNJ7SG0&apc=9008
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18 responses
@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I heard it on TV and it sounds like if you don't qualify for the government program and you don't make enough money for private insurance you will be breaking the law!
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@suscan (1955)
• United States
20 Sep 07
That will be great no health insurance, no job.What a penalty that is. A lot of people are working to get insurance. how will the mandatory insurance be paid for? This woman is nuts.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Feb 08
It amazes me how misinformation gets passed around. Employers will be offered tax incentives to offer health insurance to their employees. There is nothing about employers asking for proof of insurance before hiring someone, that would be ludicrous. Do you not realize we are all already paying for those who can not pay in the form of higher health care costs? Do you think the hospital ER's give the treatment they're required by law to give in an emergency regardless of ability to pay away for nothing? This whole argument astounds me because it makes so much sense to me that if everyone had access to affordable health care we'd all be better off in the long run. But it should be affordable to all and no one should be forced to pay for insurance that they can't afford. Health care should be portable and no one should ever be turned down due to pre-existing conditions. That's the shape we're in now. Annie
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Feb 08
key words here..."affordable". Some people are barely getting by and yet they do not qualify for medicare. I am one of them. I had health insurance that I paid 35.00 per week for thru the company that I have worked for for 15 years and I had to drop it as I could no longer afford it. I had children to feed and rent to pay. all my expenses were going up and my income was not. I still just barely get by. I am in subsudized housing and drive an old beat up car back and forth to work and I don't go out or spend needlessly. I don't have even 10.00 per week to spare. If I can't pay then I am breaking the law??
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I dont want to see people being fined or placed in jail because they cant afford healthcare. I dont trust her plan....I also dont think she will succeed in getting enough insurance comapnies to go along with it. Whats in it for them? They would be paying out more and taking in less, and unless she explains all the plan...theres alot missing here....what do you all think?
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
18 Sep 07
Overall, I think she has an excellent plan. I believe that everyone should carry health insurance and don't see a major issue with people being required to carry it. I like the fact that she has ways to help people who can not afford insurance get insurance and she is increasing taxes for the wealthy to help defray costs.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
19 Sep 07
Do you understand that the people she is proposing a tax increase on those people who pay next to nothing on taxes every year? The wealthy people are very under taxed. I am not talking those who make $250K a year, I am talking about people like Bill Gates who are extremely wealthy and pay less than that 15% or so you or I pay every paycheck.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
19 Sep 07
It is not stealing. They pay about a 5% tax on what they claim (with by the time the deduct everything and earn credits is maybe half of what they really earned) whereas middle class people pay 15% on almost everything they earn. How is that not stealing? By raising taxes, it makes the playing feild fair for everyone and will get us out of debt sooner.
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@suscan (1955)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Lil Wonder, I agree with you 100%. This plan can become a nightmare. Why should I expect other people to pay for me? Does anyone realize that a lot of the medical freedom we have now will more then likely be taken away? Look at mandatory car insurance. The only winners were the car insurance companies.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I don't like the idea of being REQUIRED to do anything. My health care is handled through the VA, and if that is what her universal health care is going to be like then it won't be very good for anyone. After what she tried to accomplish the last time with health care I am very suspicious of anything she says.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
18 Sep 07
As I understand it, if you already have health insurance you are ok. Just like car liability she wants everyone to have it. We dont have insurance. My husband's company offers it but it is too expensive for us. Supposedly she says there will be a way for uninsured to get and afford insurance. I wonder how?
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Sep 07
We have a universal health plan in Canada. We all have insurance and the amount we pay is based on what we earn with subsidies for the poor. It seems to work pretty good and no one that needs help is turned away. We have many problems too with the system and a shortage of doctors but when you are really sick the system works. It is a good system and if Hillary has basically the same idea as what is going on in Canada then I say all the more power to her. If I was an American my vote would surely go to Hillary Clinton!
@suscan (1955)
• United States
20 Sep 07
This is a scary plan, just as she would make a scary President. She is saying what she thinks the voters want to hear.
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• United States
20 Sep 07
I am originally from the UK and I am a product of the NHS (National Health Service). I firmly believe that every CITIZEN of the USA should have health insurance coverage. I also think that the wealthy should be taxed enough to help with these services.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I do not like the idea of being forced by the government to have health insurance. I would rather they forced me to live healthy and to think healthy so I would never need he darn crap. Sorry, just anything that "H" says can get me riled...lol. I need to go take an anti-Hillary pill...
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Sep 07
I think as far as health insurance, everyone should have a choice. In Manitoba, we have universal health insurance and they will not permit private insurance, which means that if you have to have an operation not approved, you have to leave the province and go to the states to have it done. Also if there is a special type of medicine that is not on the approved list, you have to pay for it yourself even though it may cost you thousands of dollars even though it works better and will save your life. I do not like the idea of universal health insurance. I do think that you should have a choice, public or private health insurance. This way, the poor and middle class people can get the government to pay for them and the rich and the upper middle class can pay for themselves.
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
18 Sep 07
I like the idea of universal health insurance, but what about the cost? If someone cannot afford insurance, do they go to jail or get a fine? For once the doctors cannot *lord* over the people. Will their rates go down? Will hopital and testing rates go down? They have already screwed with medicare. Look at what that has caused. My husband/boyfriend might have to quit his medicines because we cannot afford them. Maybe an universal health insurance would make the chances of the people finally equal for all. Just not for the rich.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Well if her health plan goes through than thats fine, but our taxes is going to sky rocket,someone will have to pay for this thing,so where is the finances going to come from???? As everyone knows "Nothing is free"
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
19 Sep 07
When Bill was President he put Hilary in charge of looking at health care - she spent millions of tax payers dollars - what she finally put out from all her commitees was such a boon-doggle that Bill just scrapped it - it will be a case of God Help us All if she becomes President and starts on health care again. More taxes for her commitees again. Shes already wasted enough. I say vote for anyone but NOT Hilary Clinton. She is a total waste of space.
@suscan (1955)
• United States
20 Sep 07
You said it all. I love your assessment of Hillary.
@mizrae (587)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I heard that too, and how will this be enforced? Just like many states make car insurance mandatory only it's so expensive half the drivers don't carry it anyway and most of the burden is paid for by the drivers who do buy the insurance. Same thing with health care, too many cannot afford paying the bills as it is how are they going to pay for required health insurance?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Five months has passed since you started this discussion but I just came across it tonight. I've already made some comments here so I guess you know where I stand. I've read Hillary's current health care plan, or a summary of it at least, and I know there will still have to be some details worked out but I think it sounds reasonable. No one will be fined or put in jail because they can't afford insurance. The first goal, as I understand it, is to make it affordable for all and to put our health back into the hands of doctors instead of insurance companies dictating what tests and treatments we can or can't have. Also, doing away with people being turned down because of pre-existing conditions or forced to stay in a job because they would lose their coverage. Her plan is to offer anyone without insurance an opportunity to get into a plan similar to what the federal workers, including Congress, has which as a former federal employee I can tell you it's not a bad deal at all and since you're in a very large pool of subscribers that helps control costs. You can choose from literally hundreds of plans depending on where you live and what is available there. You will be able to choose your own doctors and hospitals and go see a specialist if you choose to. I'll say this much - I have insurance, now through my husband's job but I still wouldn't mind my taxes going to help those who don't. I'd much rather my money be used in that way than to all go to fight a war or go to other countries for other things. We help the rest of the world more than we help our own and I don't think that's right. Annie
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Hi there buddy, what's up? Well, yeah i understand some of the points of Government regarding on that Health Insurance and i am really agree with that. there's nothing wrong for planning for a secuity of your health anyway and there's nothing wrong of buying it as it will be for you to use it someday when you need it most. Have a nice day ahead, happy posting and earning here in Mylot. Godspeed, Kiko
• United States
24 Sep 07
I like that the Democrats are attempting to solve the problem of health care for those that cannot currently afford insurance. Of course there are ways to foul it up. Even Hillary was dubious a year or so ago whether such a plan could be made to work. But who better to understand the pitfalls than her? It can be done. The US is one of the few, if not the only, advanced country without coverage for all its citizens. We can do better. And if it means the gap between the richest and poorest gets narrower, then that's no bad thing. For most of us, it'll be small change. Beware of smear and fear tactics.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I don't like the idea at all. I make "too much" to qualify for medicaid and yet I don't make enough to afford health insurance and certainly not the kind that would do me any good. Heck, I can't even afford auto insurance. I am a single mom and I only have one income. I barely get by now. If I were forced to purchase health insurance then my daughter and I would be on the street very quickly. They are currently cutting the budget for medicare to help fix the skrew-ups of Bush. Is Hilary going to expand it to cover people like me? If so, what are they going to cut to make up for the current spending? I would love to see a woman president...not Hilary. I don't like her thinking at all. She has no clue what it is really like to be working poor.