Democrats promises will be expensive!!!

@estherlou (5015)
United States
November 12, 2007 11:31am CST
I'm reading an article in Newsmax magazine. "The cost to keep promises made by Democratic candidates could top $700 billion and push individual tax rates above 50 percent for the first time since the 1986 Reagan tax reform. A Democratic sweep in 2008 could push America’s tax burden up to 7th highest in the developed world, up from 21st place, according to researchers at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation." Hillary Clinton’s health plan, would add about $110 billion a year to the federal budget. Democrats across the board are also pitching college tuition subsidies, and have pledged new programs in primary education, roads and bridges, and energy. All told, the Democratic platform could cost more than $700 billion over four years." In 2001 and 2003 Bush cut taxes which amount to some $188 billion in tax relief per year, but they are going to expire beginning in 2010. After that...look out. Sounds like the Democrats will go nuts. They are always promising wonderful sounding things...but how are we supposed to pay for it all? Read more in the article.
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18 responses
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
12 Nov 07
And we are not spending billions now? It is almost a certainty that taxes will have to be raised in order to pay for the free wheeling spending we have now. Right now just ask Warren Buffett one of the world's riches men. He says the rich are not taxed high enough. He has office help who pay a higher percentage of taxes than he does. As for the health care-something must be done because private insurance is not doing a good job. They don't cover some treatments of disease because they consider them to be "experimental" or they drop people from the insurance plans because they cost the companies too much money.And yet they make huge profits every year. Healthnet, a large insurnace company actually gives bonuses to management and exectutives who drop clients in order to save money.Our healthcare system is broken and we need to start the ball rolling on fixing it. At this point the solutions are works in progress and will have to be considered by both sides of the isles. We can not continue to build the high debt we have now and higher taxes may be the only way to put a lid on it. The tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 are out there-have they helped us? No.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
12 Nov 07
"They don't cover some treatments of disease because they consider them to be "experimental" or they drop people from the insurance plans because they cost the companies too much money.And yet they make huge profits every year. Healthnet, a large insurnace company actually gives bonuses to management and exectutives who drop clients in order to save money.Our healthcare system is broken and we need to start the ball rolling on fixing it" I still don't understand wh this would be a problem for the fedeal government. Leave it to individual state regulation to get a control on insurace companies. Allow the purchace of out of state health insurance in more states to increase competetion and this alone will begin to make insurance companies lower prices and widen coverage.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Nov 07
"I still don't understand wh this would be a problem for the fedeal government. Leave it to individual state regulation to get a control on insurace companies. Allow the purchace of out of state health insurance in more states to increase competetion and this alone will begin to make insurance companies lower prices and widen coverage" So if someone from one state buys their insurance from another state that's going to end our problems? I didn't know the health care crisis was limited to certain states! As long as health care and health insurance is a for profit industry money is going to come before people. If we have people in charge of our government with some human compassion maybe we won't have people dying needlessly or losing their homes because of a serious illness that they couldn't afford to pay for treatment for. People keep referring to "free health care"; who said anything about it being FREE? (bangs head against wall and pulls hair out!) Annie
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Federal budget is at~2.9 trillion or so. To put that $750 billion in the article into a present perspective, the budget of Social Security is around the lines of~$575 billion or so. It also exceeds other heavy items on the budget like Defense, Medicare, Unemployment and Medicaid. Comparing it to an over four year policy it'll be $187 billion a year (about double the spending on education). One thing to note is that there is~$400 billion shortfall when it comes to Federal Revenue compared to Federal Budget and Spending. Just saying. And as long as the people keep saying "here you go government. take my freedom and money" we're going to keep having a power hungery federal government that puts money and itself before people (and definitely after election day is done -_-) I definitely agree on an overhaul of the medical care situation but I want audits, checking and refits on BOTH ends of the spectrum, not place all blame on one side while holding the other as the holy grail. Oh Annie, you think your headbanging is bad, check this out. ......................................__................................................ .............................,-~*`¯lllllll`*~,.......................................... .......................,-~*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll¯`*-,.................................... ..................,-~*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*-,.................................. ...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\................................. .............;*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll,-~*~-,llllllllllllllllllll\................................ ..............\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/.........\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,........................... ...............\lllllllllllllllllllll,-*...........`~-~-,...(.(¯`*,`,.......................... ................\llllllllllll,-~*.....................)_-\..*`*;..).......................... .................\,-*`¯,*`)............,-~*`~................/..................... ..................|/.../.../~,......-~*,-~*`;................/.\.................. ................./.../.../.../..,-,..*~,.`*~*................*...\................. ................|.../.../.../.*`...\...........................)....)¯`~,.................. ................|./.../..../.......)......,.)`*~-,............/....|..)...`~-,............. ..............././.../...,*`-,.....`-,...*`....,---......\..../...../..|.........¯```*~-,,,, ...............(..........)`*~-,....`*`.,-~*.,-*......|.../..../.../............\........ ................*-,.......`*-,...`~,..``.,,,-*..........|.,*...,*...|..............\........ ...................*,.........`-,...)-,..............,-*`...,-*....(`-,............\....... ......................f`-,.........`-,/...*-,___,,-~*....,-*......|...`-,..........\........ me = /facepalm -_-
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@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
12 Nov 07
It is easy to forget that we pay for all of these wonderful services that we provide. It is interesting to hear that the reporting group is non partisan. That lends lots of credibility to the statements that are made.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Nov 07
You're so right! That magazine is fair and balanced in the tradition of Fox News. Annie
• United States
12 Nov 07
All I can say is that this election period will be quite difficult..I don't know anyone on there that I can trust or know enough about to vote for. I need to do some serious reading and praying about the Elections to know what I should..I am not a Democrat..but that doesnt mean I can't vote that way..or even for an Independent. I will wait and see.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Nov 07
thats when they should tax the milllionaires and billionaires more and leave us poor people alone also they the senortors and those should cut their wages to pay for all that they want to do . Yup I am dreaming!
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Oh that does not sound good at all.. When i was a child I always use to hear my parents talk about what party that they supported, back then it was the democrats that they supported.They always told me that the Republicans are for the rich and the democrats are for the poor man,but that was then and thats just what my small ears heard..These days everything is so confusing i do not know which way to go...The last time i voted it was for the Republicans, but now i just don't know one way or the other really, if you vote one way your wrong and the other way you are wrong , so noe days i am just totally confused...
• United States
13 Nov 07
This is why I don't pick a party, I vote based on who I think is the best out of the pack to do the job. I think party affiliations are silly. It's just a way to grantee that you will vote for the person they give you.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Old news, not surprised. Already said most of my peace on it. And to those that think the federal government can fix it, remember these are the same people who can't do your taxes and passports right. They can't track down real criminals but have no problems scopeing you out. They do some funding of education and transportation/infrastructure funding...last time I check both products are terrible. They also tap into the social security fund...constantly... Feel free to have some doubts anytime... (or not, I'm just a sarcastic cynical ogre stating what I've seen and what I think). And to those that denounce the private sector all of the time, I'll admit there should be some scrutiny and there is. But plenty of private sector entities contributed and are still contribuing to the betterment of the country in various niches, health, science, machinery, technology, power, education, scholarships, transportation, conservation... It even aids other countries of the world - outmatching public sector efforts by over 400% in that case. Look my "soon to be cutted and left on the editing floor as to be used to make me look like some pig or something" argument is just trying to point things out for both the private and public sector. Neither is perfect and just relying on one only is asking for disaster. Stateside hasn't worked like that throughout its history. Accountability, reasonable action, citizen scrutiny and vigilance, synthesis, synergy; these will definitely be needed for private sector and for public sector (especially the politicians). Or if everyone wants to pay more taxes, you are free to do so individually. Nothing in the laws against it, but most people don't even leap at the chance. I'm not surprised of course.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
12 Nov 07
If you want to see what will happen if you elect the Democratics look at Minnesota. The legislature started to build the budget with a 1.2 billion surplus and when their budget was propose it required a 2.2 billion tax increase. It is easy for the politician to spend money that is not theirs. Maybe we should require the politicians to outline how the will get the money to pay for any new spending. Let me have my tax money and I will give it to groups that will help people who really need it and nto thos who are living off the governemnt.
• United States
12 Nov 07
You know I am so tired of hearing people complain about taxes, but they want all of these services. Things cost money! I'm sure it's not going to be as drastic as that artical states. I can't look at it as I'm in class right now, but does it say anything about what the other side may spend?? If not I'm not paying any attention to it as it is mostly to get you to vote republican.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Warren Buffet is free to write a check for extra taxes. Massachutes has such a system and the people who complain about the rich not paying their fair share and wanting to raise the tax on people did not pay extra taxes. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, both have fortunes in trust accounts, and they did not elect to pay the extra tax but favored taxing the rich, which did not includ them.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Excellent point. we want disaster relief when something like Katrina or the California wildfires happen. We want our roads and bridges kept up to standard so we don't have more accidents like the I-35 Bridge collapse. I hope we all want our children to get a good education and for our sick and elderly to be taken care of. As for your question, of course it doesn't say what the other side may spend so I guess we're just to assume we'll continue to pour millions per week into Iraq and that people like Warren Buffet will continue to get huge tax cuts. With contributors like D*ck Morris what else would we expect from that magazine? Annie
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Excellent point. we want disaster relief when something like Katrina or the California wildfires happen. We want our roads and bridges kept up to standard so we don't have more accidents like the I-35 Bridge collapse. I hope we all want our children to get a good education and for our sick and elderly to be taken care of. As for your question, of course it doesn't say what the other side may spend so I guess we're just to assume we'll continue to pour millions per week into Iraq and that people like Warren Buffet will continue to get huge tax cuts. With contributors like D*ck Morris what else would we expect from that magazine? Annie
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Yes, the Dems have an open wallet policy. I expect taxes will go through the roof to pay for all these socialist programs. Our Dem governor has already raised state taxes recently and I am sure it will not be the end. Instead of government cutting their over-spending, they just want more and more to waste. True, there are people that need real financial assistance, but the handouts are getting out of hand. So many expect the government to pay their way and self-suffeciency is out the door. The Repubs are not much different, and I expect to pay more taxes no matter what happens. The "free" health care program will cost trillions over the next decade as people rush to get their far share of "free" healthcare. The something-for- nothing mentality is alive and well in the US.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
12 Nov 07
This is why the democrats are known as tax and spend democrats. They claim to be going after big business and the rich, but the Bush tax cuts were across the board and included everyone... they were not just for the rich, no matter what the liberals claim. Contrary to popular belief, when the Bush tax cuts expire, then everyones taxes will raise, and then there are all of the new taxes that are being proposed on top of that. The democrats have always believed that they are better able to spend your money than you are, and they do this in the form of taxation and the forced redistribution of wealth. Why anyone would be foolish enough to support the democrats and their unending attacks on the taxpayers is beyond me. History has already shown that lower taxes spur the economy while higher taxes will slow it down and even create a recession. So many people don't like Bush and fail to realize how well the economy has been working after recovering from the recession of the Clinton years. Memories are very short, but they will be reminded when the after tax income goes way down under the democrats tax plans.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Nov 07
"So many people don't like Bush and fail to realize how well the economy has been working after recovering from the recession of the Clinton years. Memories are very short, but they will be reminded when the after tax income goes way down under the democrats tax plans." Wow, my memory must be REALLY short! The recession of the Clinton years? I guess I dreamed up the most prosperous years of my adult life. The economy's been doing well? Please, tell me for whom because I'm apparently hanging out with the wrong crowd because no one I know would say it's doing anything but lousy. There are some on the right whose hatred of Clinton is so strong they think they can rewrite history. The Bush taxcuts gave those in my family's income bracket about $200 extra a year. Less than $4 a week barely pays for a gallon of gas so please give those without health care some help and take my taxcut and shove it! Annie
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
13 Nov 07
This response to a response needs more dot com bubble. The recession occured in 1999 and on, due in part to some of this.
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• United States
13 Nov 07
Yep, there are a lot of short memories in the liberal camp... either that or they are in denial. They would rather raise taxes and throw even more money at a problem instead of actually trying to fix the problem in the first place. Yes, Clinton's fiscal policies put the country into a recession, and the economy was very slow when he left office. I think some people really need to open their minds and do some honest research instead of blindly following the Bush bashing crowd. If people are doing worse under Bush, why not consider the higher fuel and food prices that have contributed to the higher cost of living? The democrats were demanding answers to that prior to taking control of Congress, but now have pretty much shut up, because they know that it is not a political problem, it is an economic one that politics can't fix. They also can't point fingers like they were when the republicans had control for for reasons that should be very obvious... one of which is that they would be blaming themselves since they are now the ones that handle the budget and appropriate money. If people are doing worse then they were a few years ago, it isn't because of the Bush tax cuts, and a lot of it is most likely attributable to poor budgeting and money management skills on an individual level. I for one am living on about 60% of what I was making when Clinton was in office, and I am getting by. I once was in a discussion where both people were making a combined $21+ hourly wage, and this individual was blaming Bush because her and her husband and child just couldn't make ends meet. That is called living beyond your means, and has nothing to do with the president or the government, and everything to do bad budgetary habits. These people that claim they have so bad under Bush's tax cuts haven't seen anything yet, just wait until all of these tax increases that the liberals want go into effect. That will affect every taxpayer regardless of income. One more thing, what is the idea that certain people have that the government should be compassionate? Compassion is for charities and the like, and has nothing to do with running a country... or a business either. Compassion is for those folk who are waiting on a government handout, and for those enablers who don't seem to believe in personal responsibility. The government is made up of the people, and the money that the government gets come from people in the form of taxes. I think all of these people that are waiting for these government handouts should get off their lazy butts and start pulling their own weight for a change instead of depending on the rest of the taxpayers to do things for them, such as healthcare and all of the other socialist programs and wealth redistribution schemes that the liberals love so well. Yes, these tax and spend democrats are planning on costing the American taxpayers a bundle in new taxes, old taxes, and every other tax they can dream up.... simply because they think that the taxpayers are too stupid to be trusted with their own money, and that the democrats know just how to spend better than the taxpayers do. Anyone who votes democrat is proving them right, and is in fact approving of the higher taxes. Welcome to the USSA...
• United States
13 Nov 07
Do you really believe that the democrats will be able to deliver on all these promises?any promise from either party will be very hard to deliver and will be expensive.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Nov 07
So this war isn't expensive? Having over 40 million without health care isn't expensive in the long run? Letting our roads and bridges crumble beneath us, not trying to improve our children's education so they can catch up with other countries and doing nothing about our energy crisis isn't expensive? I suppose it makes sense, as posted by another person in this thread, for Warren Buffet's assistant to pay a higher tax rate than he does! I'll agree, all the things the Democrats have promised would be a heck of a lot easier to pay for if they still had the budget surplus Bush inherited, but that's water under the bridge. I'll also agree the Democrats certainly will go nuts with the mess they've been left after 8 years with these clowns! Annie
• United States
13 Nov 07
You forget that Congress is who makes the budget, the president merely approves or vetoes it. There is no way to pay for all of the things that the democrats promise, and most of those promises are empty when you look at the lost benefits that they will incur, such as the degradation of health care, and the shrinking after tax income that will result from these tax increases, not to mention all of the other variables involved. The clowns you refer to have been in Congress since 1994, which you may recall was during the Clinton years under his wonderful budget that you are so proud of. Now, what made them so good under Clinton, and clowns under Bush? All of these democrats with their tax increases have a little tool that will protect their finances that the average tax payer does not have.... offshore accounts that are not taxed. So their promises and fine talk is even more empty and dishonest, because they are trying to pass things that they won't be affected by, yet the little guy will be. The democrats will go nuts because they can't stand the thought of tax cuts for anyone. The only thing they care about is how much money they can get out of Americans.
• United States
13 Nov 07
this is always the first thing aneyone worries about is money. What will helping others take from me? This is why I believe the people of the United States have become self centerd and greedy, helping others might take my new car, my big screen tv, my new computer , and so on. We are destroing our Nation because of greed.
• United States
14 Nov 07
Ronald Reagan had the biggest tax cuts in history... I don't know where you get your information, but you are sadly mistaken, and rewriting history to suit whatever agenda you are trying to run isn't going to cut it. How about you do some research on this subject? Reagan is the one who cut the top tier from 70%% down to 35%. You don't remember the long debates over Supply Side and Trickle down economics? You don't remember the double digit inflation and high interest rates when Reagan took office after that buffoon Carter? Those problems no longer existed when Reagan left office, and despite the efforts of Clinton and both Bush's, Reagan's economy is still working fairly well. Here is a link that will explain a lot of this and also how the Reagan tax cuts saved Clinton and Gore.....
• United States
13 Nov 07
as for tax encreases it was a republican ( Ronald Reagan) that had the largest encrease in history.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Its always expensive to have Democrats running things... the only saving grace is that they won't keep all those promises!
@mizrae (587)
• United States
13 Nov 07
What these up and coming presidential candidates don't know, along with most of the American population, is that the US "coffers" are already bankrupt!
• United States
16 Nov 07
a lot of politicians will promise you anything to get elected..they pander to the masses and offer everyone something for nothing...the Roman Empire offered a "free Circus" to amuse the citizens to keep them happy...who is going to pay for this "free medical for everyone" sounds good but in the end it will just spend too much of the already overtaxed citizens..don't believe everything you read..remember the last election the Democrats promised to end the war in Hilary is saying she could not even promise this in 2013...what an ordeal...
@ichris (67)
• China
16 Nov 07
WELL,it is my taste!thank you !
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I'd check out a few other places besides newsmax which has been caught in numerous lies before deciding this is the facts. They lie.