A mother's dilemma
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
November 6, 2007 5:49pm CST
Hi friends, I wrote this several months ago, when I began my job search. I was trying to work on my writing skills...
A mother's dilemma
I am sitting here at my pc surrounded by a mess. Several years ago, I made the choice to put my family and children before my work. Actually, it was my daughter that helped me to make this decision.
When she was born, I expected to continue working. My plan was to be a working mother and be part of a two income family, like so many people are. Well, my daughter, apparently didn’t like that plan. When she was about two years old, she was already quite good and articulating her wants and needs. She made it part of our morning ritual, to crawl into bed next to me and cuddle. Then she would say to me, “Mommy, please don’t go to work, stay home with me”. She did this every day.
Well, she finally wore me down. As she approached 3 years old I knew it would soon be time for her to start preschool and I did not want to miss, what I perceived as my last chance to spend time at home with her, before sending her off into the world.
I decided to quit my job and stay home with her. Of course, I thought I had it all figured out. At the time we had a positive cash flow. Our credit card balance was low and I figured we’d be spending less money on gas since I wasn’t going to be commuting and we would spend less money on food, since I would be cooking our meals at home, more often.
Well, as a wise person once said to me, “When making plans, life gets in the way”.
Somehow we decided that it was time to have our second child and of course a second child meant that we needed a minivan. So much for positive cash flow.
Still, I was determined that quality time with my children was more important than the material things in life. Somehow, we’ve managed to scrape by. It is now 11 years later. My little girl is now 14 years old and my son is 11 years old.
The child that once begged me to stay home with her is now looking around and seeing all the things that her friends have and she wants them too. She also wants to attend the private school where her friends go to school and thankfully, she does intend to go to college.
Instead of saying, “Mommy, stay home with me”, she is now saying “Mom, get a job. I want to shop at Hollister and I want a cell phone and I want to go to this private school.”
My son, on the other hand is not ready for me to go back to work. He likes being picked up from school. He also struggles with school and needs my supervision when doing homework.
I am trying to find the middle ground here. I do want to begin contributing financially to our household. I am now looking for a work at home job. Many people will see the term work at home job and immediately think “scam”. It’s true; there are tons of scams out there. Fortunately there are some legitimate opportunities out there. After endless hours of research, I have come across a few good leads. It turns out that looking for a job like this is a job in itself.
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9 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Very strong Miami. Its so true, I see situations just like this too along with the rest of the human condition.
While I'll admit full on motherhood is something special, I also say that women should make their own decisions regarding life, family and work. Its quite touching you did yield to your child when she was so young. I must say this though, maybe through grant or scholarship she could end up at a university (or closer to the present maybe that private school you mentioned). As for the materialism, it happens, especially to teens. She'll have to learn now about needs vs wants. Its much better to have the roof over the head and basic needs instead of $500 dollar clothing/shoes and nothing to live in or eat.
Miami, I'll wish you and your family well in all of this. I'm glad you are parenting and supporting your children in the way you see fit. And yes, despite what is going on, I'm seeing fit parenting here. Congrats to that and to finding the job, if I remember the last discussions correctly.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
27 Mar 08
Hello dear miamilady. I read this long discussion of yours with keen interest and I get to know that it is not so easy a job to be a mom, who sacrificed a lot for taking good care of her daughter and her son by staying at home for their needs. I have to say that you are a great mom to your kids as well as a great wife to your hubby. I wish you a very happy mom and wife. Take care.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
28 Mar 08
Thank you. It's interesting that two of my older discussions have come back up.
Just as an update...since I wrote that discussion, I have begun working part time 15 hrs a week.
It still isn't "enough" but it's a start. It is still a challenge to balance working for money with being there for my children physically when they need me.
Thanks for your response and thanks for the compliments.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Nov 07
i am so touched when i read your post miamilady... it is true that it is hard to live on one income nowadays with all the rise in the living expenses... that's why i and my hubby have to postpone having a baby until we are at least a little bit ready financially... it is really a dilemma... i had been discussing this issue with my hubby as well and we don't think that we can survive with all our debts if he is the only one working... so we just pray to God everyday to give us a child at His perfect timing according to His will...
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
7 Nov 07
I think that you need to stay homewith your kids. They really need you home now as much as when they were very young. The need has changed but not the need. More kids at the age of yours get into trouble than you realize. I would have your daughter get a baby sitting job for close friends for the things she wants shewill appreciate them much more. Those kids that have all the things she wants when they grow up and are out on their own. They will be the kids coming home because they are living beyond their means since they are used to having every new gadget and toy that comes on to the market. In time your daughter will be glad that you were home for her and her brother.
@YoMomma1 (922)
• United States
7 Nov 07
I myself am a stay at home mom of 3.
money used to be tight for us as well, but i finally found that middle ground,
i take surveys online during the day and when the lil ones are sleeping and its proved beneficial for my family. and i dont miss those precious moments with my kids as i would going ouside the home to work.
check out my blog for more info = )
@colourless (245)
• China
7 Nov 07
this recalls me of my childhood. as a little girl, i asked everythig from my parents : toys, skirts, outings ,without considering my family's fanancial situation. and regardless of affordability, my parents caterd to all my needs. but the result is that the more they gave me ,the more i wanted. and this is true to me. at that time , i always believe i can have everything others have. and until now , i find that i sometimes unconsciously am jealous of what others have. it has become part of my defects. so, what i want to say is teach your child that there are limitations in every family, and every person. be quick or it will be too late!
@summer218 (197)
• United States
7 Nov 07
I think your writing approach is beautiful. I usually don't read long posts, but your drew me in. You have a definite talent in writing. Have you ever thought of writing for associated press? I'm not sure of their pay scale, but I've heard they can pay well. It might be something for you to consider. I wish you and your family the best.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Nov 07
yup it takes work to find something to work on line and then when you find something it takes work to get it to work for you .
My daughter is doing the same thing and I have tried this for years to make money on line I make very little but I plug away at it .
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
7 Nov 07
It's too bad we can't have it both ways, miamilady, but that is the way life is. Kids routinely want what everyone else has, and, living in their self-centered worlds, they don't understand why they cannot have all these things. I don't believe it makes you a bad parent if you can't give them everything they ask for. Unless you're born into a wealthy family, or have a high-paying job, it just isn't possible to give them everything. I don't think it does them any harm to learn that they will not necessarily get everything they want in life. That's just how it goes. I can tell you are a devoted parent. Do the best you can and don't worry about the rest.